Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, August 13, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Ask The Man Who Knows
6He will tail you there la no easy road to success and
wealth. Ton must get Into the game and fight your
way foot by toot and have back of you a DEPEND
qWe are ready to Rive the right fort of a"
Hff to 'better himself.
man "a
Is Your Kodak
Outfit Complete
lave you a, Trypod, or Ko
dapod, for holding your kodak'
steady while taking time or
bulb exposures in the woods,
or when using a sky filter or
color screen?
Have you a Sky Kilter, or
Color Screen for taking clouds
and long distance pictures?
HaVe you a iPortrait Attach
ment . "
Have yqu "a Self Timer so
that you can take .pictures of
yourself? .'..'.
Stantoji Rowell
Musio and Photo House
507 BOO Q St
' Complaint has been made that con
siderable dynamite has recently
. come up missing which was to be
used on -the road between this place
-and Winchester bay In blasting out
"stumps, etc. Numerous bear signs
have also been seen near by where
the dynamite was kept until ready
for' use, 'but no one thought about
'bears eating the' explosive, but it
seems as If they did and were the
fellows whOf were getting away with
it. : ' ,
Last Sunday morning bright and
early. Herb Butler and Wm. Boak.
who had been givert the tip as to
where Mr Bear hid away during the
day, started out to capture bruin
dead or alive. lArrivlng at what is
known as the Decker Point farm,
two pups which they had taken along
' for. protection In case of a hand to
hand fight with the bear, started the
bear out of the 'brush. A general
fusillade (from the high power rifles
followed. The bear "being at quite a
distance, several shots were fired.
Suddenly during, the excitement an
explosion was heard coming from,
the direction of the bear. Going'
to the pojit where the bear was seen
the hunters found the .remains of
the animal badly mutilated, and ui0n
investigation It was found that a
glancing ball from one of the rifles
had struck the animal In the stom
ach and "caused the. dynamite which
the bear had recently eaten to ex
plode, killing It Instantly. It would
be a dangerous act tor any bear
hunters to go Into tho woods near
the Winchester bay road and kick a
'bear put of Its nest Just now.
Roedsport Courier...
.Mrs. H. I.. Barto, who with her
mother. Mrs. Catherine Law, have
jbeen on a homestead near Rogue
River for some months, leaves fo-
i night for New Tork to meet tier hus
jband, who has just returned from
, Trance. "
i Mrs. Barto relates a strange coln
jcldence in the fact that her hustfand
and his first- lieutenant, togetl
with a sergeanj, went Into 3erman
! territory to recover some lost horses,
jand were taken prisoner six. months
after the signing of the armistice.
, They were held In jirlson -for three
jdays and during their confinement
the conversation drifted to the home
, folks and it was discovered that the
wives of both air. Barto and Lleu
j tenant H. N. Johnson were on home
steads near Grants Pass. Mrs. John-
)son Is In the Jump-off Joe section
four miles from Merlin. " . '
Mr. and Mrs. Barto will go to Ne
braska' to dispose of property and
will In the fall return to Crants
Pass by automobile. . .
Tax Adjuster Ilei
G. V. Wliubcrly, of Rosoburg, ts
in the city today, lie la rounding up
a tew people over the state who have
.not yet made ret urns on their apeolal
Excursion Itatca to Cil ,
Grants Pass to Crescent City, by
easy riding cars, for 17. BO. Grants
P.asa and Crescent City Stage com
pany. Phone 26. T4tf
!rAvlng for 'r York
Mrs. .Barto, who tiled on a home
stead on Evans creek Inst spring, was
in the city today. She will toave al
once for iNew fork lo Join her hus
band who Is returning from service
overseas. ,
Iurato nt Grants Pa.i
Mrs. Matilda Nelson nnd two
daughters, of Butler, North Dakota,
have arrived In this city where they
will reside. They are living on I
Great Slw On l.tu'i
At R. Tlmmons Store. Your choice
of any In show case, 10c per yard.
Also a tew pairs of children's shoes.
South Sixth street. 46
The program to be given at the
bathhouse Friday evening at 6: SO
o clock, has been tentatively made
up as follows:,. ..
Novice race for ilrls,' 12 to 16
years for those wh have never won
swimming contest 150 feet down
iBoys, 12 years and under, tab race
100 feet down stream.- ..
Novice race for boys 12 to 16
years for those who have never won
a swimming' contest, "d'aks" to the
bathhouse. ,
.'Girls under 12 years.' egg. ra'ce,
carry egg on spoon held between
teeth, SO feet down stream.
Canoe race or canoe' tilting con
test. , . '
Ladies over 1 6 years, race across
rieer from foot or 8th street to the
Mens plunse for distance down
stream from small float.
Ladies diving from large float.
Men's diving from large float.
Mens race around large float from
"Oaks" to bathhouse.
Girls and toys who won in the
races In the 12 to 16 year class two
weeks ago, will not be allowed to
compete in the two novice races.
In the tub race for boys, the con.
testants will be seated in the tubs
and must use their hands tn nntrii
hhuiMKBll-lU) ...... . . ....
.,unnn 'tu me Tinisn line.
Interference not allowed.
The egg race Is similar to races
of that character on land, hut each
contestant must not use hands on
spoon or egg after once started.
At -present It is not definitely
known whether the canoes will rac
WE DO all kinds of plain sewing.! a' given distance or will engage In a
ui U street. 46 tilting contest opposite the bath-
, . ' house,
be a aood one. Call ID. R rvf,kv BaU ml" be 00 hand " V-
iv.i...h., rt -'-cautionary
' "' dents,
George W. Dodson, of Ashland, Is
transacting business tn the city to
day. ' ,
"J'athe" Phonograph, Sabln has It
George M. lEsterly returned this
afternoon from a trip to Seattle, and
left for Waldo Immediately.
Fred Carpenter and family left
this morning In their new Chevrolet
for a few days Crater Lake
and Klamath Falls. v
White Line. Taxi Grauta Pass
Hotel. 5!
Peter Allison iwent to " Portland
yesterday to spend a few days with
relatives. ; He stopped off over night
at Eugene
E. V. Smith and C. W, Gillette,
who spent Sunday e.t home. Tfcturned
yesterday to West Fork, where they
are cruising timber. . .
Mr. and Mrs. W F. Davis, parents
of (Mrs. Steve Jewell, and Mrs. Wil
son, who visited In Grants Pass re
turned to their home at Greens yes
terday.' Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bestul reclved
word from their son, Juel Bestul that
he had arrived at Newport News and
will reach home about September 1.
Ed Lyman, ti mining man of Van
couver, Wash., returned home thlsjand a piano for siile. No,
morning after spending a couple of
days in the city on business.
Wlllard storage bajtery' service
station, 314 North Sixth St. , 17tf
Miss Mable Rush, who spent the
past two weeks with Miss Ituth Cor
bett, left yesterday for her home at
Newburg. .
Mrs. F.'E. Bradford left today for
Sacramento to meet her husband
who Is returning to Grants Pass af
ter spending two months In Nebras
ka. R. H.. Singleton, wife and daugh
ter,.of Okeechabee. Fla., are stopping
In the city for a few days. Mr.
Singleton is a railway engineer and
Is on Ills vacation.
Wlllard storage battery service
station. 14 North Sixth St. 17tf
'Burdette iHenny, of the Portland
Flouring Mills,' and Donald W.
-Henny, manager of the re-dlarount
department of the Portland branch
of the Federal Reserve bank, stopped
over one night with the Jack Alli
sons. They are on, their way to San
Francisco In their car.
E. J. McCormlck. a resident and
investor in Josephine county proper
ty. In U910, arrived here last night
from Calexltjo. Imperial Valley, and
will probably make improvements
on his property. Mr. McCormlck
had planned improving his property
some years ago but tis health pre
vented his remaining at that tjme.
Il. ro for II is Health
B. J. -McCormlck. of Calexlco, Cal..
Is stopping at the Oxford. Mr. Mc
Cormlck visited Grants Pass elsht
years ago ami has returned here in
the hopes that the climate will bene
fit his health. He is well pleased
with the valley.
I'nder Xew Management
The Palace dining room will open
under' new management Wednesday,
August 13. Breakfast from 6:30 to
9; dinner from 12 to 1:30; supper
from 5:45 to 7:15. Meals from 15c4
to 40c week days: Sundays up to
r.Oe. 43
Liken the Valley
S. Simon, a traveling man from
Chicago, was here yesterday catling
on the trade. After a' trip over tlje
Rogue valley In company with Stan
ton Rowell, he expressed himself -as
sicunj pieasea ana saia we had a j
great country out here. Everyone
I likes Southern Oregon.
Vixit the Van Dykes
'Mr.- and Mrs. Verne Mc Kinney of
San Francisco left 'Monday evening
for Crater Lake, after a few days
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
3. Van Dyke. iMrs. McKlnney was for
merly Miss Muriel Turner, for two
years a teacher in the Grants Pass
high school. Her liunband Is a first
lieutenant and served two years In
France. He Is now connected with
the Industrial accident commission
of California.
Bond Letter Palter
Good quality bond paper, 8V4xll
inches, unruled, at $1 per 500 sheets,
"mirier office. 23tf
Aug. 11-29 Josephine
teachers' training school.
Aug. 23, Saturday Civil ser.vire ex
amination for clerk-carrier
nostponed from July 12.
Aug. 23, iSatirrday Josephine Coun
ty .Grange meeting iwlth the Mer
lin Grange. A good dinner with
an interesting program Is in store
for those who attend.
Sept. 8, MondayBoard
zation meets.
Elks KiwIkI Train
Tha anjuilnl l..t. t,A I'll. I
o,.. iwi imtu ui imp cms, irum
Portland, and bound for Klamath
Falls, will pans through Grants Pass
tonight abouf 12 o'clock. An extra!
Pullman will be added to the train I
at iRoseburg. A number of the )
Grants Pass Elks will attend the I
Klamath celebration. , i
Alton) H n K. anil T of K.
lieuumber the tj-ial Friday evn
lu?. Auiift l'.tli. t v. o. W. ivx .
A good time. there. ;:;
Prime (inrnem Jnhllant
L. Wimberly. editor of the Rose
burg Review, who Is In the city to
day states that the prune growers or
the Roseburg district are In great
luck this year. The bulk of the prune
crop has been contracted for at 15
cents per pound.
measure against accl-
The same rules re sard In it
FOR SALE Ripe Bartlett pears,! the use of the bathhouse after 6 p.
one .ent a pound. Mrs. Geo. Ham-'m. wilf prevail as at tho h
If any winner of
Fruitdaie. en
Pacific high-
FOR. SALE -Wool- Ingrain
9x12. Call at 616 A street.
WANTED Experienced non-union
hand compositors, linotype and
monotype operators, pressmen
' (cylinder and Platen), hookJbind
ers and rulers, for Portland,' Ore
gon. Permanent positions, good
ealary. Ideal iworldng conditions
and climate." Write fully giving
past experience and salary earned.
IP. O. iBox 1093 Portland, Ore, 43
previous contests
a prize would prefer not to accept
money, the committee will gladly
purchase a prize of the value won
that the -winner may designate.
After the close of the contests the
band will give Its concert and the
prizes will be distributed during the
concert. '
Trade Acceptances, book of 60, $1
Courier office. , ,
Placer location notices at Courier
For, September
' 16 Pages of Advance Fall
New Serial
Wonderful Colored Pictures
, Sells Drags and Books
MiimIcmI Party
Miss Goldie Brown gave a musical
entertainment at Professor Snapp's
Saturday evening.' The evening was
spent In music and singing, after
whlcm Ice creame and melons were
served. Those present were: ' Grace
Collins, Juanlta Saffer, Elfle Putton,
Margaret Oden, Cora Randall, Ruby
Varner, (Arthur I Brown, Elizabeth
Boesch, Josephine Bocesh, Marie
Boesch; iMrs. Snapp, IMrs." Brown,
Mrs. I iRuth, Mrs. Bohannan and
U J. Brown. 'All reported a good
Lost Girl Found
The lost has een found. Dana
Messenger, missing since last Satur
day evening, was located late Mon
day afternoon at the .Good ranch at
Cleveland, where the 24-year-old,
simple minded wanderer had taken
.refuge Sunday night. The sheriff's
office was notified iby telephone about
4 o'clock .Monday afternoon that the
much sought girl, thought to he
wandering aimlessly about in the
mountain districts, without hat or
coat, had showed up at last, and
Sheriff Qulne and. (Deputy Sheriff
Rafferty immediately left for Cleve
land td take charge of the young
lady, who her foster parents say is
Incorrigible. . She was brought to
this city end later tifrned -over to
County' Juvenile Officer Miss Agnes
Pltchford. The -slightly demented
young lady is shy all her upper
teeth, (but she Is still armed with
woman's most dangerous weapon -a
tongue. Roseburg Review. -
Bargains in-White Wash Skirts. Piqua, Duck
and Poplin ' " ,
Style Creation
With tlttt superior handicraft employnd. and ac
curate fit show the difterotu'e hotween the tailor
ed to order clothes and the other kind. Th now
Autumn and Winter samplo woolens are here di
rect from our tailors.
mis tj KWt
Fifteen yr local agnnt
Real Values In Home Furnishing
Simmons IWd ami 8iriug
Tho Senly Tuftlem Miitln-w.
.Ttie Murphy Ivory Iteds.
The HiMMlcr Kitchen CalilnetM.
The Stamlanl Sowiug Mtw lilne
Tho SturuU luly Ctrisy.
The I'olimlnl Stovm & Ilanite,
Tlw WeMtcr (lialra & Korkcrs
The lloywmxl KmhI Furniture.
And tunny others equally kmm. -
Holman's Furniture Store
605 Q street, opposite Band Stand
Fred Stone
Get Your Gun
All you want to know Wore you
get your hat to como down and see
this picture Is that Fred Stone Is in
it, and he's so full of high spirits
and trick that you would think he
had drunk a barrel of champagne!
hut be hasn't, It's Just Fred and his
Little Ways (!)
AiIiiiInhioii .1c am tlOr
JoHophine County Girl Married
Ada Sexton, of Josephine county,
and Walter U. Kline, of Portland,
were married August 12, 1919. Af
ter attending the sjate convention of
Elks at Klamath Falls, August 1 4 to
16, they will return to Corvallls to
live where the groom Is ' a' well
known business man.
Knrouto to t'Jkn' Convention
Sheriff Qulne and two sons, . Mr.
Black, Mr. and IMrs. G, W. Riddle,
parents of Mrs. Joe (Wharton, and
Oeorge iRIddle of this city, accom
panied by Adeline Stewart, Btllley
Nichols, jMr. and Mrs. Sen Nichols
and iMr, and Mrs. Ail Thompklns
stopped off In the city yesterday to
visit friends and relatives here, 'be
fore continuing on their way. to
Klamath Falls, , where they will at
tend the Elks' convention, They are
traveling by auto, and 'Mr. Riddle,
who 4s 80 years of age. Is driving his
caf. '. 7 ". - i
Washington, Aug. 12. Criticising
President Wilson today In the sen
ate for his negotiations at IPnrls, sen
ator' Polndexter, Republican, Wash
ington, declared that toy "general
.phrases'', the prosldent had "aroused
aspirations which he ls Incapable of
satisfying." "Quoting from his pro
paganda,'' eatd Senator iPolndexter,
"the communists'' demand, undef
threat of revolution, that the rail
roads he given, at public expense, In
to the possession and management
of the operatives and employes. " It
Is as though the president haa re
ceived the world as a toy and pro
ceeded to take it apart 1n order to
reconstruct It on a new plan. He
has declared the end of the 'old or.
der and eulwtltutes for It the new