MUD.W, fcEITKMRKII l, lt0. GRANTS PASS DAILY COIRIER' t-AOB TffllKS Classified rOH HALM ANGEL. CAKES 76 mdU each; or . dr by pbon. No. 190-J. 2tf 00-ACRB STOCK RANCH tor !! about 135 acre lo cultivation; , considerable Irrigation; 2 milM from R. R. tUtloo; Vk mil from" two school; bait cash, bal ance low Interest Addr No. Ml car Oourlor. Mtf TOR BALM Vetch, gry ot, chat, ry, baled hay, rolled barter, pm teed. Ralph Waldo Elden. Med ford, Ore. SOtf FOR SAJjK 1 Bmall Saw mill, eom pleto, with 1 b. p. Russell Stem tractor, 91200. 81b conveyor for $125. lire box, boilers and engines very cheep. 'Write ui for your requirement on pipe. ORE inti MACHINERY CO., Eugene, Ore. 1 FOR 8AL1 I'ellte prune 2c per lb. Sliver vruuoe 2e pr lb. Pick them yourself. Ro 8, Rt. 1. two mile from town on Morlln road.74 irwiiroiiD Bi'Ui -tor . Mie; n ' . montb old, weighs 800 pounds. Inquire J. S. Bumgardner, Waters Creek. , . 7 XR SAIifD OR. TRAOB for atock. or property, one Maswell tuuriflg car ' In good hap. ell equipped with light, starter, peedometer and lot Mght: aleo one' Hudson tripled car In good ahape. Bee Roy Hlgglns, 421 Weat L St. 74 FO'R .6A1 JO OR EXCHANGE Milch cowa. borate, Harnesses. - Bad dies. Buggle. Hack. A1m one young pure bred Poland China boar weighing 100 lb. OToy Higgle. Inquire Red Front Bam or 421 Weet I. itreet. 74 R HI ..INQ t' IS H M KNT FOR SALE or trad for stock or property 140 acre in Illinois valley. Home. 20 acre cleaned, 4 acre under fence and plowed, small . creek, water year around, dam and water on 4 acres, 500,000 foot of sa-w timber, 4 mile from town, auto road to place. Beet out range In county. ' Inquire IP. Graven, Red Front Barn. 74 tXJll BALE Foster piano In excel i lent condition. Cheap Jf". aold at on op. Bond acceptod. Fbone 19. 76 BARTLETT PBARS for sale at fl per 100 lbs. at the Blancbard farm, Frultdale. Will Williams, phone G03-F-5. 7 FXR SAIJ3 One exceptionally good Duroe bour from Imported stock. Ste L. M. Nichols. R. F. P. 2. 77 FOR SALE 4'lace your orders now for Delicious apploa. Will Scovllle. 75 vm WANTED Men to work In lumber camp or up-to-date sawmill. Transportation furnished. For particulars Inquire at Breon's Crescent City stage office. Grants Pass, Ore., near S. P. R. R. depot, and express office. Phone 20. 4Ptf MEN WANTEtt-rFaller per day, $5; buckers, $4.76: limbers, $4.50; swampers, $4.50; truck teamsters, $4.75; yarding teamster, $5; roud men, $4.50; top loaders, $5; board $1 per day. John H. Williams, 706 B stjeot. " 74 MEN WANTFjD at Golden Drift dam. Apply Daniol McKarland. 740 North Tenth street, phone 211-Y after 6 p. m. ' 75 WANTED TO BUY About ten acre good bottom land, free from rock or coarse gravel, -within half-mile of Grants Pass. Want place level enough for Irrigation, practically all unde'r plow, and with . fair house, building and fence. Imme diate possession. Address No. 1682 care Courier. " 75 WANTED O ood milk cow. Phone Peter Oleson, OOO-iR-2. .78 j " WANTED A Collie pup or a well broke sheep , dog. WlnetroiK Bros. 74 WANTED A. school teacher tor dis trict No. 13, Williams, Josephine County. 82 WANTED More men to work In sawmill and lumber yard. Edger ton & Adams Lumber Co. 72tt FOUND KEYS FOUND- Get them Courier office. , at the' 74 CH'IL M.VGINKEll , jjANikL MeFARLA N D, cl vll . en gi neer and " surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, plione 21 1 -Y., ' Advertising MISfKIXANtfOr 0. L. 0 ALB RAITII Insurance, any kind. Rental. Building and Loan. Plato Olaa Liability. 601 0 tret. 4tf HEMSTITCH INO, Mooting. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Writ to us for suggestion lot Chrlatma glfu. The . Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore gon.' 145 Ml KIOAL INSTRUCTION J. srMacMURRA Y Tacbr of sing ing. Writ or apply 'at 716 Lee Street. 28tf ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRINO and general electrical work, repairing, bouse wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South , Blxth street, phone 47. TAXI USE TUB WHITE LINE TAXI FOR prompt serrte. City and eountry trip. Safety first Call OranU Pas Hotel, phon .. Residence phone S48-Y. W. 0. White. 760 TAXI Phone- Rose Confectionery, No. 160, for taxi. Hurry call at any time. C. E. Ollkson. 3&tt P1ION1S 163-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. - Headquarter changed to 8pa- 50tf PALACB TAXIDay or night serv ice with Maxwell car. Phon 22-J. Fenner & Newstrom. 84 DENTISTS E. C. 'MACY, D. M. D. Flrst-clsss dentistry. 101 V ,8outh Sixth street, OranU Pass, Oregon. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice limited to disease of the eye, ear, ose and throat. Classes fitted. Off! hour 1-12. 2-1, or on ap polntmsot. Phone, office 62; " resi dence 35-J. S. LOUOHRIDGE. M. D. Physlolan and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or nigbt. Phone - residence, 369; office. 182. Sixth and H street. A. A. WITH AM. . M. D. Internal medicine and nervous disease, 624 .Medical Bldg.. Portland. Ore. Hours, 2 to 6 p. m., morning and venlng by appointment.' DIR. W. T. TOMPKINS, S. T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 a, m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. E. J. BILLICK. M. D., Physician and urtreon; office Schsllhorn block, . phone 54-J; residence, 1004 Iwnrldne, phone 54-U Grant PM. VKTKIUN'AHY SI UGtXtS DR. R. J. BEOTUL. Veterinarian Residence 838 Washington boule vard, phone 398-R. DRAYAGE AND TRAXSFKIt THE WORLD MOVES; -so 'do we, Bunch tiros. Transfer Co. Phone SS7JR. F. G. ISI1AM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and ' furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi. donAe phone 124-R. - ATTOUXEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorner-at-law Practlcos in all State and Federal Court. First National Bank Bldg. O. W. COLVIO, Attorney-at-law. I . Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. 1 ' O rants Pass, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tices In all courts. First National Bank Bldg. . O, S. (BLANCH ARD, Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270 Grants Pass, Oregon. C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonlo Temple, Grant Pasa, Ore. JEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, referee In bankruptcy, Masonic ; Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. Phone 185-J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Law'yer, First National Bank Bldg., Grants Fass, Oregon.- , , . ' $1.15 for 500 Sheets Bond En tiro lot of $1 bond paper sold; 60 reams of heavier bond at $1.15 for'500. sheet, letter size, at Courier office. Bond paper advanced 2(r per pound August 1, but we made no advance., This lot will last only a short time, tlien no more to be had AT,--' STAR THEATERTONIGHT Due to be tremendous popular ity of the "Heart of Humanity," the management of the Oregon theuter has anticipated "standing room. on ly" and 4ia made arrangements to hold an overflow show at the Star theater. If the .picture doe not break the capacity records in Grants Pass it -will be the first time ince Its showing, The keynote Is love overcoming everything, love triumphant, love mllllant, love maternal, love fra-, ternal, sweetheart love, husbafcd and wife love lovo which through the awakening agency of the war ha blotted out and destroyed for ever all that was evil and rotten In the world. 4last4 It out of existence a the lightning btasi the oak in the eirean of storm. !xve is universal, and for that reason "Tho Heart of Humanity" has an undeniable appeal to everyone. There Is the love of the mother for her five soldier sons. There I the love of the mother for ber babe. We eee the love of the sweetheart. We witness the love of the wife for her husband who ha answered the colt; the love of the man for the wife left behind. But greater than all is the love that prompts men to leave home and loved ones, that prompt women to leave their own children In order lo help the suffering tbe great love which beats In the Heart of Human ity. . TWO MF.MIHIS OITIZKNS KI11KD IX Jil'N FIGHT Memphis. Tenn., Sept. 19. O. W. Webster, deputy United States mar shal, and William Smtddy. former city detective, were killed here to day and a' negro bystander, wounded In an exchange of shots in a down town ,dlntTlct. 1JKI T. WHITTLIvSLEY KTHO.VO FOR Ml UTAH Y TRAINING Captain Kletser. of Yoncolla. who Is In tbe city, has received a letter from Lieut, Col. Charlea Whittlesey, famom commander of the lost bat talion of the Argonne forest, asking Mr. Kletzer to do all in his power to promote universal military train ing and to support the national ser vice a.-t presented to congress by Sonator Chamberlain and Represen tative Kohn. . Rosebnrg Review. The Job of v Insulation Ordinary - insulation nearly always give way before the plates do, and the buttery has to be rein-, sulated. Willard Threaded Rub- bcr Insulation protects the plates from the very be ginning of the battery's life, and protects the car owner against the need of having the battery reinsu luted. Drop in, and well tell you about some of the long, life records that Threaded Rubber Insulation ba made possible- .THE BATTERY J?HOP ,. A. V. Hazelton, Propr The California and Oregon uoasi jxauroaa company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918s. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grant Pass ...I P. M Arrive Waters Creek... -.,..,.2 P. M. Leave Waters Creek 3 P. M Arrive Grant Pass..;...;. ...4 p M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at tbe office or. tbe company, Lundburg building, or telephone lit. rail SUFFERS FROM A FALL Charles Yoncer, a: young man who live In the Cow Creek canyon, 15 miles .from Glendale, is suffering with a severe case of concussion of the brain, having been knocked un conscious Sunday morning when he toll, supposedly In a faint, snd struck his head on a door sill at his home. Yoncer had felt a well as usual on Friday, but Batiirday had com plained of not being well and bid not worked. Sunday morning he had started to enter his home after being In the yard, and apparently fainted In the doorway, striking bis head on. the sill. After all efforts of his family to restore blm to con sciousness failed, Dr. Knott of Glen dale was summoned and Dr. Lough rldge was called to consult with him later In the morning. When r. Lougforidge left the young man Sunday afternoon be was still unconscious and on Wednesday when the doctor again, heard from him, he was but little Improved, bar ing 1)0 conscious for only periods of a few minutes at Intervals since Sun day. BORN EMERSON To' Mr. and Mr. E. H. Emerson, of Rogue River, Thurs. day, September 18, a daughter. PEACE TREAn HITS ROCKS Continued from Page One.i 4. Free passage for the allies acrox Russia; S. Ceneral amnesty for political prisoners. 8. Resumption of commercial re lations bftween Russia and the al lies. 7. Immediate .Russian demolilll ration. After the reading of these clauses by the speaker. Premier Clemean- ceau reiterated. "Neither Mr. Lloyd George nor Mr. "Wilson at any time spoke to me about such terms." KXtil X KKHI NO RO ltl . KKFTXTS ASSOCI.ITIOX Organization of the Stato Board of Engineering Examiners hns estab lished headquarters In the Corbett building, where the necessary' regis tration of all professional eneineers In Oreson and all who expect to practice engineering after January 1. 1920; may be made. . I'nder provisions of the state law, It will b? ne-essary for all civil, me chanical iloctrlcal, mining, chemical and all branches of professional en gineering, to register. Applications may be made at the examining board for eximlnntion by these' engineers who have not the required six years of actual practical experience. OREGON STATE FAIR Salem, September 22-27 Splen did agricultural, livestock, and in dustrial exhibits, high class amuse ments, as superb racing card, biager and getter than ever. A. H. LEA. Secretary, .Salem, Oregon FRED C. THOMSON 1 in t n sllsrn N ms na rwr I in THOTi Chaplain Fred C. Thomson of Los Angeles, Cal., who sailed with the 50 athletes picked from the United States army to represent America In the inter-allied games at Pershing stadium, Jolrwllle, France. Chaplain Thomson wss formerly at - Occidental coteg nd his athletie specialties are the pole vault and shot put v4 X We now excel where we u se to imitate Said the lady as she finished her first green turtle soup , ; "It's almost as good as mock. " From imitation of Kastern made goods, Oregon manufacturers have advanced until they now sur pass their models. BUY HOME PRODUCTS. Not only because it is a good thing for the state and for you to keep Oregon money at home but Because they are Superior Associated Industries of Oregon See the big Nobs The 'Nobby is a big rough husky fellow. The tire they are -.all talking about. A great road gripper a sure enough non-skidder and non slipper. Makes easier riding and easier driving. More safety, more com fort more mileage. v Nobby is a United States Tire, which means none better. Just right for our roads. United States "Tires arc Good Tires VI I . ' S:Mti&7 tzzWZf '. I Wc know United States Tires are GOOD tires That's why we sell them ; JKWELL HARDWARE CO. GOLD BIIX' IMPLEMENT & HDWK. CO..C14 Hill. Oreson 1