ti.m iidav, .wax ht u, ioid. GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER PAGE Til HEM .I, Quality Paints At no place on the market can you find any thing superior to the W. P. FULLER LINE OP PAINTS which we have eold you for many wars and which Rive such universal satisfaction. Vc carry u full line of all colore and shades, and are selling at very clftse prices. Paints for every purpose, from the icnce board ship. - ' 7 - - . d to the most delicate piece of workman- JEWELL HARDWARE CO. We do Fine Shoe Repairing Jit ilKeinirclKS Classified Advertising FOR- HA LIC GKT YOUR TIttKS MENDED and buy a D. M. C. K. welder for future use. Boa Mr. Gotcher, tlx tire nmn at Grants Pass Itotot. tt 12 ACRES oak, madroue, fir and plno, on railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will take wood In pay ment liiiiipaite. Phone 270. 83tf uwr IrHT - -Hot ween ItoKiie River and CruntM Pans Suniliiy. itmall bag coiiUIiiIiik flNhlllK tackle, rents, fly book, louder box. etc. Kinder leave ut Courier office. Itt-ward 36 Oiiirrh ot (lirlxt Kluhly iit cent attendunco. I the jsloitan Tor tlio summer In our Bible school, Will you help make It pos sible? Communion at 11 followed by ttermon on "Faithfulness in Olirliil." Evening woruhlji on lawn of Central achool at K. Chas. n. Drake, minister. Hulvntion Army Monliias at 11 a. in., "Who Can Uve dloly?" 'At 2 p. m. Sunday school for u 11 age. At i p. m. Y. P. U At 8 p. in., 'iy Cod Tby Will Ho Done." , Music alid vocal solos. Strugvr are wtvm. J. R. Strautin, ensign. HiqitlKt iliun-h lllble school lit 10. 11. K. Ilackett.' suiit-rlntondnnt. Clauses for ull skcs. MornliiK service at II. wrmon on "Tbe Etorntil Atonement," followed by the ordinance of the Ixird's Slip per. The cbolr will render the an them, "Take l'p Thy Onss," Arthur Kdnoriofi HlnK'Inic tho' has solo, n. Y. P. V. mooting at 7. At 0 tho church Joins In the union service on the Contra school lawn. Mid-week service on Thursday oven In k at , scripture exposition I The. rih Chap. Ileit attendance of tho sconon lat Thumday even Inn, come and help make tt better this week. M. fllne, preacher. Ofl-ACRB STOCK RANCH for tale; about 125 acrei In cultivation; considerable irritation; 2 mile from R. R. atatlon; 1H mile from two ichooli; balf cib, bal ance low Interest. Address No 1062 rare Courier. 86tf FOR 8AlyR Sinter sewing machine on easy terms. Machines rented and old machines taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 246 S. Central avenue. Medford. Local headquarters Grant Pass Hard ware. Hit ANGEL CAKE8 75 cents each; or der by nfcone. No. 190-J. I2tf TIMBER Cl-AIM KOIl SALE 1 60 acre near Kerby, mostly pine. NVt of 8E4. SW14 of SE4 and SE14 of SWK. See. 14. T. 39 S.. R 8 VHt. Price 12.250. Ad dress owner, Mrs. Mattle E. Pal mer, 574 Nohalem, Ave., Portland, Oregon. 37 FUR 8ALK We i an save yon money on tbe following: Galvanized and black pipe, all size, new and used; !'lie fittings of all sixes; Holler tube; Hollers and Engines, In fine condition; small saw mills; saws, circular; Planers of all kinds; Chain conveyors complete, different size, riveted; New and used Pullles of all sizes; used shafting; New and used Reltlng; Mill suppllos of all kinds. Let us figure' with you on your require ments. We buy, sell and exchange all kinds of machinery. OREGON M1ACHINBRY CO. 4th and Lincoln. Eugene, Ore. 35 FOR SALE Four splendid Irrigat ed 'farms from 40 aerea to 500 acres. No bettor In county. I One good Irrigate relinquishment. McKlnstry, 603 II street. 84 FOR A1jK 15 Duroc Jersey stock Digs for sale. Ed L. Schmidt & Ron. 38 WANTKII WANTED Men to work in lumber camp or up-to-date sawmill. Transportation furnished. For particulars Inquire at Breen's Crescent City stage office, Grants Pass, Or., near fl. P. R. R, ;depot and express office. Phone 26. 32rf W ANTHD Bid s for transportation of school children to Grants !pss from school dlatrk-t No. 19. For particulars see director, H. T. Hull, W. A. Sharp, or K. Majn merbacher. 87 WANTED Uerryplckera. 1214 East . M street. 14 HTRAVKD BSTKAY Their strayed to my place on Itrldge street three sheep the evening- of July 24. Owner may have same by calling and paying charges. J. 1). Stlnebaugh, phone 14-L. 34 MKT. STRAYED Olt STOLEN from the head of il'atrlck Creek, IJel Norta county, Cul., ono iron gray guiding, weighing about 1000 lbs. 5 years old, fotlock clipped, main roached, ibrtiided with heart on shoulder. Finder will liliae no tify J. N. Hrlttea. Waldo. Oregon. and Torelve reward. 33tf DAIbY JITNEY to Selma, Kerby and Waldo." Leaves Grants Pas daily at 9:30 a.m. Everett Hogue. phone 317. 317 USE THE WHITE LINE TAXI FOR prompt service. City and country trips. Safety first. Call Grant Pass Hotel, phone 89b. Residence phone 320-R. W. O. White. 70 IF YOU WANT TO GET THERE, call 22-J. Two common old Fords. We are on the Job anywhere and any time. Palace Taxi Co. Wyatt and Cutler. Jitney Luke. 50tf CIVIL KMJINKKK DANIEL McFARIvAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 21 1-Y. iHNTI8T8 " E. C. MACY, I). M. D. Flrst-clas. dentistry. - 109 Vi South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. PHYSICIANS L. O. OUSMEuNT. M. 'D., PriUtlce limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat.' Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5. or on ap pointment. Phones, office 62; reel dence 359-J. S. LOlKHriUDGE. M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones, residence, 869; office, 182. Sixth and H streets. .Vewimin M. K. Church I'r-achiDg service at 1 1 a. m, topic Tbe I'olson In the Cup of IJfe." Special niusir. rtunday school at 10 a. in. Kjiworth league at 7 p. m. Union service at Central School at V' in. A cordial welcome for all. Melville T. Wire, pantor. lU-Umnr I'mkliyterlfln imnli Tho imstor will boln tomorrow the preaching of a series of four sermons on the general theme, "The Church and the World." These win doal -with the principles that should underlie the workings of an up-to-date church, and will ireent some of the neceiwa'ry changes In modern churrh life. People who are dissat isfied with the workings of the church 1n the world in the part are especially invited to hear this series. The sermons will ha glvon In the following order: Sundiiy, August 3, "Tho Church Must Uvo In the World of Today." Sunday, August 10. "The Church will be Affected by the World of To day." Sunday. August 17. "The Chur Concerned About the World, of To day." Sunday. Angiiet 24, "The Church Shtfphuc the World of Today." These Acrinomi will be given at 1 1 o'clock each Sunday morning. Sun day school at 10, while the mid week service takes place on Thurs day evening o-t 8. On Sunday even ing we unite with Hie other churches In a union service on the Inwn of the Central achool. . On Wednesday evening under he auspices of the women of the church a dime social will be held on the Inwn of the Coe residence, 804 Wash ington boulevard. Refreshments will be served and musical pro gram will ,be rendered. These so cials give promise of being regular monthly alfaJra to develop the social life of the church and for new people to get acquainted. A cordial Invita tion Is extended to alf. Honry G. Hanson, minister The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CART) Effective Nov. 19, 1918. TO RENT FOR RENT 4 -room bungalow, 421 West L, shade tree, good well, eleotrlo lights, 2 acres, barn, 'poul try house and park. Address Mrs. W. H. H. Taylor, 1114 Pine St. 38 A. A. WlTHlAiM, M. O. Internal medicine and nervous diseases, 903 Corbett iBldg., iPortland, Ore. 'Houra 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 ,to 4 p. m. DIR. W. T. TOMIPKINB, 8. T. 'Room i 2 6chmldt Bl'dg Treau all disease. 'Hour 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. iPhone 804-. VCTFJttXARY'wEOy mt. R. I. BE8TUL, Veterinarian. Offioe at reaidenoe. iPfcone M6-R. MISCELLANEOUS E. L. GALBRAITH Insurance, any kind. Rental. Building and Loan. Plate Glass Liability. 609 0 street. 84tf MC8IOAL INSTRUCTION .KLKCTIUOAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING and general -electrical work, repairing, houaa wiring. C. C. Harper, Sis North Sixth street, phone 47. tf IIRAYAGE AND TRANSl'Ul THE WORLD MOVES; so do Bunch Brot. Transfer Co. Phon 897-R. J. S. MacfMURRAY Teacher of sing ing. Write or apply, at 716 Lee; street. . ' 28tt F. Q. ISHAM, drayaga and transfer. Safe, piano and furniture moved, packed, shipped and tor ed. Office phone 1J 4-Y, Resi dence phone. 114-R. Train will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grant Pas 1 p. M Arrive Water Creek 2 P. M. Leave Water Creek 3 P. M Arrive Grant Pass ..4 P. M. For information regarding freight and passenger fates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 181. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. 'First National Bank Bldg. Q. W. C047VIG, Attorney-at-law. Grants Pas Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. B. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. ', Prac tices in all court. First National Bank Bldg. O. S. BLANCH A RD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Grant Paaa. Oregon. C. A. SIDLE R, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic Temple, Grants' Pass, Ore. XOTICM TO WHO-.M IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all outstanding county warrant both which have been protested, and called for payment, but not present ed, and those which have not been protested, which were itwued more than seven (7) years prior to July 1. 1919, If not presented for payment within sixty (60 days from July 1, 1918, will be cancelled and payment thereof will lie refused. This Is in accordance with Section 2899, Lord's Oregon, Iaws. By order of tho County Court of Josephine County, Oregon. E. U COB CRN', County Cler. VOTICK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Court will consider bids for the construction of portions of the Paclfie highway between Grants Pass and Sexton Mountain between Stations 194 to 26, 267 to 334, 380 io ana tab to 467, according to maps, plans, specifications and es timates on file In the office of the County Clefk of Josephine County. Oregon. The Court will consider separate bid for the construction of such highway between each of the above stations, or in the entirety. Pay ment to be made by road warrants. All bids must be filed on or be fore 10 o'clock a. m. of the 6th day of August, 1819, and a certified check of 5 per cent of the amount bid must accompaby the same, made payable to E. L. Coburn. County Clerk. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids or award the contract according to the best Interests of tbe county. By order of the County Court of Josephine County, Oregon. E. L. COBCRX. " County Clerk TheCate of Yow & UNLESS the care of your car u a hobby with you it ought to be entrusted to those who make good care of cars their business. If you haven't the time we have. If you haven't the facilities we have. Your car will be our cat while left in our care. Full Service or Part Service We can give you exactly what you want full service or part service with or without stor age. Let us quote you prices. Does your car need cleaning now? Bring it to us for a trial. Don't forget our conveniences for air and water. You need not buy from us in order to make use of them. 7 Prompt Semce-CainSatisfactioii Fashion Garage and Machine Shops J. F. Burke 8c Son LADIES When irregular or delayed use Tri umph Pills. Safe and always depend able. Not sold at drag store. Do not -experiment with others, save dis appointment. Write for "Relief" and particulars, it' free. Address: Na tional Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wi. CHICHESTER S PILLS intaMM Hrus, C hUsAsn trm fill la. K-t ftd 4.M BetalUtA bote, wmimd wttfc Blnsl Rinbetv. Tkki m isr Br mt DrnsjT4. A k fo C 1 II-' lit ATCK 11 A MONO ItBANU PIIXA, far St years kont n Best. Saiest. Ahy RdUbst SOLO BY DKtGGISIS EVtRYtt'KEXE GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law. referee in bankruptcy, . Masonic Temple, Grants Pass,"1 Oregon. Phone 1S5-J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Uwyer. First National Bank Bldg., Giants Pass. Oregon. , Notice to 5 ubscribers Umler authority of the Postmaster (feneral, "on account of recent increases in wages to employees, totaling for the State of Oregon up wards of $225,000.00, certain changes in exchange rates have been ap proved and made effective July 29919, for the State of Oregon. The changes in rates apply particularly to residence service, changes having been made iu the principal business rates May 1, 1919. All new business taken' on after Julv 29th will be at the new rates and bills to present subscribers for the month of August will be render ed at the new rates. The increased rate will yield an annual revenue upwards of $250r 000.00, but as the increase in wages is upwards of $225,000.00 the net return to the Company under the rates now made effective is approxi mately 2U per cent on the valuation of its property at $13,464,000.00, as found hy the Public Service Commission. The new schedule of rates is identical with the one approved bv the Postmaster General for the State of Washington, which has been in effect since March 1, 1919. The rates are the same in both states for exchanges that are comparable. . . , - : We believe that no proof as to the advanced cost of living and the general high cost prevailing for labor and materials is necessarv and that the telephone using public will accept this increase in rates in the same spirit of fairness and consideration as it has the advances in ' almost every other necessity in these unusual times. RATES FOR GRANTS PASS The following are the changes of rates for Grants Pass: 111 SI NESS Old Rate New Rate . Wall- Desk Wall : Desk Extension (Without Bell) $ .75 Ji.oo $1.00 $1.00 Extension (With IBsll) 90 1.15 1.00 l!oO Suburban Service Tm uarty line......:. 3.00 3.25 "' 3.50 3.75 RESIDENCE Individual Line 2.00 2.25 " 2.75 3.00 Two-party Line 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.56 Four-Party Una ........j.... 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 Extension (Without Bell) ........-... .50 .76 j50 .75 Extension (With Bell) .65 .90 "' .65 t'oo Siburban Service Ten party line....... 1.50 1.75 3.00 35 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 1 j