s.m iti),v. Aim ht , iio. UK A NTS PAHS DAILY OO I'M Eft iAGH THRKH Special! A good valley flour at $2.80 per Sack 49 pounds Pardee's Classified KOK HAIJC . AN'OBl OAKE8 75 cool each; or dor by phone, No. 190-J. 2tf VYousTtires" MENDED and buy a D. M. A C. K. welder for future use. Bee" Mr. Ootcher, the tlrs man at Oranta Paas hotel, tf 12 ACRK9 oak, madrono, (Ir and pine, od railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will take wood in pay ment atumpage. l'bone 270. 83tf, HOfl-ACRE BTOCK RANCH tor aale; about 126 acre In cultivation; considerable Irrigation; 2 mile from R.' R. elation; Vt mllee from two achoola; half caah, bal anee low Intereat. AddreM No. 10S 2 -xe Courier. . 8tf FOR 8AL.E Binger sewing machlnea on aay terms. Machlnea rented and old machlnea taken in part payment C. A. Chapman, 245 8. Central avenue, Medford. Local headquartnr Grand Pane Hard ware. ltt FOR S.VIJC OR TRADR -26-Inch 8trlln sepsrator -with a 10 h. p. gas engine, both mounted on trucks ready for work. Ii75. Will trade fof auto, livestock or wood. Alao have SJ-lnch separa- (or and engine for sale. Pacific Highway garngn, Medford, Ore gon. 40 FOR 8ALK Two good burrow with park saddles and harness. Inqnlro Rymer, 1107 1, i street. Grant Pass, Ore. 4 2 FCR RAlK Jlnlck touring rar. six cylinder, 1917 model, good me chanical condition and good tires. Trice $1000. For further partlc 'iilnm callT. Nf. Siott, phono 1S1 or IU-J. 30 FOR 8A1JC One Rood all-purpose mare, 14 head of goal, cheap. A. , K. Burha'rt, iRogue River, Ore. 4 4 FOR SVI.B-rine stoik ranch. al falfa hay and stock, 15 ml I on from Orauts tPass. Situated in the test part of Applegale valley. Phone lite Vinnent, .Provolt. 4 4 TO RBIVT , JXR RENT "Two or more house keenlnc rooms with nrlvate bath. on North S-,wiith and A streets. -Sultablo for ntutlenta, teachers, business wonmn, r Just plnln. married folks. ,5tr. Ulerbert Avery. Worth Sevenfh tihtl A. 43 MiacBLLANHOUS IE. L. OALBRA1TH Insurance, any tkiod. Rentals. Bvlldln and Lon. Plate Gkua LdafaUlty. 609 street. -Stf Ml'KIOAL IXOTIUCTfOW J. ft. Mnc.MURRiAY Teacher ut tag lag. Write or apply at 714 ILee Street. 2t)f TAXI .DAILY JITNEY to Selma, Kerby and Waldo. Leaves Grants Paa dally at 9:30 a. m. Everett Hogue, phone 317. 817 USE THE WHITE ILINE TAXI FOR prompt service. City and country trip. Safety firt. Call Granta Pass Hotel, phone 39 k. Residence phone 320-R. W. 0. White. 790 call 22-J. Two common old Fords. We are on the Job anywhere and any time. Palace Taxi Qp. Wyatt and Cutler. Jitney Luke. SOtf XAXI 'Phone Roses .Confectionery. No. 160, for' taxi. Hurry cMls ot ny time, C, JJ, Gk)D. ' . Stif Grocery Advertising WANTED WANTKIJ Men to work lu lumber camp or up-to-date sawmill. TrniiaKrtnllui furnished. For purtlculars Inquire at Dreen's Crescent City sUiks office, Granla Pas. Ore., inar fl. i R. It depot and xpr office. I'libne 26. 3 tf WANTKIX-Housekeeper. Must be a woman of refinement, not over 40 year a of age. Add rem Solus care Courier. SJtf DEKT1ST8 K. C. MACY. O. M. D. Ki rat-clan dentistry. 109 H South Sixth street, Granta Iaas. Oregon. IHV8K1ANH U O. OIJSMBNT. U. D.. PraitJoe limited to dlseasne of the eye, ear, nose and threat. Giaaee fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or n ap pointment. Phones, office. (2; resi dence 35-J. 8. MHTflHRiDGE. M. U. PhysteJaa and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night. . Phones, residence, JS; office. 182. Sixth and H street. , A. A. WIT1IAM. M. D. Internal medicine and nervous dlaesAes, 90S Corbett Bldg, Portland, Ore. Honrs 10 to lit. m.; 2 to 4 p. a. DR. V. T. TOMiPKlXB. S. T Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Troaia all diseases. Hours 9-12 a. in.; 1-5 v. m. Phone 204-R. HLUCTKJCAL. WORK ,. ELECTRIC WIRINO and general electrical work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper. 215 North Sixth street, phone 47. . tf VKTKItlXAIty 8lllGtxx DR. R. J. BB8TIJ1. Veterinarian. Office at residence. Phone 30S-R. OKAVAOK AND TKANSh Ml THE WORLD MOVES: so do . Bunch Bros Transfer Co. Phoo-197-R. r. Q. I8BAM, drayage and traaafef Safes, - .i.lanos and furnltur moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone, 114-R. (TVIL KNGIXKKR DANIEL MoPARLAND. civil engt neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth etreet, phone 211-Y. ATTORNEYS H. D. . NORTON, Attorney-At-law. , Practice in all State and Federal , Courts. First National Bank Bldg. 0. W. COLVIG,, Attorney-at-law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Qranta Pass, Oregon. IE. 8. VAN'DYKE, Attorney. Prao- (tlces In all courts. First National Bank: Bldg. Q. . BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. tMOden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. C. A. RIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma , sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. JEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, referee in bankruptcy, , Masonic Temple, Grants'. Pass, Oregon. Phone 135-J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Uwyer, First National Bank Bldg., Grants ' Paaa. Oregon. IIoikI Letter Paper' - , Oofld quality bond pa'per, 8Hxil ,jnnt0R, unruled, at 1 ,per 500 sheets. Cooler offlcf." Jtf m tl)jhurcl) , ItotliMiiy J'reoiliyUqan tliiirch Bunduy aoliool 10 a. m. Morning worahlp, 11 o'clock, "The Church Will He Vitally 'Affected 1y the World of Today," second sermon In a series on the -theme, 'The Church and the World." The evening jnentlng will be a union enrvlce with the -other churchtm on the 'lawn of the Central school. Monday, Auguxt 1 1 --ftHaloo mooting to lay plans for the wmter campaign. ,Thurday evening, 8 o'clock Mid--week senice, "Spiritual PauperlHm," from Luke 12:13-21. Henry O. Hanson, minister' Nnw-nuin M. E. (Iiurch ' Preartilng by the pastor at the 11 o'clock service. Topic, "A lilesalng Disguised as a: Curse." Anthem by the choir. I'nlorr evening service at Central school grounds. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Bp worth League at 7 p. in. A hearty welcome for nil. Melville T. Wire, pastor. Bible erhool at 10 a. m. with clanses for all Kie. .Morning service at 11 with sermon by the pastor on 'Speaking With Tongues." Special music hy the iolr. n. Y. P. r. at 7 o'clock. At 8 o'clock there will be the union service on the Central school lawn, sermon 'by the Baptist pastor on 'tlod Spoke." At this service there will be seats provided so peo ple will not have to stand up or sit on the around. C. M. Cllne. preacher. Salvation Army J f,trect .Meetings at 11 a. in., "Self Exami nation." At 2 p. in. Bible school. At 3 n m "Interdenominational Praise Meeting." At 6 p. in. Y. P. L. At s p. m., "'In Jesus Christ's Service lla thut serves best, profits most." Y1 jo. StranKers are welcome. J. E. Strautin, ensign. Cliurch of Clirint iBfble school at 10 a. m. Morning worsnlpia 11. Subject of discourse. The Highway of Happiness." Even ing woinhlp at Central school. ' 'Chas. R. Drake, minister. Ktnrt Church of Christ 8 lenlBl Christian Science services are held every Sunday, in the W. O. W. hail, at 11 s. m. Wednesday evening meet Ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for nnay in, "Christian Science." --'Reeding room Is open from -2 to 4 p. m. dally except Sundays and holidays. The public Is cordially In vited to attend the services and to visit the reading room. WATCH CREATION OF FLORA Botanists Intensely 'Interested In Na , ture's Work -on Volcano Island in Bortibon Lake, 'Luzon. The OcmrsK'ttinn of vegetntlon In Is oiitted regions Is s mutter of grest hiterost 1 Imtmilsn, who ure milking iiicresslttg efforts to -olmerve the cre ation of tlie new fioru inking the -place of tlw old. Volcano Inland, in Hotn'ion Iske. Luzon, ws chiefly covered by im.iwcN and small trees hefore the eniptlon of the Taal Tnilcnno iu 111. but the eruption destroyed ail plnnt life except some rhnut! ef bnniboos and a few foinnnns In the northern pnrt of the Island. In a report on rte Ifvegetntlim W. If. Rraw, E. X. Ver rlll and H. S. Yates note that is six years ! vascular plants had heea re coiled, the chief lHctes lielng a few grasses. Of 'the total. .54 per rent were prolmlily Introduced hy birds, alMint 2(1 per wit by the wind snd fihont 10 per cent hy the water a dif ferent showing from that of the more expimetl Inland of Krnkntnn. In the Strnlt of Sundn. where the chief work of hirds was sinsll. The growth of tepetiitlnn ,lll Vnlcnnn Islnnd l still spnrst' a condition nttrllmted to Inck of proper soli and the cround' sinnll amount of water and high proportion of anlphntes. Wideawake Mexicans. . ; A Mexican citizen of Mazntlan re cently hn been granted a concession of 100, hectures (about 247 acres), and so much more as may be necessary, at the railway station of Oso, state of Slnnloa, for the purpose of establish ing an experimental farm to demon strate the economic value which would result from the proper use of modern American agricultural machinery In the production of crops. It Is the In tention of the concessionaire- to rent portions of the lands at a nominal cost to American manufacturers of agricul tural, machinery and Implements, who nifty send experts to demonstrate the HUM-hinei-y with the, view both t pro mottois sales of the American goods tnd ) educating the people In the inni jMwlerik (ur.mlng nMhods. " , . . ' vJTf.' Jn Swrt ; OF BIG COAL SUPPLY Jt Is Just becoming known anion it the business men and residents of Medford that right at our door there has arrived a new 'business and a steady payroll. What makes this most interesting la the fact that all has ibecn done so quietly, no 4rass band effect, no bonuses asked from the city, ho demand made -on the business men to buy stock In order to create the much needed payroll nor la there any stock for sale. This is the property of the Southern Ore gon Coal company. Some time ago W. T. Estep atarted on a prospect which to the layman appears to be a small streak of Mack sticky In a gravel bank but being a practical miner of many years exper ience he knew that it should develop into a good vein' of coal. We worked nard, spent considerable money al ways following the vein which from the beginning grew better w.Ith every foot until at the end of a 450 foot tunnel there la a face of coal eoual to any on the coast and an analysis ehowa ft stands well at the top of the list f all western coals in oual- The most important thing from a miners point of view Is the fact that there is now a true cap rock and floor, necessary to successful mining and marketable coal. Coal mines have come and gone about Medford In tlie past several years, the Simny slde, the Cascade, the Medford, all delivering a little coal and quanti ties of dirt, unavoidable perhaps for lack of proper geological conditions, mainly, cap rock. The present com pany have the cap rock for 1 00 feet back of the present face. iMedford Tribune. SCHEME DIDN'T V.IiM rllGHT Business Man's Pleasant Evening Nothing at All Like What He PUnned It Should Be. "Go!!." exclaimed the nuxluess mnn. "I had the disappointment of my life Inst -night. Even this sunny morn log can't take awuy the stlug. For the past monrli I don't believe I have had one nice, quiet, peaceful night at home 80 evening of perfect -relaxation. It M-emeo longer than that "YeMenluy mom Inc. with the thought 'Unit at the cixl of the dny I would lie free, my Ri.jp to the office was more spriiiKj- thai tiRtial. Not a business nor Koclal encngement did I have. If HiivlKMiy had attempted to start anything iu either line I would have Mild, '.Nothing doing, I am go ing to lie busy.' and I would have finished the sentence to myself with at Home. "I felt like a lark all day. 'Nothlug io uo tonight,' I kept repeating to my self, 'midline at nil: Hlixolnre free. dom. I will ditch up on the mugnzlnes that have lieen accumulating. I will ttiKe up the 'bonk that I tiaven't looked Into for so long that I have forgotten who the characters are. 1 will sit in uiy favorite suft, easy, sunkdown deep chair under the remHno- 1 will don my -drewtitig gown and slip pers, i win luxuriate all evening a nice, quiet, long evening.' "I could hardly wait for dinner to be over. When It was. I Immediately set about doing all that I had planned. 1 reluxed, groaning with comfort Into my chair. My dog curled up at my feet, something he hnd not done for a month, too. i went to my reading, I nead for an 'hour. And then, dnni It all I got so blamed sleepy that I -couldn't hold my eyes open. I Jest hnd to go to bed. I hated to do rt nd 1 ,wu thoroughly disgusted. But there wns no help for It. And there you are; .uiy glorious evening com pletely ruined hecniixe ,1 was too sleepy to enjoy It." Providence Jour nal. . - . . , Fsr tSe Baby. The tnng motor la an air pump which to good to start the breathing process In newly bora babies. Optimistic Thought Observe thyself as thy greatest en emy would do; bo ahalt thou be thy greatest friend. . . Placer location notices at Courier office. ', The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19. 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Granta Pass.........;......l P. M Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M. Leave Waters Creeks.,.. ..;..8 P. M Arrive Grants Pass.' ..4 P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburr building, or telephone 1 9 1. . GIANT EXPLOSIVES I We have just received a fresh shipment of Giant Explosives and are now in a position to fill your orders as needed in any quantity. If you have never used Giant Powders feel free to ask as we are here to assist you. Don't buy without first getting a price on GIANT. Jewell Hardware Company (W) We are fully equipped for all kinds of battery work ax reasonable prices consistent with first class work. When In needof a new battery buy the still-better Wlllard, with threaded rubber insulation. The Battery Shop A. V. Hazelton, Propr. it For Those Extra Meals it 1 Have a Supply of Carnation There's one trouble you needn't have at all in the busiest time of your year on the fruit farm. You can settle the milk trouble for that time as for all times by stocking up with sever al cases of ' V'.tfVTO1irW ChnteniedOtMtS I Camatition is sweet, fresh, pure milk evaporated to consistency of cream, and canned. It keeps perfectly in a cool dry place until used on the table. Dilute Carnation with an equal volume of water, and you have milk of standard consistency for drinking or for any use to which you formerly put ordinary milk. Carnation should be used in tea and coffee or on fruits and cereals just as it comes from the can. ti Carnation makes everything you cook taste better." "The Story of Carnation Milk," a book that we will be glad to send you free, gives 100 tested reci pes. Mail us your address for it Better make a memorandum and get several cases (48 cans per case) of Carnation the next time anybody goes to the store. Your Grocer. Has Carnation . H II Carnation Milk Products liHLp.. rt TT-T- i mill,,, iiiipwm i - ,Jj ..'ri- Zi- -0Ci 11 Company, Seattle, Wash. it pPsJI I ..,.-v t