PAGE FOUR GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Tiii iuunr, Aiat sx a, Ask The Man Who Knows qH .will tell you there U no easy road to liioceei tad wealth. You must set Into the game and tight your way foot by toot nd have back of you a DEPEND ABLE! BANK. . . qw are ready to give the right sort of a lift" to Matter himself. man "a THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON BskkSYSTEMSS I PER52NflL LOCAL - WATER SPORTS ARE MM v ATTRACTING W ( ;l,r Victrola XA Price 990 Mahogany, Golden , or Fumed Oak Easy terms it desired. Ever ready to entertain your friends, to furnish the young folks' with the beet dance x music, or to while away what " would otherwise be dull mo menta. In the house, on the porch, or on the lawn, the Victrola is always ready with the finest music of the world, or the lat est popular hits. Stanton Rowell Music and Photo House 507 B09 G St. y .p. NOW PRACTICING LAW J. E. Ryan, former salesman for A. Schilling Co., traveling be tween Ashland and Eugene, and whose family is still ' residing in Grants Pass, has located In Carnegie, OklaL -Mr. Ryan was severely in jured while In the employ of the Schilling company and after some months went east for treatment. During that time he acquired a legal education and has now entered prac tice. The Carnegie, OklaL, Herald prints the following: "J. iEdw. Ryan, of ttushville, 111., attorney-at-law, who came to Car negie prospecting for a location, lias decided to cast his lot with "The Busiest Town on the Rock Inland.' Mr. Ryan has been in the north and n the Pacific coast, and he says thai Carnegie is one of the best towns he has visited. iHis family will arrive as soon as he gets located. "Mr. Ryan has lived at Rushville practically all his life, and his home papers speak highly of his ability and his character. Me Is a democrat .and was prominent In local politics, serv ing as clerk of the circuit court, re corder and register of deeds and held other minor offices. He grew, to man hood in a "legal" atmosphere, and comes by his profession naturally. The people of Carnegie will Ibe glad to welcome a" man of Mr. Ryan's legal ability. A good deal of interest Ms being manifested in the swimming con tests to be held at the bathhouse on Friday evening. The events for the boys and men show the most entries, and the girls and ladles nre urged to uphold their end of the program. Entry lists are to be found at the bathhouse and aX Cramer Bros, store. Names can he telephoned to either place it more convenient. It costs nothing to enter any of the events. Entries 'should be made before 5 p. m. on Friday, so that the com plete list can he placed in the bands of the officials. No contestant will suffer in his aJnateur standing if the prize money Is invested by the judges in the, ar ticle .that the winner selects. Every indication points to a very successful program, and the humorous features , will add considerably to the enjoy ment of the spectators. If you can swim the distance of the race, don't hesitate to send in yoirr name. You can not learn to be a good swimmer unless you try to do a little better than your present attainments. It Is requested that all cars while driving in the park follow the'rlght hand road, which Is the one running nearest the tennis court.- Also that the roadway be kept clear of cars. CLEAN OUT REBELS Mexico City, Aug. 14. General Francisco 'Murguia, in charge of fed eral forces in the state of Tamaull- ' pas, Coahulla and Neuvo Leon, has reported to President Carranza that the former rebel strongholds in the southern part of Nuevo "Leon have . been cleared and the country pacl fled. He declared that the towns of Iturblde, Zaragoea, Aramberri and Noretga, which have been held for some time by the rebels, are now In his possession. The reconstruction of railroad, telegraph and telephone lines is now In progress, he reported, FIIC FINE CAMPING The following press 'dispatch has been sent out from Ashland, in re gard to their auto park: Ashland, Ore., Aug. 13. "Heard ebojit it, have you? Well, it s right out that Toad and you can't miss It; there's a big bunch there ahead of you. Shoot along and stay as long as you wanfc;v"You never wear out your welcome here. See you later stran ger.' That's what the auto tourist hears when he arrives in Ashland and asks where the auto park is lo cated. And it Isn't taffy; it's the straight, unvarnished truth. The town wants him to stay and nJoy himself In one of the best sylvan auto parks and tourist camping grounds in all the West. Announcement also comm fmm Roseburg that the citizens there are putting their auto park In better condition, in the way of addlne mr and better electric lights, tables and oencnes, garbage cans, eta., so camp ers will "want to remain longer thaq 24 hours." j Is thereanythlng that Grants Pass can do to make their auto nark more attractive to tourists? There cer tainly Is and it is up to the business mento see that It is done. Bond Letter Paper Good quality bond pa'Der. 8xll inches, unruled, at tl per 500 sheets. Courier office. . ' 23tf COMI.VO EVENTS FIRE OX THE McKENZIE Eugene, Oregon, Aug. 14. A ser ious forest firs is reported in the McKenzJe river region today. AH kinds of legal blanks at tts' PkM5r location notices at Courier Courier. - office. Aug. 11-28 Josephine county teachers' training school. Aug. 20, Wednesday Social by Presbyterian ladles at River Banks farms. , Nso Aug. 28, Saturday Civil service ex amination for postoffice clerk-carrier postponed rom July 1Z. Aug. 23, Saturday Josephine Coun ty Orange meeting iwith the Mer lin Grange. A good dinner iwltlt an Interesting program is in store for those who attend. Sept. 8, Monday -Board of equali sation meets. Mrs. Taylor and daughter, Ellen, went to Klamath Falls today. . - John South arrived a few days ago frdm Weed, CL, to remain. His wife will arrive in a few weeks. "Lux." Sabtn' has it Mrs. C. IE. Patenaude and two sons, who came from Eureka, Cal., In their own conveyance, left this morning by train tor Portland. Mrs. J. M. Isham and daughter, Arda, returned last night front Drain where they spent several weeks with relatives. Wlllard storage battery service station. 114 North Sixth St. 17tf Mrs. E. B. Young and 'Miss E. U. Galbratth went to Hugo this morn ing to attend a meeting oi tne Aior-Un-tHugo missionary society. Miss Lola Lewis, who has been ill for several weeks, Is reported much Improved in health today. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. "Bert R. I. wis received a let ter from her husband today, In which he states that he is temporarily lo cated at Alamogarda, New Mexico. Mrs. H. U Chapln returned m to Wolf Creek this mornlne after vis iting her daughter. Miss lArna Cha pln, who is attending the teachers training school. White Line Tart Grants Pass Hotel. 52 Mrs. O. S. Blanchard and two chil dren left this morning for Klamath Falls to enjoy the Elks celebration. Mr. Blanchard went a day ahead to secure too ma. Mrs. A. I. McKenr.le and daugh ter, Miss Wilna. .who spent the past year in Los Angeles, were the guests of Mrs. H. W. Dalhburg for a day. They left this morning for Roeeborg and will later go to Portland, their home. Mrs. J. A. Thomas returned to Grants Pass a few days ago from Klamath Falls. Mrs. Thomas re cently disposed of her Interest in the merchandise business In Klamath to a MedfoTd man. Misses tielen Rengstorff and Nina' Pohlman, who spent the past five weeks at Camp Chicago near Waldo, left this morning on their return to their home at Quincey, III. WDlard storage battery service station, 814 North Sixth St. 17tf Fred Ulaekman and W. J. Everton left this morning for Klamath Falls. They had expected to go on the Elks special but their berths had been re sold and they were unable to secure accommodations. District Attorney W. T. Miller, ac companied by Mrs. Miller and Mr and Mrs. C. A. (Williams, returned last evening from a two weeks' va'ca Hon spent in the vicinity of Cres cent City. Mr. and (Mrs. W. W. Canby are en tertaining the former's brother. H. P. Canby. an or&nee tnw nf Ran rernando, Cal., and his daughter. Miss Margaret. . Another daughter, Miss Carrol, has been here tor the past month. Mrs. Julia Miller returned to Grants pAs this morning from Ohio, where she spent the past three months visiting relatives and old friends. Her sister, Mrs. W. B. Da vis, of Portland, returned also but stopped off at Portland. 'Mrs. Mil ler's daughter, Mrs. Bert Heirhton of this city, was also bn the trip but returned a short time ago. F.pworth League Pcnio The (Methodist vonnc neonla of the Kpworth League, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Wire, enjoyed a swim ming party and welner roast last evening on the river above town. About SO were -present. Grrt Sale On At R. Ttmmons Store. Tour choice of any In show case, lOo per yard. Also a tew pairs of children's shoes, and a piano for" sale. No. 518 South Sixth street. 46 Hop licking Will Soon lie On . Hop picking In the valley will be gin in about two weeks and the crop Is being reported generally better than usual. On the River Banks Farms the quality ts hotter than In farmer years while the tonnage Is as much or more than tn years past al though a small portion or the field was grubbed up last winter. The River Bunks crop will reaulre about three weeks to harvest. Excursion. Rates to Coast Grants Pass to Crescent City, br easy ldlng"cars, for $7.50. Grants Pass and Crescent City Stage com pany. Phone 26. . 74tf Xo Dnngrrous F Only a few small fires are report ed in the rorests In this district at the present time, this in spite of the fact that 1919 has been a much dry er Bealson than usual. The condition Is probably due to campers using more caution and the activity of fire wardens.. A small blaxe tn the vicin ity of Missouri Flat is burning, but It Is not beyond control. Lay Kki-tton Tonlirht At Newman M. B. church tonight at the close of prayer meeting there will be an election of delegate and alternate to the (Lay Electoral Meth odist conference which meets at Sa lem, October 1. Members of the church over 21 years of age are eli gible to vote. Eclus Pollock Is ludae of the election, and Ceo. Lundburc and James Martin tellers, Bargains in White Wash Skirts. Piqua, Duck and Poplin ""M MRS. E. REHKOPF :i a Nlrwl Style Creation - With the superior handicraft employed, and ao ' curate tit show the difference between ths tailor ed to order olothea and the other kind. The new Autumn and Winter kamiilu woolen are here di rect from our tailors. GEO S. CALHOUN Fifteen years local agent Real Values In Home Furnishing . WE HAVE Simmons lUxl and Springs. The Scaly Tuft!i Mutti-cwe. ' The Murphy Ivory Beds. The ilootilcr Kitchen Cabinets. The Standard Sewing Miu-hlnrw THn Hlurgls JUhy Carriage. The Colnulnl Stoves A lUngos. Tim WWtr tlinlrs I lockers The lleywood Itcxl Furniture. And iim n y others equally good. Holman's Furniture Store 605 O street. 'Opposite Band Stand Dancing Party Waldorf WaJI Saturday night. 4 6 Call for Fire Wagon A blaze occurred at the w. T Sweetland home, 602 D street. Wed needay evening about 8 o'clock; No damage was done, further than the scorching of the upper rooms where the fire originated, and burning of some clothing. Just how the fire started Is pot known. Five Dollars Reward rive dollars reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of in one stealing the Dally Couriers from residences or mall boxes. . v LEWIS' Shave-Ezee. CREME Cold Cream Instead of Lather No brush or water Required In Large Jars 50c CLEMENS '" Sells Drags and Books . Gladys Swarker on Courier Miss Gladys Swacker, student at Stanford, who Is spending her vaca tion at home and who has been tak ing the ttlace of iMIsa IBarnes as li brarian during the tatter's absence at the university of Oregon, will he with the ally Courier during the re mainder of her vacation: She vwlll have work In the . circulation and local news departments. Too Much SjigWiruli ' Mr. and Mrs. , George ftlatney". ranchers, who have spent two or three months in Eastern Oregon have returned. , They visited -at Burns and other points but did not see any Vlsce that loked so good to them as this part. of the state. Great stretches of sand and ' sagebrush, liberally besprinkled with Jack rab bits, did not appeal to them; nor did they appreciate the sand storms. The cattlemen and sheepmen of Cen tral and Eastern Oregon are making money, says Mr. IMatney, hut in spite of that he prefers Southern Oregon with Its mild climate. Dangerous "Hairpin" Curve . Much, complaint has been made about the condition of a hairpin curve on the npper river road at the lower end of the Hood place. The road is narrow and runs around a rocky point. Vis impossible to see overthe .point and unless machines approaching this city keep on. the ex treme outside edge of the road, which Instead of helng hanked up is sloping off, there Is pt to Ibe an ac cident, W. W. Canby'a car was bad ly smashed last week, an A h Oc cidents "nd neat accidents hav . currea at this point. ; 'Accused f Stealing Harness wowera Hllkey. of Madam, i-r was taken Into custody today by ouenn- ueorge iwls and Deputy Sheriff lister. Hllkey -4s S?AliaArf rwf stealing a set of harness from W. S. Baney, of Missouri .Flat. . brought to this city where he l. awaiting a preliminary hearing. Mr. uaney today identified the harness as his property. Mr. miba a. not' deny that the harness belongs to iMr. raaiiey, hut states that he pur chased it of a party at Klamath Falls in February. However, Mr. Bailey says he did not miss the har ness until June I. 91 for 800 Sheets Good bond writing ipaper, 84xH Inches, unruled. Courier office. 23tf Joy Theater AiIiiiUmod l.V anil :iO- LAST TIME TONIGHT Fred Stone JOHNNY Get Your Gun - . - . We give you our word. Its the.. bent cohIki) picture that we have ever hud. It's a knock out! AImo HCIIKFA MOMMKU'F. llllAY I'ICTO , mMI.Vtt FRIDAY SATl'ltDAV F,XII UFAXKTT in "FAHTXHIW TllltF.K" YAKIMA BEES KILLED BY POISONED SPRAY Yakima, Wash., Aug. 14. Thorough sprayingtoo thoroughly. It Is claimed on the part of Yaltlma orchardlsts has beon fatal to Yaki ma bees that have slimed noctar flav ored with arsenate of ilead with the result, according, to bee men, that hundreds of swarms have been en tirely exterminated while many oth ers have Iboen greatly weakened. It Is claimed that the bee Industry in the valley Is threatened If fruit growers continue to use the poison ous spray, and there is taik of agita tion for a lew forbidding its use. The Worst Hotel. ' Irrln S. Conn says In the Saturday Evening Post, "The worst hotel for Its size In this country or any other Is one that overlooks the railroad yards In a smallish city on the edge of the Allegheny coal fields not very far from Pittsburgh. It has hot him cockroaches on every- floor and all nigm swiccn engine service. It Is al so haunted. The ghost of a red cab bage Which WSS trufflnntl - w. ...... j uuucu w aeatn some 85 years ago, about the time tne present carpets In the guest rooms were last riMnmi through the corridors In the kimi watches of the night and aniir keyholes." . NEW TODAY WE DO all kinds of plain sewing. 301 C street. WANTED Small fruit dryer, suit able for drying over stove. Phone 376-iR. 4& FOR SAUK Three acre tract, house, barn, poultry houses. Gas en gine, pnmp and tank for Irrigat ing fruit and berries.. Inquire 723 C street. ' FOR SAflJ.? TlMed cars for sale.' Om iFord, one Chevrolet, 1918 .mo dels in good condition. Fashion Kfcrage.. 45 BSTRAYBD There . came to my place recently one hog, niontly white with black markings, has slit In ear. Owner may address Pft'ul Wusk, Murphy, Ore. . 49 .HOR9B3IF0R SAIU10 ON 1i.NO Ti m; (Bought tratotor, will sell several good work horses, teams 1200 and 1400 lbs., on years time, If deslr d, with no cash down to good Party. For particulars address Box 670 Grants iPass. 49 Utah to Cnfercs Antlclgarstts Law. The state agencies of Utah have be fc"on a vigorous campaign for the en forcement of the anUclgaretts- law. One argument helping to defeat the drastic clgurctte law In the recent ses sion of the lcglslnture was that exist tng laws wore not enforced. Quarts blanks at Courier office.