m pass m COURIER j Published Dally Except Sunday l E. VOORHIKS. Pub. and Propr. ! $ i j i tsrsd at poetoffloe. Grant Pa, ill ore., a second class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES ipley apace, per Inch 16c Y cal-personal column, pr llne..l0e; . ader. per Una . 6o ,i DAILY COURIER i V mail or carrier, per year 16.00, mail or carrier, per month .50 I WEEKLY COURIER : mail, per year'- . 11.00 ' CMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Preea li exclusively titled' to the uae tor republication s all news dispatches credited to it : all otherwlie credited In this per and alao the local new pub bed herein. . , All right ot republication of pe J dlspatchee herein are alee terved. "EDXES1AY, AVGIST 6, 1819. OREGON WEATHER f f Trtnlirht fair and warmer l- t tept near the coast. Thursday ! j fair and warmer east portion: "senile westerly winds. 41"" ' ; i. .V444..44 000,000 non-voting 7 per cent cumu li jlative preferred stock, subject to the 5 . j approval of a stock holders' meeting TREBLED If) YEAR 1918 "he following communication ch was presented to the War Min- it Relief commission toy H. M. j -ks, will be ot Interest to mining H in showing how the mineral pro f rtion In Oregon was increased by I 4ct government solicitation: fh War Minerals Relief Commis sion, Medford, Oregon, -ttlemen: ; 'is director of the Oregon bureau i ; mines and geology I am eppear ' j 1 before you to make dear the part en by the Oregon bureau of mines 'fi geology and the members of Its ;,jf In encouraging and stimulating l i development of new properties Y! Increase of production of war i ierals during certain periods ot i j years 1917 and 1118. ; n October, 1917, I received a Iet- Yjfrom Geo. Otis Smith, director, ted States geological survey, a y of which is enclosed, in which 1 i requests me to exert every et- I to. Increase the domestic produc )'l of chrome ore. as -per following jtatlon from his letter', being the ij ! paragraph on the first page: ' t) With difficulties limiting the im itation of chromite multiplying it j lecessary to exert every effort to 'ease domestic production - of !;pme ore and to this end the hear j" cooperation of your organization '. h United States geological sur is earnestly invoked." . luring the month of May, 1918, I j;! occasion to visit Washington, D. i; and called upon Dr. C. K. Leith t .he war minerals imports and ex- ts committee, who called my at j'tlon to the impending crisis In !; t minerals, due to shortage . of '- ?s for importing such materials ;;:n foreign countries, and request : :) me to push with the greatest '.; ed the development of all man-! i i ese and chrome properties In ' on. ! ''Hi account of this critical sltua 1 In connection with the war min is demand, I ordered the field l.V of the Oregon bureau. of mines ul igeoiogy to do everything pos to encourage new development. ;'J speed up the production of man jl.ese and chromite. j ; this end the staff of the Oregon : I; ean of mines and geology visltwi ; - uy manganese and chome proper ' j in Oregon and came in dirert j ch with miners and prospectors, ; h by correspondence and person- conferences. In all cases where I our Judgment an extra effort was i t-ranted, we requested on behalf i ithe government the speeding up production or development. rhis activity on the part of the ft of the Oregon 'bureau of mines j I geology caused many prospectors j I miners to engage in ait effort to 1 duce these war minerals, as Is ! -wn by the fact that Oregon's pro f -'on of chromite in 1918 over I 44myhjr:T-,500 tons to! :j', "0 tons, and the number of pro- '. j.rs increased from 26 to 59.1 ' ( ny others engaged . in develop- ( 1'?t work but did not have suffi-j it time .before Novemler 11, (t 8, to bring their properties to duction. lespectfully yours, , ' i . . iHETORY M. PIA-RKS, . ,' . 'octor Oregon (Bureau of - Mines : 'ni Ceblogy. f ': I .'" TRU l'lurrzKi-s FRESH KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY v . Quality and Service ! STANDARD OIL DtPARTS FROM THE OLD SYSTEM Chicago, Aug. 6. 'Director of the j Standard Oil company of New Jersey ! K-. . ...1 1 J 1 . to be held 'August 15. The lssne has been underwritten by J. P. Morgan 4 Co. and will be offered -by them at par for subscription share for share ;by the 8,000 stockholders of the company. The announcement carried with it notice by the Standard Oil company . r.VITBD STATES RAIUtOAD ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROADS SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROADS JdNES NORTH OF ASHLAND OUTING PLACES Outing means vacation, change, rest and relaxation of the body, rejuvenation and renewal of spirit, invigorating anil refresh ing the mind. Many attractive outing plncnt nearby. Kuminrr ex cursion tickets are on sale. Shasta Springs Season tickets from Grants Pass .'. $7.SW 15-day tickets from Grants Pass p.00 Special fares also in effect to Shasta Rerteat and other Shasta resorts. Crater Lake Season tickets from Grants Pass $16-60 15-day tickets from Grants Pass ,. 16.SO Newport Season tickets from Grants Pass Corresponding fares from other points. Tilamook County Beaches Season tickets from Grants Pass JMV-MO Fares to Neah-Kah-Nie, Manzanlta and Bayocean slightly higher. Corresponding fares from other points. Various Special fares in effect to Columbia 'River Beaches Mt. Rainier National Park, Yellowstone Nation al Park and Glacier National Park. Inquire of Ticket Agent JOH.V M. SOVTT, General Passenger Agent The Automatic Servant "Oh. cs. 1 spend most of my time out-of-doors this summer. With - electric motors I make light of my housework." I he tost is small and it is so convenient- and simple just a turn of the switch and 1 can sit down and read or mbroider until the work is done." Why don't you call up California-Oregon Power Company Phone 108-J . Y . - BLU STOCK of Its departure from several time honored policies. First The stock as soon as the issue is approved by the stockholders will be submitted for listing on the New York Stock exchange. Second The action carries with it the publication of the first bal ance sheet issued by the company since the dissolution of the Standard Oil company in 1906. Third The action Involves the first transaction of seml-publlc fin ancing In the history of the Stand ard Oil. The balance sheet Issued in con nection with the proposed Issue shows total assets as of December SI, 1918. of $562,543, 025. of which $463,712,409 represents surplus and reserves for working capital. The last balance sheet In 1906 showed $14. INI H-J69 1 V . 1 net assets Including the 33 com panies afterward' distributed, ' ' of $359.400.1 9 J. The properly Hem lu the balance shoot Is given at the cost valuation of the properties loss depredation. There has been 110 re-valuation of proptrtlea since be fore the dissolution suit. The Ihu of $1110,000,000 will be the first charge on the assets of the company as the only outstanding stock con sists or 9.338,300. The funds derived from the fin ancing will to used In the develop ueift of the properties of the com panies 'In all fields. It was said that-particular attention would 'he devoted to the development of the foreign Interests of the company. ARMY BACON TO BE SOLD PORTLAND 34C POUND Portlnd. Aug. 6,-The Portland city commission today voted unani moiisiy to accept an offer of the quartermaster's department of the army to sell the city two carloads, or 80,000 pounds, of bacon, and one carload, or 30.000 cans of tomatoes,' from the government stores nt Camp Lewis. The food will l brousht here within a few days and sold by Hie city to the general public at re- tall. A Port land merchant offered to handle the sale of the goods at no cost to the city, even furnlnhlug pa per and twine for wrapping .puck- ages. His offer was accepted. It was said that the price of -bacon probably would be fixed at 34 cents per pound plus freight, and for to matoes at 13 ceuts per can. Vol Xtl ;ntl, IS ATTACKKIl l!V MOTXT.UX UO.V Hallev, Idaho, Aug. .- Jetha Uurrell, 15, while herding cattle on the outskirts of town today, -was mauled by a mountain lion, and after a struggle in which she tried to choke It, she was found unconscious, her arms, back and chest badly la cerated. The Hon, which jumped upon her back while she was In a sitting pos ture, tore her clothing Into shreds. Cltlxens at once organized to hunt the liow.fWhtch has been seen near the town for a month. The girl wilt recover. ' Constipation upsets the entire sys tem causing serious illnesses to the human family. Don't worry Hoi lis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive out constipation, regulate the bowels, tone the stomach, purify, cleanse. Without fail give It a thorough trial. A POPULAR VERDICT Raited on Kvldence of Grunts las People Grateful thousands tell of It . Of. weak backs made strong Of weak kidneys made well .Urinary disorder corrected. Grants Pass people add their testi mony. They praise Doan's Kidney Pills. Grants Pass evidence Is now com plete. Grants Pass testimony Is confirm ed; Reports of early relief substan tiated. Merit doubly proved by test of time. . Let a Grants Pass citizen speak. Mra tmntla T inn n matlc pains. There were times when I could hardly get around. I was so stiff and lame. At night, I lay awake for hours on account of the pains, which went from one part of my body to another. I got up In the morning so stiff and lame, It was all I could do to keep up. I tried many medicines and also used lini ments, but without the slightest re lief. I finally started taking Doan's Kidney Pills. I was netned from the first and almost before I knew It, l! was iree irom tne-trouble." (State ment given In 1912.) " A Later Statement On March 20. 1918. Mrs. Umnlia said: "I am glad to confirm mv for. mer endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have never had snvthlnr give me bo much relief as Doan's." rnce 60c at ail dealers. rtnn'f simpiy asK ror a kidney remedy get Iknan1. VI4.. mil. . . . Doan's Kidney pin the same that Mrs. Lempke had, FosterMllburn Co., Mfgrs.,- Buffalo, N. Y. Century Electric FANS A Little More Wind for a Little Le"s Cost Ask your local hardware or electric dealer to supply yon. They can obtain prompt de livery If they haven't them in stock, from . K IL POPPLE TON 71 Front fit. Portland, Ore. Another Shipment of Pens and Baby Bens Big in BARNES, P. Time Inspector G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Classified FOB 8 ALU ANGEL OAKE8 75 cents each; or der by phone, No. 190-J. 92tt GET If OUR TIRES MENDED and buy a D. M. A C. K. welder for future use. Soe' Mr. Gotcher, the tire man at Grants Pass hotel. It It ACltES oak, madrons, tlr and pine, on railroad in Jerome Prairie. Will take wood jn pay ment stumpage. Phone 270. 83tf 00-ACRE STOCK RANCH for sale;. ' about 125 acres In cultivation; considerable irrigation; 2 miles from R. R. station; IH miles from two schools; half cash, bal ance low interest. Address No. 1052 care Courier. 86tr FOR SALE Singer tewing machines on easy terms. Machines rented and old machine taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 S. Central avenue, Medford. Local headquarter 0 rants Pass Hard ware. 9ltt TIM BUR CLAIM FOR SALE 160 acre near Kerby. mostly pine. Ntt of BRK, SV ot SE',4 and SK of 8W14, Sec. 14. T. 39 S R. 8 West. Price $3,250. Ad dress owner, Mrs. Muttle K. Pal mer, 574 Nehalem. Ave., Portland, Oregon. 87 FOR SALE OR TRADB 28-Inch Sterlln separator with a 10 h. p. gas engine, both mounted on trucks ready for work. $.i7.V Will trsde for auto, livestock or wood. Also have 33-Inch separa tor and engine for sale. Pacific Highway garage. Medford, Ore gon. 4Q FOR SALB What will you offer for be sold Immediately. Call Mrs. II. E. Gordon, phone 609-F-4. 37 T11 Mirv-i FOR RENT 4-room1 kungalow, 421 West L, shade trees, good well, eleotrlo lights, 2 acre, barn, poul try house and park. Address. Mrs. - W. H. H. Taylor. 1114 Pine St. 38 I M MI WANTED Men to work in lumber camp or up-to-date sawmill. " Tra)ortatlon furnished. For particular Inquire at. Brcen's Crescent City stage office, Grant Pass, Ore., near S. P. R. R. depot and express office. Phone 26. 82tf WANTED iBIds for transportation of school children to Grant Puss from school district No. 19, For particulars see directors, H. T. Hull, W, A., Sharp, or K. Ham meroacner, 37 . MtacfCIXANEOlTS B. L. GALBRAITH Insurance, any kind. Rentals. Building and Loan. Plate Glass Liability. 609 u street. ; gtf The California and Ore?on r!naof T1 j n " Coast Railroad Company flPIsUfUl iinn Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Train will run Tuesday, Thursday ! and Saturday Leave Grant Pas p, m 'Arrive Water Creek ..2 p. m. : Leave Water Creek.... ,:J p, m Arrive Grant Pass 4 p, u. I For information regarding trolghl j and passenger rates call at the office Of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 181, Placer loeatleit notices at Courier office. Today The Jeweler Nu door First National lUak Advertising HTIIAYKD IXM5T, STUAYIOD OH rTrOLKK from the head of 4'atrluka Crook. Del Norto county, Cal,, 0110 Iron gray guiding, weighing about 1000 lb. 5 year old, fetlocks clipped, mala roached. 'branded with heart on shoulder. Kinder will please no tify J. N. Britten. Waldo, Oregon, and receive reward. 33tf MISH'AL INKTRlOriON J. H. Mno.Ml'RRAY -Teacher of sing ing. Write or apply at 716 Im Street. 2Rtt TAXI DAILY JITNEY to Solum. Kerby and Waldo. Leaves Grants Pas daily si 9:30 .. m. Kverelt llogtte. phone 117. .317 CAE THE WHITE UNE TAXI FOR prompt service. City and country trip. Safety first. Call Grant Pas Hotel, phone 9t. Residence phone 320-R. W. 0. While. 790 IF YOU WANT TO GET THBRB, 'call 22-J. Two common old Ford. W are on the Job anywhere and any time. Palace Taxi Co. Wyatt and Cutler. Jitney Luke. 50tf 1 TAXI iPhone Ttoses Oonfecilonory. No. .160, for taxi. Hurry call at any time. C. E. Ollkson. ' 35tf JVIIj KXGINKKlt DANIHI, MeFA HIAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. MKNTIHTS K f i icv ,n Vf r South Sixth Oregon. . r - - - ' streiit, GranU Pass, I'HVHIMWH L. O. CLEMENT, m7 D Prai tlce limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hour 9-12, 2-6, or on ap pointment. Phones, office 62; resi dence 359-J. S. 1XMJQHRIDOE, M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country call attended dy or night. Phones, residence, 369; office, j 82. Sixth nd H, streets. A. A. WlTHAiM, medicine and M. D. Internal nervous disease, 903 Corbett (Bldg., Portland, Ore. "ours 10 to IZjnj to 4 p. m, R. W. T. TOMiPKlNS, 8. 7 Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt BJdf. Treats all diseases. Hours 9-1 J - .a-'..'"'i 1-8 m- 'Phone 304-R. KLKCTRIOAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING ' and asaaral electrical work, repairing, house "Irlng. C. C. Harper, 815 North Sixth treet. phone 47. tf TCTKltlNAItY SURG BOX DR. R. j. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Offlceat residence, Phone 805-R, THE WORLD MOVES; o do ". Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phonji 197-R. . . r. 0. ISBAM,- drayage and tran.fa. Bates, . lanos .Dd furnlturw t """ed, packed, shlpp.d and tor v o. uirice phons 124-Y? oence phone. 1 24-R. RtsI- Five Dollars Reward. "" Five dollar reward will .be "paid for the arrest and conviction of any on. stealing the Dally Courier, from residence n, toall box... '? 1 1: