Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 06, 1919, Image 2

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PnbUibed Dally Except Sunday
. t. VOORHIK8, Pub. and Ptopr.
atered t pcatofnoe. Grants Pees.
Ore., m second clw mall matter.
DupUy apace, per Inch 15'
Local-personal column, per Une..lOc
Xeadert. per line ..
y mall or carrier, per yar..l.O0
mall or carrier,, per month BO
By mall, per year 0
The Associated Preae 1 exeinalvaiy
.ntitiMl to the nae for rwannoaaoa
ji all newa d la patches credited to ft
or all otherwise crMitea ui we
vaper and also the local aee yk
iiahed herela.
All right ot republication of pe-
uial dispatches herein at
res erred.
, Probably rain, gentle west-
erly winds.
We Enjoy it. Do You?
' ' ' ' ! musrma
Quality and Service
many dollars to him, if he la a pro
ducer of purebred livestock or poultry?
In glancing over the premium list
tor the 5Sth Oregon state lair, to
be held at Salem, September 22 to
27,. it 111 be seen that $30,000 are
offered in premiums and purses.
Bat aside from the livestock show
and agricultural and horticultural
exhibits, there will be automobile
Cnd chariot races, trotting, pacing
and running races. And some air
planes will be present to cut all sorts
of capers in the air for the amuse
ment of the rubbernecks.
Among the horses, there will be
prizes tor fancy riding, driving and
draft animals, including such popu
lar breeds as French and German
coach, Morgans, Percherons, Bel
gians and Clydesdales, and jacks, J
Jen,nets, mulee and Shetland ponies.
In fact there are prizes and blue rib
bons offered for all sorts ot ranch
animals and poultry.
The cattle exhibit will be one of
the main features of the fair, and
many prizes and blue ribbons are
offered, the Shorthorns, Herefords,
Polled Angus, Jerseys and Holsteins
coming in for the bulk ot attention,
although Galloways, Red Polled,
Dutch Belted, Guernseys, Brown
Swiss and Ayrshires will have a p'lace
In the show, as well as fat cattle and
test milchers.
Among the sheep listed for pre
miums are Spanish Merinos, Ram
boulllet, Shropshires, Hampshires,
Southdowns, Oxford Downs, Cots
wolds, IJncolns, Leicester and An
gora goats. Oregon has some, of the !
finest sheep and goats in the world
and competition for the blue ribbon
will be stiff. But the stiffer the
competition the greater the honor of;
The Mexican Review, published at
Mexico City, sees no excuse for an
invasion of Mexico by armed I'nited
States forces, and appears optimistic
about the future. The Review pre
dicts that normal times will soon
return. In its last issue the paper
"It does not seem possible that
the 1'nited States, after having spent
billions of dollars and hundreds of
thousands of lives to uphold the prin
ciple that treaties between strong
and weak nations are not to be re
garded as mere "scraiw of paper" at
the will of the stronger, should In
tend to stulify herself to the extent
of an armed invasion of Mexico, as
demanded by the interventionists,
without having exhausted all peace
able means of coming to aq understanding.
"The Review most emphatically
refuses to believe that any such
course will be followed!
"The large increase In the number
of passports issued and countersign
ed for persons wishing to visit Mex
ico is an Indication of the return to
normal conditions that cannot be
disputed. And when it is known that
passports are not issued to any ex-!
cept those coming here on business,
the indication becomes all the strong
er. A goodly percentage of those
arriving do so with the intention of
remaining, and the number of new
agencies and offices being opened not
only In Mexico City but in other bus
iness centers augurs well for the fu
ture." To the average American there
appears but one course for President
Carranza to pursue, and that Is to
hunt down Villa's band to the last
bandit, and give adequate protection
to Americans In Mexico as well as
safeguarding American interests
along the border. Until this is done.
there can be no peace in Mexico and
the Carranza government will remain
a farce. Up to the present time
One thing certain about Oregon,
If we don't get the rain sooner, we
get it later but we ulways get it.
That's more than sonle states Ret.
Have you noticed that all late
sales of land in Southern Oregon
are for irrigated tracts? The suck
ers have had their eye-teeth cut.
Installs Remarkable
Electrical Device
Ixjcal motor car owners whose
care are equipped -with electric start
ing and lighting systems will be. In
terested in a remarkable device Just
installed by A. V. Hazletou ef the
Battery Shop, which he recently pur
chased from a large Chicago con
cern. A most interesting demon
stration was made showing AMBIT,
this instrument, in action attached to
a car at the garage recently It was
weird to see the almost human in
telligence of the AMBU as Its indi
cating aTrow slowly moved this way
or that on the dial showing that
conditions were normal or the lo
cation of trouble or faults In the
electric system on the car.
No doubt many would say that It
was impossible for any device to au
tomatically Indicate the seat of
trouble, but they said of the air
plane and the submarine not pos
sible yet they're flying In the air!
and sailing under the sea. ,
This Invention and its remarkable j
ability was described and discussed i
of the
PIANO TUNING C.corge V. Cross,
piano tuner, will be In Grant
Pass on or about September 8th.
Thos wishing their pianos lurried
or repaired kindly leave orders at ,
Rowell's Music' store, phone
12S-J. 6S
ply River Hanks Farms, cull OUT-F-U.
' r,6
FOR 1917 Chevrolet in
fine condition; one 11S .Maxwell
Just been completely overturn led
both cars newly painted; one 1917
Chevrolet roadster. Terms If de
sired. Address 219 C street.
phone 301-R or 257-11. Jas. K. !
Manuel. 03 1
FOR SALK 1 Small Saw mill, com-1
plete. with 16 h. p. Russell St en ml
tractor, $1200. Slab conveyors1
for I25. Fire box. boilers and!
engines very rnrup. AY rite us fori
your requirements on pipe. ORE-i
Ore. 74 !
Jl'HT Altl(IVi:i
Saphire, Opal and Blister Pearls
All Mounted In Hollil Kilter
BARNES, The Jeweler
H. H. Time Inspector
Next 4mr First National Hank
WANTED 'Delivery boy, apply at
.Moore's Bakery. fi(tf
GAS RANGE for sale, also gas hent-'
er. Apply Mrs. F. II. nigrum, fit!
Fabric and Cords
All Sizes
FOR SALE-Auto Service Co gar
age. Fully equipped. Also stock
of tires. Call R. Timmons. J12
South Sixth street. 60tf
USED CARS- Ford, Overland and
StudelHiker bug, in good condition,
for sale cheap. Fashion gimme. fit
FOR SA! K Seven cows, three fresh
and four coming. Three to four
gallons per day. Call 512 South
Sixth street. t,
"i HOP PICK MRS wanted. Il.f.o
per 100 pounds; free transporta
tion Grants, Pass to yard. In
quire . F. M. Robinson, phone
, You Can't Afford to Miss
Here Is what you have been looking tor. '
HuviuK no salesmen to pay commissions to we con save you
i $r0 to $100 on a car. Come see our usoil cars.
Yours for service
511 H Street Phone 317
ance. plate glass liability
ance. 204 H Sixth street.-
Remove blackheads, uoften rough
skin, char the blood, brighten the
eyes, sweeten the whole system
Nothing helos make a pretty face
winsome mile, as Holllster's Rocky ,
Mnuntnln Tn Trv innUhi !"...
Sabin's Drug Store. Adv.
Wjc. tm diamond mug, yk
I i i jj brmmmi. A. It IflA ifrtk.rwU
VlAllUrlO HHANU 11 LI A. tW ft
Mt ksMNMt M Heal. HtlMt. Alwy MIU14t
When Irregular or delayed tits Tri
umph Pills. Safe and always depend
able. Not sold at drug stores. IH
not experiment with others, save dis
appointment. Write for "Keller' and i
particulars. It's free. Address: Na
tional Medical Institute, Milwaukee.
winning the blue.
While Oregon is not classed as one
of the leading hog states of the
union, her ranchers have some of
the very best animals to be found
anywhere. They include such well
known breeds as Duroc Jersey, Po,
land China, Berkshire, Chester
White, Yorkshire, Hampshire, and
Tamworths, the latter being a' fa
mous bacon hog. There will be
prizes and blue ribbons for all these
j, It is predicted by the fair man
agement that there will be a great
exhibition of poultry in 'be poultry
department, especially among the
- "chicken raisers," while ribbons are
awaiting those who excel in various
kinds of art, such as painting, sew.
ing, and other things so numerous
Jhat it makes one dizzy to even
glance over the list.
State fairs, are Institutions that
should never perish- and they will
hot. They generally bring out for
exhibition the best there is in a state
They are educational Institutions
within themselves. Everyone who
can arrange to do so should attend
the fair, "onlookers" as well .as ex-
uioitors, for where is the winner
who does not feel a thrill of ;irlde
as he walks away with the coveted
"blue ribbon the badge that is worth
j Carranza has proven himself but
little stronger than Villa's band
Victor Berger had harder luck
than any miner. A miner usually
goes hroke suddenly, but Berger
worked with the socialists for many;
long, weary years, only to receive
20-year prison sentence for
deavors. Those Soviets who would
"reform" America' should take warn
ing. The path of reformers and
revolutionisU is a rocky one.
in the leading periodicals
The motorists of Grants Pass are I
singularly fortunate in having a!
garage progressive enough to appre-'
elate the advantage of owning such !
an instrument, and they should show
their appreciation in a substantial
way, '
The garaze plans o charge a nom-J
inal fee of $2 for a test of the en-j
tire electrical equipment of a car
which will probably indicate the be-,
jdnning of some trouble which can i
he quickly corrected and save a big;
repair bill later. AMBU not only i
tells the location and kind of;
trouble, but also how to repair It. !
So our car owners need not lay'
up their cars or go to the trouble j
u,i .TAi'dire ul peuuing pans oacK u
to the makers of the electrical enuln-lR
ment. !
It Is said that serious deranic-J
menu of electric starting and light-1
in? systems have been located nnd
repair In 30 minutes through the
aid of A MKT'. ' !
The Battery Shop people seem
very much Interested In showing the
instrument to any one and it is faB-
a;cinatlng to see It In action. We sus
his en- ly are living In a' progressive are. fi:i
Many statesmen and some' ne .vs
pajer writers are howling for greater
production to bring down the high
tost of existing. They're dead
wrong; the procedure would be use
less until the profiteers and storage
hoarders' are smitten with the big
It appears that Caruso would
rather lose $300,000 by breakin? his'
contract to go to Mexico City to
suse a s;ries of performances, rath
er than risk having his scalp dandle ;
at Villa's belt. Caruso has another i
$300,000, but only one scalp.
"Wilson Peace" Is the name wMM,
has been tacked onto an English
man's child. That should keep him
out of war. .
The Vnited Ktutea
Grain Corporation
Announces that It, will sell
"Straight" grade flour, to all
purchauers, In carload lots, in
140 lb. jujte sacks, gross
weight, delivered to any rtail
way Station in Zone 10, com
prising the State.9 of Oregon,
Washington, and Idaho, at
, not to ex'eed 1 10.00 per bbl.
net cash. Purchasers will lie
supplied from nearest avail
able mili. which may result in
slight ' saving for buyers' ac
count. Wholesale, Ami Jobbing pro
fits on jsnrh flour imlsl hot. ex
ceel 75: p-r bbl. nni retailer's
profits must not ttxewd ftil.a.'i
wr bbl.
Address nil (Ammiinicntions to
United States Grain
E3 0 iliiiai-d of Trade Building,
Portland, Oregon.
easons for Increased
Telephone Rates
. A dollar in tlie hands of tin- ti'lciilmnc cniiipiiny lias
no tfivater pun-linniiifr, powrr in tin lalop and materia!
market than lias a dollar in tin hands of the individual.
1', Increases in wacs and priees of materials cannot lie
paid without money and the telephone company is no
more capahle of paying out money it hasn't got than
is the individual.
.'5. The telephone company must he provided w ith means
to meet the demands made upon it fop increased wages
and incre.Lsed cost of materials. As these increased
costs are obviously reflected in the cost, of rendering
telephone service, the telephone company must ask
the telephone using public to pay for tlie service it
4. Higher wages can be paid, increased costs of materials
met, and satisfactory and improved service can lie fur
nished, only when the rates are siifficient to meet tlie
costs of rendering the service with a sufficient maruiii
for a reftonablc return upon the investment.
o. A large territory served by a untilit'y with many pa
trons may produce large gross receipts, but not neces
sarily huge profits. The State of "Oregon is a large
territory and the telephone company serves a larco
number of patrons and has large gross. receipts, but
small profits. Under present rates and conditions it
will earn less than 3 per cent on the value of its pro
. perty in the state. The idea that a large corporation
' doing a large business must neeessarilv be accumu
lating great wealth is a prevalent fallacy which tlie
public must get away from. ' '
C). Telephone rates in the State of Oregon have remained'
practically the- same' for the last fifteen years or
more. There have been a few adjustments in' various
classes of servicejo meet demands of the service, with
a corresponding adjustment in1 rates. ' Increases in
rates are' now made b'ecause of absolute neecssitv
which made it imperative. .fa1e your own compari
son of your telephone rate with tlie increased cost of
shoes, cloth in tr, food products and all other necessi
ties. Ts riot the increased telephone rate reasonable
and consistent in comparison1?
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company