CHANTS lA88 DAILY OOflUEH PAGE TURKS 1 ft . ' f . t Dr. Spark Classified Advertising KOlt bALK OKT YOUK TlilKS MENDED and buy a D. M. C. K. welder for future u. See Mr. Oolcliur, the lire man at Grant 1'as hotel, tf 12 ACRES oak, madrono, tlr and pine, on railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will take wood In pay ment ltimiag. 1'hone 270. 83t( TO KKNT 6 Oft -AC HE STOCK RANCH lor Bale; aUout 125 acre in cultivation; considerable Urination; 2 nglee from R. R. atatlon; 1 mile from two schools; bait cash, bal ance low Interoet. Addreai No. 1062 care Courier. 86tf FOR SALE Sinner cowing machine on easy term. Machine rented and old machine taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 S. Central avenue, Medford. Local beadquartnr Oranta Pas Hard war. Iltf ANOKL CAKES 75 cent each; or der by phone, No. HO-J. 2tf TIM B MUCaI MKO R 8.VUC -160 acre near Kerfcy, mostly jrfne. N'4 of flEli. 8W4 of SK',4 and fiE'i of SW'i, Sec. 14. T. J S.. R. 8 Went. Price $2,250. Ad dress owner, .Mr. Muttle E. Pal mer, 574 Nehalnn, Ave.. Portland. Oregon. 37 FOR SALE We (anave you money on the following: , Galvanized and Murk pipe, all les. new and used: l'lpe fitting of all Holler tubes; Dollar and Engines. In fine condition; small saw mills; saws, circular; Planers of all kinds; Chain conveyor complete, different sizes, riveted; Now and uswl Pullles or all sizes: used shafting; New and used Reltlng; Mill supplies of all kinds. let us figure with yon on your require ments. Wo liny, sell and exchange all kinds of machinery. OREGON M1ACHIXERY CO. 4th and Lincoln. Eugene, Ore.- 35 'FORRI JC--1 9 14" Uarley-Iavidson motorcycle, used one year, good tires. Price ISO. Daniel McFnr land. 740 North. Tenth Street. 33 FOR SALE 18 acres," 8 in'cntllva tlon, 8 room house, big barn fixed for dairy; milk house and well; family orchard, all In good condi tion. Price 1 1,200 If sold at once. Terms. Two miles from town, conveyance to and from school. 1a L. Sharp, Grants iFoss. Ore., R. F. ID. No. 1, Dox 8. . 33 FOR 9AI.E Thoroughbred Brown leghorn pullets and cockrels, and 10 bantam. Good layers'. Inquire Mrs. O. W. Bsown, 1021 H St. 30 WANTED 'Men for concrete road work. Wages. $4. SO and up. Board $1.00 also men for . rock quarry same wages. Perhara, Brown, Dean & Hague, Marsh field, Oregon. , S2 WANTED $100 reward will 'be paid to anyone for authentlo infor mation a to present whereabout of Mr. Flora Hill iPnge, formerly Flora Hill, who with her husband moved to Grant Pass, Oregon, sometime In 1902 or 1903, from i San Francisco. It will be to this lady' "advantage to communicate at once with Mitchell & OoSU, At torneys, Alliance, Nebraska. 30 FOR KENT 4-room bungalow, 421 West 1 shade tree, good well, elootrlc lights, 2 acr, barn, poul try house and park. Address Mr. W. II. H. Taylor. 1114 line 8t. 38 FOR IIBNT Nicely furnished , five room cottage, gun and wood range, t'lci trie lights, etc. 203 street. See N. K. Townsotid. R21 A St. 31 TAXI DAILY JITNEY to Sclma, Kerby and Waldo. Leave Grants Pas dally at 9:30 a. in. Everett Uogue, phone 117. 217 USE THE WHITE LINE TAXI FOR prompt service. City and country trip. Safety first. Call Grant Pas Hotel, phone lfc. Residence phone 320-R. W. O. White. 790 IF YOU WANT TO GET THERE, call 22-J. Two common old Ford. We 'are on the Job anywhere and any time. Palaoe Taxi Co. Wyatt and Cutler. Jitney I'-uke. . 50tt 8TR.WKD E3THAY-- Th(r strayed to m place on Tirldge Ml met three sheep the evening of July 24. Owner may have KkJue by railing and paying charges. J. D. Stlnebaugh, phone HS-J.. 24 MVKH'AL lXSTIUtTlON J. 8. .MacMt RRAY Tesrher of sing ing. Write or apply at 71 8 Lee Street. 2Stf riVHi KXGIXKKlt DAN1HL MoPAIUyAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Realder.ce 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. PKNTI8T8 T V E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry.. 109H South Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. PHVSK'IAXS . O. CLEMENT. M. D.,' Practice limited to disease of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12. 2-5, or on ap pointment. Phones, office 62: resi dence 359-J. S. IXHJCinUDGE. tM. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones, residence, 309; office, 182. Sixth and H streets. A. !A. WITHAiM, M. D. (Internal 'medicine and nervous diseases, 903 Corbett (Bldg., (Portland, Ore. Hours 1 (Mo 12 a. m.; i to 4 p. m. DR. W. T. TOMlPkljsSrT. iRooma 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all diseases, Hours 9-12 a. m.; ,1-5 p. m. iPhone 304-R. VKTK1UXAKY sritflKON UR. R. J. BEOTUIL, Veterinarian! Office at residence. iPhone 305-R. ELKCTIUOAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrical worn, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper. 315 North Sixth street, phone 47. tf DRAYAGE AND TRAN8KKH WANTED Man and wife for work on farm, wife to run' boarding house. River Banks Farms. 31 MTSCEIXANROITB JH. L. a"AIBRAltH--Insurance, any kind. Rentals. Building and Loan. Plae Glass Liability. 609 (O street, rHH WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. ' Pbon 897-B. r, G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer Safes, jlanos and furnltur moved, packed, shipped and Mot ed. Office phone 124-Y, Real dence phone, 124-R. ' ,: lycnl Blanks at the Court FIT Superiority is a question of degree. Some men are big because other men are tittle 1MPEPJALES MOUTH PI tee CIGARETTES excel through comparison. Of course there are others but none as good every body says so. 10 for 13c The John Boll man Co. Branch E M"noiivliioe, tMlch., July 28. One million dollars was refused here to day by Marshall H. Lloyd for his new method of producing reed and fiber goods and his machine for weaving the fabrics. A group of AmerUaa men Interest ed In the manufacture of bwby car riages, furnltifVe and baskets, In serted the device In Mr. IJoyd's fac tory and hh.w for the first time in the hlstor)' of the world, a machine that would VeaVe reed and fiber; I'p to the present time this costly oper ation has been done by hand. The Lloyd Iiom. however, will weave the fabric 30 times as fast as the most expert hand worker can and with far greater superiority. A "Jack pot" of $1,000,000 was made ti by the manufacturers dur ing the noon hour and offered Mr. Lloyd, lie turned It down. A hort while sko the Australian govern ment purchased rights to Mr. Lloyd's Inventions or $250,000 In order to give Industrial assistance to return ed wounded soldiers. The sight of a one irmM man operating the ma chine In .the Lloyd plant here con vinced the llonl G. M. S. Manifold member of the Australian parliament that hlB "country needed the machine to help out Its returned and crip pled heroes. PRES. WILSON URGES TREATY (Continued from Page One) the leaftue to act. "By taking uch pledges we prove faithful to our high obligations of gratitude. Such an act as this seems to me one proof that we are a people that sees the true heart, of duty and prefers honor to Itself to its own sep arate course of peace." The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains wilt run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grant Pass 1 P. M Arrive Water Creek... ,...2 P. M. Leave Waters Creek 3 P.; M Arrive Grant Pass 4 P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 181. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. . Practice In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. Q. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tices in all courts.' First National Bank Bldg. , O. S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. : C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic. Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. 3EO. H.. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, referee in bankruptcy, Masonic Temple, Grants . Pass, Oregon. Phone 135-J. .' JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer. First National Bank B.l.dg.. Grant jPasa. Cregeft, Editor Courier: 4 The war department has Issued art order, granting t 01ir heroic voldlers ; who served In and won the great war uniforms, clothing, personal effects, i and equipment, on proper applies-! Hon therefor. They aro also entitled j to the "Victory Button." It may be that there are soldiers ; among your readers who have not I availed themselves 1n whole or in part, of this order, and who are in doulit ait to bow to proceed to ob tain thwn. Knowing your greet In terest In them. It has occurred to me that you would take pleasure In bringing this opKrtunity to their attention through tlw columns of your valuable paper, and so render them a further service which I ain sure they will appreciate. They are entitled to receive these article upon discharge. I am re liably informed that not one 1n ton ha received them, at leaat not all of them. I am Inclosing a list of tbo articles, which you may wish to print. . If any soldier will write me I will send him Information and the appli cation. While this is not necessary in order to secure the article, it will expedite action, and I hall be glad to serve them. ( ,int 1.11,11m, t mil, u uij truly yours. W. C. HiAYVLEY The following article of clothing and equipment may be permanently retained by enlisted men upon hon orable discharge: 1 overseas cap (for all enlisted men who have had eervlce overseas) or 1 hat and 1 hat eoTd for all oth er enlisted men. i I olive drab shirt. 1 service coat ajid ornaments. pair breeches, pair shoes. pair legglns. . waist belt. slicker. overcoat. 2 suits underwear. 4 Ittilra stockings. 1 pair gloves. " . 1 gas mask and helmet (it issued oversea). . ,' 1set toilet articles. (If 1n posses ion when, discharged).- 1 barrack bag.' 3 scarlet' chevrons. t The constant drip of water viears away the hardest stone; And the constant gnaw of Towser Masticates the hardest none. The conetant cooing lover Carries off the bashful maid; And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade. Foster Tl El . Cleveland. Ohio, July 2K. Dele gates from ten states representing more that 1, ( 00,000 organized work ers will meet here after ilxibor 'day to organise the American Labor larty, It hs been announced by lo cal proponents of the movement. The convention may also de.ldo whether to nominate a national ticket ' in 1920. An effort wfJl toe marie to Insert a plank in the .platform railing for the repeal of the federal prohibition am endment, it is aald. Other policies to be Included in the platform may fol low recommendations In resolutions a'dopted by the' American Federation of Labor convention. Delegates iroms Wisconsin, Penn-j sylvanla, Illinois, Connecticut, Massa-; chusetts, Washington, Oregon, Won-', tana. New York and Ohio are expect-! ed to attend the convention. ! Real Snaps in Used Cars 0. VE (IHALMK.IW SPEKDSTEK. ONE OVKKLAM 1017. . ONE HKVILET 11 1. tK MAXWELL HOAIWTKIt 1017- Ki'iu';s .van fax hklts run ALU MAKKS OF CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY 511 H Street mm 11 . I v ft 0 fc-r tiixs inenau Hoo - " 'TU Better to Repair a Leaky Roof Than to Pay for the Damage It Causes" You've heard the story of the mart and the leaky roof. When it rained he couldn't fix it and when it didn't rain the roof needed no fixing. And to ruined ceilings and walls cost him more than roof repairs would have cost Shingles and Roofing If you have a leaky roof, profit by his example and fix it now while you can. The value of the protec- Don pays tor the repairs. We cany a complete and assorted stock ol shingle and roofing for every kind of roof on house,' barn, garage oi other build ing. And the prices are right. Don't put off this important matter. Be on the eafm aide GRANTS PAST LUMBER COMPANY Phone 284 steady power "Red Crown" straight-distilled, all refinery -gasoline gives steady, depend able power. Look for the Red Crown sign before you 11. STANDARD OIL ' COMPANY (Ctliionia) he Gasoline of Quality C. D. Fies, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Grants Pass G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. TWELVE 14-IHCH GUNS . i t Continued from Page On. I .,' j and specially fount for long flight. I, This reduced their efficiency land ! while they had moral effect . their! military value 'was small. Because' of their permanent position their lo cation was discovered by allied avia tors and the guns, silenced. The German 15-Inch gun in iFlundera also became famous for Its long range,' bombardment of Dunkirk and other, allied vbases, but neither could be shifted from base to base without delay of weeks, . The 'American 14 Inch gun could move from one end of France to another and .had a range of 30 ni lies. . At a range of , 22,000 yards it pierces armor suc cessfully. ; j ' When you 're hot and thirsty say ' 1) i Hires I r ; ROOT BBBR - ' : ' )) j At any place where soft beverages are sold. . ((( III - . ' Bottled la 3 tins 1 ," .W THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT JJJ Botfttnaiut Distributors. PORTLAND, OREGON III