300 EASTERN EDITORS DUE HESE MONDAY Wll-i, NOT TAItllV, MT (Ml hi JUXTLV TO MIHllXIKI WIIKIIK ' .l'Tm AWAIT Til KM 100 NEEDED FOR TRIP Dill Bonfire itnil Kiiewlie on l(iin of . -lTter Ikt At lor hoy lllnncliiinl to Ilevreeent Grant I'tom The National Kdltorlul party from the Eastern state now touring the North wont U scheduled to leare 8a loin for Southern Oregon next Sun day. Governor and Mr. Olcotl nr xpoclod to accompany tho editor to Oator lAke. The editors, 300 strong, will pas through Grant Paul making no stop! here mid wilt arrive at Medford from which place they will make the trlu tn frftlAr ItjikA tiv nf nmntillji This will require approximately 80 to 100 machine, 60 earn bring fur nished by Medford 'and the remain der by Ashland and Grant Pass. While thle city will receive no direct benefit from the edltor'a visit, Southern Oregon in general will un doubtedly receive much valuable ad vertising from the quill piiHher af ter their return Hani. One of the feature of the Crater Ike trip will be a (hit- bonfire on the rinAf the lake. " ut which abort iieeches will ibe made by represen tative or Ashland,' Medford and Grant Pan. Attorney O. 8. Illan ohard ha been aked to repreiient thl city. The tour of the editor will be In part over the Canadian Pacific railroad, and point or Interest In the Canadian Rockies are to bo vis ited on the return trip to Chicago. After leaving Oregon the natty will upend some time at Mount 'Rainier and at the Puget emind nary yard at nremerton, hold a Wine aea lon In Seattle and then go to Van couver for business seealon apd tour of scenic point. The patty is due back In Chicago which I the gathering point for the member, ahout the lant or August. ' HIMSELF IN THE NEJIK Htoseliurg llevlew ( tragedy Unit shocked the ontlre i.'i.iimnnlly was enacted shortly af ter 7 o'clock Tuesday evening who'n one. of 'Roseliurg's best known citi zens, 1A. U. tHra'dley, aged 45 years, lost his -life by the accidental dls ohargo of a .32 special carbine rifle. ' Ills llfeleea body, with an ugly bul lt hle through the . neck,. was Vn.i.n.1 .IwlLn. liAot.lA 1.1a n.iln.vtnjKlln n .viiiiu 'iiiif imrnitiv inn will uuiwi'iiv iM the IPaclflo' highway a short distance past the spot where 'South Main street and Mill street Intersect. All indications 'point to the fact that death was Instantaneous and unques tionably accidental. A slurring Im prlt pf a foot on the embankment prove beyond a reasonable doubt that 'Mr. iBradley met sudden death when he attempted to ascend the ' embankment of about three feet af ter firing a shot at a' mud hon. Local lada in bathing at Alexander park aw Mr. Bradley fire the first shot and heard the 'bullet' strike the wa ter. Boon thereafter another shot was fired and Mr. IBradley disappear ed. It is the supposition that the unfortunate man fired at the bird In the river and throwing another cart ridge Into the breach of the , gun, ttopiied quickly up to the embank ment U see the effect of the shot. He undoubtedly slipped and In some unaccountable manner the weapon was discharged with disastrous re AUSTRIA CALLS IN JEWELRY OF RICH Fttuil Needed Ut rmrluwo Jluw Ma terial, VmU ami KmmWu(Th, , and Other XcerMiltle Vienna, Aug. 7. The government has decreed that It will take over all gold, silver, Jewelry, foreign bond and forest which are In the poelon of private Individual, who .will receive compensation fof them. One of the government' ob ject I to obtain fund to purchase coal nd raw material In order to provide work for the people, Inci dentally to buy foodstuffs, without which tho tarvatlon condition of laat wluter will be horribly accentu ated thl fall. it I predicted that utile the al lle occupy iBudapeet and end the preeent conimuiilt regime the coun try' crop will bo wanted and the people will frr m the eotuing winter. The flrt elTuct of a kind of block ade established by a force of Ameri can anjdier along the Auitrlaa frontier of Hungary will be to pre vent money, or material which rep recent aioney from flowing out of tbe country, for It I known that the eommunlNta are aendlng money abroad for propaganda purpose. ItOHKIIMtU PEEVED AT . KI.MTIIK' MGHT CHARGE Rone-burg. Or., Aug. 7. The city council ha la en step to have the exceealve bill of the past month from the 'Douglas County Water A Light company materially reduced, "ft highway roltbery." said one councilman. "If a .bold holdup," said another. Acting on tho advice of City Attorney Wimberly, the coun cil baa advised all water consumer who feel that they have paid excess rate for water during the peat month to bring tn the bills for the past two months and a comparison ill be made and the rate will be equalized for the two monthY 20 UVES LOST WHEN 'Halifax, Aug! ' 7.-r-Twenty people are believed to have lost their lives when, the schooner Rallla was sunk In collision with the British steam er War 'Witch. The schooner Is be lieved to have carried a crew or 15 and a,' dozen passengers. Only seven survivor are reported. The colli sion Is aupiiosed to be due to fog. The accident happoned near .St. Pierre.- , ..- ' KLAMATH COTXTV PROSPEROUS Klamath Falls, Ore.,Aug. 7 iFat mers 1n all parts of Klamath county are now Ibiwy putting up a hay crop, which I large In the Irrigated sec tions and fair In the dry landelo- callUea, 'Reports from the IWood river val ley Indicate that 12.000 tons of wild hay will Ibe put up there this year, which is large for that district. FOR FOREST PATROL , Modford. Aug. 7. iFour of .the eight army planes' which" arrived here last night ileft today for the north under command of Major A. D. Smith. It Is expected that they will reach Sttfom today to arrange for aortal forest "patrol throughout the state sWtth Headquarters at Salem, Bngene and iRosoburg. Six ot the planes arrived from Sacramento aiid two from Salem. . ' ' Four of the army .planes passed over Grants Pass this1 forenoon, fly n? at a high altitude."- ' GRANTS PASS, JOBEPHTWK COUNTY. OREGON. THIUSDAV, AUJIHT 7, 101 . OLD LAW 0 N DEMAND Profiteers and Speculators of Nations Food Supply Change the Order Evidence ShowswSystematized Plundering". Other Business Side-Tracked at Washington Washington, Aug. 7. Although price of all Important foods have shown substantia! Increase during the last year, stocks of food held In storage June 1st were approximately 20 per cent greater than a year ago. according to the federal trade com mission's report. Government stocks were excluded from the comparison. This apparently means that stork are apparently being withheld spec ulatively for a world demand which Is not now here, tint hi expected when the hunger-Impelled strikers secure higher wages with which to pay higher prices, says the report. The law of supply and demand is not. working. Washington. Aug. 7. The govern ment's rase against the packers will be placed before the federal Jury in Chicago within three weeks. Both civil afid criminal prosecution will be Instituted and the packers will be prosecuted under the food control art for hoarding, besides. ' Washington, Aug. 7. Glen Plumb Chicago lawyer representing tbe railway brotherhoods, said today that they bad information showing that there had been "systematlsed plundering of virtually all the public FLEET WILL PAY OUT MILLIONS San Ttiego. Aug. 7. Tls city to day -witnessed the greatest naval pa geant In Its history wJien Secretary 'Uunlels reviewed the Pacific fleet. Thousands of visitors were here. Five thousand sailors were given shore lldierty. flan- Francisco, lAug. 7, 'The eco flonilc" value ot the Pacific fleet to the west is Indicated by the aver age coet of maintaining warships as shown In the I'nlted States navy year book. The figures were for 1915, but it was said these could halve In creased many tier cent perhaps more than doubled since that time. The following includes pay for of ficers and men, repairs to hull and machinery and other eoets for a yeaf: - Battleships, 1820,074.83: armor ed, cruisers, $663,992. 62; cruiser. first class,. (512,729.67; cruiser, third class, )290,351.59: destroyer. $125,061.78: monitor, $193,556.95: submarine, $37,394.70; - transport, $252,928.97: gunboat', $126,140.86; supply ship. $202,768.60; hospital ship, $203,271.40; torpedo ship ten der, $187,775. 96rfuel ship, $116. 093.J1. Since the foregoing was published pay tor sailors, dock and skilled la bor of the navy-plants have Increas ed as 'had every other Item going In to maintenance of a ehtp. There will Ibe approximately 200 vesBels'-lnthe new Pacific fleet. All will not be In . the service and the battleships will nuniber only about 15 at all times, but multiplication ot the types of craft by the average cost of maintenance In 1915 yields an Impressive total. Most ot this cost will Ibe expended In Taclflc states. ' The (batteries ot the flagship New Mexico and the battleships New York, Texas, Arizona, Idaho and. Mississippi of the aewPaclflo fleet are entirely 14 -Inch guns. These guns' all are similar to those In the railroad battery the navy sent to the front with their crewg to flatten the St. Mlhlel salient In the American army's noted drive there against the Germans. SUPPLY AND SNOT WORKING transportation highways in the coun try." fie told the house committee that the Information led from Wall Street and. the Morgan and Rocke feller banking houses. 'Washington, Aug. 7. The presi dents address to congress tomorrow will be confined to matters pertain ing directly to tbe high cost of liv ing. Secretary Tumulty said It. Is un likely that the fweatdent will take up at this time further questions concerning railroad wages and rates. The senate Interstate commerce commission Informed the president that it believes he has complete, plenary authority to deal with the new demands of the railroad work ers and that no additional legislation will be necessary to meet the situa tion. . Chicago. Aus, 7. Middle West ern railroads are accepting freight only subject to delay due to the striking shopmen. Washington, Aug. 7. 'Director General nines today conferred with President Wilson concerning the strike. There are now 80.000 shop men out and the situation Is hourly becoming more acute. TO SPECIAL SESSION For the past ten days members of the Oregon legislature have been asked by various .parties to attend a special cession of the legislature with the request to waive their mileage and er diem as such members. It, tn the opinion of the governor, such demand for a special session Is of sufficient Importance he -has the sole right to call said siiecial session and the constitution ot the etate of Ore gon vrovldee the method for calling such session and further provides for mileage and per diem for at tending members. We. the under signed members -from Josephine county, candidly ibelleve the groat state ot Oregon should pay Its mem bers for attending to state business as provided for under our constitu tion. We are well awsCre'ot tbe fact that a considerable number ot the members reside near the state capi tal and are willing to waive their mileage and per. diem, which Is their privilege, but It is a; different story with the members who reside In southern and eastern Oregon tor the members who reside in the close proktmlty to the capital the expenses would ibe only nominal-' whereas the Aiemlber who reside in eastern and southern Oregon the expense would be considerable besides loss of time from our .private business during our absence. We will be 'pleased to at tend a epeclal session, if the gover nor sees fit to call one, 'but do not care to waive our .per diem and mile age as provided for iby law. We aire heartily In faVor of the national constitutional amendment and will gladly vote for it when given the opportunity. As the mat ter is not one of vital interest direct ly to the women of Oregon, we can see no necessity for undue haste in calling the legislature together for the sole purpose of ratification, as It will not affect the conditions In Oregon In the least. ' Resipeotfully .submitted, , , SEN. J. C. SMITH, .' . TIE?. C. A. SIDLER. - A EST KOREANS HO ASK FREEDOf 4HUie jNot Jteady for "Suffgee- tUm;" Old CHwtom of Flogging Continued by Authorities Seoul, Korea, Aug. 7. For draw ing UD a netltlon to thA Jananaaa government pffylng for the restora tion of. Independence to Korea and for distributing it to Toklo newspa pers Viscount Kin In-shoku, Vis- coiint Rl Yo-shoku and three other Koreans have been arrested on a charge of violating the law for 'the preservation of peace, have been found probably guilty In tbe Seoul district court and committed for trial. . , Viscount Kin is president of the Kelgakuin college. One of the pe- U lions was presented to the Japanese premier with a request that the mat ter be brought to the attention of the emperor. Japanese officials in Korea, in dis cussing the punishment administered to Koreans in Jhe independence movement there, say that the old Korean custom of flogging has been continued by the Japanese authori ties. One reason given by the Jap anese for this was that the prisons were Insufficient to lodge tbe large number of prisoners arrested In the revolutionary movement. v The Jan- aneee officials also declared that the Koreans, themselves, sometimes pre- ierrea flogging to paying a fine. One of the officials showed the Associated 'Press correspondent the Instrument with which" flogging Is done under the orders ot the court. It consists of two slender pieces "of wood tightly bound with hemp twine. The convicted person is tied to a wooden bench which is built some thing In the form of a cross. T FOR U. S. San Fraiicl8CO. Aug. 7. Friend ship for the United States was wide ly demonstrated 4n China by par ticipation of the Chinese In observ ance of the Fourth of July. A recent Issue of the North China Daily News, of Shanghai, juBt received here, evi denced this tn printing the following extract from a Chinese native langu age newspaper of Shanghai: The Shanghai Students union bas dispatched the following telearam to the kindred unions at iPeklig, 'Tient sin and Hankow: "July 4 being' the 'American In dependence commemoration day. and as America is our country's ex cellent friend, having given us much sympathetic help durlnir our patriotic demonstrations, we should all express our friendly feelings to that country. Please request all classes a,t your ports to hoist flags and send deputations to the Ameri can consulates and American Cham bers of commerce to tender them our hearties congratulations and good wishes. "The Shanghai Students' Union." SUICIDE WHEN ARRESTED HjOs Angeles, Aug. 7. New evi dence today Increased the apparent guilt ot Charles H. McOuine, assist ant engineer of the" municipal de partment of public works who com mitted suicide last night by leaping from the 11th story window ot the office of District Attorney Woolwine, when Informed that be had been in dioted for bombing the home of Os car Laeler. MeOuire was recently removed as administrator of an es tate through iLawler'a efforts and had threatened revenge. - WHOLE NI MBER 27 M. PILL GOVT IN AJUHDIKE JOSKI'H ESTAB LISHES MJN'ISTRV, KOl'MAX. IANS AFTER FOOI , French State That Roumanian Army Is Inder Command of Marshal Foch; Invaders Confident Paris, Aug. 7. The peace confer ence learned today that the cabinet headed by Jules Peidll had been overthrown, and that Archduke Jo seph baa established a ministry in Budapest . " ' The Roumanian forces are report ed to have crossed into the business section of 'Budapest and are seizins supplies for shipment into Ronma nla. Paris. Aug. 7. Nicholas Jdisu of the Roumanian .peace delegation wa summoned before the supreme coun cil today, which gave him a commu nication for bis government, savin that the Roumanian ultimatum to Hungary cannot be recognized ' 6V the peace conference and calling up- on the Roumanians to five up to the . armistice terms. It is Hsreaily feared in conference-- circles that the (Roumanian action will result In the overthrow of the new 'Hungarian government. French circles state that the 'Roumanian army Is not under command of Mar shal Foch. the allied commander-in-chief. The . Roumanian general re fuses to accept orders from - the French. The 'Roumanians have not been actively participating in the peace conference since Premier -Bra- tlano some time ago took exception . to the decision of the conference up on the principle guaranteeing the rights of minorities within national borders. . . ' In the ultimatum the Roumanians demand the reduction of the Hun garian army to 15,000 men and the surrender of 50 per cent of the har vest, animals and farm machinery and 50 per cent of the railway sup plies. The ultimatum also demands a large proportion of tbe Danube ship- ping and equipment tend supplies for an army ot 300,000 men, together with rations tor the Roumanian forces pending a peace settlement. ' OFFER SACRIFICES Havana, Cuba, Aug. 7. With the recent sudden outbreak of cannibal istic practices by Voodoo worshipers, which have resulted in the deaths ot at least three Innocent children and a naif dozen of-the Voodoos, the lat ter by the application of "lynch" law for the first time tn this coun try's 'history, fathers and . mothers are living In cohstant tear that their ' little ones may be spirited away by the superstitious negroes to 'be of fered up In' sacrifice to "Cbango.' the god of the "Brujos," as they are called in the Castllllan language. . The Voodoos are divided In var ious sect 8. each with its separate god. 8TRKET CAB BI!B8 GOING XT Chicago, Aug. T. The state publlo utilities commission will announce the following tratetlon fares today: On surface lines. 7 cents. ; On elevated roads, 8 cents. These increased tariffs, made ne cessary by the 65-67-cent an hour wage scale awarded employes, will apply to rides within the city. 0VEH01 HUNGARY