Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 20, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    m IU.V, HITTtfMIIKH !W. 1010.
bout 126 kore In cultivation;
oonlderbl irrigation; S nillM
from K. R. station; 1H nillo
from two school; -half ch, bal
ance low Internet. Ad drew No.
10(3 cr Courier. ttCtf
TOR BAJilO Vetch, ry out; cheat,
. rye, baled buy, rolled barley, grans
need. Ralph Wnldo Widen, Mod
ford. Ore. tttt
J"OR BMjK Fotr piano In exi-el-
lent condition. Ohop If "Old at
ono. Honda eweptod. : llione
19. 7"
IlARTM-rTT I'lftVHS for alw at II
mt 101) II. at the ' IManohard
farm, Frultdnle. WI1I WUllnm.
phone BOS-K-6.
VW AIJi-4ne Vxoptloaally ood
Imroo boar from Imported toelc.
ft I M. Nlr.hol. It K.'D. K. 77
jrtJH SAKrV-'I'laoe your order now
for DitlMlou milca. Will Mcovllle.
WANTKI Man to work In lumber
camp or up-to-date aawmlll.
TranaporUtlon fiirnlahed. For
particular Inquire at . Dreen'a
Creacnnt City atage office, Grant
Paaa, Ore., near 8. P. R. R. depot,
and eipreae office. Phone 26. 4(ttf
MBN WANTIOI) t "Golden Drift dam.
Apply Dunlt.1 MeFariand. 740
.'orth Tenth atreet, phone 211-Y
after p. m. 75
-WANTED TO M,'Y About ten acre
good bottom land, free from rock
or coareo gravel, within halt-mile
of Grant" I'iim. Want place level
mouirti for Irrigation, practically
all under plow, and with fair
hoiiae, building and fence. Imme
diate M)Mielon. Add roue No.
182 care ourier. 75
WANTED Oood milk cow. llione
Peter Olmton. 60041-2. 78
WA-VTBIV-A erhool teacher for dis
trict No. 13, Wllllum, Joaephlne
County. 82
MRS, W. R. SWOAt'B iDreaamaker.
laillen' tailor, furrlal, Kxrrt al
teration on ladlea' garment. Hu
ll mute cheerfully given; price
reaaonuble; aatlifactloo . guaran
teed. Phone 25S. Old Klocker
reHldenre, Kiuit A atreel. 9S
E. U OALBRAIT1I Inaurance, any
kind. Rental. Building and
oan. Plate Glaa Uablllty. 601
G street. 84tf
II KMST1TOI 1 1 Si. Pivoting. .Satlafac
lion Kuaruutuud. Write to us for
KiiKgesllons fur Chrlatiuaa gift.
The Vuulty Shi), Medford, Ore
gon. 145
prompt aerrlce. City and country
tripe. Safety first. Call Grant
Pnas Hotel, phone 39b. Residence
j.uotie 3HS-.Y. W. (J. White. 790
TAXI it'hono .Hoses Confectionery,
No. 1 CO, tor taxi. Hurry call at
any tlaw. C. E. Gllkson. ' 3Rtf
P1IOXB 212-M. for Jitney Luke or
Culler. Meadnuarters clmngd to
Spa. 50tt'
J A LACK TAXI Day ur night aerv-j
Ice with Maxwell car. I'lione .22-J.'
FennM & Newsijem. 84 ,
J.. O. Ol.EMBNT, M. D., Practioe
limited to disease of the ye, eat,
nose and throat. Glaase fated.
Office hours 9-12, 2-5. or oc aj
polntruent. Phones, office 82; rei-
dence 359-J.
8. LOUOHRIDGE, M. D. Physician
and surgeon. City or country call
attended day or night. Phone,
residence, 369; office, :1&2. Sixth
and H atreeta.
A. A. WITH A.M. M. : p. Internal
medicine and nery.ous djueases,
C24 Medical Bldg., , Portland. Ore.
Hours, 2 to 5 p. m., morning and
evening by uppointment.
DR. V. T. TOMiPKINS, a. T.
Rooms 1 and 2 Sohmjdt Bldg.
Trent alt diseases. Hours 9-12
a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R.
,E.. J. B I LUCK, M.' tD Physician
and surgeon; office Schallhorn
block, phone 4tJ; mldenqe,
3004 Iuwnrldg., l?pne ;!4.J.
Grant Paaa.
E. C. MACY. D.V D. Flrst-claa
dentistry. 109 H South Sixth
atreet, Grant Vase, Oregon.
DANHSli McFARLaND, civil" engi
neer and urveyor. Reetdenca
740 Tenth etreet, phone 211-Y.
J. 8. MacMURRAY Teacher of lng
lng. Write or apply at 718 Lee
Street. 28tf
elwtrlial work, repairing, house
wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South
Sixth atreet, phone 47.
DR. R. J. nBSTbl.. Veterinarian.
Residence 838 Washington boule
vard, phone 398-.H. '
Hunch Wro. Transfer Co. Phone
F. O. ISIIAM, drayage and transfer.
Bated, pianos and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Real
dence phone 124-R.
II. D. .NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
Practice In all State and Federal
Court. First National Bank Bldg.
G. W. COLV1G, Attorney-at-law.
Grant Paaa Banking Co. Bldg
Grant Pas. Oregon.
E. B. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac
Uces In all courts. First National
Bank Bldg.
O. 8. BL.ANCHARD. Attorney-at-law.
Oolden Rule Bldg. Phone 270.
Grant Pass, Oregon. .
C. A. 8IDIJSR, Attorney-at-law. Ma
sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore.
OKO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law,
referee In bankruptcy, Maionle
Temple, Grant Pa, Oregon.
Phone 135-J.
First National Bank Bldg., Grants
Pass. Oregon.
All kind of legal blank at tit
The Job of
Ordinary Insulation
nearly always give way
before the plates do, and
the battery has to be rein
ulated. Willard Threaded Rub
ber Insulation protect the
plates from the very be
ginning of the battery'
life, and protect the car
owner against the need of
having the battery reinsu
luted. Drop in, and we'll tell
you about some of the long
life records that Threaded
Rubber Insulation baa
made possible.
A, V. Hazeltoa, r'rapr,
The California and Oregon
uoaBi xtauroaa uompany
Elective Nov. 19, 1918.
Train will run Tuesday, Thursday
acd Saturday
Leave Grant Pas 1 P. M
Arrive Waters Oeek 2 P. M.
Leave Waters Creek i..,3 p, M
Arrive Grants Pa...... 4 P. It.
for lutormatton ivegajdlog treLsM
ad paigenger rates esJl at the office
Of the company' Lv,ndbj Jbudlnj;,
Jit ihcCI)urclic$
IliiptUt liun h '
Illlile school at 1 0. CIamhin for
all km. Mornlns: service at 11,
Mcrniou on "When a' Man Saw God."
Tbe choir will eing, "I 1-ay My Sins
on Jesus." B. Y. II.. I. at 7. liven
ing service at 8. Congregational
nong service; duet by (Mm. llackett
itnd Aim. Itokt, aermon on "The Man
Who Curtia IBiuk," aolo by Mis Pat-
tillo. A cordial invitation to all.
C. M, dine, preacher.
em man M. K. (Iiurch
Preathlng by the pastor at 1 1 a.
ni. and 8 p. m, At the morn I nit ser
vice the second sorrnon on the Twin
Fates will be preached: "Knvlron
ment, or iDo a Man's Surroundings
Make Slim What He Is?"
At the evening; eervlee the topic
will je, "Christ and the Tribunal of
the Soul, Sunday school at 10 a.
m. Epworth league at 7 p. m.
Melville T. Wire, paator.
Ilnluiny PreMhytrria) (liurWi
Sunday c.hoo1 at 1 0 a. m. "Shall
We Pray? Whut'a the i:e?" at 11
o'clock. "The Waste of We, 8 p.
m. The choir I belnir reorganlml
and special music I being prepared
for the church services, whlcih we ex
pect to be a regular feature of the
service In the future.
Tomorrow Is known a Social Vial
tallon Sunday throughout the Pres
byterian church. In line with thin
1 5 teams of two each will go out to
call on every family of t'ue church
and congregation, aa far aa these
can be covered between the hours
or 2 and 5:30 In the afternoon. The
purport of this I to get better ac
quainted with one another, and to
emphantza the value of the church In
the community. It I hoped that
those who are not on the team will
be at home tomorrow and reoelve the
Jfenry fl. Hanson, minister.
Cnnrch of Chrln
The annual rally and promotion
day will .be observed In the Bible
school which meets at 10. There
will be appropriate exercise. Every
one who ha ever been a member of
the school I urged to be present.
Communion at 11. Sermon subject.
"Friendship's Appeal." Will you be
there and learn what It Is? Evening
meeting at 8. ( Subject. 'The Sympa
thetic Ravior."
Chss. R. Drake, ml n Inter.
Ht. Anne'H CM liollc Church
Sunday ninssee at 7:30 nnd 9:30
Rev. .1. G. Vlen. C. S. V.. pastor
Free. MctrMxlM Church
Meeting at -iaO West I atreet.
I'rearhlnV service at 7:30 on Fri
day and Saturday evenliigs. Sunday
services nt 11 a', m. and 7:30 p. m.
A. J. KUwards. pastor.
Snlvntiim Army
MeetliiK are bold on Sunday na
follows: 11 a. m.. Hollneiut; 2 p. m..
Itlhlo school; 6 'p. m., Y. V. U; 8 p.
m., "Accountable to God." Vocal so
los. Strangers, ex-nervlco men are
Lieutenant Alfred Jury. former
officer or Grants Pans corps, with us
all day Sunday.
J. E. Strautln, Ensign.
First ( liuixh of Christ Scientist
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday in the W. O. W. hall,
at 11 a. m, Wednesday evening
meeting at 8 o'clock. The subject
for today Is, "Mutter.".
Reading room Is open from 2 to
4 p. m. dally except Sundays and
holidays. The public is cordially In
vited to attend the services and to
visit the reading room.
f 1.13 for 500 Sheets Bond
Entire lot of 81 bond paper sold;
60 reams of heavier bond at $1.15
for 500 sheet, letter size, at Courier
office. Bond paper advanced 2c per
pound August 1. but we made no
advance. This lot will last, only a
short time, then no more to be had.
Ul ami
TIlj M i
HsMf. Hiaj mf
yM koowm M Betl, &aft AImvi RniUbl
When Irregular or delayed use Tri
umph Pills. Safe and always depend
able. Not sold at drug stores. Do
not experiment with otters, a&v f la
appolntment. Write for "ReltAf" J
particulars, tt'a free. Address: Na.
tipnai Meflicaj totftovt,- WWwaulie,
lad wltk RIua Bthh Ty
iktsr. But f fmr
Preaidcnt Butler of Columbia
Univertlty Say Saving
Only Remedy
fln Francisco. President Nicholas
Murray Butler of Columbia Univer
sity, speaking her before the Com-!
merclal Club, said, "punishing profl-1
tcer I a good thing, bnt It won't i
reduc the cost of living. If w had
all their hoarded goods It would, do
little good. j
"Only the operatloo of Inexorable
vnnomlc law can bring us back to
tolerable condition. The remedy Is
to save, to practice public economy
and private thrift. We must save
and Invest In productive industry.
Borrowing for non-productive re
on mean bankruptcy."
In the opinion of the best econo
mists in the United Slate the people'
greatest weapon agaiost high prices
I the (iovernment's Thrift and War
Having Stamps. Kvery family should
hve a budget, just a every success
ful business ban a budget. The first
thing on that budget should be the
amount lo be saved from the weekly
ur monthly income not the amount
to be spent. Make what you ave
govern the amount you spend, not the
anion nt you spend govern tbe amonot
you save.
War Savings Stamp bring 4 per
cent Interest, compounded every three
month. Hit high prices below tbe
bell by Investing in United State
Murltle. The dollar you cave today
will be worth twice a much Ave years
from now.
Government Giving Away
Bomb Intended for
Doughboys' Use
Washington. Hand greuailes.
which the Government mill horlly
mk available to ililfty Individuals
through bank and trust companies a
souvenirs of the Oieat War. date
back five centuries aa wa.- weapons
Ttiov were known to have l-.n .,i
It 1427 at the siege of the Fortress
oi aamggiore. ou l.e River Pu
the defenders using a glass bottle
uiira wiin powder. ,
The term "crenudlnre" ,.ro -.,
of th training of the best qualified
amot.g the Mildiers of Lonlg XIV. In
Kii... to burl thcue grenades. In Kn
glmli history, as well, the gremidiers
are found from the Seventeenth Cen
tury on. The Kiisbo. Japanese war.
however, ih-velopt-d the grenade Into
the effeciivo weapob It proved in the
tireat War. Jam tins, tomato caiiR.
and other metal receptacles were
aalved from scrap heaps and rilled
with powder. These were the Imme
diate foieiiiniwMK of the modern casi
iron, ruminated TVf grenades,
known ax the .iiiis Defensive Bpmbr
which caused so much destruction
wheu hurled into a German trench
or iliiRout. It . Is the Mills grenade
with Hie TNT removed that the Gov
ernment is putting out now aa aav
Iiikx banks. '
Ask any. bank how to get one. you!
ton't have to pay a cent for It. I
What is a dollar-? Foolish ques
tion you say? Not at all these days
of M. C. I., and profiteering. Cer
tainly a dollar Isn't what it waa ten
year ago. It isn't what it will be
five years from now.
A dollar Is what you can get foi
It In beans, butterflies, or bunk no
more or no less a dollar wouldn't
be worth anything If you coulan't get
anything for It.
Ten year ago you bought, we ll
say, bunk at one dollar a share. Now
bunk cost two dollar a share. Thai
doesn't mean that bunk has doubled
In value. It means' that your dollai
Is worth half what it was ten yeart
This Is, therefore, uot tbe time tc
spend your dollars. Tbey will brlnp
you only half what they are worth
This is the time lo save them.
They will bring more later on
That la the history of dollara. Valuet
run in cycle. As sure aa you ar
living Ave years from now a dollai
will be worth more than it is now
probably twice aa much. So when
you save a dollar now you are really
saving two dollars. Treat dollars j i
you would any other commodity. Buy
them when they are cheap.
Stick every dollar you can into Wat
Bavlnga Stamps now. Carrying 4 pei
eent Interest compounded quarterly
War Savings Stamp bought thli
month for $4.20. will be worth flv
dollars January 1. 1924. By 1924
the illar will be worth twice at
much as It Is so you will really bav
tan dollar for the 14.19.
Cover the house with life insurance
11 aints
Auto Enamelsfand Varnishes
i . .... 1 1 1
Jewell Hardware Company
We do Fine Shoe Repairing
Automatic Servant
"Oh. yes. 1 spend most of
my time out-of-doors this
summer. With - electric
motors I make light of my
"The cost is small and it is
so convenient and simple
just a turn of the switch and
I can sit down and read or
tmbroidef until the work is
Why don't you call up '
Power Company 1
Phone 108-J
epaii Sped
WHEN your business goes
wrong you go to a lawyer,
or a banker or someo ther busi
ness specialist. When your body
seems' ill you go to a health
When your car needs atten
tion send it here. It was made
by specialists. It should be re
paired by specialists.
Our Prices
Are Right
y 1
We can make rieht oricea
because our repair specialists
work faster and better than un
trained workers, Experience
costs you less than experimenting.
We have the tools and we
have the men. We have the
equipment necessary for the best
results from both men and took
To deliver any job properly
finished and on time is not merely
our ideal, it is our habit
Prompt Ser vice -
Fashion Garage and Machine Shops
J. Fi Burke & Son
Certam Satisfaction