FAQS TWO GRANTS FAM DAILX COURIER THl ItMIMV, Al'MI'HT 14, 11. ERASTS PASS OAlll COURStR Published Daily Except Sunday A. B. VOORHIK3, Pub. and Propr. .festered at poetoffloe. Grants P Ore., as eooDd class mall matter. ' ADVERTISING, RATES nunUv rca. ne inch. Kc Txcal-peronal column, per ltne10c mATm njkr Hne ... DC DAILY COURIER Bv mail or carrier, per year$6.00 9f mail or carrier, per, month .6 WEEKLY COURIER y mall, per year .12.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press ! exeluslwy Mtitiad tn the ui tor retmblioaaoa of all new dispatches credited to it -or all otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dlapatchea Herein are fee ai Ted. ' i THURSDAY, AUGUST J4, 1019. . OREGON WEATHER -f Fair and warmer Friday ex- cept near -the coast. Contlnu- 4 ed warmer - Saturday. Gentle winds mostly northerly. 4 THE IXDlVlDUAIi ASD THE RIOT Mora important than the action of the authorities in .quelling race riots Is the attitude ot the Individual in preventing them. The country is unquestionably con fronted with a dangerous situation. There is reason to believe that the race riots in Chicago and Washington are part of the deliberate plan to promote trouble in this country. Of course where rioting .does . break out, the rioters of ' whatever race or color should be handled with impartial severity. The man who takes part in mob activity is a men ace to the public safety, whichever side he represents. Bnt much can be done to prevent the spread of racial feeling if indi viduals will preserve a fair attitude of mind, and refrain in their homes and in public from excited or excit ing speech. Racial antipathy can never be swept away, but it need not degenerate into race riots. It is possible for a man who him self would abhor rioting or mob rule to precipitate it by expressing vlo- lent sentiments in the hearing of the man who tends to be a disturber. It is op to the better class of individ uals of all races to hold in check their own antipathies, to Inspire by precept and example those less apt to exercise self-control. A light breeze will fan a small bjaza Injo a consuming; fire.- A chance word or reckless act may pre cipitate a battle In which 'jives are lost and property Is destroyed. That's the way riots and lynchings start. I0UID BORDENS COFFEE With Cream and Sugar KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality and Service - TRAIN THE DOGS There are few, things more annoy ing than to have a dog run out and bark and snap at you, whether you are driving a car or walking. If jwu ere walking, you are likely to get a scare, to say the least, and It driving you are likely to run over the dog and then the owner ot the animal gets "all het up." - Some dogs will lie in the road un til an automobile almost - touches theui before they will move. Often the owner' watches them do this, but he says nothing never trios to break the dog of the habit. ' Some dogs have as much sense as their masters; possibly that is the reason their masters never try to teach 'them anything. Inasmuch as this is a fact, dogs will always run out and bark at you. SENATOR N. B SAVE THE REDWOODS Every chamber of con.n-erce Oregon should take an Intereet ' saving the giant Redwoods in south vr item part of the slate aud should put on some stiff team work with the forestry department aud Californians in saving thoe bl-; tree along the proposed- new scenic highway in Northern California. Some plan providing for the preser vation of these forest . monarchs. thousands of years old, should be devised at once. .'0 M - K7 TURN SOLDIERS IIITOFARMEIiS Army Schools in France Proving a Success. N. B. Dial of Laurens, 8. C Is ths senator-elect to serve the long term succeeding the late Senator Tillman. He Is, of course, a Democrat, and is a lawyer, banker and manufacturer. air OP ORPHANS The true horror of the famine In Syria," says a man returned after six years of relief work, "has been the moral breakdown. The horror of having thousands of neglected children growing up without homes or education, the victims of a de moralized environment, is awful to contemplate. In the small area of Syria for which I compiled statistics, there are 349 villages, iwith 4,264 orphans and 9,688 children with only one parent" A group of lAmericans In charge of local relief under the Red Cross and the Near East committee hare worked out a plan for rescuing these children. It Is not a matter of get ting them food alone, although that Is the first great need. They must also he trained and educated, pre pared to assume the responsibilities which will be theirs in a few years. They are the nucleus of thenew na tion growing up through the ruins of the old. They will foe the farm ers, mechanics, artisans,, laborers, teachers, etc., of the future. In order to, do this tremendous work of training', a city of orphans is being founded. The committee ftlaas to bring these children togeth er in several big groups to facilitate instruction. ', ; American Clipper Ship. In the days of. the f unions llMr ships, the American vessel was sec ond tn none, writes Frederick A. Col lins In Boys' Life. No other country could build ships at nnce so Blanch ami so speedy. Records were estab lished which have never been sur piissed by sailing craft.- and. even with the ue of steam, were .not bettered for nearly half a century. . In 18T2, the Sovereign of the Sens siiilei AIM miles In a single day. The Lightning crossed the Atlantic lu days snd. W hours, and tno .Tames Rltthie of 2..VX1 tons, made the voyage from ftoston to Liver pool In 12 dnvs pn4 Imurs. .Mtlmiiph AnierH-a "led the way with tne first trims-Atlantic steamship, she al lowed the siverelgnly of the seas to slip gradually from her. 1 At the be ginning of the war most Kl her ton mice whs uAoiit on the !reut IjikesAr engsged In coastwise traffic" mid her deep-sea fleet was very smalt The Fiddler's Bill. The world contains a great many people who are busy paying the fid dler, for some reason or another they have neglected opportunities and now they are trying to redeem the time. Some are Just plain fools and they know It. Others' are too dense to know they don't know and It's Im possible to tell then. Others are Just mediocre people who hnve mussed tilings up snd now they are trying to Iron them out. But It's all the same. It's the present trying to correct, the follies that are past. We call it pay ing the fiddler. It's like going to a country dance, and then when you have had all the fun you have to dig down and pay the .fiddler. A good many people have to pay. the fiddler because they got the notion they were smarter than other folks. Ginseng. Ginseng is s- plant of the genus Aralla Panax, also the root of this plant, which is highly valued as a tonic and stimulant by the Chinese, who ascribe to It almost mlraculons powers. The Manohurlan Is roost es teemed, and sells for several taels per Unrig, orChlnese ounce. The true gin seng Is a nutlve of northern Chins and Korea. A qulnauefolla Is a very close ly ullied species f the eastern United States, and Its roots have been largely exported to Chlnu as a substitute for the true ginseng. The only medicinal effect in either case Is Hint of a mild aromntlc stimulant. Dwarf ginseng. the Aralla trlfolla, Is n low species f the United States, with a globose pun gent root GRANTS PASS PLEASED BY QTtCK HESl l.TS Everyone is pleased with the quick results of simple witchhaxel, 'cam phor, hydrastis, etc." as mixed in 1-a-voptik eye wash. One man's eyes were so badly strained he could not read without pain. Two applications relieved him. A lady with, weak, in flamed eyes was greatly .helped by ONE bottle. . We guarantee a small botUe of Lavoptik to belp ANT CASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Na tional Drug Store. . 7 - Here's a MIx-Up. . A resident of this' city, a Toronto psper. reports, appealed to the moral ity department of the local police to release him from, having to live with his wife because of domestic unpleas antness. He told the police the fol lowing remarkable story : He maftled his present wife's daughter several years ago. While he was living with bis first wife his own father married his wife's mother, making her his mother-in-law and stepmother. His father died, leaving his wife In the old coun try. The son brought her to Toronto and married her. They were not liv ing together any length of time be fore both of them quarreled and could not get along. Unreasonable. - "You are two-faced. Ton let an other fellow kiss yon. "Well. If 4 have two faces, what's your kick 7" Optimistic Thought He who knows nothing knows eouugn If he knows when to be silent DONT DESPAIR If you are troubled 'with pains or aches; feel tired; have lieadache. Indigestion, insomnia f painful pass age of urine, you will find' relief in COLD MEDAL The world', tUmd.rd remedy for kldnev K h" b,:d" 5d nric We. .nd N. lew R.m.dy of Holland .Inc. ml Thre. sit.., .11 druggim. Ooarant ad acapt a laitmtiaa FIND MEN EAGER TO STUDY EiQht Thousand Enrolled as 8tudent In University Attached to Expedi tionary ForcesInstitution Occupies More Than 300 Structures Aban doned Agricultural School In Occu pied Germany Taken Over Forty Studies Offered. Over In east control Frnnee there V going on an American adventure In ed ucation of which very little 1ms boon said over here. A university hns been established, w ith a college of agricul ture and ten other colleges and a farm school. Two months, ago It was an Idea; toduy It has 8.000 enrolled stu dents; more -than .1,000 attend the school, while extension nctlvltles reach hundreds of thousands of men In one way or another. The university build ing Is a former Americau hospital near the town of Beaume, In the famous vineyard district of Coto d'Or. About the middle of March a host of young American soldiers came sweep ing Into the old hospital grounds from all parts of the' expeditionary forces. They had packs on their barks, guns In their hands, gas masks and "tin" hats at their sides. They put on over alls, picked up hummers, saws. shov els and picks, und made things 'ready to go to school. They kept coming, so that now the nnlverxlty occupies more thiin 300 structures, which rolled for I 00 rnrlouds of material and equip i nieut . Idea Makes a Hit This was the work of the army edo cation commission. In co-operutlon with the department of agriculture end va rious state colleges and universities. The Idea made a hit with the soldiers at once. Each week tens of thousands of them are In rhiss or lecture moms established throughout the anny. The teaching staff from the borne colleges found the men euger, to talk about f ii ruling "bnck home." 'which was one of the objects of the, experiment They are satisfied by the Interest displayed In the class and by the fact that more than COO farmers' clubs have been or ganized, with a membership of fully 20,000 soldiers. One day a flying squadron of "city fellers" came over to the university to "get some agrl I'DlturNf dope." There was enjoyment J of army-pleasantry at first but In the t-iiii Nrerai oi me visitors conressea themselves so Interested that they, too, soon would be In the school. . In many unlta of the expeditionary forces farmer-soldiers hsve a chance to go to agricultural schools which maintain courses of six to twelve weeks and give instruction tn several fundamental studies. They are called post and divisional schools. They are usually under the general supervision of representatives of the commission, although the principals and teachers are from the army. Tbey are held In all sorts of places, wherever rooms and equipment can be found. In Germany abandoned agricultural schools In the occupied territory have been taken over. Even the land surrounding such schools has been made use of for prac tical work with crops, son and gar dens. Sometimes live stock Is secured for Judging, but usually the classes are taken to near-by-farms for study and observation of the live stock found there, . Forty Studies Offered. Forty different studies are offered the boys grouped In four general, de portments animal husbandry, agron omy, horticulture and forestry and rural economics and sociology. In ad dition supporting subjects are offered at ether colleges of the university. In the first account of this American university te be received by the de partment ef agriculture Prof. F. W. Beckmaa ef Iowa State college says: The immediate results of the educa tional program ef the commission are worth while, but farseemg men expect even greater results ia the future. Secretary Raket, in his address at the university, said he believed that out of the 'commission's work wooid come a permanent educational policy for thro 'army, 'combining military training with training for The vocations and for civil life. Agriculturally the Immediate re sults will be large, for the farmer-soldiers 'Of the 'expeditionary forces are being stirred to a full realization of their opportunities and flielr obliga tions In the rural field. They are thinking as they never thought before about the 'rural tasks that await them back home, and 'they are likely to re turn better qualified to deal with them and with a 'new spirit toward them." Ex-Kalser Has Cut 5,000 toffs. The former 'German .emperor has completed sawing his five thonsaudth tree. It wns ctit Into one-Inch disks, many of which have been distributed among his attendants and advisers, Each disk was marked by the sawyer with bis initial and date. "Agents Authority toSeU"oook of 60 blanks, lOfi, Courier office. Richelieu Pearls The only real indestructable Pearl $7.00 to $25.00 BARNES, The 'Jeweler B. P. Time Inspector Next door IHrst National llaak TIRES Fabric and Cords ' All Sizes C. L. HOBART CO. To The Motoring Public We wish to announce that we have opened up a new and up-to-date shop Slid Invite everybody to coma und look It over. We huv the best equipment on the mar ket, have air that is free from all oil and water and is on tap at all hours under the ahudo of the old fir tree. You are. welcome to use what you want. Our oils and grease are the best money ran buy. and are sold under s money back guarautee. We have a service battery to fit any car. And If your lectrlc system Is out of order we have the tnblet for It. Jx for the batteries we have It stored In Urge quantities. Yours for Hervlcn . DR. SPARK AT PARK'S ERVICE T ATI ON We are fully equipped for all kinds of battery work at reasonable prices consistent with first class work. When In needof a oew battery buy the still-better Wlllard, with threaded rubber' insulation. 3t ' t The Battery Shop A. V. Hazeltnn, Propr. A Real Sale ot Used Cars lot's Go 1 1918 MAXWELL, "A PKACH" I 1017 HIALMKItS SI'KhDKTKK ' 1 1017 OVERLAID 1 1018 CHEVROLET 1 1919 CHEVROLET. BRAND NEW 1 1917 MAXWELL ItOADrlKIt 1 1917 SAXON SIX COLLINS AUTO COMPANY 511 H Street Phone 317 G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co: Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier