Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, August 08, 1919, Image 1

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vol ix., No. seiiH.
. "No Itemuly fur lUilirourt Strike
Whllo Mm Am In Tiiimt; Ap
prl to Mcrt'lututM
Wellington, Auk. 8. Tim presi
dent In hi address today told con
gress that ttjdaUos lawi are Inade
quate and high prices are not Justi
fied by the shortage of suppllm,
present or prospective, but were
created In msny case "artificially
and deliberately" by "viclou prac
tices." President Wilson recommended
Hint the food control act be extend
ed to peace tint operation, and that
oongreas exclude from Interalate and
intrastate shipment goods not com
ply Inn wltb Ita provisions, lie re
commended a substantial penalty for
profiteering, a law limiting the time
on cold storage and providing that
liooda released from atorage he
marked with the price prevailing
when the goods went Into atoraKe.
Ife also recommended a federal li
censing ytm for corporation en
gaging In Interstate commerce to In
sure competitive selling.
In regard to the strike situation
the president aald the strikes under
taken now only make matter worse.
"There Is no remedy possible while
the men are In a tomper, and there
can 4e no settlement not having the
general interest as a motive He
urged the prompt parage of the law
pendiug. to control security Issues,
and appealed for ratification of the
peace treaty to turn the country
from a war 'hauls. He aald there can
be no peace prices while the whole
financial and economic system are
on a, war basis. , '
The president appealed -to mer
chant to deal fairly, and to house
wives to exercise greater vigilance
and more thoughtful economics. He
aid he thought the labor leaders
would, presently think and act like
Americana like the great mass of
their associates.
lie had little douilit but what re
tailers in part are responsible for
xhorbltant prices and asserted thntj
the people should have Information1
from government agencies to enable i
them to Judge what the profits
should be.- "The world must pay
for the vut wastage of war," he
aald, "and America must prove her
Portland, Ore., Aug. 8. Activities
f Victory Buyers' , week . reached
their climax yesterday. Registra
tion of retail dealers from out-of-town
points for the week broke all
former records, reaching approxi
mately 1200 by noon, with prospects
of going still 'higher. Visitors are
having the time of thoir lives, but
uro unable to attend all the func
tions being scheduled for t.holr en
tertainment ind transact .their 'bus
iness. Every factory, wholesale and
Jobbing establishment la thronged
dally with buyers eager to purchase
..goods. - Orders for immediate de
livery are heavy, but buyers are al
so .placing many orders for future
(Mexico City, Aug. 8, 'New regula
tions for the mlnlpg Industry In
Mexieo prohibit the exportation of
gold In any form but approve the
marketing In foreign oountrtei of
mllver and copper.
1'iu-tiirrN of Moiitujin Givru Knock
Out lllow lly lry Weedier; Hay
, Hoc to $40 m Ton
Helena, Mont., Aug. 8. High
price of hay In this state makes
even more serious the situation pre
sented to farmers of Montana by the
scarcity of feed on account of dry
weather this summer. Hay Is sell
ing here for $27 in large quantities,
and It la reported that In some sec
tions of the atate the price ' has
reached 1 40,
At a meeting held recently at
Great Kails, atockmnn and ranchers
of that county decided to cut Minne
sota hay with their own crews and
equipment and ship It to this state.
The local farm bureau will have
charge of the work. A committee
boa gone to Minnesota to arrange for
the purchase of tba hay la the field.
At Roundup the "Vommerdal elnb
has Inaugurated a plan of buying
hay In carload lots and reselling It
to farmer at cost.
Washington, Aug. 8. The senate
today unanimously adopted the reso
lution for a aweeping investigation
of the outrages against American
lives and property In Mexico, and
are to report on meana of preven
KI'AIJi TO JOIX liKAtil'r:
.'Madrid, Aug. S. .Parliament to
day approved the proposal that Spain
Join the league of nations.
John 'II. Ilreen, sheriff of Del
Norte county, has written the fol
lowing letter to the Courier, In re
gard to the proposed new scenic
highway through the great red
woods of Northern California:
"Stephen T. 'Mather, 'director of
national parks, and .Madison Grant,
oh airman of the New York eoologi
cal museum, will leave San .Fran
cIbco on Friday for a' tour of North
ern California to select the finest
and moet available redwood grove
In northern California, with the Idea
of acquiring It as a national park.
The 'Save the Redwoods' league of
Del 'Norte county, have wired them
asking It they Intend to visit Del
iNorte county.
"David F. Houston and party vis
ited our county and on the road
through the 'Redwoods on what we
call tlhe Grants Pass road, said that
this highway is the moet magnifi
cent In the world with Its combina
tion' of mountain and eea and Its
screen of stately trees, terns and
flowers on every hand.
"Tourists from Grants "Past and
Southern Oregon have used the red
woods as camp grounds, and many
a dust-covered traveler has enjoyed
the ride through the redwoods.
"Can you (help us through your
paper by giving It publicity."
Washington, Aug. 8. The dis
covery of a decree by the president
f Colombia, declaring that the pe
troleum 'Kinds of Colombia were
.'property of the nation" resulted In
'.he postponing of the approval of the
"olomblan treaty today by the sen
ate foreign relations committee.
Vast American oil holdings there
would lbs threatened with confisca
tion. " -
Forty Trains Cancelled, Freight and Passenger Service
Hampered Unions Would
Settle Wage Dispute on
Chicago, Aug. 8. Forty addition
al trains have been cancelled as a
riwult of the shopmen's strike. Cur
tailment of- passenger service on
many of the large railroads Is fore
casted by soma officials. Freight
traffic Is hampered also.
Chicago, Aug. H. The general
strike of 33.000 employee or the
packing plants here has 'begun. The
stockyards tabor eooncfl called a
walk -out because state troops and
police guard have not been with
drawn from the plants when. 5,000
negroes returned to work.
tabor leader say the dispute Is
over the employment of non-union
negroes, rather than race hatred.
They say many negroes have refused
to Join the union end labor leaders
are taking advantage of the present
situation to compel the packers to
employ nnlon lalbor.
Toklo, Aug. 8. (Premier Hara re
cently told a political tarty delega
tion (hoi "Should the disturbances
In China continue, Japan may be
compelled to adopt aultable meas
ures for the safeguarding of Japan
ese Interests."
It was reported on July 28 that
France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan
and the United State made friendly
representations to China' nrglng the
settlement of the long-standing quar
rel "between North and South China
and strongly advising against the re
sumptions of armed hostilities.
Salem, Aug. 8. By spreading the
oooixratlve projects over period
of years, instead of finishing them
up In the next two years, as bad been
hoped, the state highway commis
sion decided Thursday, In consulta
tion with 'Mr. Cecil, government rep
resentative, that money will 'be
available to carry out the original
program. It was calculated that
enough ' resources will be available
tor the state to hold up Its end, and
there la hope -that congress will make
hew appropriations to take care of
the government end.
Revision of estimates disclosed
that more money Is needed on all
projects than was first supposed. C.
H. Puree H explained to the commis
sioners that estimates had been
guesses, and that only recently had
the survey been completed and offi
cial estimates made. For instance,
he explained,, because originally sug
gested that the Mount iHood loop
could toeibuilt for $514,000, whereas
when the 'government completed the
survey and estimates recently It dis
closed that it will cost $900,000, It
wilt be 1922 'before this loop is fin
ished. The entire cooperative pro
gram will require a .longer period
than Anticipated to allow 4tme for
revenues to come in.
' To expedite sections on coopera
tive work, Commissioner iBooth
moved that the Klamath tFalls-Dalry
section be put up as a: project as soon
as iposalble, and that the same action
be taken with the Klamath Falls
Olene section, and . the Lakeview
north section, which will extend
Expel Scabs-limes Would
Merits Wilson to Speak
The troops are to be recalled from
the stockyards district.
Washington, Aue. 8. 'Director
General Hines Is awaiting word from
the unions that all striking shop
men have returned to work, before
undertaking to carry out Instructions
given by iPrcsldent Wilson last night
to settle the wage controversy on
Us merits. A board may be consti
tuted to hear the demands and con
sider the erldaooa.
Washington, Aug. 8. When lead
ers presented a resolution In the
house, proposing a Joint session to
hear the address this afternoon. Rep
resentative Blanton, Texas democrat,
mad4 a- point of no quorum roll call
ordered. However, a roll call de
veloped the faot that there was a
quorum present. The house adopt
ed the resolution and there Is to be
a Joint session at 4 o'clock.
Portland, Ore., Aug. S. The state
editorial convention convened here
today! President C. E.1nga"TlC- of
Corvallis, declared that he would
urge the members to go on record
strongly opposing the railroad
unions' proposals to congress tor
what he termed would ibe "soviet
rule of the railroads" by tripartite
control. He said the proposition
was unfair, as the workers would
share In the profits but not the pos
sible losses.
The National Editorial Association
members will meet here tonight.
about 30 miles. Once these pro
jects get under way, the commission
plajis to follow them ud with other
sections, such as on the Silver Lake.
On the Roseburg-Coos Bay road
the estimate is $1,050,500. Mr.
Booth moved that the section from
Camas west to the north fork ot the
Coqnllle river, approximately 14
miles, and the worst part ot this
road, be put up as a' project first, and
that IDouglas and Coos counties be
asked to aid
iBIds on the Hayes hill section of
the Grants Pass-Crescent City road
a cooperative project, exceeded the
estimate to euch tin extent that the
commission decided to let this Im
provement drop unless the county Is
willing to make up the difference.
At the September meeting the
commission will sell $1,000,000 of
the 4 per cent bonds. The high
way work Is now progressing at the
rate of about $50,000 a day..
. Contracts awarded Thursday, by
the commission were as follows:
iBaker county, old Oregon trail,
Baker-Hailneg section, 9.7 ' miles,
grading and macadam, F C. Oxmon.
TTnlon county, Id Oregon trail,
Lone IPIne-Hot Lake section. 3.9
miles, macadam, IWaTren Construe.
tlon company, $38,630.
Marlon county, (pacific hlerhwuv
alem-JBrooka section, 4.1 miles, pav
ing, luiaxe compton company, $93,
445.80. ..
Josephine county, Pacific high
way Stage Roald pass section, 4.S
( Continued "on Page" 31 -
N 1
8T H, 1910.
Archduke ' Joseph Ray He Is True
ftomocrat, Will Await Election
and Leave Matters to I'eojrfe
Vienna. Aug. 8. There is no In
tention of making Archduke Joseph
king of Hungary, Budapest dis
patches eay. The office Is merely
that of president.
Although surrounded by old mon
archlst influences. Archduke Joseph
declared today thai he -would at
tempt to work along the same lines
as Count Michael Karolyl. He said:
"I am a true democrat and will car
ry on the government untH elections
are held, then parliament shall de
cide all matter.
London, (Aug. 8. Peace hag been
made between Great Britain and
Afghaostan, and the articles were
signed today.
London, Aug. 8. The federation
of .British industries which Is com
posed of more than. 900 of (Britain's
largest manufacturers and associa
tiona of manufacturers has formu
lated plans for an oversea organiza
tion which contemplates the appoint
ment in every market of the world
of a commissioner to be assisted
where advisable by expert advisors.
For Its purpose the federation has
divided the world into 21 areas and
already has appointed a commission
er for some of them. The purpose
of the federation is to explore the
possibilities of all markets and to
further British trade by providing
in formation for British mannfactur
Belgrade, Serbia, Aug. 8. The
jiumi uiuicuuy ai present is me nn-
anciai situation, says Colonel D. M.
Stewart, of the Tnited States army,
retired, who has Investigated the
economic situation in the new Jugo
slav kingdom for several large Am
erican corporations.
"The Immense amount of inferior
currency in circulation, at" least
7,009,000 Austrian kronen-, has im
peded establishment of trade," he
aald. 'American business represen
tatives haVe no difficulty In obtaln-
mg orders. The trouble comes In
the proper solution of the problem
of payment"
Steps have been taken to establish
banking communications between
this country and America.
San "Francisco, Aug. 8. Three
bail d Its escaped today with gems
valued ai $50,000, from the" Morgen
Jewelry company in the downtown
district. It was a - bold daylight
Mexico City, Aug. 8. Three thou
sand Japanese have arrived in Lower
California with the evident intention
of settling there, eay Mexican news
papers which add that it is believed
many of these immigrant Japanese
crossed the International boundary
and made secret entrance to the
United States.
WHOM? NOfBER 8739.
War With England Out of Questio
and So Other XaUon Powerful
Enough to Attack V
San Diego, Cal., Aug. 8. 'Admiral
Hugh 'Rodman, commander of the
Pacific fleet, in an addresa last night
at a banquet tendered Secretary of
the Navy Daniels at the Hotel del
Coronado, gare an Intimate slcetch
of the new Pacific fleet and some of
the reasons that led to its 'being
brought to the west coast. Admiral
Rodman said:
"To one who Is unaccustomed tg
making addresses In public I am
afraid that you have given me rath
er a large proposition in the discus
sion of the fleet, so I will confine
myself to giving you a' brief descrip
tion of it, and some of the salient
reasons tor sending such a powerful
fleet to this, coast.
"Two years ago when we entered
the war, we bad a strong competi
tion as to who had the second larg
est navy. Great Britain, of course,
taking the first place.
"Well, that competitor has been
wiped off of the face of the earth;
It ba toeea completely- eliminated;
in fact, doobly so for .not only was'
it chased off the high seas and driv
en into its bole behind its guns in
its fortified harbors, like a lot of
plague-stricken rats, but it was com
polled nder stress to ignominously
surrender, and then, with the us
ual Hun treachery, was surruptitl-
ously sunk at Its anchorage In Sea pa
'An so I repeat in all truth, that
is completely annihilated; not a
vestige remains: in fact, not enough
to offer a target to a well armed f er- .
'The primary credit for this
must be given to the grand fleet.
'It is true that we are now at '
peace with the whole world,- nor can
we Imagine chat any nation, bar
none will have the hardihood to
make war on us, so king as our fleet
retains its present comparative
strength and efficiency; tor It Is a
(Continued on Page 2)
San "Francisco. Aug. 8.- The three
Pacific coast states of 'Washington,
Oregon and California will have
contributed 3,721,524 dead weight
tons ot ships at the close or the 1919
building program " according to the
approximate figure given out here
today by the United States shipping;
board. In all, 472 ships will have
been added .to the 'American mer
chant, marine since the intensive
war time "shipbuilding began to
"bridge the Atlantic", in the battle
waged against . the . German sub
marines. ;
Steel and wooden ships to the
numlber of '318 with a tonnage of
2,336,986. Is the estimated produc
tion of "Washington and Oregon ship
yards from the beginning ot the
war to the completion of the 1919
program. Of these 245 are steel and
73 of wood.;
In California the total tonnage of
steel vessels to be constructed to the '
end of"1919 is 1,192.538. Of wood
en vessels, constructed or nnder con
struction, California's contribution
1s '28 with a" total dead weight ton
nage of 177,000. Concrete shtps are
rw-nte4 by 1 5,090 tons,