We're Telling The World VOL. IX.. No. It 17. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COPNTT, OREGON. TIEHOAY. AUGUST I. 1819. WHOLE NUMBEB 81. 4Us The Climate ft I : j University of Ore l.li,rarv V V i:;reat scrap for malheur lake lands ATTOHNEY GENEKAL ItltOWN WILL INVESTIGATE TO SEE IK STATE HAH CLAIM UtJiMiiNt .Mirt Tlit'ra Are IMWKMl Acres of Will Imm Around Value! m fl.tMMI.OOO Ii. iA. 1 Jl Jnv lul has left fur Rose tourg to Join Inland Drown, son of Attorney General Goo. M. Urown, with whom ho will ko by auto to the Malheur lake country In eastern Oregon, say the Coo Day Times. About 3U residents of the lake tllit trlct are to be Interviewed by Mr. MIJeqvlHt and 'Mr. Hrown aa part of an Investigation which the stale Is now making aa 40 whether It can claim rtKht to lands around the lake from whlcli the water has receded. Mr. -Llljeqvuil haa been specially employed to work , with Attorney General Hrown In the cane and has now completed the survey of the law relating to It. A second trip will probably be taken later Into eastern Oregon to collect evidence but the tale should have Its rase well out lined and ready for Institution by the end of September, thinks Mr. Ul- Jeqvlst. Twenty thousand acres of rich ag- ricultural lands valued at over a mil lion dollars are at stake, states Mr. SJIJeqvlnt. About T0 persons are owners of property around the lake and several companies are interested In defeating the state In Its attempt to claim the land. Ry the digging of canal connect In (Malheur lake with a neighboring body of water, the waters wore low ered originally and Irrigation pro eewa have recently cut down .the quantity of water, uncovering a great strea of land.' Two meander lines wore fixed by the government, com pllcatlng matters somewhat. All Owners of land around the luke claim that tholr property extends to the very center of the lake and that they have right to the areas uncover ed as the water retires. One man has been murdered In controversies about the right to this luntl and much opposition exists In the Malheur country to the state's move to gain the lund. The lake extends about 18 miles In length and tins a maximum width -of 14 miles. It. Is now a state duck preserve. SOUTHYEARNSFOK LABORERS N'mI1 to Car for Cotton Crop, ltut Will Have Notliinjr to Im WHh Northern I lorn Element Moiirpbls, Tenn., Aug. 1 8. Plenty of farm and mill work,' better wages than ever before paid and Improved living conditions await Southern ne groes who have gone to the North and who now are said to 1m clamor ing to return to the South, accord ing to employers here. Kouthern farmers and plantation owners want the southern negroes back. If there wore some method of retting In touch iwlth them It Is de clared the expense of their return to Dixie would oe willingly borne. This will hold especially true tor the next fow weeks, because there Is need of negroes who know how to take care ot the cotton crop. Hut those employers say they do not want northern-born and reared negroes. They would prefer to bring In foreign labor, they assert. "We would not heaita'te to pay the expensea of a .hundred or more ne groes from Chicago or other north ern cities to our place If we can get southern negroes, particularly ne groes who have gone from Missis sippi, Arkansas and Tennessee," said A. C. Uange, vice president and gen eral uianegor of the Chicago Mill A Lumber Company, (which owns more than 70,000 acres of timber and ag ricultural lands In Northeastern Ar kansas. "I think It la safe to say that every southern negro In the north would be brought back with out expense to him if southern farm era and plantation owners ' knew where and how to get in touch with the southern-born. We don't want and will not have northern negroes, CAVALRY OVER BORDER IN PURSUIT OF BANDITS American Aviators Held For Ransom Are Rescued by Capt. Matlock, Who Outwits Mexicans and Pays Only Half of Ransom Not Considered Act of War CndelHrla. Tex., Aug. -f 18. Troops of the 8th cavalry crossed the Mexican border at 6:40 o'clock this morning, pursuing the bandits who held aviators Peterson and Da vis for ransom. The two rescued aviators accompanied the troops as guides. Aviators are cooperating with the cavalry as scouts to locate the Ban dits on the Mexican side, by flying over the OJInu'gu district south of Candolerla. 0LUIHSIOX LINING VP THE SHOE MEN Washington, Ang. 19. A resolution directing tha federal 4 trade commission to investigate 4 tha high cost of shoes and de' 4 tcrmlne the cause of increased 4 prices was adopted today 'by the 4 house. 4 Urif Hll TNTKOL IIOAUIIH DISBANDED Berlin. 'Aug. 19. Five of the 27 'ooletle formed to control Ger many's food supply have already 'been disbanded, and it Is announced that others will follow In the near future. The central purchasing company which superintended the Tbuylng of all 'Germany's war food Is now being used as an employment ureau. , BRITISH AUTOMOBILES i Mil BILL TO CURB BEAT TRUST Aims to Limit Corporal Profits, CLmsifyJng Excrss Profits as Trea son; I-iegitlmate HuiJacMt Safe Washington, .Aug. 18. The Amer ican punitive expedition into .Mexico Is being conducted with full know ledge of the authorities here who have been holding the announce ment until the American aviators were safe. Secretary Baker said the troo crossed on specific Inst row, Hons from the war department. -Marti, Tex., Aug. 19. The Anier h un aviators have been 'brought -back from the Mexican side of the border. They had been completely confused In their directions and thought they were on the American aide all the time. They were not mistreated, but were threatened with death. ' Maria. Tex., Aug. 19. Troops have been sent across the border, pursuing the bandit band under Jesus Rehterla. An adequate com munication line Is supporting the trooiw, while pack trains carry field wireless outfits for use when out of touch with the aviator scouts. 'Washington, Aug. IS. In a dip lomatic aspect the punitive expedi tion Is an expedition "on a hot trail," and does not take the character of an art of war, but merely to punish bandits. San Antonio, Tex., iAug. 19. Cap tain Matlock ot the 8th cavalry, who was sent alone last night to pay the ransom for the two American aria tors, outwitted the bandits by pay ing only half of the $15,000 demand ed by the outlaw. He demanded that the prisoners be produced. When they came they both jumped astride a horse and escaped. The captain brought back $7,500. major uenerai Dickman, corn manding the Southern department. today Instructed the officers to pay the bandits ttie fult ransom, as stip ulated with them by the United States government. y .London, Aug. 19. In the last 11 -year (England haa sent only 881 au tomobiles to the 'United States, the value of which was $2,153,941, while In the same time the United States eent to (England 41,182 cars valued at $3 6,?1 0,011, says the 'Board ot Trade Journal,, . The paper points out an opportun ity to expand the sale ot British cars 1n America among the wealthy peo ple ot New YorW abd tfie newly rich. Tho following Is a', lint ot the food stuffs allotted and available to the bonaflde consumers, patrons of' the Grants Pass postoffice: 1092 one-pound cans' of baked beans. 12 two pound cans baked beans. 175 2 three pound cans baked beans. 246 two pound cans string beans, IS 7 8 one pound cans corned beet, 1S96 two pound cans corned beet, 204 six pound cans corned beef. 1242 one .pound cans roast beef. 1380 two pound cans roast beef. 120 six pound cans roast beef. 2268 two pound cans sweet corn. 924 hash corn beet In one pound oans. 91 2 two pound cans hash roast beef. 2844 two pound cane green peas. 98v Vi pound cans black pep per. 144 pint cans vegetable soup. 156 ten pound cans tomatoes. 607 twelve pound cans bacon. 1700 one hundred pound bags dry beans. 1152 one hundred pound bags of flour. 200, one hundred pound bags rice. . A complete list of the articles to gether with the weights and prices Is now posted in the lobby of the postoffice; the prices, however, do not include the postage charge, which amount, together with that ot the price ot the articles ordered must be 'paid at the time order is placed;, orders must be made in du plicate, one copy to be retained by the purchaser, the other to be hand ed In at postoffice or to any ot the (Continued on page 2.) With the American 'Forces in Ger many, Aug. 19. (Public receptions and meetings planned by civilians in honor of returning German prisoners ot war are not to be allowed In the American occupied area, notices to this effect recently have been sent to the authorities of the local gov ernment. The German Red Cross has been collecting funds for several mouths In preparation for the home coming of thousands ot Germans from France and England. A recent order by Major General Henry T. Allen, commander of the American forces In Germany, quotes a letter to the .president of the Rhine province as follows: "While sympathizing fully wifh the natural desire ot the German leople to accord a (welcome to the returning' prisoners of war, neverthe less, in view of the fact that the military occupation must continue until the treaty of iieace is ratified by the allied governments, and par tlcularly In view of the necessity of preventing any semblance ot dlsord er which might compel a' resort to disciplinary action, the commanding general directs that you 'have the reglerungs-vraesldents of Coblenz and Trier notify the population ot their respective bezlrks that the re ception of returning prisoners of war must be limited to personal and fatally receptions, and must not be made the occasion of official recep tions, processions or any other pub lic assemblies. "This will not, of course, 'be con strued to prevent the "Red Cross au thorities from serving refreshments at railroad stations." Washington, Aug. 19. Calling at tention to the "disturbed state of the world at present," Secretary Baker told a senate military sub-commit' tee today that lie would not be do ing his part unless he urged upon congress to provide for an army that would "represent the strength of the United States." The committee Is considering the war department plan for a standing army of 576,000 men and universal military training. CONFERENCE GREATEST IN OUR HISTORY Washington, Aug. 19. (Before the senate agricultural committee the problems of packers, their alleged monopoly of preparing and distribut ing meats and their alleged policy of expanding their business enterprises to the point of controlling the sup ply of other foods, came op for an Investigation In the hearing of the Kenyon bill to extend federal con trol over the packing industry. Senator Gronna, committee chair man, prefaced the proceedings with a brief statement of conditions which be said were leading to general de mand for limitation of corporate pro fits. So did Senator Kenyon. "Thie is a radical bill, with teeth In it. which deserves closest scru tiny, but It is not a government own ership bill," said Senator Kenyon. It provides a new method of cor porate control In thie country. It suggest the licensing of packers, the divorcement fronn them of stock yards ownership and the elimination of their control of refrigerator cars. The basis for it is the report of the federal trade commission and infor mation before this committee. "Meat packing is no longer a pri vate business. If the monopoly has gTown to the degree we understand it has, it Is indefensible and intoler able. There may be a little efficien cy growing ont of ft, but that is temporary. ) "We are not engaged in an attack on private profits, though the propa ganda of the packers has frightened business since this bin came op, and may fiave frightened "congress ont of the attempt to legislate. ' We are it-i niug u injure Business, nor stop reasonable profits, but excess profrts today are treasonable pro fits." PRESIDENT SAYS IF INTERPRE TATIONS OX LEAGUE ALLOW- . ED, LONG DELAY SURE LEAGUE WOULO ilHLE JM Chief Executive Anawers Questions and Hands Out Iodide Informa tion to Conferees Verbatim ' - Washington, Aug. 19. The, presi dent told the foreign relations com mittee today that he could see no reasonable objection to interpreta tions of how the United States ac cepts the league of nations, prorid-i lag such interpretations do not form a part of the formal ratification it-! self. He defended Article 10 an made a lengthy statement at th conference. . The president contended that lj Interpretations were a part of th. formal ratification, lone ' delay; would follow, as other government would have to accept ElltOPE HAS RECORD CROPS . Vienna, Saturday, (Aug. 16. .Ban ner crops are reported throughout Jugo-Slavla, the Ukraine, Austria. Bohemia and soviet Russia. THE SILVERTON FIRE Salem, Ore.. Aug. 19. The loss in camp equipment and cut logs caused by the Silverton fire- Is estimated at $500,000 to $750,000. Eight hun dred men are fighting the fire which is now reported to' be under control. Five camps were complete ly wiped out.. One hundred and sixty men are fighting fires in the tMoKenxie river district, but the Bltuatton la reported better. Most fires in the Unipqua forest are controlled. 4 HOUSE PASSES BILL OVER WIISOX'S VETO 4- . . 4- . Washington, 'Aug. 19. The repeal of the daylight saving law was passed over the presl- 4- dent's veto 'by the house on a 4 4- vote ot 228 to 101, seven more 4- than the necessary two-thirds -f 4- majority. The repeal now goes 4- to the senate where Its.'' sup- -4 4- porters claim a victory.' , . -f "SOUL OF SPIA" California Redwood Park, Cat. Aug. 19. An the forest .primeval beneath eempervlrens towering 800 feet and which were ancient forest monarch even at the time Noah's Ark is recorded to have rested on Mount Ararat, (2348 IB. C. (Callfor nlans and visitors will gather here September 41 to witness, "The Soul of Sequoia'." St lis an Indian opera, and its premiere here will mark the first time in the history of open air drama that a complete Indian opera has been produced in the natural redwood forest. , i nnr IrtLOlUK WUULU uLUot CRATER LAKE UP TIGHT Portland, Rug. 19.: Want to see nct sign on the road to Crater Ijiio lettered thus: 'Closed until more satisfactory fa cilities are provided for tourists"? Stephen T. Mather, director ot na tional parks admitted that he has such a sign In mind when he spoke on a rather personal basis to' some 30 business, professional and rail road men of Portland at the Cham ber ot Commerce Friday evening. "I'm not .going to ask you to do anything more for Crater lke," he added. "I've done that until I'm sick of It. "Often I've sighed tor some means of swinging Crater Lake to within 50 miles ot- Portland. . Then the wonderful lake and tie great (play ground around it might be made available to the tourist world with the spirit of cooperation from you men ot 'Portland that Is being man Ifeeted by the ' leaders of Tacoma and Seattle toward Mt. Ttanler Na tlonal park." With vigorous strokes, Mather flagellated Crater National park con ditions. (He complained of the road leading to the lake. "Everybody' passing over it eats dust," he aver red. He -jsriticsed the inn. He said that Parkhurst, the Innkeeper, has worked hard but without support and without sufficient knowledge of the tourist hotel game, either to please his patrons or to placate the national park administration. He had discovered that on the recent visit of the members of the National Editorial association to Crater .Lake, some ot them hatf slept four in a bed. He had also received, he said, a complaint from a wealthy woman, Washington, Aug. 19. TodajJ conference was unprecedented I American history. . The preside discussed the treaty, answered qui tions and gaye a Jelegraphic - tra cript to the public. Inside detw were handed out verbatim. The pr ident intimated that the league) nations would prevent Japan tc assuming any complete sovereign over Shantung. 1 He said the plan for the leagu nations was built from a plan in by the British committee, lateri ' eluding ideas of General Smuts.) stated that for moral asset! thought it would be given the 1 - ed States, not to participate la German indemnity. He had sua ' ed that this not be done, but1 did not refer to pre-war claims the sinking of the Lusitania. t ' The president disagreed wlthl retary Lansing's opinion that i wonld have signed the treaty r lees of whether it contained Shantung provisions. b Referring to Article 10, the a' dent said, the council could onn vise, and' as action must be jr mous a vote of the United jl- r will be necessary for ny qae affecting it. I ft- ' Washington, Aug. 19. Th ate judiciary sub-committee cided that the proposed Xtn wot url which the united States wi France in the event of an ed attack by Germany wasl. conflict with the American tlon. II BRITISH FLEET WIN KRONSTADT BU en lefi- As- the stay Stockholm, Aug. 19 A British fleet today co aJgainst the Kronstadt nav Petrograd. Kronstadt Is to be, burning. The Kolchak submarine Vlatkl was sunk in an several miles northwest stadt. SER (Continued on Paje I) orest Helslngfors, Aug. 19.f',, shevlkl battleship Andrea. , ' battle cruiser and Pe today It of the uiio transport iuu uuo i v ' were sunk during an ?m r f 4 UOU s a with tha Pacific fleet of Finland Sunday. ' . f The British report t three motor boats, elgh three men. . gerous Ibuglaa t and , and