Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, August 04, 1919, Image 1

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    ,.. a H-4 Jill " nn i - fmr
i 1 1 1 1 .
- ' - - g'iyLgiL1!!. gggp ,, MoyiAv. ai - " WHO!
IHHIUXi.tltll OKIl.ltS I I COM SI.
I'Urmk iM:iuvi.i.ii:i n x.
I'oufUi'lInu IIi'HiriH Idwirdlnu
IMMiil of Hivli lender; I'rttli-ii
tnrlnu Will Hulit
llmlutK'Ht, lAug. 2. Roumanian
(rooim have cx:uliwl Muilnpent and
ar dvannlnic from Uiit Uiver TUiwM
despite repretmiitallon made liy
Ueut. Colonel Komiinulll, Italian
ritprtwnntatlve of the allies at Vlon
n. Copenhagen, Auk. 4.'U'I Kun.
'deposed 1 1 mi tutrijin soviet loader, ha
arrived In Vienna, where -nr will be
put lo an Interment ihih i. according
In a dlnMitrh from Vienna received
today. .
Vienna, Aug. 2. illela! Kun, who
rexlgned his virtual dictatorship of
J I unitary, la reported to have arriv
ed here aa a fireman on a freight
train. The rort la that he I now at
Hit) Hungarian legation with the
acquiescence or the German and
Austrian government. No Informa
tion concerning the report rould be
obtained aa the Intention was closed
until Monday.
According to the newaiiapers Hula
Kun, in refusing Thursday the pro
posal of Central lloohm, hla minis
ter of- war, to hand over the- govern
ment to the aotlaliHla. declared Hun
Kary iwould , remain a Hungary of
anvieiH and (hat the proletariat
would dirend the system of coun
cil to the laat drop of blood, even
to the exitont of fighting In the
utreeta of niidaxHt.
I'alrlH, Auk. 4- The uiri-nie In-
tor-altlpd c-ouneU ai-nt a metmnKe yea
tnrduy to the Koumnninn army
Ioiik .the ThcUe river, to ceane Ha
lvanrn upon 'lliulapfnt Immediate
ly. The council enRorly awaited fur
ther communication from the new
Hunmirlan government at FludapuHt
The note, which the supreme coun
wll oommunlcated to the new 'llun
karlnn Koverninent through the Ital
ian mlHHlon In IBudapret, waa tem
perate In toiinahowW that the dla
'POHltlon on tho part of the -peaco con
ference to naslHt tho Hungarian poo
1le Jn an effort to create a atnlilo
vovernment need not In any aeime
be cnnaldered a threat of violence
nualnat the new Rovernmet, It laid
HtrcMH, however, on the neceaalty for
Hungnry to comply with the terma
of the ermlxttce and disarm com
pletely. . '
OltlttJOX OX jl'hV 111, IDIO
1 Balom, Ore., iAug. 4. A report le
aned by the aecretary of state Satnr
duy showed that 75.04 4 automobiles
had ibeen llcenaed In Oregon this
'yoar up to July 31. The receipts In
this department up to July 31 to
talled $."62,2rl aa against $461,422
collected during the entire 12 months
of 1918.
'Mexico City, Aug. 4. Eighteen
persons are. reported to have been
klllod 'In Muna, Yucatan, In tho clash
'between government authorities and
socialists. Seven ty-elx prisoners have
'been sent from Muna to Vera Cruz
by General 'Luis IM. IHernande. chief
of military operations In Yucatan
IbiiK hcra (ilvi n t mil to 'oin-
I'letf Incliout Itluhla on ItutUt
Oivk and ItoKue Krver
i.Vt a IiiCH'Lliiir of the utAtn wulap
hoard i4'ld July 28 an' order waa en-
iorei emeiidiiiK llio lime ror the
completion of the Inohoat rlKhU on
lloicue Jllver laid Ilttle Hutte creek.
T!i In tiiltiw In all the trllMilarlen of
UiKtie river, auch aa the Applesate
river. Wllllnma creek. Crave Creek,
Wolf Cree. Jiimp-ofNIoe creek,
3han creek. 7Jmpy creek, etc. Tho
order of the hoerd Juat received by
IMatrtot Water MuHtur M. Jt, Opdvcke
read aa followa:
"Tlie ftintler of extending the time
ror the completion of Inchoat rlghta
under the Hogue river and Utile
Hutte creek adjudlcntlona waa con
aldered at thla time, application
harlnit heert reivl from a number
of ,wntr uaera. It appearing tint
tho time expired October 1, 1912.
and that on fcccount of the hlirh coat
of labor and, materlala and other un
favorable condition, many water
uaera ihad Ven unablo to perfeot the
Inohoat rlwiita allowed them. It waa
therefore ordered that the time for
the completion of all Inchoat rlghta
on noirno TUver and Little Butte
creek be and the aame la hereby ex
tended to Octotlier 1. 1921.'
By thla order the farmer of ihl
county aa well aa-.In kaon county will
nave one more year to complete their
rltrtita ROt tnetr jan(1 ,n
for Irrigation and malnUIn the pri
ority of 1 908 for auch land. Owlnjt
lo the fat that It waa Imnomlbl. t
aecure labor to clear land farmera
nave iieen etrlvlng aa fceat thev enuM
to ct at least part of their Inchoat
nieni 4U mtape, imt thla extenaion
win mean a great dnal to them and
win enable many of them to com
plete their entire inohoat rlsht.
Salem, Ore., .Aug. 4. Since the
enictmont of the Irrigation district
Maw by the atate leslalature in 1911
winds In the Bum of 13.501,000 have
been certified by 1he Irrigation aeenr
Itlea commlKslon. it was stated to
day. Thoy are secretin ted aa follows:
Ochoco district. fl'loo.OOO: iWurm
Springs dlHtrlct. 170,000; Pavette-
U re so n sloiie dlHtrlct. tJ25.00fl:
Squaw Creek district. i8.000; Hood
itlver district, $167,000; Cold Hill
district. $60,000; Talent dlatrlot,
$17.",0l)0; Tecl district. $930,000.
Thero ar alao iMnd!ng biifom tho
Irrigation securities commission no.
plication for the certification or
$600,000 ror the Warm Springs Irri
gation district, $300,000 for the Sil
ver Uke irrigation district, $395,.
000 ror the Suttles Uke Irrigation
district. $75,000, for the Tulent irri
gation district: $25,000 for the ttnirt
Hill Irrigation district; $55,000 for
tno urnnts Pass Irrigation dlmrl.t
and $15,000 for the Squaw Creek ir
rigation district.
It Is proposed to use the imnud
of all these 'bonds for construction
worg. . . ..
A numbor or other irrigation Mm.
trlcts contemplate development work
during the present season. inoinHin.
the Horsefly project In Klamath
county wnicn proposes to spend in
the nolghbonhood of $40,000 in the
Installation of additional pumping
enus. rne Janirell v&iinv ,tipiin
Contemplate the Irrigation .of ap-
-iiisiiiiBieiy au.uuo acres with wjiIbp
stored In the ovornment's ' Clear
lake reservoir. The "Silver Creek
'rrlgatlon district" In arney county
iroimses to water 174,000 acrea,
vhlle the Aled ford Irrlgatton district
Int hides 20,000 'with the proposed
xpendlttire of $1,500,000 in 'con
"'.ructlon. ...
Washington, 'Aug. 4. (Pacific
"snst iStaites; Temperature normal.
Centrally fair weather, although oc
"slonal local thundershower proh
")le In Washington and Oregon.
KKNIM4 UllAi Tit m;llKiSH KS -
t.lllMSHIo 'l'.M.IXKXT MM,
iT.utr idmcv mn r. s.
l lelil Army of War Htrongth of
i.mi.inhi .iien anil finuera, Willi
AcUe Fone of .llo.lMMi
Waahlnston. Aug. t. The main-
tonance'of one field army with war
atreiiKlh of 1,250,000 officer and
men 1a propoaed In WH eatohllaWnsI!
a permanent military policy, aent to
conirreaa today by Secretary Baker.
Tho active force of thla army
would be young men who had taken
a three-month training counie, com
pulsory for 19-year-old youtha.
There would be no change In the ex-
iatlng law regarding the organisation
of the national nard and lta rela
Hon to the regular army.
Waahlngton, Aug. 4.--I,lana for a
permanent peace anny of S10.000 of
ficer and men, and a eyatem of uni
versal military training waa trans
mitted to congreas today by Secre
tary Baker In a bill representing the
war department' policy. AU special
enlce of the army built up during
the war would be maintained and
three-months military training for
youths of 19 would foe compulsory.
Promotion of officer by seniority
would he abolished.
Secretary Baker said the war
showed this system of promotion de
fective. Youths would be subject to mili
tary service two year after complet
ing their course of military training
and in event of war the eeleotlve
service act would become operative.
J.tlMXKSK WUi issnc
Washington. Aug. 4. A formal
statement of the Japanese govern
ment resardlnar lta Iniuti.
final disposition of the Shantung l""1 that 1f t,,rther delayed the the
MiiBimiiidi . ,
ponmnuia will -be uuWIshed oon
Uverpoot, Aug. 4. Troops today
drove out riotous crowds from the
streets, wh Ma destroyers are in the
river to protect tW do:ks. Bus
tramway line are not operating.
The policemen's strike continues.
San iPranclsco, Aug. 4. The two
mine layers of the great Pacific fleet
are pioneers of one of the greatest
accomplishment In naval history
the bottling up of the lOerman fleet
of submarines to the extent that the
under sea boats lost much of the ef
fectiveness. .
The Baltimore and ArooBtock.
with others or their kind iflying the
American flag, planted more than
50,000 American mines in 'European
w aters. The batrage they laid down
against the submarines was 230
miles long and stretches from Seot
land to Norway. ' The British navy
assisted, but the 'Americans laid SO
per cent of that famous line of High
explosives, There . were more than
6.700 members of the navy engaged
In this work. :
. .. ,
cai'itak .
.Called l)imn y (Jeiierul Vice I'renl-
dine: Krelitlit and 1'iuAnui-r
' Traffic In llnlance
Washington, Aug. 4. All railroad
jofficlala now In Washington are aak-
j wl 'r Director General Hlnea to meet
Xor nfrenc regardlag the
Ihlgheat coat of living. Mr. Hlnes will
explain the plan for having congress
create a commlaxion to go into all
the ohases of railroad wagea, aa
President Wilson -proposed. ' t
Kaiiaa City, Mo., Aug. 4. Rail
way carmen now striking In a num
ber of cities have been ordered to
(return to work Iby Frank Paquin.
general -vice president of the Broth
erhood of Hallway Carmen or Am
erica. .Who declare that the strike
i unauthorized for the reason that
a legal vote has not yet "been taken;
Chicago, Aug. 4. 'Every round
house worker in the United State
mar be asked to loin In the eMinral
jstrlke of the federated railway hop-
men's union, leader here said today.
U hi predicted that the strike- will
Me up freight and passenger traffic
In many sections within a week.
R. II. lAshton. regional director of
railways in the Northwest, said that
thus far the strike has not Interfer
red with operations,
Washington. Aug. 4. Officials of
the six big railway shopmen's unions
M tho r,,l.l 1 ... . .
todajf that they (ould ot h-
plan for settlement of the railway
wajge problems. They asked an im
mediate granting of increases, aver
aging 25 per cent demanded last
January and declared that many
thousands of shopmen had already
walked out on an unauthorized strike
""l,,u et cxniroi
Washington, Aug. 4. Wayne B
Wheeler counsel for the ahtl-saoon
league, declared tnitnv ihi h I
league, declared today thai the war
time prohi'Mtlon act was not uncon
stitutlonal. as Ellhu iRoot and other
attorneys claimed. Mr. Wheeler also
denied that the league intended to
start a.ti anti-tobacco campaign.
The mine, deadly when anchored,
was harmless df it tore loose and
went afloat. When the navy depart-
ment decided on its
contracts were let
with not dozens
but hundreds of firms. One hundred
fhousaiid were made. .
Each mine contained 800 pounds
of T. N. T. They were carried
across the ocean to Scotland .Where
ports were built for this one p'urpose
and from there taken out to berths
In the sea. '
It has Ibeen said more than $30,
000,000 was spent between : June,
1918, when the work, wis begun alid
German submarine at the high peak
of their success, and November Jl.
1918, when Germany surrendered,
Fafgo, X. IX, Aug. 4. The Indus
trial program of the national non
partisan league, whloh was endorsed
by the voters of North Dakota' at
special referendum election .on June
26, Is helm; put into operation.
The bank of North Dakota, In
which alt atate, county and munici
pal funds are to 1e deposited tinder
the new laws, is in operation, but is
not yet ready to .make loan and
handle deposits on a big scale.
The bank now employs 20 persons
with an annual payroll of $00,000
The 'bank' resources will be, more
than $31,000,000. Public funds total
ling $21,000,000 have been reported
and there a?e state bond of $10,-
000,000. Only about $100,000 worth
of banjc bonds tiave Iveen sold In the
state, but bank official explain this
by saying investors held off pending
the outcome of the referendum. Th,e
bank bad planned to sell $500,000
worth fit bonds. -
When the Institution lsln full
operation a; statement similar to
those from the federal reserve banks
will be issued monthly outlining
condition over the state. .J. . . R.
Waters, formerly state bank exam
iner, Is head df the bank, and P. W.
Cathro, for 30 years a' North Dakota
banker. Is director general.
The (bank will provide fund for
carrying out the industrial program
and an industrial commission - will
control the state-owned .Industrie. o
be established.
The Home Building association,
which will provide funds for i per
sons desiring to Ibuild homes, is ex
pected to be in operation soon.' The
Mill and Elevator association," in
charge of the league's wheat market-
Ing and distributing system, 'has been
inspecting mill and elevators with
i view to purchasing two or three to
start the experiment. The state is
not expected to start .an extensive
building program for several months.
Mexico . City. Aug. , 4. Although
the 'Mexican congress was called into
extraordinary session on May 1, for
the purpose of passing, among oth
ers, a 'petroleum law that would car
ry out the provisions of Article 27
or tne new constitution, which na
tlonalUes oil lands, np -ta the present
., .. .
time the Question has not hoan
brought up for discussion l'n etther
the senate or the chamber of depu
El Democrata states that the two
petroleum commissions appointed bv
the lower house are considering the
objections raised by the foreign oil
Interests that;)Article 27 Is 'in direct
opposition to (Article 14 or the con
stitution, which prohibits retroactive
legislation.-. , -
Unofficial reports are to the ef
fect that-(President CamtaEa . Tia
washed 'his hands of the matter and
haa put It up to congress to find a
solution. ... . .
Anchorage, Alaska, Aug. 4 Pack
ing' of fresh shrimp is a new Indus
try begun Iby two companies at Pe
tersburg, Alaska. "The shrimu come
from Thomas bay and '- after two
cookings are nacked In fivn-nnuiut I
cans, given a sanitary sealing with
out salt, water or other material be
ing added. , The product is shipped
on ice, " . .
About 10 per cent of People Com
plain of Rod ItoadH nd Lack of
Big City Convenience
, After .' visit among the various
campers at the auto park, a Courier
reporter found that there is general
satisfaction among the tourist who
aye topplBf t tit irmdndn. At
least' 90 per cent of them are well
pleased with the oonvenlences-free
wood, free water and bathing in the
river. However, about 10 per cent
of the number that camp there com
plain about the general condition
of the grounds and say "why don't
the merchant aftd business men of
-Grant Pass awake and get alive and
advertise the place by farnlshin
garbage can, and fireplaces."
But the kicker are hopelessly in
the minority and are mostly from
Washington, Oregon and California.
They would, of coarse, appreciate all
modern convenience of a' big city
and cable service to all points of the
world, as welj as hospital and free
doctor and nurses.
Owing to extensive 'highway con
struction there la miich complaint of
the rough road to the north and
south, but all that will be eliminated
by the fall of 1920. Especially do
the tourists from eastern states en
joy the camp ground and make many
complimentary remark about the
splendid bathing resort.' During the
past two days the following parties
hare stopped at the camp grounds:
Ceo'. ' R. Wlckham. wife and k two
children, E. 'B. Wickham and boy.
El Sentj?o, Cat. .
D. K. Miller, wife and child. Port
lArthur. Texas.
iR. A. Bird and family of five, Se
attle, Wash.
W. B. Evans, wife and family,
Boston, Mass.
X.. C. iMordie and family, .Bakers
field, Cal.
E. W. Calt, Coyote, Cal.
Mwi Walter a'nd wife, Seattle,
Wash, , , ' ,
C M. Spencer and wife, (MoVtlne,
Mark G. Johnson and wife, Ta
coma). Wash. ' '
H. (A. (Greenland and wife, Phoer
nlx, lArizona. .
E. W. Shewell, wife and three
children, Edmonton. Alberta.
" J. C. White and wife. Mrs. Carrie
D. Howland, San Francisco, Cal.
H. IR; Dunks and- wife, Fresno.
Cal. .
; Jack 'Lanke and wife, F. G. Blair
and wife. Walla Walla, Wash.
J. A. Van IPelt and wife. Walter
Sand, iBillings, Mont. .'.
.J. W. iBratton, six In family, Ever- ;
ett. Wash. , ' .. ,
' N. E. Ediwatds, Ute, Iowa. .
' jPerry .Edwards. Myrtle Creek.
Oregon. '-.
. H. Landow, wife and three ,
children. Mrs. W. F. Rotermund. .
Portland, Ore, , .
,F. M. Kelly. Seattles Wash."
. S. N. Lempton, Hastings, Neb.
Oaton Jinkln, Floyd Jinkin, Meri
dian, Cal. :
' C. IR. Johnson, Ixw Angeles, Cal. . '
;W. C. JRoester and wife, SLob An
geles, Cal. ' v "
A. A. Bratton, SaJita Ana, Cal.
Mr. Nellie Barne, Anaheim, Cal.
B. C. Wright and wife, two chil
dren. Great Fall, Mont. ; ,' '
. IRoy 'Morten, Adan, Ore.
W.-. IA. . Nelson, and wife and ' ",
daughter, Creat Falls, iMontana.
C. D, Cress, wife and two children,
Parna, Ida. , -. , ' -'
OBen Scanlan, wife and three chll-.
dren, Parna, Ida.
(Continued on Page 2)