Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, August 16, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    s&GB FOCB
Z w,MJUt hah nmr, AiovKt n, mi,,
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Be Prepared
INo matter what happens iu the luisiness or po
litical world if you have practised THRIFT and
have a growing account at some bank, vou need
not vorrv.
JBonds aud other securities mav lose their val
ue but money draws interest and is SAFE at
thus strong Bank. SAVE FOR THE FUTUR K
Popular Songs
15c a Copy 7 for $1
Give Me the Sultan's iHarem.
K Ypu Don Stop Making Eyes
at Me I'm Going to Make,
Eyes at You.
Little By Little You're Break
ing My Heart.
Sweet Yesterdays.
Where Is the Girl I Left Be
hind? A Good Man la Hard to Find.
How Are You Going to Wet
Your Whistle When the
Whole Darn World Goes
Johny's In Town.
Rainbow Dreams.
I Can not Believe I Lost You.
On the Ozark Trail.
Goodby Wild Women, Goodby.
Gal of Mine.
American Beauty.
That Tumbled Down 6hak in
Stanton Rowell
Music and Photo House
fhililreua Anni versary
The Salvation Army children's an
niversary Saturday aud Sunday at
8 p. m., tMonduy at 7 to 9 l. m. J.
B. Strautlu, Enslgu. Phone 380.
Eastern Star to A'teutl Fuuv
'Members of the Eastern Star arc
requested to meet at the A. B. Cor
nell residence Sunday at 2:15, to at
tend the funeral of M. E. Moore.
Gay Ucynold-s Married
Fred Reynolds has just received
word that to is nephew, Gay Reynolds,
who recently arrived from France
was- married In Saa Francisco Au
gust 6 to Ruth Hunter. 'Mr. Reyn
olds, who enlisted in San Francisco
is well known here.
Scouting Plane Hcic .
An airplane, supposed to be one of
the DeHavilands from the forest pa
trol service at Roeeburg, attracted
some attention when it flew over
Grants Pass this afternoon.
Held for Grand Jury
Howard IHIlkey, accused of steal
- tag a set of harness from a rancher
on Missouri Flat, had Oils preliminary
bearing this morning before Justice
Hoiman and was bound over to the
next grand jury in the sum of $500.
Hear Frank Walsh
' The famous jazs singer, with Cole
McBlroy's jazz band, at the Waldorf
Hall Wednesday night. 49
Xew Hooks at PuMJc library
The Public library has received
the first three volumes of the His
tory of the World War, by Frank H.
Simonds. The oooks are fully Illus
trated and contain maie of all the
more important battlefields. Anoth
er interesting new book is, Selected
Articles on the ILeague of .Nations.
This is a collection of lectures and
articles from leading periodicals of
the year.
Dancing Party
Waldorf Hall Saturday night.
Hop Picking August 34
Mop picking on the Maggie Ranzau
place six miles down Rogue river
from this city -will ibegin August 30.
J. E. Verdin and Ed Estes have the
place leased and they expect to bar
vest about 26.000 pounds. Mr. Ver
din, who was In the city today, states
. that the yard was not irrigated but
the ground was very rich and the
nope "hang nea-y without superflous
foliage. '
Murphy That's How
August 30, that's where. A night
of music, lunch and lafter, that's
when. 46
Few Wormy Pears
."Reports from the Del Rio orchard,
regarding their pacjt of fruit this
season, so far, shows that out of a
sort of 2300 boxes of pears the found
23 worms. This is certainly a good
record for so large an orchard and
shows what careful spraying will do.
This orchard company -hag shipped
about six cars of pears and between
6,000 and 7,000 boxes of peaches
since the season opened. 'Gold Hill
Excursion Rates to Const
Grants Pass to Crescent City, by
easy riding cars, for $7.50. Grants
Pass and Crescent City Stage com
pany. Phone 26. 74tf
An Antiseptic
That Removes Hair
The Skin
8ells Drags and Books .
"Dim f?&xaf nmm
I'd inn Outdoor Service
At the Central school grounds at
5 o clock bunday evening 'Rev. Mel
ville T. Wire will preach at the union
outdoor service. The topic will "be.
"The Christians PaDoply of Power."
Musical number by the choir.
$1 for 500 Sneets
Good bond writing paper, 8Hxll
Inches, unruled. Courier office. 23tf
A. W. Dahlberg went to Medtord
this afternoon on business.
Look up our advertisement tor
special prices on Ajax tires Rogue
River Hardware. - 51
Mrs. P. I. Johuson returned last
night from Medford, where she visit
ed for several day. (
"Ollvilo." Sablu has it.
Mr. K. lloyt and Mrs. M. K
U-lth went to Portland this morning
to spend a week.
Armstrongs linoleums, none net
ter. aX Helmers. 46
Mrs. R. W. Shaffer and Mrs. G. M
loomls went to (Medford this morn
Ins? to spend the day.
Handy jar holders 60 rents per set
of six at Cramer Bros. 46
Doris 'Rusell went to Canyonvllle
this morning to spend her vacation
with her family.
Sr brain Economy, Easy Seal and
Mason fruit jar caps Rogue River
Hardware. 51
R. R. Turner, receiver of the U. S.
land office, arrived here last night
from Roeeburg to spend the week
caring for his pear crop.
Large stone jars up to 20 gallons
at Cramer Bros. 46
Miss Rath Brown, of los Angeles.
Is the guest of Miss Helen Bobaleu
and will remain here during the bal
ance of the summer.
Willard storage battery service
station, 3 14 North Sixth St. I7tf
Paul "Bauer went to Portland last
night for conference with military
men on the government's war risk
N'ew grain sacks at Rogue River
Hardware. 51
A party including Mrs. Sam Ellis.
Mrs. J. M. Isham. Helen Ellis. Vivian
Ishand and Dean Warren, left yes
terday for Crater Lake where they
will camp for several days.
Simmons steel beds always to be
found at IHelmer's. 46
John E. Ross, of IPortland, spent
Friday in the city, returning north
last night. Mr. (Roes was for some
years president of the Scandanavlan
bank of Marshfield and lit now in the
banking business near Portland.
Willard storage battery service
station, 314 North Sixth St. lTtf
'Mrs. H. C. Bobzien and daughter.
Marjorie, left last night for Seattle
to spend a few days with Mr. Bob
zien and Ralph (Bobzien. (Marjorie
will remain some weeks at Port
Townsend with iEllzabeth Gloeckner.
White Line Taxi Grants Pass
Hotel. 5
Mrs. Ralph avis goes to Yoncol
ht tonight to spend, a few days.
Fruit Jnra at Cramer Bros. 46
Mr. and Mr,- J. . Davis and
children, of River Banks Farms, left
this afternoon for 'Missouri, where
they will, spend severah months.
iFly Knocker, the cow's best
friend and yours at Cramer Bros. 46
Mrs. I R. Santos went to Ashland
this morning for the da'.
Seller's Kitchen Cabinets (adver
tised In this weeks Saturday Evening
Poet) for sale at Uelmer'a, 46
uMr. N. Dutart spent the day In
Medford on business,
An excellent assortment of baby
beds at llelmer's. ' 46
Mrs. George Klphart went to Mad
ford today to spend the week end.
Everything In Furniture nt llel
mer's. 46
Arthur Brown, representative for
the Oregonian, was In town on bus
iness today. He returned to Mod
ford this afternoon.
J. D. South, who spent the past
week with his father, Frank South
loft for San Francisco this morning.
George S. Calhoun went to Bray
today to look after business Inter
ests. Camp grids, ramp stoves and can
teens at Cramer Bros. 46
Ir. and Mrs. W. B. uMarsh and
.laughter arrived this morning from
Delta!, Colo., and will visit the C. F.
Cardwelt family.
Hot Point electric ranges and
Irons at Cramer Bros. 46
Mrs. H. 8. Clapp, of Portland, who
spent the past two weeks here with
her mother, Mrs. E. Benjamin, re
turned to her home today.
Just the thing for rannitig, a Per
fection Oil Stove at Cramer Bros. 46
Mrs. Anna Hates and son. Elmer.
-ho have made their home at Brook-J
Ings for the past two years, went to
Portland this morning to remain. !
Preserving kettles In white enam-
eled iLlske ware at Cramer Bros. 4
Mrs. 'B. Genn arrived this morn
ing from Portland and left for Hoi-!
land where she will spend the two'
weeks with her father. Frank M. Be-!
(Economy and Sen ram Jar tops at'
Cramer IBros. 45
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Fahs returned
today from Astoria where they rtirit
ed their son. Bert, and family. On
their way home they were met In
Portland by another son, John Fahs,
and wife, who were on their way to
Astoria to spend a week.
t u ,
I I 1 11 tmmmmmmmmmmm-
Bargains itt'White Wash' Skirts.- Eiqua; Duck-
,- and Poplin
Style Creation,
With the superior handicraft employed, aud. ac
curate tit enow the difference between the tallot
ed to order clothe, and the ott)r kind. The new
Autumn and Winter sample woolens are here di
rect from our tailors.
0 a Htreet
Fifteen years local age I
Joy Theater
Dorothy Daltori
All Bound Round
Introducing a Lyon. MUI )trM iommly..
AIm a.
"Oh You Women"
F&irdldDDd TiraKSlldDir siondl llmmipillBinnHBim1t&
Pulls Two
22 H. P.
. on Belt
This Spike Harrow has levers in front so tractor operation can
quickly adjust pitch of teeth
This Disc Harrow made for the Fordson and
recommended by Henry Ford
Levers in front
Does fine work
These implements have all been tried out and
we know them to be the best for the
Fordson Tractor
, The Implement Man
This Plow is the result of many tryouts and is made for Fordson
Tractor only. Levers are so placed that driver can
change from seat to power lift