PACE FOUR GIUliTS PASS UAILY COCKIER HATl ltlAY, AI'tU HT U, 1 U 1 0. THE WOMEN'S BANK ' flTo matrons who desire a household ac count a place to keep their money, we urge that they t ome to this hank where safety and accuracy are permanent. H Wheu you have a tidy sum saved we will advise as to invest incut. Tins is a service . we cheerfully render our atrons. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON FER52NflL LOCAL beds 34 I When Friends lropa in entertain them with the music of the VICTROLA There's always fresh inter est In Victor Records of the world's masterpieces, sting played by the world's greatest artists; in the latest popular songs; and the newest dance musk-. There are no "embarassing moments" when you entertain with the Victrola. Stanton Rowell Music and Photo House 507 509 G St. NEW TODAY W ANTED Log-cutters. Fine tim ber. $1.25 ier thousand feet. Steady job. Edgerton & Adams Lumber Co. 34tr iOS. M0S3 AGENCY -Fire ance. plate glass liability ance. 204 4 Sixth street. Insur-Insur-tf ! FOR SAht Must sell at once, one Shetland pony, with harness. "Well broke for riding or driving. Mrs. H. K. Cordon, phone 609-F-4. 35 WANTED Two weaned calves. Al onzo Jones. I'houe 603-F-21.' 35 FOR SAUK Mortorcycle Prest-O- Lite tank, including large lamp muu urai-Rets ror eitner tront or rear. All for IS if taken soon. Inquire of Fred Costaln, 806 Weal I street. 35 GOOD PIANO for sale cheap. 179-L. Call 34 Excursion Kates to Coast Grants Pass to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for 17.50. Grants Pass and Crescent City Stage com pany. Phone 26. 7tf Fruit-strainers at Crazier Bros. Bdgar Firth returned last nltrht from trip to Portland. Simmon's guaranteed steel at Helper's. Economy Jars at Cramer Uroa. 34 Sol Stone left last night for Port land and wHl spend several weeks with his brother. Jelly glasses at Cramer Pros. 34 The family of S. W. Swan, who Is looking after mining Interests in the Jump-off-Joe creek secUon. arrived here yesterday for on outing. Wtllard storage battery service station. 314 North Sixth St. 17tf Perfection oil stoves for canning and preserving at Cramer Bros. 34 I. U Long, vice president of the Frank L. Doe Lumber company of San Francisco, stopped off here last nlsrht to confer with I. A. Itoblc. For the children, there are Sam-E-Kars. Velocipedes. Coaster wagons and Hondo Toddlers at Helmer's. 34 Poultry tonic at Cramer Pros. 34 Misaes Harriet and Emma Telford returned last night from Klamath Falls, where they spent several weeks with relatives. Give your cow a restfi day with Fly Knocker sold by Cramer Pros. Mr. and Mrs. Geore H. Smith have returned from Portland and are in their homo, corner Seventh and B streets. Wlllard storage battery service station. 314 North Sixth St. 17tf Baby Ko-ral (Baby yards) Oregon made, sold by only one good store in each city. Enamel and stain fin ish at Helmer's. 34 Miss Velma Everton returned home this afternoon from Portland. Woodbnrn and Eugene, where she Mrs. Lucy A. MnColm. of (Mendale. Is visiting frluuds here. Mis Aft lev Pool went to iMedford this afternoon to spend a few days. Heavy Mason rubbers, 1P; doren at Vramer Uros. 34 1). J. Seaman, of the Merliu sec tion, whs in the city today on bus iness. H. A. Corless returned home this afternoon from Comstock, where he spent several weeks. Miss Vivian Isham went o Wil bur this morning to spend a few days with relatives. Miss Irene Eddy arrived here to day from Tacoma to spend her ra cation. Miss Eddy is taking a nurses training course In the St. Joseph's hospital. Dancing Party Waldorf hall Saturday night. 34 lh 4'lcimtit to Attend Mn'llnjf Or. and Mrs. U O. Clement will leave tomorrow mornlug- for San Francisco, where the doctor will at. tend the Pacific Coast Otlialmologl cat so.iety. They expect to roturn Friday. Marshal Serving .Hi.i)mm-iihc I'nlted States Murshal Geo. Muss was in the city yesterday and served subpoennca on County Clerk Conurn and Former Sheriff Will Smith, lie also served on Judge Calkins. Their appearance in Portland Is required on matters pertaining to the Alineda mine suit, now In the federal court. (irmp Service Held Friday A short grave service was conduct ed yesterday afternoon by Hev. Chas. R. Drake, t Granite Hill cemetery over the remains To The Motoring Public We wish to announce that we have opened up a new and up-to-date shop and invite everybody to come and look It over. We have the best equipment on the mar ket, have air that is free from all oil and water and Is on top at all hours under the shade or the old fir tree. You are welcome to use what you want. Our oils and greases are the best money can buv, and are sold under a money back guarantee. We have a sen-ice battery to fit any car. And if your electri system is out of order we have the tablet for it. Jazz for the lotteries we have it stored in large quantities. Votir for Service DR. SPARK AT PARK'S ERVICE, TATION ' ' n lr I ha .on. a .. I ... I - I V , t hup .iiuii 11 i4tiii 1 1 rririo ail vm- llnnAi. t ., . ............ Wm 1 1, una uieu juiy 17, at the county home. Chas. E. Phln ney. a son. of WajKjto. Wash., was the only member of the family present. mer Bros. 34 R. T. Jarolw arrived this afternoon from Portland and will assist In the special meetings 1elng conducted by District Superintendent Fenton at Williams. Mr. Jacobs Is a shiner. ! Regular Mason Jars at Cramer Bros. 34 J F. F. Grove came in yesterday I from Grave Creek, where he Is work- Ing for the 'Warren , Construction j company alid will spend a few days at home. He had the misfortune to severely burn fits right hand with I hot asphalt. John C. Van Pelt, of Harbor, Ore., arrived here this afternoon, after a I year's service overseas In the medi cal corps. He served in three re placement units and had plenty of advance sector experience. "Three Flower" Perfume. Sablu has it. Preserving kettles In large 'sizes at Cramer Bros. - 34 j Mrs. Clyde Martin left thfs morn ing for 'Portland to visit relatives ;and friends, air. Martin will Join ;her next week. On the train Mrs. Martin met her brother-in-law, R. j Boyd Young, of Port Simpson, B. C, who spent some weeks at Richardson Springs, and is now returning home. 1' i- . j JOY T SUNDAY l'nlHi Sunday Evening Service The union church services will continue on the Central school lawn tomorrow night. Chas. It. Drake will swk on the subject. "The Church Member of Today." Follow.; Ing is the schedule for the coming Sunday evenings in August: August 10, C. M. Cllne; August 17, i.Melvllle T. Wire; August '24, Henry . Han son: August 31. C. M. Cllne Picture Mill Open After a -week's vacation The Pic-; ture Mill will again be open for bus-! Iness Monday, 'August 4. Sittings! during August will be made dally1 (except Sundays) between the hours of 10 a. in. and 3 p. m. Other hours and Sunday sittings hy appointment only. Phone, residence 14 0-J. 34 1 lUrthdays Olcbratcd The birthdays of Mrs. Andy Mc Carthy and Alonzo Jones were cele brated yesterday, when a picnic din ner was frlven for them by Mrs. Fred Roper and iMrs. Jones af Riverside park. The good oats vanished rapid ly under the consolidated attentions of the group. Beside Mrs. McCarthy and Mr. Jones, there were present Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper. Mrs. Alon zo Jones and Mr. McCarthy. Aliuihiou ir,v and 2.V MONDAY "WHAT AM I BID?" the new ad beautiful heart picture starring lovable Mae Murray Hon you like love stories that keep you all i,, tt tremble for fear they won t turn out right? IN, soa Hke . tllrill and a laUK,, , wU romance. tHt you ke wonderful foreMs. mountains, streams the sec rets of the moo,1HhJnerw th drmj,ti(. HlTl,rifiCft ()f , 8erv.e? Then go see one of the finest, most ecltln. appealing pictures of the "r, played by an mtress who is al-ways delightful, always unfile. JOE MARTIN The only Monkey Comedian In tlieAVorld In "Monkey Stuff" E8 OF Friday evening a Jolly crowd of Murphy people congregated ai the park In honor ,of Whee.'er Osborn and wife. Mr. pborn has Just re turned from 1 8 months overseas ser vice with the 28th engineers. He was a very populur young man of Murphy and everybody was "glad to see Mm Iback." Every family In Murphy was well represented by it " NOMKTHIXG ARSOLl'TElY .NEW liver Salts Vot Rheumatl m and Uric Acid Allmneta An agreeable effervescent lax ative and diuretic, specially prepared for the relief of stomach, liver and intestinal disorders; and as an aid In the treatment of rheumatic, gouty and uric acid ailments. 35c, 05c and fl.2S CLEMENS Bells Drugs and Books Women's Summer Weight Union Suits, also Knit Pants and Sleeveless Vests MRS. E. REHKOPF SUCCESS If yuu wish success life make t'emm crance your bosum friend. Kxncriein your wise conn- fyljl sellor. Caution your elder brother, uud have ;vur uiuiiiiTs luiinrnu 10 oruiT iv tMl.1 ) street GEO S. CALHOUN Fifteen ycai's IimmI ngcul Bargains In Porch Funiture See Our Window HolmaiVs Furniture Store 60S Q street, opposite Band Stand Are you planning a Picnic? tome to Pardee's Grocery to fill your ItiutkH We Have POKTia.M IlltKAl) PIMKNTO CHEESE POTATO CHIPS I'OKK AM IIKWS PIC Khm PAPKR PLATK8 IMUAF1NE PAPKR PARDKK8 COFFKK Pardee's Grocery Summer Comfort . Take it from us that the Two-Piece Suit is the ideal suit for summer . comfort. Get into one of these cool, two-piece propositions and let the murcury sizzle. Palm Beach cloth, mohair and light weight crash cloth some half lined, some quarter lined all of them have the shape and fit and the comfort you desire, and yet very reasonably priced $15 & $18.50 See Our Window Display Peerless Clothing Co. Cash Clothiers "If Men Wear It Wo Have It" their well filled lunch baskets. Af ter the races a plente aupper was spread and every one did justice to the bountiful feast. The lamllles presjmt were, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Osborn (honored guests), Mother and Dad Osborn, Mrs.iA. U: Carson, Ijou Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gilmore, "Mr. and Mrs. II.. M. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.J H. Gllinorn, (.Mother 'Clllmore, -Mr. "d Mr, AlnHworlli, Zoe Alnsworth, Oertrudo Alnswonh, Dorrls 1KusHe.lI, Mr. and Mrs. V. ii. white, ,Mr, and Mrs. E. E. iBlanchard, Mayes Broth ers. Mrs. D. Hayes, iKunlre and Lu clla Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. K. Wood Hon, Minnie and Emma Haberman, rien layior. Everyone duclared they had enjoyed a very (ilenshnt evening