Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, August 19, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    rabUha PaUy Except Snnday
A. t. VOORHJE3, Pub, Ud Propr.
aurad at poatoKlo. OruU Paaa,
Or.. M MOMdclaw mall mUr.
Otapiay ap. P laoh 16c
Loa-prtonl column, per llna..lOc
iMdtn, V U 5o
mj mall or carrier, per Tear .00
Wr nail or carrier, per month .60
It man. per year
The Aatodatad Preat la rclualratj
titled te the nee tor repvblieadoa
at aU aw dlapateaea credited to tt
ar all oUierwlae credited la tkia
raper and alao the local a ewe pok-
jishod aeran.
AU rlr&ta ot republication of ape
! diipatc&ea Herein are
We Suggest
Quality aud Service
TVESDAV, .AVGVST 19, lltt.
f Fair, "" inner Wednesday ex-
cept near coast. Gentle wesler-
ty winds.-
'The Saturday Evening Post Is a
great advertising pamphlet but gets
off on the wrong foot frequently, as
is shown by the following In regard
to the cost-of-living problem:
"It is fundamentally a problem of
scarcity, and there is no possible way
of correcting scarcity except through
ater production."
ure bunk, or else a blind guess.
) whole world knows thai there
plenty. The trouble is because
, cold storage fleecers and other
. iteers have been holding back
) itless millions of dollars worth
i eceesitles. From Maine to Call-
'a and from Chicago to the Gulf
? be found plenty, were it only
,'ed from the leeches whose bus
Si, in life is to raise or lower
'j according to their best inter-
' gress la no more to blame
" President Wilson for this de
: le condition, and ' should the
ltions lag or be discontinued,
:i be proof sufficient that there
ething rotten In Washington.
.farmers foave been producing
';: it is the parasitical profi
710 are to blame; they are the
10 ride in high-powered cars
in mansions, as well as pos
. winter homes in the sunny
, "hese trusts today have the
strangle hold on the pub
have ever held and have
and gambled unhindered
' nation's food and clothing
r years. A law to curb the
light do more than any one
-till the wave of unrest and
food Control bill be
mtil the most brazen profl
t will not dare to look
'- the American public.
let the state pay for it, the same as
it is paying the salaries of all slate
officials. There Is no occasion for
a lew suffragists to get rampant and
indignant, for the reason that they
already have the ballot. The only
way ratifying the amendment can af
fect them is solely a matter of pride.
If they want to "make a showing"
and set a pace for their Eastern sis
ters, their several hundred, or sev
eral thousand, members should take
up a popular subscription among
themselves and raise the amount for
the special session.' The extra ses
sion .would cost many of the solons
at least $75 or 100. That would be
an appropriate amount for each of
the suffrage enthusiasts to donate for
the special session besides they
would thus win added honor.
. Pass the hat.
The following statement from the
O. A. C. infers that Oreicon farm
wives have married Indians. Read
this, and see who carries the water
01 aau farm homes reported in
the O. A. C. home demonstration sur
vey 402 had no running water in the
house but carried It an average dis
tance of 36 feet. That calls for
traveling "2 feet for one bucket of
water. The homes have no sink and
the water has to be carried out again
perhaps about as far. The practice
may make good walkers of the wom-
but it also boosts the high price
of shoes.?
It is well that prohibition leaders
are not going to start a campaign
against tobacco. Banish the filthy
weed and the "brutes" would start
to chewing garlic and smoking
skunk cabbage, let well enough
The railroad men should start a
new political party, based on their
federal ownership plan, A would at
least bring a showdown on the proposition.
An eastern writer uses up several
columns in telling why prices are
high, when three words would tell
the tause and give the remedy:
"KiU the profiteers."
r Olcott's refusal to call
Jssion last week, on the
3. legislators had Tint nut
to him concerning the
ri id toe lorm or a re
mimnrl iha r1MmeV.f
t jent of the state of Ore-
ifatlon meetings speedily
1 v Port In fill nA 4 m h
She result that both men
pre letting Governor 01-
tne sentiment of the
is the first paragraph
eets of editorial matter
he newspapers of Ore
Toman suffrage associa
Jte, to 'be used as "orig
by the various papers.
Jge has won In Oregon,
entlon now Is that of
a session to ratify the
lajorlty of senators
After i'ves re perfectly wil-
iuch a session provld-1
'e their mileage and I
Jy are right in their
ye governor does not .
tartng of the amend-
kXVyfh importance to pay (
rOilon, and that Is the :
a nuisneii.
. sion must te called,
"American women have the pret
tiest ankles and feet in the world,"
say the Paris fashion makers. True,
yet those hounds will say anything In
the world to get American women
to ape their styles.
Should the farmers remain peeved
and reduce their acreage next year,
the president will" wish he had never
heard of a daylight saving bill.
It's amazing the faith Marshal
Poch places 1n the league of nations
Here's Jils faith in the covenant: He
advises England to keep armed tc
the teeth.
Headline: "Swift to qiilt tanning."
Having reference, of course, to cow
hides he will continue to skin the
The general impression seems to
be to trust in the league of nations,
but keep on making cannon and
building warships.
The good old days: When you
could buy a sack of flour and ten
arm load of groceries for a dollar.
The story of "Oh, You Women!"
deals with the problem of what a
fellow is going to do when he conies
home from the war and finds the
women all rigged up as men and a
girl In his Job. The fellow In this
Instance' is a rlstnir you 11 2 rltlren nf
fthe little town of Fremont Abra
ham IJncoln Jones.
Abe is the pride of Fremont's
"Congress" a bunrh of old coots
which meet every evening In the rear
of Hobart's grocery store to discuss
the political problems .of the uni
verse. In the day time, lAbe sweeps
up the dusts out of the mayor's of
fice, the mayor being old Joe Bush,
a civil war veteran who has held the
job for' 28 years, and who has had
his eye on (Abe as a successor ever
since Abe was a little shaver. The
old major Is as proud of Abe as
though he were his own son, and
the two of them have mapped out
Abe's career right banR up to the
White House, and then some.
The most important woman In
Fremont is little Mary Shelby, the
dressmaker. When any fresh com
mercial traveler ever suggests that
Fremont is a' back number, he Is lead
around to Mary's place and shown
the New York styles. In fact, Alary
takes "Vogue" and everything. Now
Mary Is secretly In love iwlth little
Abe, but Abe Is so taken up with
world affairs that he has no time
for women.
The richest man in the town Is
Alec Smart, a regular up-to-the min
ute Sears-Roebuck sport. Alec loves
Mary and insists on telling her so
several times a day, much to .Mary's
annoyance. v
Finally a cyclone hits the town in
the person of LAurora Noyes, a' club
woman from th city who is the
mayor's cousin, and who has decided
to come down to Fremont and keep
house for him. Aurora brings along
her daughter, Lotta Noyes, a gradu
ate of Strongjaw University, and the
two of them waste no time in or
ganizing a political club, to show the
women of Fremont how out of date
they are intellectually, Industrially,
and politically. Of course thing (he-
gin to happen and but, ph. come
see for yourself. Oh, You Women
will have a two days' run at the Joy
theater beginning Wednesday.
(Continued from page II
ildicntely nutured. who had been de
nied a comfortable room with the
ttlnteuenl that the better rooms had
born reserved, only to find that the
chnnTetir of a subsequently arriving
l.'arty hud beeu.ulloled the room for
whlcn she asked.
In sharp contrust, the director of
c.tMopal parka told of the support
being given by business men of Ran
Francisco and Iam Angeles to Im
provement project or Yosemlte na
tional park. He spoke with equal
commendation of the men of Seattle
and Tncoint who have Joined In
building Paradise Inn. 6.000 feet up
the alope of Mount Ranter, Tncouin.
He made It clear that for other
national parks he had been able to
find friends who with unselfish pub
lic spirit and clear vlslonlng of the
future had done much to Increase the
accessibility and the comfort of the
nation's playgrounds. But Portland
men. he declared, have not been able
to see or understand In th same way
the value of making" Crater I-ake a
satisfying ns well as beautiful place
to visit.
.Continued from Page One. 1
carriers; the persons receiving or
der and cash will give receipt on
the duplicate to be retained: orders
must be for case or bax lots; orders
for part case or part bug lots can
not be accepted, but several consum
ers may combine' their orders ann
have the shipment come in the name
of one of the group who will place
the order, pay the cash and make
distribution of the supplies upon ar
rival. Orders will be accepted as long as
any of the allotted articles remain
unsold, and will be filed In the order
they are received at the postofflce.
first come first served.
W. P. QtriXIAN.
oaxawax cnuvrr
Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 19. Bob
Brown, of Vancouver, Is boosting a
movement for an eight club Canadian
baseball circuit in 1920. His four
clubs, Western Canada league, the
W. C. Jj.f is composed of Winnipeg,
Moose Jaw, Saskatoon 'anil Iteglna.
Aug. 11-29 Josephine
teachers' training school.
Aug. 20, Wednesday Social by
Presbyterian ladles at Htver Bnnks
farms. 50
Aug. 23, Saturday Civil service ex
amination for postoffice clerk-carrier
postponed from July 12.
Aug. 23, Saturday bseph!ne Coun
ty Grange meeting with the Mer
lin Grange. A good dinner with
an Interesting program is in store
for those who attend.
Sept. 8, Monday Board of ennnti.
zatfon meets.
Iredo, Texas, A'ug. 19. A duel
between two members of the (Mexi
can Chamber of Deputies, Vlctorlo
L'Orandl. of Vera Cruz, and Luis E
plnosa, of Chiapas, at a ipolnt near
the capital, is described by all the
Mexico City papers received here.
Six shots were fired without effect.
Ilnnd letter Por
Good quality bond paper, 8!xil
Inches, unruled, at $1 per S00 sheets,
onrfer office. ;ntf
"Terrible n of tem. me umtrsrtad wha
pwe 1 boy fmifht dueaa for It a yora, with
fciilf doicn fpecuOltU, Both tf iaterrtM con.
oiiioo. AloxMt s nervous wreck. It took Juat
bottles to clMrnptbirdlMue."
This is the Uto te.timooy of a prominent
newipaper nun. Hu nune and his remarkable
story in fuU on requert. We hare seen ao many
ether cores with Mil marrekiut liquid waih
that we freely offer yon a bottle on our peraonat
yaonmte. Try it today.
ID. BD. B.
for Skin Disease
M. Clemens, Druggist
Classified Ad Bntes
Classified advertising in the naiu
Courier will be charged for at the
rate of 6 cents per line per Issue un
less paid In advance. The rate of
215 words at 50 cents per week doei
not -provide for bookkeeping, post
age on statements mailed, etc. Here
tofore we have permitted occasional
charges at the cheap rates but, in-more.
Guaranteed fc.OOO Miles
$2 1.4ft
HMO. 10
. $!2.HO
Special Cash
O Discount
wl!I'l;c ttlvh from above pi-Ice
Rogue Hirer
Richelieu Pearls
The only real indestructable Pearl
$7.00 to $25.00
- BARNES, The Jeweler
8. P. Time I as poet or Next door First Nations! Ilaak
Fabric and Cords All Sizes
. A Keal Sale of Used Cars
lint's (io
1 101N MAXWKM "A I'KAt ir
1 1D17 OVKItkAMt
1 1917 SAXON SIX
Sll H Street Phone 317
In! I
M'Tis Cheaper to Get an Expert's
Advica Than to Buy What
Yas Do Not Need"
When you buy building material
from us we want to protect your
pune by checking up your order to
aee vou haven't included itema that
could be omitted by building along
more modern lines. This is part ol
our free plan service.
We Help You Save
Whether you plan to build a man
sion or a garage, a gigantic barn or
a small poultry house, we give this
service as gladly and as freely.
Whererer we can save you either
dollars or cents we are ready to
give you expert advice that will
cut costs as low as possible.
See us when you start
to plan.
Thm quality of '
our seri)ic
with tht
quality of
our material
Phone 284 .
Look for
the sign
The Red Crown sign signals satisfaction. It stands
for Straight-distilled, all-refinery gasoline high
ouaGty every drop! Look for the Red Crown
sign oe iore you mi.
e Gasoline
C. D, Fies, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Grants Pasa