Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 10, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    WKDM NhAV, HMT. 10, luifl.
ANOKL CAKES 75 cams each; or
der by phona, No. 10-J. 2tf
0i-ACRH STOCK RANCH tor sals;
bout 126 aer ID 'cultivation;
considerable Irritation; J mile
from R. R. station; IMi milt
from two schools; bait cash, bal
uh low Intermit. Address No.
1051 car Courier. 8'lf
JOtl SA1J2 VVtcli, gray oat, cheat,
rye, balod bay. rolled barley. graa
seed. Ralph Waldo Kldi-n. Mod
ford. Ore. &Gtf
WR SA.1JK- 1 2x1 4,
.Phone No. 3.
INIMAS" MOToitrvrU'; with tnn
dm new rear tlr and gen
erally In Al condition." to' nl
at a bargain, at Crauier Uro. 67
Full A1K 1 Small Haw mill, com
plete, with 18 h. p. Riiwiell Steam
tractor, $1200. Slub conveyor
tor 12&. Klre box. 'boiler and
engine very cheap. Write u for
your requirement on pipe. ORE
iON MAC1IIVERT ., Kugene.
Ore. v 74
FOR flAl.l-: Unoloum: 80 gallon
underground gasoline tnnk with
pump, dining room net, waah tub
mid board, chain other thing
Mm. J. P. Truax. 112 A fit. 64tf
WA VTCD "M e n to work In lumber
camp or up-to-date sawmill.
TrajKportatlo furnished. For
partlralara Inquire at Breen's
Crnaoent City stags office, Granta
Pa, Ore., near 8. P. R. R. depot
and enrena office, phone 24. 4Dtf
itns YVASJTEtt- Faller per day. 5;
buckera, 14.75; llmbera, 14.50;
awainpMW. 14.19; truck teamMiter.
14.76: yarding Iramater. f &; road
men, 14.40; ton hauders, IS; board
11 per day. John II. William.
"M B tTl. 74
MEM "WASTED -In laundry, 120
Bust T St., or phone 3834 tt
filUIJI WA NTT2I ) at the Granta Paw
team laimrtry. ttoS
MAS A.VI WIVB wonted for taro
work. Phone No. 3. C
(,'MORK 1KP I'ICKKMS waited. Ap
ply Tthr Bank Farms, call 607-F-ll.
WANTED Cook for email mining
cum p. IlrnsanOy situated and
convenient to town, Addrew Ana
tin Wilson. Murphy. Ore. C9
WAJCTRT) One good two-home
wagon, 3 to 3 inch. Suite
Price. Aililre J. C. Merrill,
Grant Puna, 11. F. D. 2.
"WANTKU Pasture lor t-wo calve
Inquire V. 11. Nipper, 7jr Ishnmi
strict. Cfi
WANTED -Women' nnd children'
anwlng. Irle renaonable. 719
North Fourth atreet.
WANTKJK Coinplvte lack aadOlen
at Red Front Barn.
8-nOOM MOrsE and half acre of
k round with fruit, on Roriic
River avenue for rent cheap. In
quire 232 Weat I atreet. 67
M tncKLL A N KOI' 8
E. L. OALBRAITH Insurance, any
kind. Rental. Building and
Loan. Plate Glaae Liability. 60
O street. 84tf
BIECTRrC WIRING and general
electrical work, repairing, bouse
wiring. C. C. Harper, 105 South
Sixth street, phone 47.
J. 6. MacMURRAY Teacher of sing
ing. Write or apply at 716 Lee
Street. 28tf
- prompt service. City and country
trips. Safety first. Call Grant
Pas 'Hotel, phone 89 k. Residence
phone 368-Y, W.G.White. 790
TAXI iPhone Roses Confectionery.
No. 160, for taxi. Hurry calla at
any time. C. E. Gllkson. 35tt
MIONE 262-R for Jitney Luke or;
Cutler. Headquarters changed to'
Spa. , 50tf ;
(PALACE TAXI Day or night serv-;
lc with Maxwell cur. Phone 22-J. j
Fenner & Kewstrom. Si
Courier .Bargain "Day Sept. IS. :
Courier Bargain. Day Si'i't, l".
'ourier Tlargnln Day Sopt, IS.
iC'oirk'r Oariraln Day Scut. 1.
DANliq McKAfllvAND, civil enti
noer and turveyor. Konldenct
740 Tenth alritot, phone 211-Y,
K. C. MACY. H. M. D. nrat-olaai
dimtlatry. 1011 V4 South Sixth
Ntrt, Grant Pa. Oregon.
L. O. CLEMENT. M. D Practice
limited to dlaeaae of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Classo fitted.
' Office bdur B-12, 2-6, or on ap
pointment. Phonea, office 62; resi
dence J&9-J.
8. IjUUGHIU'DUE, M. D. , Pnyroian
and aurgeon. City or country calls
attended duy or night. Phone,
residence, 360; office, 182. Sixth
and H atrueta.
A. A. WITH AM, M. O.-r-Jntcrnal
nimllclne and nurvou diseases,
624 Medical Hld., Portland, Ore.
Hour, 2 to 6 p. in., morning and
evening by upjMiltitment.'
Room 1 and 2 Achmldt Bldg.
Treat all disease. Hour 41-12
a. ui.; 1-S p. m. 'I'lioee 304-R.
K. J. miXICK, M. D Phylclan
and aiirueon; office Schallborn
block, phone 64-J; residence,
1004 Lawnrldge, phone 54-U
Granta Paiia.
D. R. J. BBfiTUL, Veterinarian.
Realdenre 138 Wahlnrton boule
vard, phone a8.
Bunch Tiro. Tranafer Co. lhone
P. G. 1SHAM, drayage nnd tranfer.
- Safe, piano 'and furniture
movnd, packed, 'kip ted and stor
ed, v Office phone 124--Y. Real
dene p1one 124-R.
H. D. NORTON. Attornoy-t-law.
Practice In all State and Federal
Court. Firet National Bank Bldg.
0. V. COLV1G. AtUmey,at-law.
Granta Paae Banking Co. Bldg.
Grant Pa, Oregon.
E. 8. VAN DTKE. Attorner. Pae-
tlcea in all eouru. Ftrt National
Rank Bldg.
O. S. BLANCHARD. Attorner-aUlaW
Golden Rule Bldg. Pbone S70
Grants l'aaH Oregon.
C. A. 31DLEII. Attomey-at-)aw.
aonlc Temple, Granta Paaa, Ore
GEO. H. Dl'HHAM, Attorney-at-law.
referee in bankruptcy. Masonic
Temple. Grant Pa, Oregon,
Phone 13V-J.
Firm National Bank Bldg.. Grant
Pan. Oregon.
. Do You Want .
to Save
Some Money?
Re-insulating a Ret
tery is about the most
expensive repair there is.
And there's only one
kind of battery in gen
eral use that isn't prac
tically certain to be
ro-inaulated or junk'
ed within, tho jpexr '
year or two.
That one exception k the
Willard Battery with Thread
ed Rubber limitation.
Come In nd well tell
you why.
. . A. V. Hazelton, Propr.
Placer location notices at Courier'
Wah Fabrlo Figure Prominently
Among Mattrlal Empleyad Pnd
ant Decoration Highly Favored.
The nliopM are relly nlliirlng In their
display f overbloiiKe In fabrlin and
xtyle xullnblu for Niinininr wenr. It
I perlinp an liilerextlng thing thut
wnh Tabrlc have hpvn tnnde to aerve
ao udmlrnbly for thiKt lilouitet for
there wmh a time when lt'memed that
only chiffon und georgette and oft
i rejie would do for,them.
But now linen, organdie, btle, ra
tine lot of ratine, too, which I an
other of tliOMi lutereating pvldence
or a return to favor of a fnbrle, or atyle
mat iinm m-Hiilngly gone by nil th-e
nod oilier luuiiuer fabric, heavy.
hoiiieHpiin, rrachllke lookinglhlngM, are
Uw for the ovitrbloiiM.
One thing that mark many of the
oioiiw i linn, tax-el and hanKlng
button ami fringe. Thero are nil sort
or tin-ce pendant decoration, from
Kleeve enilM nnii Ileum unit tn-t l,,.n..
Ing down from any other part -of the
Dlrtetolr Drei.
A beaiillfiil illrcctoiri. ilr..u In ,n,l..
r Mack taffeta with hiiimtIi Ji ,.m.
br.Milerlei on the hem; there's n large
uireriuire collar, high up under the
chin, mail., of white organdie and
caught In by a black taffeta ribbon,
anil a rahrlolet bat of bright green
Japanese traw trimmed with a Utile
wreulh of blue hyuclnth and J.-t Ivy
leave. The dre I pt up lit the
fide very high Indeed over a plaited
underdrew of fine black luce. The
puraxol, carried with It, I of bright
green inualln, with an ebony stick .and
a . carved Ivory handle.
Mining blanks Courier office.
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Train will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Grant Pa i p. u
Arrive Waters Creek.. 2 P. M.
Leave Water Creek 3 P. M
Arrive GranU Paaa 4 p. M.
For information regarding freieht
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Lundburg building,
or -telephone 111.
Help Reduce the High Cost of Living
mmmKmaammt mmsaaaBBBBBBl
We are now Manufacturing ajroxiinately 9,000 POUNDS of butter per week in Southern Oregon
which is not enough to supply the wants of our larjje wtaUished trade, and we are therefore obliged to
SHIP BUTTER IN from the outside, while many cream producers are favoring outside concerns by
SHIPPING CREAM OUT which should be made into butter here and the butter sold here.
Increase the Speed
Of the Southern Oregon Wheels of Progress by consistently Patronizing your REAL HOME INSTITU
TIONS in the sale nnd purchase of all of your p roducts, and by the elimination of duplication of effort and
expense in the handling of these products, aid in the reduction of the HIGH COST OF LIVING. Everv
pouiid of CREAM OR BUTTER shipped out of this territory or BUTTER shipped into this territory
which should legitimately be manufactured and handled here, adds ,lo the higher cost of the product
Highest Prices Eaidr
by the
loy of Toumment Golf.
Wouldn't It make yon mad If you
were entered In n golf tournament and
ymt atarled nut carnitine the little old
pill down flic line, belter than you
ever bad and flushed the flmt nine
boh In the 1owi-i wore yon bud ever
made; llppKl a little on the second
nine, but nt 111 had a chance to make a
re.-!aWi. showing, and then on the
eignieen noie In Hie presence of an
admiring throng of friend you pro-
cwHci to put the pill Into the dlleh
three fine and take eleven troke
where five should have been plenty?
Wouldn't It make yon mad?
Well, the only compilation w k
out of Hint horrible catastrophe I that
wt- ri'iiH-iooereti even in onr rage that
there w.-re ladle within bearing dis
tance. We came up smiling out of the
num. 1. lit we sincerely hope the young
woman in the nlnk town ami ih. t.i.
hat who grinned gleefully at ua I no
miiitj reailcr. Exchange.
Just 80.
"What do they 11,'nn by wealth on
told r
"There's no ouch thing any more.
Everybody ha to make an Income fax
statement." Louisville Courler Jour
wl Dally Courier $4.50 the ltith.
Courier Bargain Day S-pt. 18.
Dally Courier 14.50 the ISth.
FOR SALE Auto Servlie Co. gar
age. Fully equipped. Also stock
of tires. Call R. Tlmmons. 512
South Sixth street. 60tf
FOR 'RENT Light 1)ouse keeping
room. .Modern. 656 North Sixth
street. C6
WANTED Iood second-hand piano
by the Wilderville church. Those
having pianos tor sale apprise N.
E. Townsend. . 71
FOR (RENT 7 -room house. S6:
5-room houe, $5; both North 7th
street. Good well water. Barn
to go with either place. Inquire
of Mrs. V. H. Quaif, S32 North
Seventh street. 71
FOR SAilyE Prunes on 50 trees.
now ready for canning, 2c per
pound on the trees. Pbone 223-R,
Mrs. C. Iceland. South Park street,
opposite "Riverside park. 71
Operating Creameries at Applegate and Medford, Oregon.
Not a branch of any Northern Interest, But a REAL HOME INSTITUTION '
You Can't Afford to Miss
Here 1 what you have been looking for.
Having no salesmen to pay commissions to we can save you
from $50 to 1100 on a car. Come see our used ears.
Tonr for ervlce
511 H Street phone 317
tlectric pumps put moisture at
your command in just the right quantity at just the rigbt time.
But, in order to be profitable, artificial irrigation must
oe cntap. And the cheapest method of artificial Irrigation
knuwn is that obtained by Electric Motor Driven Pumps. This i par
ticuUrly true when Electric Power i obtainable at low cost.
Let a help yoa f oresUll losses from droag ht. We will
give yoa oar best advice in the selection of motors,
ml w will furnish yon power at th lowest cost
California-Oregon Power Co.
Ton have had crop
failures owing to lack
of rain. Crop may suf
fer again this year.
Panning is more or less of
a lottery anyway, and "Water
under the clouds" lessens the
chances of winning.
You can make fanning practi
cally sure, by artificial irrigation.
U lw.