PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER MONDAY, Al'lll NT 4, IOIB. ERAHTS PASS Oil COURIER Pnbllahed Dftlly Except Sunday A. D. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. tared at poatofflce. Grant Paaa. Or., aa second claa mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per inch... .l&c Looal-pereonal column, per line.. 10c fceadera, per Una e DAILT COURIER y mall or carrier, per year 16.00 iky mail or carrier, per month .60 MONDAY, AVGI ST 4, 1919. OREGON WEATHER f Probable fair; gentle wester- 4 ly winds. ; TOURISTS ARE ENJOYING Continued from Page One.) O. Myhne, wife end three boys. Or land, Cal H. E. White, wife and tiwo child ren, Bremerton, Wash. Miss Laura MeOoach,' Miss Caro line atcCoach, Miss Jane P. Coach. Miss Josephine Anderson, Miss Eva Brady, Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Hilt, wife and child, Mrs H. S. Lewis, Portland, Ore. J. W. iReld, wife and two chil dren, Shan wood. Wash. J. R. iLangslle. wife and son, M. W. Whltaker and son, ChJco. Cal. O. M. Depew, wife and three chil dren, Seattle, Wash. . f Ed. E. Rohslte and wife, Wend- laad, Cal. G. W. Osborne, San Diego, Cal. John Woodward, W. F. Roberts Oakland. Cal. E. C. Klyce and wife, A. P. Sherry and wife, Seattle, ash. A. R. Pfeff, and iwlfe, Tacoma, Wash. Hellen Carner, Dorris, Carner. Ba- ltersfield. Cal. Invited to Speak. V. H. Vawter, -of Medford, .In charge of the program for the en tertainment of the editorial excur sion party to Crater Lake, has writ ten to O. S. Blanchard of this city, asking him to make a speech at the big bonfire to be held on the rim of Crater Lake when the editors yis lt that scenic wonder. There will foe three speeches made by Rogue RlTer valley people: ,Mr. Blanchard will represent Grants Pass. Mr. Vln tng -will speak for lAshland, and Col. Washburn for Medford. These will not be "booster" talks In the general meaning of the word, but the speak ers will tell of Southern Oregon's resources, her scenery and climate. j Bond Letter Paper Good quality bond paper, 8l4xil I inches, unruled, at 1 per 500 sheets I Courier office 23tt NEW TODAY WANTED Log-cutters. Fine tim ber. 1.25 per thousand feet. Steady job. Edgerton & Adams Lumber Co. 34tf FOR SALE 3 5 Duroc Jersey stock Pigs for sale. Ed L. Schmidt & Son. 3g THE LITTLE COW that so many nave wanted is now for sale. Call 625 North Sixth street, Grants iPass, Ore. 36 A GOODPAllTof inareT ToTsaleTl and 7 years old. Sound and good i pullers. One set heavy harness. One 3-inch waicon. All in good shape. Inquire Jen-ell Harness Shop. 36 WANTED Three wood euTeraTTio! pay. Long job. Good wood. Close to town. See Derlcks, 203 Bur gess street. 411 FOR "SALE "OR ""TRADE SSMm-b Sterlin separator with a JO h. p. gas engine, both nioun'ed tin trucks ready for work. $07 r, . Will trade for auto, livestock m wood. Also have 33-inch separa tor and engine for saK Pacific , Highway garage, Medford. Ore Bon. ' 40 f AXI (Phone " RoseV "Confectionery. .No. 1160, for taxi. Hurry callB at any time. C. E. GHkson. 35tf WANTiSD -F urn fs hed" mod e in" )i 6 use for 'winter by reliable party. Ad dress iP. O. Box 96. 61 WANTED Furnished house "suit . able for two families. Address No 1392. Care Courier. 3f CHICHESTER S PILLS 0 jr. THE WIAMOND BBAND. A lllel Aitrirllniihllbci hrbw-lorlllnidTlrandV I-I1U il. Ur4 llid Void mMilllAV bnia, Mled with Bin RIMjoa. Take other. Hut mt wmar V llrnnM. AJ.(nr( in. IIKK.TF.n IHAlloNO I1KAKU I'lLIA k gft years know n as Lest, SMut. Al way, II clltk Carson's Strawberries STXK1ST OlUXt.rS AX1 LKMOXS IttNNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality and Service TAXI MOVED to Rose's Place PHONE 160 C. . Gilkison '"2 Sims' !mi4 liiifLa m EPT secret and special and personal for you is WRIGLEY5 in its air -tight sealed package. A goody that Is worthy of your lasting regard because of its lasting quality. Three flavors to suit ail tastes. Be SURE to get WRIGLEYS Sealed Tight Kept Right The Flavor Lasts TIRES Fabric and Cords All Sizes C. L. HOBART CO. HERE IS A GOOD ONE One 1918 Maxwell, just painted at a'bargain Tiros, Tubes, Boots, Reliners and Patching Material of all Sorts COLLINS AUTO COMPANY 511 H Street . - Phone 317 Oonatlnatlon unuti tha nnllr av. tern eaualna serious IIIiimim in tha human family. Don't worry Hoi lis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea -will driva out constipation, regulate the bowels, tone tha stomach, purify, cleanse. Without fall Rive it a thorough trlul. nng v.LiSkJ Do IRE Another Shipment of Big Bens and Baby Bens in Today BARNES, The Jeweler B. P. Ttoi Inaiierlor Next door rlnt National Itank AN nchinjj back may not mean anything aeriout, but It certainly dorio't mean anything good. When the kidneys are weak or disordered they ceate to do their work, and Inatead ol cleanainf, the blood ol lmpuritira, the waite producta remain to attack the whole iyatcm, caua lnj achea and paina In muaclca and jolnta, irrr(ularitiea of the bladder, pufhnca under ryea. billouuieaa, erratic appetite and other Ilia and ailmenta. JMeygdney pills invigorate, atimutate and reatore to healthy action (he organa that niter and remove the watte producta therefrom. They strengthen the kidneya and bladder and tone up the liver. George McLaine, Turtle Lake, N. D., wntea: "I am a locomotive en gineer. I waa troubled with my back. Had bad paina and bladder troubled tne c4irn through (he day arid night. I took I'olcy Kiduey i'illa and I wtta relieved la a couple of daya." If you have reason to suspect that your kidneya are overworked, weakened or diieancd, the beat thing to do ia to Jive them help immediately. MOLI EVKHVWIIKHK G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top.and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Century Electric FANS A l lttlo Mora Wind for a 14' tie les Omt AHk your locul hardware or eleotrlc .deitlor to supply you. They can obtain prompt de livery if they haven't them In stock, from H. It. POPPLKTOX 71 Front St. Portluml, Oro. C WillaM D We are fully equipped tor all kimlN of buttery work at reiuonahle prlcea coiialHtmit with flrat I'ltiaa work. When in needof a new battery buy the UU-bitltnr Wlllard, with threudtul rubber Inaulntliin. Hie Battery Shop A. V. Hateltoii, Propr. Notice to Subscribers Uudr authority" of the Postmaster (ipihtuI, on acfourit of recent increases in wages to employees, totaling for the State of Oregon up wards of -$225,000.00, certain changes in exchange rates have lieen ap proved and made effective July 2J, 1019, for the State of Oregon. The changes in rates apply particiilarlv to residence sen i. e. changes having been made in the principal business rates .Mav 1, 1!1!. All new business taken on after .July 29th will be at the new rates and bills to present subscribers for the month of August will be render ed at the new rates." The increased rate will yield an annual revenue upwards of 000.00, but as the increase in wages is upwards of $225,000.00 the net return to the. Company under the rates now made effective isupproxi mately 2 per cent on the valuation of its property at $13,4G4,000.(K), as found by the Public Service Commission. The nev schedule of rates is identical with the one approved bv the Postmaster General for the State of Washington, which has been in effect since March 1, 1919. The rates are the same in both states for exchanges that are comparable. Ac believe that, no proof .as to the advanced cost of living and the general high .cost prevailing for labor arid materials is neeessarv and that the telephone using public will accept this increase in rates in the same spirit of fairness and consideration as it has the advances in almost every other necessity in these unusual times. RATES FOR GRANTS PASS The following are the changes of rates for Grants Pass: III SINKSS , old JUto Xow Harr Wall DoHk Wall l)PHk Kxtenilmi (Without Bell) $ .75 I.OO $1.00 $1,00 Extension (With Q3I1) 90, 1.15 j oq j'oo Suburban Service Ten .party line 3.00 3.2T s.r.O 'A.lh KKSIDRNCK Individual Line ... u 2.00 2.25 2.75 3. IK) Two-party Line 1.75 2.00 2.25 2 50 Four-Tarty (Une j.r.o 1.75 2.00 -i.'l Extension (Without Bell) 50 .76 ,50 75 Extension (With Bell) 5 .90 '55 y0'n Sirhtirluin Service Ten party line J. 50 1.75 300 3 2". The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company AT S010 Si DALCGiSTS EVERVWHERT HEDB2 (S3H2&SRMI