Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 20, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Put Your Money
Where you can put your trust
Where you know It will be aate.
Where you pan get it when you want it.
Where it will yield the utmost benefit.
This Bank's success rests upon its fidelity to the trust of Its patrons.
Like To Dance?
Then you should not be with
out a
A Vtctrola is always ready
for an impromptu dance. If
your friends drop in for an
evening, all yon hare to do, is
choose your favorite dance
pieces from among your re
cords and enjoy the best music
which skilled dance orchestras
can furnish. No one has to re
frain from dancing in order to
furnish the music, the music
is perfect, and a good time is
Victors, Yictrolas and Records
Stanton Rowell
Music and Photo House
507 SOS O St.
ReMiming Itnaul Work
The Del Norte Claim Holders as
sociation has resumed road building
operations between Waldo and Camp
Chicago, Cal. A portion of the road
was completed last year. A small
force of men has been employed at
the mine during the Summer but a
steady crew is now on for the winter.
At Newman M. E. Church
Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock Rev.
'Melville T. Wire will speak on "En
vironment, or. Do a Man's Surround
ings Make Him What He Is?" . 75
ance, plate glass liability Insur
ance. ' 204 Sixth street. tf
j K. and K of 8. Give Social
I The Knights and Ladies of Secur
I ity last night gave the second of a
. series of once-a-month socials at the
j W. O. W. hall. A program occupied
the first part of the evening, con
;s(stlng of orchestra music, a recita
tion by Elizabeth Fifield. violin mu-
sic by tie Orme brothers, and Robert
Neilson, a vocal solo by 'Miss Doris
! Russell and an instrumental solo by
! Katherine Knox. Refreshments of
ice cream and cake. were served and
the Neilson orchestra provided mil
sic for dancing for two hours. The
affair was well attended, many of the
high school students 'being there as
well as members of the older set.
C. F. Garrett spent the day In Gold
Vetch seed and vetch and oats at
Pardee's. 74
T. C Morey went to Rogue River
this morning.
Edison Maida .Lamps at Harper's
Elect rlo Store. 75
George Esterly Jr., left last night
for Corvallls to attend O. A. C.
Japulac at Cramer Bros. 75
Miss Ava Moore who visited here,
went to Roseburg today.
Mrs. Grant Orme left today for
Portland for a short business trip.
Get your large stone jars for
kraut and meat at Cramer Rros. 75
Mrs. W. H. .Hat man and two chil
dren. I .a Verne and Edna, went to
Glendale this morning tor the day.
. Mrs. George 3. Calhoun left this
morning for Portland to spend sev
eral weeks with her son, Lester.
Economy and St-hram Jar tops at
Cramer Bros. 75
Miss Helen Knlps left last night
for Albany where she has a posi
tion as teacher in the public schools.
Miss Marie Hillls of Rogue River,
who will teach at Murphy, is In
Grants Pass today.
Mrs. W. E. Carlson and little
O. II. Fluids, of Provolt, was here
ou business yesterday,
Oliver plow at Cramer Bros. 75
Harry Flndley. of Applegate, was
a Grants Pass visitor Friday.
-Mrs. H. O. Williams, of Iceland,
was In Grants Pass today.
Bicycles repaired at Cramer Ilros.
Mrs. W. J. Sand ray. of Rogue
River. Hent the day In town.
Mrs. G. W. King., of Kogue Rlver.l
who was here shopping, returned to
her home this afternoon.
Mrs. Win. Humphreys arrived this
Afternoon from Roseburg to spend a
few days with Mrs. N. Dtitnrt and
J. B. Bartlett of the Peoples Elec
tric Store. Mcdford, Ore., will .be In
this territory, still selling Standard
Electrical" equipment oame goods,
better price your needs will be
given our utmost consideration. 75tf
Medford Collide Married
Wm. B. Hewett and Mildred C.
Blessing, both of Medford, were mar
ried in Grants Pasa today by Rev. C.
M. Cllne.
Excursion Rate to Coast
Grants Pass to Crescent City, by
daughter. Helen, went to Medford , tMT riding care, for $7.50. Grant
today to spend the week end. p,M ,nd Crescent City Stage com-
wuuara storage nailery service pany. Phone 26. 74tf
station. 314 North Sixth St. 17tf
Howard Bradford arrived this
morning from Glacier Park. Montana.
View Cri'iMC'cd Orewcont City Road
N. F. Macduff will leave Monday
to go over the proposed new road to
A collie pup or a well broke sheep .Orescent City. He will go up Elk
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Black
Minorca chickens. 1112 East M
street 77
Irs. Vpeon Hostess
Mrs. U. L. Upson was hostess last
night at a dinner-dance at her home
n Bridge street, in honor of Hiss
. Lona Dunlap of Los Angeles who Is
visiting here. The guests were:
Misses Lona Dunlap, Maree Edwards
and Leah Slover, and Messrs. Wal
lace Coutant, Allen t'nderwood.
Floyd Ellis and Earl Browne.
J. K. Ilartlett
Of the Peoples Electric Store,
Medford. Oregon, will be in this ter
ritory, still selling Standard Electri
cal equipment same goods, better
prices your needs will be given our
utmost consideration. 75tf
Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 20. Sinn
Fein newspaper offices were raided
here today' by the military and the
paper suppressed.
Sometime between the 10th
and 17th of September, 1919,
a pressed steel boat about 16
feet long was stolen from D.
G. C. MacNelU whose lodge la
situated on the river about one
mile above the Ament dam.
The boat was manufactured by
the Mullins Company of Ohio,
as shown by the plate on the
gunwale. This is the only boat
on the river of the kind and
should be easy of identifica
tion. Mr. MacNeill will pay the
above reward for information
leading to the arrest and con
viotlon of the thieves. Address
all information to the under
signed. GEO. W. LEWIS
Sheriff of Josephine County,
Celebrate With lUrthday
Mrs. Amelia Lempke's 86th birth
day occurred on Tuesday, the 16th
and a number of her old friends
gathered at her home in celebration
of the event. Mrs. Lempke who has
been a resident of Grants Pass since
its beginning, has sime the death
of her husband many years ago.
lived alone In her home at Fourth
and F streets. The friends spent the
afternoon in visiting and had a most
enjoyable time. Coffee and cake
were served. Those present were
-Mrs. Lempke, Mrs. Clans Schmidt,
Mrs. Theresa- Schmidt. iMrs. Christi
na Brandt, Mrs. J. T. Chailsse, Mrs.
Minnie Derricks. Mrs. Fred Wlek
man. Mrs. Otto Meisner, Mrs. F. E.
Wood. Mrs. J. H. Ahlf. Mrs. D. Eis-man.
Crescent City for $5
Owing to the present excellent
condition of the roads the Grants
Pass & Crescent Oity Stage Co. will
take you to Crescent City or return
for 13. 7Stf
Librarian Ieavea for Salem
Miss Ma'ude F. (Barnes, the public
librarian here since Che library was
founded in 1914, will leave tonight
for Salem to take up her new work
In the catalogue department at the
state library. Miss Barnes will be
missed by the people all over the
county, as weir as those In Grants
Pass. She has done much to Increase
the circulation of the library, and
has encouraged the use of the nooks
and magazines In the rural commu
nities. She has always been well In
formed on topics of current interest
and has been especially helpful ' in
reference work of all kinds. Miss
Barnes tikes with her the best
wishes of a host of friends and ac
dog is wanted by Wlnetrout Bros. 75
Miss Ruth Hathaway, who is
teaching at Hugo, is spending the
week end at home.
Fruit jars at Cramer Bros. 77
Mia S. -Mcintosh, of London. On
tario, who has been visiting 'Mrs. F.
A. Mangle at Kerby, left this morn
ing for Portland.
Bedroom heaters at Cramer Bros.
Mrs. A. H. Wise, who speit the
summer here looking after property
interests, left last night for San
Francisco to Join her husband.
Vetch seed and vetch and outs at
Pardee's. 76
Mrs. J". S. Bosard arrived this
Creek and on over the divide to the
Smith river country
Ikw Coats, new Swcaim
Hew Rats on Display
Geo. S. Calhoun
The gateway to the largest hlh-rUi wholesale
merchant tailoring establishment In AmiTica
creators of that quality In lullorliitf that Invites
the question.
Two Great Sermons
Rev. C. M. Cllne. an exceptionally
able pulpit orator, gives two great
sermons each Sunday. Baptist
church. 7;
YrlW Jacket Sting HotIouk I
Mr. Jolllase. a farmer near Kerby
was badly stung by yellow Jackets!
yesterday when he unoarthed a' nest!
In his field while plowing. The pol-j
son produced a profound effect on;
the heart muscle almost paralyzing
th hoar Ilia An -
morning and will go to Wlldervllle i '., V , . .
'ous for a time and medlca attent on
where her husband Is the principal
of schools.
wan summoned from Grants Pass.
ritutugrupliing llrllt
The county court, upon orders
from the war department, 'has hud
photographs taken of all bridges In
the county on the more important
highways. The forestry department
has also taken pictures of bridge
within their reserves ami forwarded
them to the department at Washing
ton. The war department is evident
ly collecting all the Information it
can. which might be used in a mili
tary way.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Peerless Clothing Co.
Cash Clothiers
"II Men Wear It We Have It"
. , . , . I Dr. Louvhrldge making the trip to
etch seed and vetch and oats at! -,, . , . , "
p...-. "J nr.. ,
' ucw a. o
Lee Wilson left this morning for
Portland where he will spend a few
days before going to en
ter the I'nlversity or Washington.
Edison Mazda I -amps at Harper's
Electric Store. 75
J. Cordsen, of San Francisco, who
spent the past two weeks with the
Clans Schmidt family, left this morn
ing for his home.
Poultry tonic at Cramer Bros. 7.
Dr. 'M. J. Hubeny. of Chicago, who
visited Camp Chicago, near Waldo,
and also Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hoffman
of this city.. left for his home.
Mr. and Mrs. J,. H Payne, of Chi
cago, spent several days at Camp
Chicago and left last night for Chi
cago via San Francisco.
Wlllard storage battery service
station, 814 North Sixth 8t. 17tf
M. .1. Anderson, formerly of Grants
Pass, was a southbound passenger to
day en route from Portland to San
Francisco where he will be a wit
ness for the government In the S. A.
D. Puter case. -
Scratch feed. $4.75 per 100 II).
sack at Cramer Bros. 75
Miss Lnclle Garber, who has been
in Klamath Falls the . past five
months arrived here last night, and
will spend a few days visiting friends
before continuing on to Eugene,
where she will attend the U. of O.
New fishing tackle at Cramer Bros.
John Hampshire, who has large
chunks of the Pacific highway un
der contract. Is at the Hotel Port
land. Mr. Hampshire is here to con
fer with the state highway commis
sioners today. Oregontan.
Bone, shell, grit and charcoal for
poultry at Cramer Bros. 75
Mr. H. IE. Ingles and Dr. I. O.
Ingles, of Long Beach arrived this
morning from Portland where they
spent the past few days. They drove
here from California, but were oblig
ed to leave their car because of the
condition of the roads during the
"ou ortrnlfure"'"' ""'kto l U "
Belug in the market all of the time, knowing furniture value
wtien we see them, w are constantly picking up good "buys"
whic h we. in turn, pass on to our patrons.
by usKVer 1"rch"'M, you nmk" h,'re hu flrHt Imtifiht rlgnt
You are (totting full value in trading with us.
. ' - '.
Bicycle Joy Hide
A woman residing across the
Rogue river bridge came to Chief of
Police Mclane yesterday and stated j
that someone had stolen her bicycle.
A search was Immediately started,
and ended this morning by Police
man Berry finding the missing bicy
cle in an alley between Fohrth and
Fifth streets. Apparently the "Joy!
rider' had become tired of kicking
his way around the city and discard
ed the wheel.
Mrs. Wilson Kntertulnft
Mrs. H. .L. Wilson last night en
tertained a number of young people
at the Wilson home on Sixth street
in honor of her son, .Lee. who lert
today for Seattle. Dinner wait served
at 8 o'clock to the following; Misses
Catherine Clemens, Jeanette Moss,
Alva Wilson and Meagre. Donald
Kearns, Sam Dutart and Lee Wil
son. After dinner, the guests were
treated to ati automobile drive, stop
ping at the Clemens home for danc
ing later In the evening.
Edison Mazda Tramps at Harper
Electric Store. 75
Mrs. Charles Wilson Baker and
daughter, Catherine, arrived yester
day from Orleans. Cal., Mrs. Baker
will upend a few days here . with
friends before going to Roseburg.
font Catherine will attend school here
this winter. Rev. Chaa. W. Baker
will leave on the 27th from Orleans
for Detroit, Mich., as a deoutr to
the general convention of the Epis
copal church.
Hand sprayers for garden worki
only 65 cents at 'Cramer Bro. 75 ;
Sell Drugs and Book
The Oregon
Sunday and Monday
Eyes of
Ihe Soul
Fotinled on "Hnlt of (he KMrth," the Famous Katunlj.y Evening
Post Mtory by George Wrxtmi
80 they pitied him, a blind ftoldler, and blindly went tlirlr
Aju1 Hi rjtburet tliut nlirlit tln-v mu ii-i-i i . .
rhoru girl,", with the love of her kind for the gladne mid gilt
!r of life, , '
Yet how little they miw! Tlint soldier had gou.-blind to save
a comrade's life. That dancing girl had seen lUm with the eyes of
her soid, and, wm rlfl lug more tlum they could dream, had lovetl
lilm. .
YOf will love the whole vyrld ji.t a tittle better when you
see FJkIo Ferguson In "Eyes of the 8oul.'(
Admission 15c and 25c
to the asylum by Judge Coke. In
sanity having boon his defense. He
will at once be taken to Salom . It
Is bellevod that under treatment he
I in iy entirely recover.
Marshfleld, Ore., Sept. 20 George
Clienoweth of Curry count, found
not .guilty of murder of Oeorge Syd-
ham in the circuit court' at Gold! All kinds of Commercial Printing
Beach, baa been ordered committed t the Courier Of fire.