OKA NTS PASS DAILY OOCKUJt KHIIMV, AKil 8T I, IUI. CD PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday Don't let your children suffer, ft they are fretful, peevish, puny or cross, give them llolllster'a Rocky Mountain Tea a harmless but safe laxative for children. 35c. Sarin's Drug Store. Adv. Why nhould llg bets always be made In a meat shop? Toilet Soaps of Merit Another Shipment of A. 1. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. Big Bens and Baby Bens tared at postofflcs, QrnU Past, Ore., aa aecond class mall matter. Peroxide Wild Rose Pine Tar Fairskin Palm Olive Lava ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per Inch ......15c Ixvcal-pereonal column, per line.. 10c Header, per Hne ....... -.. 5c in Today LIFEBUOY DAILY COURIER ? mall or carrier, per year..$.00 Jry mall or carrier, per month .SO BARNES. The Jeweler 8. P. Time Inspector Next door Klrat National Hank FRIDAY, AVGCST 1, !!. fAGB TWO . OREGON WEATHER Fair; gentle westerly winds. RED CROSS CARES FOR GRANTS PASS SOLDIER KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY (Quality and Service Claude Basra, who was recently operated on for appendicitis at Big Springs. Texas, la practically reeor ered, according to a letter received by hla mother, Mra. Will Trimble, of this city.. The letter waa written by the chairman of the Red Cross canteen of that place, and follows: Big Springs, Texas, July 25. 1919. Pear'Mrs. Trimble: You have heard from your son several times by now, I suppose, but' I will write once more to tell you what a pleasure It has been (o do things for him. Not -all our Red Cross work is so pleasant, He has gotten along so well from the first, mainly because of his spirit of opti mism and cheerfulness. Never was he discouraged or bine about his own case, and as soon as he was up, was all over the hospital livening up the other patients, and being of help to the doctors and nurses. We have .tie'en to see him about every day, taken him out riding occasionally, carried him fruit, ice cream, cigar ettes, etc., and it is a; pleasure, as I said, to do little things for him. You may look for him any day. He is all O K and only waiting for his discharge. I do hope he a'lways keeps as noil and hard as he seems now. Wish all our fighting men could have come back in as good shape. With kindest regards to yourself, VERBENA BARNES, Thin n. Ked Cross Canteen. Oonatlnatlnn unaata h an; .l.. tern causing serious Illnesses to the uuman lamuy. iron t worry Holils ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive out constipation, regulate the bowels, tone the stomach, purify, cleanse. Without fall give it a' thorough trial. "Agents Authority to Soil"-book of 50 blanks. stOc. Courier office. For Constipation Indigestion, Sick Headache, Biliom oett, Bloating, Sour Stomach, Gu on the Stomach, Bad Breath or other con ditions caused by clogged or irrcgulur bowels, take FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS A wholesome and thoroughly cleantiog physic mild and gentle in ctioa. D. B. H.wnn). Unadlll. Oat ! ttu) Polry Cjihrtic Tablrts fivs nt quicker relief Iron toaitipation than snythlot I tvee tried.' SOLI! EVERYWHERE si in ini'iifti !mm mutmmm Because the meat tiinn la good steak holder! such It's a Safe Bet That No Shop Holds Better Steaks Than Ours I Wc don't hold tlicni lntr! All wat'i-s arc quickly f-Vttinl and tlto steaks Pronijitly DcliviTcd'to tlic Phased Winners! You can bet on our steaks Every Time! HERE IS A GOOD ONE One 1918 Maxwell, just painted at a bargain Tires, Tuhes, Knots, Uelinei's and Patching Material of nil Sorts COLLINS AUTO COMPANY 511 H Street Phone 317 Classified Advertising jJT When you're hot and thirsty say Ct3 1 Hires I tt ROOT 13 EC El CCv VlX At any place where soft bererage are sold. ViJ 2sA Bottlsd la 3 sixes jVl 5 THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT M ArP Jorrtsu ami DistHbmton. PORTLAND. OREGON LJ The City Market CORNER FIFTH AMI (i STREETS Tlie California and Oregou Coast Railroad Company TIME (Mil) Kfecllve Nov. 19. 191. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday lxave Grants Pass 1 P. M Arrive Waters Creek 2 I'. M. Leave Wati-rs CreoK . 3 P. M Arrive Grants Pass . ..." 4 P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office I of the company, Liindhurg building. I or telephone IS I. lint nam; GET VOL-11 TIUICS MENDED and; buy a l. M. & C. K. wnlder fori future use. .See Mr. Ootchnr. thuj tiro man at Grants Puss hole), if; I 12 AC H ICS oak. niadrone. fir and: pine, on railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will take wood In pay-j nietit Htutiipago. Phono 370. 8atf, HOO-ACRE STOCK RANCH for aalo: about 125 acres In cultivation; ! considerable Irrigation; 2 miles from R. R. sutlon; 1 tulles; from two schools; half cash, bal- ance low Interest. Address No. 1052 care Courier. H6tf, FOR SALE Singer sewing machines on easy terms. Machines rented and old machine taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 S. Central avenue, Medford. l-ocal headquarters Grants Pass Hard ware. 91tf I Notice to Subscribers Under authority of the Postmaster General, on account of rei-eiit increases in wages to employees, totaling for the State of Oregon up wards of $225,000.00, certain changes hi exchange rates have been ap proved and made effective July 29. 1919, for the State of Oregon. The changes in rates apply particularly to . residence sen ice, changes having been made in the principal business rates May 1. 1919. All new business taken on after July 29th will be at the new rates and bills'to present subscribers for the month of August will be render ed at the new rates. The increased rate will yield ati annual revenue upwards of $250, 000.00, but as the increase i'u wages is upwards of $225,000.00 the net return to the Company under the rates now made effective is approxi mately 2y2 per cent on the valuation of its property at $U,4T)4,0(X).00, as found by the Public Service Commission. The new schedule of rates is identical with the one approved by the Postmaster General for the State of Washington, which has been in effect since March 1," 1919. The rates are the same in both states for exchanges that are comparable. We believe that no proof as to the advanced cost of living and the general high cost prevailing for labor and materials is necessary and that the telephone using public will accept this increase in rates in the same spirit of fairness and consideration as it has the advances in almost every other necessity in these untrsnaVtimes. RATES FOR GRANTS PASS The following are the changes of rates for 'Grants Pass: 6 Id SIX ESS Old Katn New Rate Wall Desk Wall Desk Extension (Without Bell) $ .75 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Extension (With Bell) ,.. .90 1.15 1.00 1.00 Suburban Service Ten' party line 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 HESIDENCE . Individual Line ,.. 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.00 Two-party Line 1.75 -2.00 2.25 2.50 Four-Party (Une ...... 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.23 Extension (Without Bell) 60 .75 .50 .75 Extension (With Bell) 65 .90 .65 1.00 Suburban Service Ten party line 1.50 1.75 . 3.00 3.25 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Let Us Supply You We Carry the Finest Line of Poultry All the Year Around Chickens that are freth hilUd. Fish, steaks, chops. Everything In the Meat Line The Temple Market SAM NEAS Horse Shoeing and Cienerul Klnclcsmlthing - Wood repairing on all kinds of Vehicles 'I. live one of tho hest of horse- doers tl.itt fb country af fords. 315 South 6th St. ANGEL CAKES 76 cents each; or dor by phone. No. 190-J. 82tf TIMBER CLAIM FOR BALK HO acres near Kerby, mostly pine. N4 of RB'4. 8W4 of SEVi and SE',4 of SWVi. Sec H, T. 39 S., R. 8 West. Trice $2,250. Ad dress owner. Mrs. Mnttle K. I'ul mer, 574 Nehulem, Ave.. Portland, Oregon. 37 MINT UST Hi. 1 ween IIokuh Itlver mid (inula I'm us SiiiiiIuv. small bug i'oiiliiliiiiiK flu hum tackle, 3 reuls, fly book, (:ulnr box, etc. Klmler b'ui ill ('oiirlnr off let. Itraard. 34 HTIt JYKI KrfTIt A V- Tholr triyi( t my ilaco on hrliliie hi reel thrun KhiMip the MrnliiK of July H. Owner may hum xi.me by calling and paylnf liarxcH .1 l. Btlti(buiii;)i, plume H9L. . 34 t.x'xi DAILY JITNKY to Swlma. Kerby and Walilo. Li-avp Urants l'am dully at 9 30 n. m. Everett Ilunue. Illume 317. 317 I'SE THE WHITE LINE TAXI FOB prompt service. City and country trips. Safety first. Call OranU Pass Hotel, phone 3th. Residence Phone 320-R. W. O. White. 790 FOR SALE We can bbvo you money on the following: OnlvanUod and black plpo, all sizes, new and used; Pipe flttlnfc'H of all sizes: Holler tubes; Iloller.1 and KiiKintn. In flue condition; small saw mills; saws, circular; Planers of all kinds; Chain conveyors complete, different slses, riveted; Now ntid used I'nllles of all sl.es; used H)iAftiiiR'; New nnil used llelilnii; Mill supplies of nil kinds. I.ef us figure with you on your require ments. We buy, sell and exchange nU kinds of machinery. OREGON MACHINERY CO, 4th and Lincoln. Eugene, Ore. 35 FOR SALE-1914 llarloy-Davldson motorcycle, used one year, good tires. I'rlco $80. Daniel McFnr land, 740 North Tenth Street. 33 IK YOU WANT TO GET THERE, call Z'l-i. Two common old Fontsj. We are on the Job anywhere and any time. Pslace Taxi Co. Wyatt and Cutler. Jitney Luke. 50t( H KirAli" ixSTItt TUX J. H. MiicMt llR AY - Teacher of sinn ing. Write or itpi'ly at 7 It! Lea Street. 2Htf CIVIL ENGINEER DANIEL MrFARLANIi. civil engi neer and surveyor. Residents 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. DENTISTS "" FOR SALE 1H acres, In cutllva tlon, 8 room house, big barn fixed for dairy; milk house and well; family orchard, all In good condi tion. Price $1,200 if sold at once. Terms. Two miles from town, conveyance to and from school. 1i. L. Bharo, Grants iPass, Ore., R. F. T). No. 1. Box 8. . 33 WANTKI) WANTED Men to work In lumber camp or up-to-date sawmill. TraiiHH)rlatlon furnished. For particulars inquire at Breon's Crescent City stnge office, Grants Pass, Ore., neur 8. P. R. R. deiot and express office. Phone 26. 32tf WANTED IHlds ftir tmiHportation of school chlNlreii to Grants Pass from school district No. 19. For partlculurs see directors, JL T. Hull, W. A. Sharp, or K. liam merbacher. 37 . w bent" " K. ' MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 1091a South Sixth street, Grnnts Pass, Oregon. IMIVHKIANH . O. (M.EMUN'T, M. I)., Praitlcs limited to diseases of the eye, ear, none and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on up polntment. Phones, office 62; resi dence 359-J. S. 1-ni'OHlUlMJE, M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls aMendod day or night. Phonos, residence. 309; office, 182. Sixth and H streets. A. A. WITHlAiM, M. D.ljlnternal medicine and nervous discuses, 903 Corbctt dildg., fPortland. Oi, Honrs 10 to 12 ,. m,; 2 to 4 p. in. DR. W. T. TO.MIPKIN8, S. T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt .Ride. Treats all diseases. 'Hours 9-13 a. m.i 1-G p. m. 'Phone 304-R. VETERINARY HiriWKOjT Dlt. It. J. BBSTUL, Veterinarian. Offlco at residence. Phone 305-R. KLKCTRIOAL WORK (5LECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, bout wiring, c. C. Harper. SIS North Sixth street, phone 47. it FOR RENT 4-roora bungalow, 421 West L, shade trees, good well, electric lights, 2 acres, barn, poul try house and park; Address Mrs. ! W. II. H. Taylor. 1114 Pine St. 38 I DRAVAGK AND TRANSI II FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, H02 M Btreet. Mrs. Piter Gruvlln. 33 ' MISrKLLAXKOfH I B. L. GALGRAITH Insurance, any kind. . Rentals. Building and Loan. ' Plats Glass Liability. 601 C street. $tf rilB WORLD MOVES; 10 -do Bunch llros Transfer Co. Phn.i ' 397-R. " itidAM, drayage and transfsf, 'tn'iiM, ilanm and furnUitrt "line.!, packed, shipped and hop. eil OiTice phone ,124-Y. It ! 'it'tue phone, 124-R. Lt ,uianka at the CourlT - . - ... 1 Printing that pleases We do CjnrleT Job Department,