MONDAY, JILY , O RANTS PASS DAILY COt'IUKK PAGB THRU If Dr. Spark Classified FOR HAUC OET YOf It TIRK8 MBNDEO and buy a I). M. A C. K. welder for future use. Sue Mr. Goteher, the lire man al Oranta Pass liotel. tt U ACRES oak, mad rone, fir and pine, on railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will take wood la pay ment atumpage. Phone 270. 8 J If eon-ACKB STOCK RANCH for aale; about 125 acrei In cultivation; considerable Irrigation ; 2 mile from R. R. elation; 1V4 mile from two acboola; half caab, bal ance low Interest; Addrees No. 1052 rare Courier. 8tf FOR SAUK Singer sewing machlnea on eaay term. Macblnea rented and old machine taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 8. Central avenue. Medford. Ioeal headquarter Oranta Pa Hard ware. ltf ANOEI, CAKB8 75 cent each; or der by phone, No. l0-4. I2tf flMBHil CLAIM rX)lt 9AI.K ISO e-rra near Kerby. inoetly pine. N of SKtt, SWi of SB 14 and BEA of 8WK, 8i H; T. 3 8., R, R Went. Price $2,250. Ad dress owner. Mrs. Mult la K. Pal mer. 574 Nehshwn, Ave., Portlund, Oregon. 37 FOR HA I jB -""Chevrolet touring "cut, a' hihip, It 'J 5 If taken thin week. Geo. W. Uignn. Palace Hotel. 20 r I t "a A li Veca nea v'e you money on ' the following Gulvaiilxed unit titaek l. nil sUes, new nnd used; l'le rittinKB of nil slites; Holler tulxn; Holler and Knglnes, In fine condition; small saw mills; saws, circular; Pinners, of all kind: Chain conveyor complete, different allien, riveted; New and uiit'O Pullles of all sizes; used shafting; Now and used Helling; Mill supplies of nil kind. 1nt us figure with you on your require ment. We buy, ell nnd exchange all kind of machinery. OR19GON MIACHINRRY CO. 4th nnd Lincoln. Rugene, Ore. 35 FOR A.IjK-Young"sn"ddle horse and new saddle. Address Hot 74, Merlin, Ore. It ri'RK .tit Kl) Duroo Jersey weaned pigs; wonderful breeding stock, for sale. Inquire I M. Nichols, Rd. No. 2, .phone G12-F-4. 29 otC 8A LB-19 t'4"TraVley-bavrdson motorcycle, used one year, good tires. Price $R0. Dnnlel McFar land, 740 North Tenth Street. 33 FOR 8ALK-1 8 acres. '0 In'cntllvn tion, 8 room house, big barn fixed for dairy; milk house slid well; fumlly orchard, all in good condi tion. IPrlce $1,200 If sold at once. Terms. Two mile from town, conveyunce to and from school. 1 t,. Sharp, Grants iPnss, Ore.. 11. K. 1. No. 1. Box 8. 33 " AVT ri " WANTEaDMe"nfor'lioncrete ro"ad work. Wage $4.50 and tip. Board $1.00 also men lor rock quarry same wages. I'erham, Brown, Sean & (Hague, Warshfleld, Oregon. 32 WaNTBDTi 00 reward will 'be paid to anyone for. authentic lufor ' ma'tlon as to present whereabout of 'Mrs. Flora Hill 'Page, formerly Flora Hill, who with her husband t moved to Grants Pass, Oregon, sometime In 1902 or 1903, from Ban Francisco. It will be to this Indy's advantage to communicate . at once with Mitchell & Ga'ntx, At torneys, Alliance, Nebraska. 30 WANTKDMB'ir'and'wIfe forivrk on farm, wife to run boarding house. . River Banks Farms, 31 Advertising to nievr FOR ItBNT 4-room bungalow, 421 West L, (bade tree, good well, eleotrlc light, 2 acre, barn, poul try house and park. Address Mrs. W. H. II. Taylor. 1114 line St. 38 FOR ItKNT Nicely furnished five .room cot lane, gas and wood rang, electric lights, etc 203 C street. 8m N. K. Townscnd. (21 A St, 31 MIBt-ftlAANKOCH B. L. GAMlRAlTH Insurance, any kind. Rental. Building and Loan. Plat Olaa Liability. (09 O treet. v tM ATTKNTJON A (buyer of the Med ford Junk Co. will Jie In Grant Vaa from July 16th to 31st. Bring your rag, metal, rubber, sacks, hide and pelts. 403 South Sixth street, Grant Pass, Ore. 29 TAXI DAILY JITNKY to Selroa, Kerby and Waldo, leaves Grants Pass dally at 9:30 a. m. Rvorett Hogue, phone317. , 317 L'8E THE WHITE IrlNE TAXI FOR. prompt service. City and country trips. Safety first. Call Grant Pas liotel, phone 39b. Residence phone 320-R. W. a. White. T90 IF YOU WANT' TO GET THERE, cull 22-J. Two common old Ford. We are on the Job anywhere and any time. Palace Taxi Co. Wyatt and Cutler. Jitney Luke. 50tf STRAY KD K STRAY Their strayed to my place on ItrldKe' street three sheep the evening of July 24. Owner may have saline by calling and paying charges. J. D. Stlnebaugh, phone 149-L. 34 Mt'HICAL INSTRltTlOX J. S. MiieMlIUlAY Teacher of sing ing. Write or apply at 71 A Lee Street. 28tf CIVIL KXUIXKRK DAN'IKL MflFATUvAJID. civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. ItF.NTISTS 15. C. MACY. H). M. D. , .First-class dentistry. 108 H South Sixth street, Grant Pass, Oregon. PHYHMiANH L. O. OI.J5MRNT, M. 'D., Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hour 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Phones, office 62; resi dence 359-J. . 8. lOUGHRIDGE. M.D. .Phyeiclnn and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. .Phones, residence, 369;, office, 182. Sixth and H streets. A. A. WITHlAiM, M. D.4nternal medicine and nervous diseases, 903 Corbett flldg., (Portland, Ore. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. IR, V. T7TOW,iflN8i S. t7 .Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all disease. 'Honrs 9-12 a. m.; 1-6 p. m. 'Phone 804-R. - VKTKIUNAKY BUUJHON DR. R. J. BBSTUL, Veterinarian. Office at residence. Phone 305-R. UliKCTltlOAIj WORK RIICTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, hous wiring. C. C. Harper, 315 North Sixth treet, phone ij. ,H 30 AT E Tourist stopping at the Riverside auto camping ground Saturday night and Sunday were a follow; Hurrell niid wife, Yakima. Wash. .Paul IHauNsner and wife, Bakers field, Cal. H. M. Telord and wife, '! An geles, Cat. II. O. Welsz and wire, Bloux City, Iowa. HJlmer Bowman and wife. Fort Morgan, CJolo. I. E. Totten, wlef and three chil dren, uUl, Waeh. B. C. Morteeon and friend, Seattle, Wash. James Wyes and friend, Seattle, Wash. C. L. Dye, wife and two children, Tillamook. Ore. ' C. T. BeKheau, wlfei daughter and Mrs. Fowler, Portland. Ore. W. W. Wright, wife and daughter. I Angeles, Col. J. II. Tilly, wife and two children. Phoenix. Arizona. K. 7?. 1loyd and wife, Auborn, Wash. J. S. Boyd snd wife. Aithorn. Wash. J. Morgan and wife, Belllngham. Wash. E. 8. McCollnm and wife; San T)lego. Cal. E. IR. Moore and wife, Minneapo lis. Minn. II. V. Mooring, wife and two chil dren, Soattle, Wash. O. S. Hubert, wife and two ladlea, Mlndota, Mo. O. J. Tubert, Mlndota, Mo. F. II. English, wife ald child, Eu gene, Ore. W. A. Hill and Bugg. Seattle, Wash. F. ?.'. Persel and Bugg, Portland. Ore. J. E. Danolls, wife and hlld, Fair field, Idaho. H. J. Hayden, C. II. Stevenson, I)s Angeles, Cal. J. C. Tllggs and son. Dalles, Ore. L. C. Ra'usboton and wife. Txng Bench, Cal. F. I.appen and wife. San Ixuij Oblso, Cal. ! R. S. le, wire and child. Modes- to. Cnl. ' , Mask G. Johnson and wife, Taco ma. Wash. Saturday evening about 20 musi cian and cambers indulged tn a mu sical concert which waa very much ! enjoyed by the camp community. Many of the tourists are coming snd fiolng via the Crescent City : routo and say the ro&ris are good and the scenery grand. Constipation causes . headaches, sallow color, dull, sickly eyes you feel out of sorts all over. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will banish constipation, regulate your bowels, purify your stomach. You'll feel bet ter all over. Sabln's DriTg Store. Adv. Are You Feeling Old Today? MORE OFTEN than Is recog nised do middle- aired men and women mistake kidney trouble for on-oumlng old age. . Tired, weak or deranged k idneys do not niter waste matter oat of uie bkxid as they should and backache, tired feeling, biliousness, sore muscles, stiff Joints, rheumatic pains, Irritation of the bludder, pufflueas undei eyes or other symptom or ailment appears. JMeYgdney-ESs Strengthen kidneys, stimulate the bladder and tone np the liver. They help the kidney remove the accuniu. luting poisons and soothe and heal tho passages. W,hen the kidney and urinary tract are doing their work per fectly, the whole system is benellued and restored to health and atreugth. Louis Buckner, R. F. D. 1, Box US, Somerset, Vs., writes: "I was feeling ull run down, tired, with pains in my bock. After Hiking Foley Kidney Pills 1 icit use a new man and will speak words of praise anywhere I go among my friends. You can use my letter If It will he of any service at all to yon." SOLD KVKKYWIIEltK fir DRAYAGE AND TRANS t Ml THE WORLD MOVES; so do T Bunch Bro. Transfer Co. Phor SS7-R. F. Q. 18HAM. drayage and transfer. Bate, llanos and fiirnit'i . moved, packed, shipped and stn d. Office phone 124-Y. ,Rv dene phone, 124-R. HILL REPORTED SOLD (Medford Sun) M. A. Johnson, who waa down from (Sold llfll Friday, say some Linen have purchased the Interests of the Hunt Engineering company In the Gold Hill cement plant and will operate the plant in the near future. Tnl Is good news not only or Cold Hill but for southern Oregon. The plant will employ about 50 men and there I a big demand for cement now owing to the extensive road work and building of all kinds. The plant ha been Idle for several years. Mining blanks Courier office. XOTICK TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all outstanding county warrants both which have been .protested, and called for payment, but not present ed, and those which have not been protested, which were Issued more than seven (7) year prior to July 1, 1919, If not presented for payment ! Within alvtv i Ju. T .. , .. 1 '"" ii a, win ue canceueo ana payment thereof will be refused. This Is in accordance with Section 2899, Lord' Oregon Laws. By. order of the County Court of Josephine County, Oregon. E. I COBI'RN, County Clerk. The California, and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Train will run Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Leave Grant Pass 1 p. M Arrive Waters Creek 3 P. M. Leave Waters Creek 3 P. M Arrive Grant Pass 4 P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131. II 1 inn; The Aitken Revolving Self-Cleaning Fish Screen has been adopted by the State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners as a satisfactory device for the adequate screening of irrigating ditches, canals, mill races and other artificial water courses, in accordance with the provisions of Section 64, Chapter.257, Session Laws of Oregon, 1913, which reads as follows: . "Any persou owuhig in whole,' or iu part, or leasing, opcrat - ing or ha ving in charge any irrigating ditch, or oaual,' mill race .or other artificial water course, taking or receiving its waters from any river, creek or lak iu which fish have been placed or mar . j exist, shall, upon order of the State Board of Fish and Ganie Commissioners, place of cause to be placed, and shall maintain, ; to the satisfaction of the State Board of Fish and Game Commis sioners, over the inlet of such ditch, canal, mill race or water course, a reasonable grating, screen or other device, either sta. tionery or operated mechanically, of such construction, fineness, strength and quality, as shall reasonably prevent any fish from entering such ditch, canal, mill race,: or water course, to the satis faction of such board. But before any of said officers shall adopt any permanent plan for a screen or other device to be placed in i irrigating ditches, it shall be their duty to conduct a competitive - examination, and at such examination all persons desiring so to do may submit to said officers for their approval or rejection, working models of their respective screens or other devices for the protection of fish. Inadequate screening devices mav be or dered removed and new screens ordered installed, when, upon in vestigation after full hearing upon which all interested parties have had the right to be heard, it is determined that any screen, prating or other device, either by construction, operation or oth erwise, is found to be inadequate; by the State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners. Any person found guiltv of violating anv of the provisions of this Act shall be punished bv a fine of not -less than twenty-five ($25) dollars, nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars or by imprisonment in the countv jail for not to exceed 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment." ; Notice is hereby given to all those coming within the terms of the fore going section to place immediately their order for such a screen with the Dep uty Game Warden in their district, so that the same may be manufactured and installed as quickly as possible. Fifty per cent of estimated cost of screen must accompany the order, the balance to be paid on the installation of screen. Address all communications to the Deputy Game Warden in your district. ; Carl D. Shoemaker, .Y . ..v- State Game Warden. - I Real Snaps in Used Cars . OVB (MALMKIW 8PEED8TKK. E i)VERLAXDl17. OVK IHKYHOLKT OVK MAXWEI.L ItOADSTKIt 1017. SPIUNG8 AND PAX HJayTS FOR ALL MAKE8 OF "Alt8 COLLINS AUTO COMPANY 511 H Street UNITED STATE8 RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION WALTER D. HINES, DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROADS SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD (Line North of Ashland, Oregon) Vacation Resorts A vacation 1 a good inveetment. Rest and change are very beneficial to bodily health and mental vigor. July and Aognst are the Ideal vacation months. Attractive summer resort are within easy reach. Excursion ticket are on sale. Shasta Springs Season Ticket 15 Day Ticket Special fare also and other 8baU Crater Lake Season Ticket 15-Day Tickets Newport Season Ticket Corresponding fare from other point. Tillamook County Beaches Season Ticket from Grants Pas f 18.84) Fares to Neah-Kah-Nie, ManzanUa and Bay ocean slightly higher. Corresponding fares , from other point. Various Special fares in effect to Columbia River Beaches. Mt. Rainier National Park, Yellow stone National Park and Glacier National Park. Inquire of Ticket Agent JOHN M. SCOTT General passenger Agent . from Grant Pas 17.20 .00 from Grant Pas.. in effect to Shasta, Retreat Resort from Grant Pass. flA.M From Grants Pass l.80 from Grants Pas 914.941 I i 1 s ;1