Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, August 05, 1919, Image 1

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    University of Ore. Library
voi ix., x.. sma.
IV XC.MIUCU OK lU.A.l-S 1 1 . 1 1
fiukm i r iti x jri.Y
lbru of Knat lr (iitf-ilt Condi
tions Ditngxr Still l.nrka In For
rwU Wnrdmia on 4b
Portland. ' Auk. 5.- Extreme dry
nmi In all hut the Immediate const
couutry, with fust drying out or the
latter, emphasizes the nnoil for groat
rare If the f Iro situation In to bo hold
In cheek during A u mint.
The large number of fire which
have no fur occurred In, Northwestern
states and have been successfully ex
tinguished 1a a tribute to the alert
ness of fire protoetlon agencies but
also serves aa a warning that August
may prove an extremely trying
Reporta we I ved from Northwest
ern tnt. by tint Western Forestry
A Conservation Association ahow
that during July over 1,000 flree oc
curred In Idaho,' Washington and
Oregon. Somo of these In tha for
mer state riuvil considerable loss
of green timber. A force of over
1500 men la now at work to pre
vent the starting or spreading of
firm. Favorable weather conditions
thn last week of . July vanned ..great
Improvement In the general a It na
tion. Washington hud 150 (Ires during
July caused by sparks froln engines
aud "berry pickers. Not over one.
and one half million feet" of green
tlinlM.r was killed but loss of buck
ed rogtt and camp building" and
equipment will 'be a considerable
Item. A force or 100 ward,ona em
ployed by the Washington Foreat
Fire association, la now on duly.
Oregon reporta 400 flres. mostly
aitiall onn originating from lightn
ing, campers and logging camp.
There haa been practically no loai
of green timber but some damage to
logs and logging equipment, The
full force of patrolmen la now on
duty composed r r3 mate and weoks
law wantons employed by patrol as
socliitlona and Individual timber own
era. Idaho had 470 'Iron during July
caiiHi'd by railroads, lightning, ra'mp
and looser. 1 .oases rannot 1m
given at thin time aa many fires arc
. burning. A force of over I.OOrt men
were fighting flrmi In July.'
U,;l: IS A DIllvAM
Mexico City, Aug. 5. -IjiiIb Cabre
ra, secretary ot the treasury! la quot
ed Hy Kl .Democrutn as saying In en
ttddresa "before tho Chamber ot nepu
tlea: "The league or nations con
tinues to he a dream (or there Is not
one nation that carea to renounce
a part, of Its sovereignty aa a sacri
fice to the good, or the rest."
, Mexico dlty.'Aug. 6. Thirsty resl
tlonts of the. United States who hope
to find an oasis In Mexico may be
dlaappolnted. IA cabinet member
whose Influence will be felt In the
drafting or "dry" regulations was
recently quoted In The Excelsior as
saying that fit imay 'he necessary (or
the 'Mexican government to estab
lish a.' "dry" tone at leaat ton kllo
imetera deep along the entire length
ot the United States boundary.
' Intimation waa also given that the
government la prepared to move Im
mediately against persona -who are
Teported to. Ibe selling liquor to Am
Orleans, using Mexican territory , as
their base or operations.
In ItmntiK for l't AtrxJtlrx They
Murder, Aftitllitlc mill l(il llw (liirrlMni ,
loiidon, Aug. 6. The Greek army
of oeaupudon which landed at Smy
rna a few month ago murdered and
pillaged the Turku, according to a
hitter published by Marniuduke Plch
thall, a "wiill known writer of custom
affalra. The writer if the hitter was,
described by Mr. 'Plckthall aa "the
reliable correspondent" but his idcn
ity waa not disclosed.
The wrltur assert that when the
Ureek army lnndd at Smyrna, Turk
ish troop had been ordered by the
TurkUh authorities to remain In
their barracks und that they did no:
but that the Greek broke Into places
where TurkUh officers were rollect
ed aud shot down all who would not
about "long Venlzelos,? i.Many
were tint shot down according to the
writer. The writer 'addi;
The governor of Smyrna waa
dra'rgod along the wharf and carried
aboard a ('.reck ship. Ills wife waa
wounded and his houae looted. The
Turk-lit h chief of staff waa bayonet
ed in the face and thrown Into, tha
hold or the Greek cattle ship among
thn animal. The aenlor doctor of
the Turkish army corps was murder
ed and his ibody mutilated. Fingers
of Turkish man Ifnd women who wore
rings iwere cut off -wholesale. Houses
were looted, women robbed of all
their Jewels.
."Thla waa supposed to he an ab
solutely peaceful occupation In the
Interests of law and order. Greece
had not even been at war with Tur
key. In no caae did the Turks ahow
flght jintl they .were attacked "by
the Greeka. The civilian Greeks
Joined with the Invading soldiery. In
the work of murder and pillage. And
the allied fleet acquiesced In these
proceedings, which were made pot
alble only by Its presence."
WaHbington, lAug. 5. Senator
Wataon, Indiana republican, declar
ed that the history or German and
Japanese acquisitions fu Shantung
had been one wrong heaped upon an
other. Ho asked the senate to re
ject the treaty provision glvlnk ,lai
an control on the Shuntung Penin
sula. .Ml llMOIl Hl'HPK.tT It KM
Marahfield, Aug. B. Ilarold llow
ol, aged 13 years, was hound over
to the grand Jury, and Carroll War
don, hla 18-year-old companion dur
ing moat of the afternoon on which
the murder of 16-year-old I-llllan
Ienthold, or Bandon, occurred, was
freed, when District " Attorney Hall
dismissed the charge against him.
Young Howell, only, appeared be
fore Judge Wade and It witnesses
aitpearod for the state. The defense
waa silent.
The only new development was (the
testimony of the last witness tor the
state, who stated that the markings
on the ibullet which was round In the
glrl'ti head Indicated that It had
been, rlred from a gun (n which the
bore had been changed. The bore
In the gun which young Howell had
with him the afternoon of the mur
der, and whldh belongs to him, had
been changed from .22 to .25 call
ber. Howell and Marden were seen
hunting In the vicinity of the crlirfe
Sunday afternoon? the day the girl
wtia murdered. .'
Fan Francisco. iAug. 5. The San
Francisco division of the ' shipping
oard has asked the allocation of 80
"nore vessels tor foreign trade fr6m
'his coast. Or 48 vessels already aa
Sgned, which will be finished dur
'ng August and September, 20 are
assigned to San Fwmclaeo, 16 to Se
ttle and 12 to Tortland. .
Railway Shopmen Take Lead
and Redaction of Commodities-Eager to Strike and
Defy Grand Lodge-Would Deal With Government
Washington, Aug. 5. Director
Cenernl Minus and J. J. Forrester,
president of the Brotherhood of
Railway Clerks, Freight Handler.
Express und Station Employes, ron
ferTed today on the employes' de
mands for a wage increase unless
something la dono immediately to
materially reduce the living coat.
9lmllur demands from the Brother
hoods of Locomotive Engineer and
Railway Trainmen are now Wore
Director Hlnes.
Five hundred thousand shopmen
over the country are voting on
whether to call a strike to enforce
the 25 per cent Increase, fending
the outcome, shopmen now striking
are exported to return to work In
moot places. The shopmen of the
Chicago district, however, have re
fused to return and aay they will
pay no attention to the grand lodge
but will treat with the government
Organised labor -was before the'
country today with a demand that
private capital be retired from rail
road operations, substituting tripar
tite control of railroad properties by
the public, operating management
and employers. Engineers, firemen
and the American Federation of-La-
'hor made demands that the matter
be laid efore the house Interstate
commerce committee.
Toklo, Aug. S. Viscount Uchlda,
Japanese foreign minister, in a state
ment today declared that Japan does
not Intend to claim any rights af
foctliiK the territorial sovereignty of
China In Shantung. He promises that
the Japanese troopa are to withdraw
Immediately atter an agreement is
concluded with China.
Japan moreover la considering the
establishment or a general settle
ment at Tsin Tao, Instead of a pure
ly Japanese settlement. ' '
(John IW. Kelly In The Oregonlan.) f
Clinging to the summit of the Sis-'
klyous Is a rock crusher, reducing
to macadam, size, ancient masses ot
blue basalt for the IPnclflc highway.
Uke a thin aplder werti, a wire
stretches from the iwrched quarry
across the mountain slopes, until It
is lost In the distance. , This wire.
attached to rugged pines, continues
on and on for seven miles, leaving
the quarry plant In Oregon and ter
minating In a power plant at Hilt,
C&l. .
Fuel Is scarce and costly to deliver
at the Siskiyou summit, so Oskar
H uiber, who has the contract rbr pav
Ing the IPaoiric highway from -Ashland
to the California line, operates
his crusher with electric power,
drawn from 'Hilt. This Is the moat
southern outfit 'working on the Pa
cUlo highway. iFrom this summit,
4700 feet 4n the air, trucks loaded
with rock tor ithe pavement base
'roll down toward the state tine, five
milles away,' southward,, while the
same plant' furnishes rock for the
northern section aa rn-etl.
U will toe next yea'r before the Os
kar Huber Job, 'Which la trifle more
than 20, miles. '6.9 miles being the
Ashland-Green Springs mountain
and 14.6 miles' being the Green
in Demanding Wage Increase
Waffhlngton. Aug. 5. Attorney
General Palmer Is expected to pre
sent a preliminary report today to
President Wilson concerning possible
steps to be taken by government
agencies to reduce the night living
The president is to discuss with
Julius Barnes, president ot the grain
ootiJoration, the proposal to restore
wbAt to Ui free market, with the
government making good tbe differ
ence between the market price and
Administration officials believe
that Increased production Is one way
to decrease the living coat.
President Wilson feels that
strikes or threats of strikes now will
Interfere materially with the solu
tion. He may go before con areas
nd recommend that steps be taken
for relief.
Sail Francisco, Aug. 5. James
O'Connell, chairman or the metal
trades department of the American
Federation of Labor, today announc
ed that a hair-million members or
the metal trades crafu this month
will demand that congress and the
president red ace the cost of living
If. possible, to avoid strike disturb
Buenos Ayres, Aug. 6. Diploma
tic relations between England and
Argentine are delicate as a result or
'the purchase, by Argentine ot the
German steamship . Bapia Blanca.
England refused to recognize the
purchase, made during the war.
One Argentine newspaper deplores
("Argentine's hostile attitude towaid
j British capital invested In Argen-
I tine."
Springs Mountain to the state line, is
When finished it iwtll connect with
the present bard surface, extending
from Ashland to Bedford and thence
to Central Point, '
Everything from Grants iPa'ss to
the state, line haa been contracted
for paving.
From Central IPolnt , to Gold Hill
there is an 8.9 'mile paving contract
on which the Clark-Henry company
Is working. This wilt cost $231,G!9
and 'Will be laid on an ttsphaltic con
crete base,
A contract to Schell & Calvert (or
the 12.2 miles from Gold Mill to the
Josephine county line will soon be
j-, V b
uuuer way. .nr. ocnen lias a puv
Ing contract on his own account be
tween Grants Pass and the county
'line and a soon as this 'Is completed
i which will be in about six weeks,
'Schell't equipment will be moved
onto the Gold IH111 Josephine county
line work. IBetween Grants iPasa and
the county line Mr. Schell has a 6.1
J mile paving contract, which la about
50 per cent finished.
. At Gold Hill, the hottest spot In
southern Oregon, the contractors
who iwlll build the (bridge a'cross
(Continued on Page 2)
Kiliorbitant Profits of Fo"d Specu
lators Jtespoojiible for Strikes
and High Cost
Washington, Aug. 5. Senator
Smoot, of Utah, republican, declared
n the senate todav Inflation of cur
rency and exorbitant profit of rood
distributors were responsible for
high living costs.
I'rging that the people "not lose
their heads" over the situation, Sen
ator Smoot said: '
"I look forward to trouble, not
only in this country, but all the
world, unless a change cornea within
a reasonable time."
Senator Thomas, .democrat, of
Colorado, observed that the high
cost of living was world-wide and
asked if any senator could suggest
how one nation alone could change
Senator Sherman, republican, Illi
nois, said the meat packers were not
responsible for high meat prices.
"The increase in price of meats
comes after they leave the refrigera
tor car," said he.
Senator 'Borah, republican, of Ida
ho, said it would Ibe no task to find
the profiteer.
"We know where the profiteer
is," be said, "and he will be Just as
safe the next four years aa be haa
been the last four." . ,
Senator Reed, democrat, of Mis
souri, declared:
"K we can't feed ourselves, we
ought not try to feed the world.
There is a plan on foot to organize
a gigantic corporation to finance and
feed Europe, and our government.
through the league of nations, la to
undertake this plan. We are to drain
this country' of its money and Its
goods at the very time our people are
clamoring for relief."
Fonn suit to jvkv
Mount Clemens, ftUch.. Aug.' 5.
The Henry Ford Ubel suit testimony
nas ended and the case will rob-
ably go to the Jury next Tuesday.
The weather, reports furnished by
County Agent C. D. Thomiwon shows
that Grants 'Pass people this year
sweltered through the longest
stretch of hot weather experienced
since 1911.. For 11 days the ther
mometer registered 100 or more, the
highest minimum being 67 degrees
on July .10, 1919. The records since
1911 shows the 'following:
June July Aug.
Max. 96 110 ,x 92
MIn 31 87, 39
Eleven days 100 or more.
Max; 96 105 98
MIn. .. 36 42 35 .
Two days. 100 or more.
Max. 96 101 101
Min. 36 . 39 38
One day 100 or more.
Max. 97 105 108
Min, 33 33 - 41
Three days 100 or more In July,
and five days 100 or more In August.
' Max. ....;.....100 103 . 105
Min. ' 36 39 44
' Six days 100 or more In Julv. and
nine days 100 or more. In August.
1916 '
Max. 101 94 .105
Min. ; 31 40 - 37
Five days 100 or more in August.
, 1917
,Max. 93 ' 106 1 97
Min.- 30 . 30 40
Two days 100 or more In July. ,
Max. . 102 98 104
Min. ....,.:., 31 , 39 38
Four days 100 or more lit August.
1919 .,
Max. 94 lbs . :
Min. 35 . 67 .
whom; NtwniEii 27m.
Austria's Counter Proposals to the
Peace Terms Handed Over Tomor
row, on Schedule T'me
Paris, Aug. 5. Telegrams from
American officials at Budapest state
that the Roumanian troops upon en
tering Budapest started plundering
la the auburbs. FUlaea or twenty
civilians were killed by the Rouman
ians during the day.. ' '
The Roumanians demanded host
ages, threatening to kill five host
ages for each Roumanian soldier '
killed In Budapest. They arrested
some or the new Hungarian minis
try, mounted machine gun and de
mobilized the local police.
Palis, Aug. 5. Dr. KarlRenner.
Austrian chancellor, announced to
day that counter proposals to the
peace terms presented to Austria
would be handed over tomorrow,
within the prescribed time.
Copenhagen, Aug. , , 5. Premier
Clemenceau, president of 'the peace ,
conference, . replying to a wireless
message from the Italian military
mission at Budapest, declares tbat
supreme council of the peace con
ference does not intend to interfere.
In the internal policy of the Hungar
ian government.
iRaritan N. J., Aug.' 4. Twelve
people were killed and many injured
in an - explosion of a magazine at
the United States army arsenal to
day. The fire which followed the
explosion' la being' fought.
later reporta said that none were
killed and only six were injured.
The arsenal . 1s threatened with' des
truction. ,
Salem, Ore., Aug. 4. Members of '
the state fair board, acting upon tha
suggestion . or Governor Olcott, this
afternoon designated Septeniber 22,,
the first day of the 1919 fair, as
Withycombe day, in honor of the
late Governor Withycombe. 'Ter
haps no man has been a greater fac
tor in the development of agriculture
and live stock in the state than the
late Governor W'lthycomlbe," said
Governor Olcott In his letter to the
board, "and It would eeem fitting
that the state, through its fair, of-.
fer some such tribute to the work
which be accomplished along these .
Berlin, Aug. 5. The Vorwaerts
declares that the entente, by de-'
mandlng the surrender of the for
mer German emperor Is affording the
monarchists an opportunity for noble
poses, which la calculated to win
sympathy for Count Hohenzollera
and bis defenders. "A bit of pru
dence might have told the entente
that much in advance," the paper
adds. The' (Pan -German Deutsche
Zeitung says: "The German people,
who on June i28th, 1919, a day of
dishonor, ' tn cowardly traitorous
flight surrendered Its 4mperlal mas
ter will again remove this blot from
its escutcheon."