K.m'ituw, Hi:i'ir.Miu:ii . in. GIUNT8 VMM DAILY COL Kit It AUK TH11EB t Cover the; house with life insurance W. P. FULLER & COS Q)ure repared ,1 aints Auto Enamels Jewell Hardware Company. We do Fjne Shoe Repairing Classified ANGEL. CAKE8 71 cent echj or der by pbone, No. 1B0-J. 2tt 100-ACRB STOCK RANCH for sale; about 126 acre In cultivation; considerable Irrigation; 2 tulle from R. R. station; ltt miles from two schools; bait cash, bal ance low Interna. Add rem No. 1051 cr Courier. M ihil "SAIJ? -Vflch. gray oats, cheat, rye, baled bay, rollod barley. grass seed. Kalih Wuldo Klden. Md ford. Ore. 65tf TBNT 1R 8AJjK 12xH. nearly 66 new. Vhone No. 3. iMf;IOTOUCYriJ': with tan dem sent, nw roar Urn und gen erally iu Al condition, for sale at a liarnHln, at Cramer Hros. 67 WANTM) WANTE1V- iMen to work In lumber ram or up-to-date sawmill. Transportation' furnished. For particular Inquire at Drwn'i Crescent City singe office. Grants I'ass. Ore., near 8. P. R. R. depot. ind express office. Phone 26. 4 stf MKN WANTKU Kniltir per day, S.V, biiPkera.-H.75: limber, 4f.t0: swamper. H.r.tt; truck teamsters, $4.75; yarding ttiniiiKler, road men, H.r.ti; lop loaders, $5; board $1 per diiy. John II. William. "06 II street. "4 1IKI.1 WANTKI In laundry, 72" Kb at 1 Si., or phono 3s:i-l,. lint! VANTKOr-Men for mill work; waves 14 and up. M. J. Lumber Coinpuny, (ileiidalo, Ore. 64 (ilRJ-K WANTKU nt the Grunt Pass steam litnndry. 6"tf HOYS Oil URLS WANTKU AS messenger at the Western I'nlon Telegrnph office, (iood wane and a rlmtit'p for advanceim-nt. tf WANTKU- He-ond hnnd 30-30 rifle. See Jo Miirtlnean. 4 J AN AXI1 WIKK wanted for fHrm work. f'hone "No. 3. 66 WNTKJ llooms for IlKht hoime kceplnit furnished or unfurnished. Inquire afternoons K15 I) street. Phone 212-V 3 VOVn HOP-riCKKKfl wanted. A)iply River Hunk rarms, call G07-F-11. 65 aMt RENT Three Kood slced room, could be fntnlHhed for rii?bt housekeeping; W North Fonrih street,- phone 37 Ml. 64 S-fflOOM TIOl'SE and half iwre of gaonnd with fruit, on KoRiie Ttlvc avenue for reht cheap. In quire 232 West I etraot. 67 -7 MISfKIXANKOl . L. GALBRAITH Insurance, any kind. Rental. Building and Loan. Plata Olaas Liability. 0 Q atreet. ' 4tf KLHCTRIOAIi WORlt BLECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, house wlrint;. C. C. Harper, 1 OS South Sixth street, phone 47. 1 . M1SKAL 1XHTKVCTION J. S. MacMURRiAY Teaijher of singing.- Write or apply t 716 Lee Street. ' 2Stf 41VIL EXGIXEKR PANIEL ,McKARLAND! civil engi neer and surveyor. Ridonce 740 Tenth street, phon 2H-Y, and Varnishes Advertising TAXI USB THE WHITE LINE TAXI FOR prompt ferric. City and country trip. Safety first. Call Grant ' Pa Hotel, phone 31b. Residence phone 320-R. W. 0. White. 70 TAXI d'hone Hoses Confectionery, No. 100, for taxi. Hurry call at any time. C. K. Ollkaon. . 35tf MIONE 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Headtiuarter changed to Spa. 50tf PAIACW TAXI Day or nluht serv Ice with Maxwell cur. Phone 22-J. Kenner ft Newstroni. 84 UKNTIKTS K. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-lass dentUtry. 109 ft South Sixth street, Cranta Pass, Oregon. I-1IVKK IA.NH L. O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Practice limited to dlsenscs of the eye, ear. none and throat. Glasae fitted. Office hour 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Phone, office 62; reel deuce 35S-J. 8. LOI'OHRIDGE. M. D. Physician and (urg-eon. City or country call attended day or night. Phones, residence, 369; office. 182. Sixth and II streets. A. A. WITIIAAI. M. D. Internal medicine und nervous iIim'hboh, GH .Medical Hide, Portland. Ore Hours, 2 to r p. in., uioriilnK atid evenlnx by apiHilntment. Kit. W. T. TOMPKINS. S. T. looms I and 2 Schmidt Itldg. Treats all discuses. Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. . K. J. niLLlCK. M.,D.. Physician and surgeon: office Schnllhorn block, phone 5 4-J; residence, 1004 Unvnrldne. phone 54-1. Grants Pa.s. KTKItl X A It V Sl'KHHUN DR. R. J. liESTUL, Vaterinarlan Residence S3S Washington boule vard, phono 39S-R. DIIAYAGK XI TIUXSKKH TUB WORLD MOVES; ao do we Hunch Uros. Transfer Co. Phone 39711. F. G. ISIIA.M, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone 124-R. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices .In all State and Federal Court. First National Bank Bldg, 0. W. C04.V1G, Attorney-at-law. Grant Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pas, Oregon. - E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney.. Prac- tlces In all courts. First National Bank Bldg. 0. S. IfLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law, Golden Rule Bldg. Pbone 270 Grants Pasa, Oregon. C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oro. JEO. II. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Temple, Grant Pas, Oregon Phone 1 3.r.-.T. JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer, First National Bank Bldg., Grant Fns. Oraann Trado Acceptances, book of 50, $1 Courier office. OBITUARY anil Armour Hamilton (Jull Armour 1 1 am I Hon wax born at I'urU Place, Oreiton, Decemlier 21, 1XU2, wlierv he speut hi early boliood duy. excepting; one year whMi the family pent In the Yu kon Territory. In 1!Mi7 the family removed to (irtttit 'I'iim anil settled in thoir present homo 1n KriiHdale, where Call attended the district aehool. In 1114 lie graduated from the Grant I'iih 1 1 1 k h school, lie wa an am bitious student and an enthusiast In nil athletic sports; If" also took an uctlve art in xlee club showing much talent In .music, and dramatic work. Having keen desire for a pro fessional career, he entered the .North I'liclflc Dental College In li. A severe lllties the follow ing sniiniicr, from which he did not sufficiently recover, prevented him from continuing his studies the en suing year, but with characteristic pereeverence he returned to the col lege In tb fall of IBIS, where a lit- tlo Inter tie was enrolled in the atu dent army training corps, bavlnn iKceasftilly passed the physlclal ex amination for the service. Karly In December be contracted the Spanish Influenza followed by pneumonia. After week or Illness he returned to his home where lov Inn hands of parents and friends strove to win tilm back to health and strenmh. wjlh no avail. At lendh follow-In bis physician' advice and his own desire, he Journeyed to I hnenlx. Arl.onu, where -it wa hoped the chana-o would cure him. or the pnat month nl leittora have spoken of his steady Improvement. so that the sudden new of hi death came an a double shock to the en tire Pom rn unity. He was cheerful and uncomplain ing durinif hi Ionic aeasoti of mis fortune. Hi wa an exemnlarv. Christian character, and bis early tenth cast a' shadow over every nome -who knew him. He is sur vived by bis TMrents. Ceo. A. end Jessie C. Hamilton, and two broth ers. Worth, who Is still in France. and (.Inn. who reside with til par ents at Krultdale. Kimlcntnrtcn Oitons Monday Mis Telford' klndercarten onens on Monday with the opening of school. and affords an opportunity for mothers to give their young children the prc'llmlrinry training in the art of learning to learn. Miss Telford has had years of practical exiwrlence and her ability as a trainer of chil dren has' been marked. She Will be able, to accommodate a few more pu pils ut 41 r O street. Do You Want to Save Some Money? Re-insulating a bat tery is about the most expensive repair there is. And there's only one kind of battery in gen- , eral use that isn't prac tically certain to bo re-insulated or junk' ed within the next ' ' year or two. That one exception is the " Willard Battery with Thread ed Rubber Insulation. Come in snd wr.11 tell you why. THE BATTERY SHOP A. V. Hazelton. Propr. CWillcMP Ol SlKaiftTMQ The California and Oregoi uoast Kanroaa company TIME CARD Effective Nor. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grant Pass 1 P. M Arrive Waters Creek.".. 2 P. M, Leave Waters Creek.... ....3 P. M Arrive Grants Pas ..4 P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company. Lundburr building or telenhniio I XL. . ' '; - Jit lhcGliurcbc$ XevvniMH M. K. (lioVrh At the urgent r'ii'it of his many friends, H. I illkcy has consented to give an account of hi experiences In France at the morning service. Thure will be an ahtbem by the choir and a solo by Mis Marguerite Wtble. The evening service will be held at H p. m, At this service the pastor will prea;h. There will be special music by the choir. Sunday echool at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Melville T. Wire, minister. llHtiit (linrcli Jllblo school at 10, R. K. ITackett superintendent. Classes for all age. Morning service at 11, sermon on. "When Cod Was Dead." The choir will sing, "I Would Ix)ve Thee." The liord' Supper will be observed. 11. Y. V. V. at 7, led by Lois Cline, topic. "Our Relations to Others." Evening service at S. Congres sional song sen-Ice led by R. K. Hacked. Scripture lesson and pray er. Anthem, "I would see Jesus," by the choir. Announcements and prayer. IBolo-. Miss Paftillo. Read ing, "Jehovah's Triumph Over Boal," Mr. Cllne. Sermon, "The God That Answer by Fire." All are invited. C. M. Cllne, preacher. Salvation Army 4I (i Street Meetings at 2 p. m. Bible school at 8 p. m. Gospel preaching, vocal solos. Strangers and ex-service men are Invited. J. E. Strautin .Ensign. fU Anne's Catholic Chnrch Sunday masses at 7:30 and 9 o'clock. Her. J. O. Vien, C. S. V., pastor. Iletluiny Presbyterian Church Sunday school, 10 m. Morning worship. 11 o'clock, "A Lost Soul." Evening worship, g o'clock, "What Constitutes an Educated Man?" This Is especially designed as a parting message to our many young' people who are leaving for their respective colleges this month, 'jut "will also be of particular Intere. to our high school people, and to the teachers of the public schools who will begin their work next Monday. To all these a special invitstion Is extend ed. Thursday. September 11. Mid week service. "What .Money C;:i Not Buy." Acts S:14-24. Henry G. Hnon. minister. First Church of Christ Sclent K Christian Science services are held every Sunday. In the W. O. W. hall, at 1 1 a. pi. Wednesday'evsnln? roe Ings at o'clock. The subject for Sunday In. "Man." Reading room Is open from 2 to 4 p. m. daily except Sundays and holidays. The public Is cordially in vlted to attend the services and to visit the reading room, ADDITIONAL LOCAL The Sooner , Inasmuch as the "Spa" is a copy righted name Mrs. Hendricks has changed the name of her confection ery to "The Sooner." 65 Service Huttonn Recruiting Officer Bauer states that he has a supply of service but tons at his office, free to all ex-serv ice men. The buttons have been on hand for several weeks, but thus tar there has been little call for them. Sny Folks Mrs. August Goettsche will soon start dancing classes for married folks; young folks and little folks. Phone 883-J. . 63 Harper In New location C. C. Harper has moved his stock of electrical supplies and work shop to No. 105 South Sixth atreet, near Rose's Confectionery. He has . In creased 'his stock of lamps and fix tures and la ready to supply and de mands. Mrs. Josle Lovelace Is In the store as clerk. Will RhIM New Business Block Stanton Rowell Is preparing to construct a new 'building on his pro perty at the corner of Sixth and I streets on the lot now occupied by the Jewel Hardware hnrness shop. The present building will be torn down and a! modern structure erect ed. The work will be commenced at an early date). Aid Society Meeting The Methodist Aid scoiety will meet Wednesday, September 10, In the church parlors. A full attend ance Is requested. Airplanes Go XsVtli This forenoon four airplanes, sup posed to be Dellavlland In the for est patrol servli e, paused over Grants I'ii'm on their way north, flying low. Many a rubberneck watched them un til they disappeared over the moun KxcursloB Rate to " t Grant pas to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for $7.59. Grants Pas and Crescent City Stage com pany. Pbone 26. 74tf Recruiting Kcotwncd I'aul J. Bauer, of the local recruit ing office, states that the recruiting for overseas service has again open ed. Thoite desiring .to enter the ser vice can secure all necessary infor mation by calling at his office. j Dancing Party j Dancing party at the Waldorf , Hall tonight. 63 1 ' i Snow at Crater Lake-- Several of those who have recent ly returned from Crater Lake state that snow has begun to fall there and that the weather Is rather chilly. Oregon is in for a good soaking-- The Automatic Servant ' Oh. yes. 1 spend most of my time out-of-doors this summer. With - electric motors I make light of my ),ousewrk." ' The cost is small and it is so (.cr.vcnient and simple it:: a turn of the switch-and 1 ivn sit down and read or embroider until the work is hy don't you call up California-Oregon Power Company Phone 108-J Auto Accessories "A REGULAR department f store for motorists." That is how many of our customers regard us. They have found by experience that it pays them to come here first. Whatever it is you need' is more than likely to be here and at as low a price as can be secured anywhere. A Complete Line Try Us From tires to spark plugs runs our stock. It includes most well-known accessories. . ' Make it a point to investigate the next time you are here. And make it a point to come here the next time you need any ar ticle. Take advantage of this accessory service. In choosing the articles that make up the stock we have been guided by our reputation. V Prampt Service- Certain Satisfaction ' Fashion Garage and Machine Shops J. F. Burke & Son snow in the high mountains and rain in the valley. While the hop grow er twear that J. 'I'ltiv has a grudge at them, those who want to sow fall grain are wearing a broad smile. lUKk Hpringx ( .ml r Car here in few day, limited amount of wood on hand. Willisana Wood ft Coal Co. (5 IfoMiier Is 4 omlng Hark G. E. Hosmer, In a lengthy- article in the Public Forum, published at Denver, Colo., tells of hi trip to the Went Coast with the national edi torial association. Mr. Hosmer was greatly pleased with Oregon. Ia speaking of Grants Puss, he says: "Monday morning when the train reached Grants Pass some real live boosters of this thriving little city boarded the train and told of tha marvels of southern Oregon In gen eral and' the Grants Pass country. In particular. Wonderful natural care are located here and with each suc ceeding year larger crowds visit this section and enjoy its beauty. I am sorry that It wan Impossible to have a few hours at Grants Pase, and some of these day I am going iback' and make it a visit" ll-ieg