Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 19, 1919, Image 1

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    'Ifs The Climate
We fre Telling The, World
Com e and En joy It '
1 ' ... riiy "f (r-.(Mt.rHry
i' &ox or a rioirmu
Women Who Luwe Hon In War Want
Teddy lT !'rIJ.nli llrlnit
Tear to II U Eye
Portland, flop!. 19. 'When a' fel
low ha a home, a wife amMa flock
ot children around he's always a
careful thinker and a Komi fighter. "
. -Six thousand people cheered thli
statement. Ten thousand would
have done to bad that many been
able to crowd Into the Auditorium
to bear Lieutenant Colonel Theodore
."" Roosevelt apeak. When the rreat
building waa filled to the uttermotit,
the door were cloned and thousands
were diaapiolnted.
"If a man Isn't willing to die for
thla country, hy George he shan't be
allowed to live off thla couutry!"
Thl brought the house up with
the roar that took some time to
quli. The colonel had been tolling
of German-born, Itallun-born. (ire
clnn-born, Ireland-born Americana
' who had foment with hi renlinonl
the 2(lth, and who had died for thejr
adopted .land.
Then he mentioned alien Klaek
ei. The hou was'-wiUi- hint a
wonmn and man.
And after the siM'ftklns: hud ended,
after the tumult and shouting ld
1led away; hundred crammed and
Jammed to ahuke hi hand. Many
were soldier, more were fathor
and mother who had given their
aon for Old Glory. On the Audi
torium stage, n lie waa leaving, a
llttlo 'woman stepped tip bravely and
took young T. It. 'a hand. Everyone
wan laughing and chatting.
"Mighty glad to see you," said the
"I am glad to ee you. Colonel
Roosevelt," came the reply, "my
only two sonn wore . killed over
A huah fell over those standing
. near. " The colonel put up hi other
hand and with both pressed the tiny,
trembling one he hold. .
"I klnda understand, 'I lost my
baby brother, but" and- hi eye
filled with tear. Ho could day noth
ing more.
"Oh, that' all right, I'm proud of
. those boys, colonel," and she hurried
;tv.iy to li'Vl' n'm from seeing the
And a minute or ao later aaother
mother came up and soke.
"I want to vote for you for presi
dent (tome day," she exclaimed.
"You are mighty kind to say
that," replied the laughing vlaltor.
"I w&tat to vote for you, colonel,
because my boys will not be here to
do ao both of them died In the ser
vice.1' The former regimental comman
1or could not speak, lie tried to
aay something, tout could not.' And
right bohlnd her was a lad who had
fought through the good fight with
the First division.
"I want your address, colonel, be
cause I have a piece of your broth
er' airplane and I want to send It
to you." 1 .
"Fine, fine," snapped the reply.
'Must send It to Oyster .Hay, N. Y.,
. and I'll stire be much obi I god. My
mother would like to have It very
.m licit"
Tlie young colonel lhad to be drag
ged off the stage end there was such
a jam of people who wanted to shake
his band as lie tried to got Into the
automobile that for a time It look
ed as If someone would 'be 'hurt in
the crush. -
Jlend, Sept. 19. Increases In the
salaries ot the teachers In Bend
achoola are to be made at once, ac
cording to a vote of the schooUboard.
I'Mltiutlnd HO.OOO ( Wo Cmjiio to the
Xortliwrwt, HlghUeelnK mm! in
. Health of llotnes
Slokan6, 'Wash., Sept. It. More
than 19,000,000 waa spent by motor
tourbtts In cities and towns along
the national park highway this
year. It ha been the greatest tour
ing year In the history of the coun
try, according to Fred A. Adam,
field secretary of . the National
Park Highway association.
"Tourists from every state In the
union, 'with travel almost equally di
vided between east and iwest bound
car, have rubbed license plate
along 3.000 lulle of highway from
Chicago to the Pacific roast and
from iPuget Sound to I-ake Michi
gan." aays Mr. Adams.
Adams bases the value of motor
travel on an estimate of 10,000 cars;
that occupants of each car spent at
loaat $15 a day -while on the road:
and that each of the 80,000 car was
on the hlwhway a minimum of 20
"I consider the eatlmate a very
conservative one," ..he say. "This
traffic was Interstate and tloe not
take Into consideration the greatly
increased volume ot Intrastate mo
tor travel. Expenditures by occu
pant of 1 1 car baa 'been ao large
that Ita value to all communities In
dollar and cent would read like a
promoter's prospectus."
San iFr.inclMco, Sept. 19. V. !.
Murray, of Portland, defendant in
the Oregon land fraud cases, failed
to aiipeer todny and his hall of S2,
000 waa forfeited. It Is reported
that he was delayed reaching here
ana wm appear here later. , The
case progressed, with P. P. flull, Al
an Mchwen of San Francisco, fl. D.
Puter of Berkeley. A. I.. Baker and
J. J Van Wormer of'FreHno de
Corpus Christ I. Sept. 19. Censor
ship of now .nil prlvato telegrams
from here Itccniue effective at noon
today when the city and county
.went under martial law. throueh
the governor's proclamation.
Pari, Sept. 19. The French
army Is at a loss to know what to
do with its vast stock of aircraft.
Auction sales of aeroplanes organ
ized .by the government are viewed
with absolute indifference by the
general public. ut the last sale a
scout plane fitted with a 3!0 horse
power motor found no purchaser
oven at $40.
Sejutle, Wash., Sopt. 19. At least
$25,000 'Were obtained "by robbers
who bound and gagged the mall
lork on an eastbound Northern Pa-
'ilflo pasaonger train, between Seattle
ind Kansket, Wash., today, It Is re
ported here. ".
Tho train left here this morning.
When It arrived at- Kansket the
mall clerk was found bound and the
monoy .gone. One ipackage contain
ed $25,000 and was being shipped
to tho Roslyn branch of, the Cle
El urn State bank.
IN ran OF
AunU-U Not to lie Itemiweiited In
lU'lchAlag; German Decide to
Comply With AHii Terms
Kome, Sept. 1. The time Hmlt
fixed by Oeneral Badotilla, deputy
chief of staff for too Italian troops
that entered Plume with d'AnnunzIo
to return to their commands, expired
Ukt night. The latest advices show
that d'AnnunzIo is still controlling
Flumo. The food situation Is said to
be serious and Jugo-Slav troops are
reported to be concentrating on the
Ilelslugfors, Sc-pt. 19. The Pet'
rograd newspaper, Pravda, publishes
a soviet proclamation, declaring a
state ot siege on Moscow, due to the
operations of Cossack near the Red
Pari, Sept. 19. The peace treaty
between the allied and associated
powers sJid Bulgaria was presented
to the Bulgarian mission today.
BeTlIn, Sopt. 19. The committeo
i foreign affair of the national as
sembly haa decided to'nulllfy the ar
ticle of the constitution giving Aus
tria representation In the relchstag.
They will notify the entente that It
demand will be complied with.
Hood .River, Sept. 19. .While a
shortage la reported from all other
mld-Columbla sections, the .Hood
River valley haa one of the best po
tato crops In it history.
Portland, Sept. 19. Ju the Inter
est ot the campaign launched by the
Oregon State Chamber of Commerce
to advertise throughout the nation
the agricultural resources of Oregon,
F. S. Bramwell, vice-president and
general field agent et the organiza
tion, will visit each county in the
state during the next 60 days. He
proposes placing before each county
court the proposition of obtaining
$1,000 from each county aa a nu
cleus to the advertising fund.
One of the big features to be used
In the advertlsiug campaign Is the
publication of a booklet, descriptive
of the agricultural resources of each
county, In addition to newspaper and
fatm magazine advertising. : "
"We suggest that the county
courts call into conference the, peo
ple from their respective counties.
Inoluding commercial organizations,
business men and farmers, and that
they comjbine In editing the. neces
sary Information to be published in
the booklet," said Bramwell, In dis
cussing the ipropositlon.
"It Is our Ides,' that each county
present its resources In agriculture
In Its own way, save that the truth
I good enough. AVe will not per
mit exaggerated statements to be
printed. One man told me he had
sold hjs alfalfa hay this yeaT at an
average of $12B an aore with an
overhead charge of a little less" than
$50. Think of it. $75 an acre net!
The ordlnaty iperson in reading of
this feature will not readily believe
It. So that to exaggerate the facts
would simply "be defeating the ob
ject we have In view'.
"We have under Irrigation in Ore
Con at present, approximately 1.000,
000 acres. We have In contempla
AseerU Tbat If Action Delayed 00
1ay. People Will Want ft De
feated; 'Won't Effect H. C. U
St Paul, Sept. 19. Senator HI
rom Johnson, addressing; a special
session of the Minnesota legislature,
presented argument opposing the
unqualified ratification of the
league covenant. , - '
The senator declared that If ac
tion on the league could be delayed
60 days, people would speak in posi
tive terms and insist upon its defeat
or amendment to protect this coun
try's interests.
''Public sentiment Is growing dally
assuming the proportions ot a rev
olution," said Johnson. He spoke
of scenes at the peace table and said
the president got Just what every
man gets who plays another man's
game. "I do not question hls Inten
tions, but there is a certain place
paved with good Intentions and this
country does not want to go there."
Senator Johnson denied that the
delay in ratifying had any connection
with tho high coBt ot living.
San Diego, Sept. 19. The presl
dent Is to. address a crowd, expect
ed to be 40,000 people, at 5 o'clock
today. (He will be stationed In a spe
daily constructed glass enclosure in
the center of the stadium, and his
words will be carried to the crowd
by a mechanical device.
tion 1,300,000 acres more which will
dou'btleas be brought into cultivation
within two years. To develop these
vast irrigation projects requires ap
proximately $14,000,000. We are
going to rap at the doors of con
gress until we get part If not all of
this amount.
. "In the satne period that Oregon
baa 'Increased about 100,000 In pop
ulation our neighboring state on the
north haa increased about 300,000,
while California, on the south, has
increased about 600,000. Idaho,
Montana and even Nevada and Wyo
ming have had a greater increase
In population than Oregon. There is
something wrong. Our system Is
wrong. iWe must employ new tac
tics. .
"In my visits In tne state I find
the, cities somewhat congested and
In many Instances It Is Impossible to.
house the ipeoplo wanting shelter.
While you go out only a few miree
from the city, you find condition?
diametrically opposite to thlrtn that
the farmers ate needing; help. This
condition must be met. '
"I was very much astonished a
few years' ago in checking up some
of the conditions In Oregon when I
found that we are moving at the rate
of about MM per cent a year. Peo
ple come liere and work in the ship
yards and at oUier places where they
receive fabulous wages, but that sort
of work Is toot staple like that of
agriculture. I have traveled In
nearV every state as -well as abroad
and let me say here and now, with
all the emphasis at my command.
tnat Oregon offers greater Induce
ments to contemplated Jiomeseekerg
than any other part of the world."
Such la Colonel Itoowvelf, yum;
Ioea Not llelleve in Compulsory
. Service in Peace Times
Portland, Seyt. 19. "Yes. I Uror
the General Wood Idea of a stand
ing army rather than that of Secre
tary Baker, but like aU 'cranks' on
matters military I have a' panacea of
my own," remarked Lieutenant-
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt tn one
of his Infrequent rest periods at bis
"Universal training is more im
porta nt from an economic stand
point than the military, to my
mind," continued Roosevelt "I
would exempt no young mau from
military training, for physical or
other reasons. For those who are
deficient physically, or mentally, I
would recommend training or de
velopment battalions In charge of
experta. It would mean Americani
zation and regeneration, in many
"I believe In compulsory training,
but not in compulsory service in
time of peace.. In other words, I do
not believe men' should be drafted
into a standing' army. In time of
war general conscription for the
army Is en admitted success. It
would be more so It conscription'
should draw men who already had
gone through a training period, mak
ing them more fit, more prepared.
. "How would I suggest handling
the compulsory training? If I bad
my way, I would handle it through
a general staff composed ot. one
fifth' regular army officers, one-fifth
employers of labor, one-fifth repre
sentatives of labor, one-fifth Inter
ested in arming, and one-fifth edu
cators from schools of the nation
uovernors or tne states would re
commend appointees in these, var
ious classes.
"The national guard would be rep
resented on the general staff in the
last four classes. The national guard
of the nation would be -Interested in
the program and would be the re
ceptacle of the men who had com
pleted compulsory training. They
would desire to keep in touch "with
military affairs when their compul
sory term had ended and would turn
to the national guard."
"I have found the sentiment for
the 'American Legion splendid wher
ever I have gone, and organization
is progressing rapidly," he reported.
The American Jeglon is fast assum
ing a leading role tn patriotic move
ments. The Astoria incident Is but
typical of what the Legion is doing
In posts throughout the nation."
Salem, Sept. 19. Governor Oen
W. Olcott will include in his message
to the next legislature a recommen
dation that funds be appropriated to
purchase medals for the men who
served during the war in the various
home guard organizations of Oregon.
This Information Is contained in a
letter to Colonel John Leader, reply
ing to Colonel Leader's request tor
Information as to whether funds
were at present available for pur
chasing . medals'
Paris. Sept. 19. The execution of
Pierre Lenoir, tried with Senator
Humbert and others on the charge
ot communicating military Intelli
gence to the enemy, has been post
poned. He was to have faced a fir
ing squad today, but reiterated his
demand that he be confronted with
M. Callaius, former premier of
France, who Is also under arrest as
a traitor. .'
Lenoir declared: "Before. God and
man I swear that I am no traitor.
The execution was then ordered post
poned. ....
DonKiiet Asserts Thai Conference) Of- -fered
to Make Peace With Reds,
. Granting Them Territory
Paris, Sopt. 19.--Jean Doguet,
leader of the minority socialists, ad
dressing the chamber ot deputies to
day -in the debate on the German
peace treaty, said he and his friends
would not vote for the ratification of
"this peace of force and violence
like' those terminating conflicts in
the past."
He declared the United States and
Great Britain had not taken their
fair share of the cost of the war.
He said he regretted general disar
mament had not been exacted -by
the 'peace conferees.
M. Longuei provoked a storm of
protest when be described the peace
as one of injustice and violence. It
was Bismarckian, he said, and mark
ed the advent of a reactionary Uto
pia, which was more dangerous than
bolshevism. , .
M. Longuet declared that Gustave
N'oske. German minister of defense,
still had under arms, 1,200,000 men.
The subject of the mission to Rus
sia of William C. Bullitt, attached
4o the 'American peace mission, was
taken up by M. Longuet, who declar
ed that when Mr. Bullitt left Paris
for 'Russia he was-the bearer of
peace terms offered by the peace
conference to Russia terms which
had been edited by 'Premier Lloyd
George and approved by President
Wilson. -
Premier Ciemenceauaroee at this
Juncture to Teply.
"Mr. Lloyd George or Mr. Wilson
never mentioned it to me," he de
clared. M. Longuet then read what he
said were the clauses in the peace
terms taken to Russia by Bullitt as
1. The immediate cessation ot
2.. The bolshevik government to
control the territories It occupied at
the time.
J. . Freedom of seaports and rail
roads. (Continued on Page 3)
Morris Booock. who arrived home
yesterday after a year and a half ot
service with the 13th marines, has
proved that the number 13 may
sometimes be other than unlucky.
When he enlisted at Vancouver,
Wash., April 16, 1918, twelve oth
ers also enlisted that day, he being
the 13th and they were all sent to
Mare Island together. , On Friday,
September 13, 1918, the 13th ma
rines left Quahtica, Va., for Hobo
ken, In a train carrying 13 coaches,
and embarked for Trance on the
same day, In .the company were 13
men from the same drill section at
Mare Island. The 13th marines were
13 days in crossing the Atlantic, ar
riving at iBrest. iBocock left for Sa
venay wlth his company on Novem
ber 13, 1918.
After the signing; ot the1' armis
tice Mr. Booock attended the Univer
sity of. 'Paris four months and was
then given a! furlough during which
time he toured England and Belgium
returning to Perls July 13 of this
year. He reached the states August
1$, and after spending a month with
relatives In Minnesota, left for Ore
gon on the ,13th of September;