.GE TWO GRANTS PAM DAILY OOVRUEB MONDAY, JILY UN, I0IB. OUm PASS DflLY COUEItR Published Daily Except Sunday A. B. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. laurad at poatoffloa. Grants Pw. Ora., m second class mail mattar iwrnTTSINO RATES Display space, per inch toc-personal column, per lins..iwc ftaaders. per Una . DAILY COURIER a- n. rrlr. T Jtr ft. 00 try mall or carrier, per month" 60 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per T 0 MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Tba associated Press Is sicluslrsiy otlUod to the cm tor W tlM of all news dl-Pcb J of all otherwise credited ! tkia Piper and alao tae looai f llshed herein, AB rights ot republication of ap dal dlapatebea herein are IM ree erred. MON'lAY, tl'XX SSH. t. ORKOOJt WEATHER Fair, except probably show- era west portion: moderate northwesterly winds. BOLSH KV 1ST OOl NTK KKKtTKlSS The treasury department is taking precautions against tbe flooding of this country with counterfeit money. Of course the counterfeiter is al ways with us. sometimes fairly suc cessful for a short time, more often detected before his spurious product gets two doors from home. But this Is a new deal. The money in ques tion is said to have been printed in large amounts by bolshevlst groups in Hungary. It includes the cur rency of many nations, and is In tended to create financial panic and arouse anger at the various govern ments. There Is little danger of the scheme amounting to anything In the United States. Methods for detect ing counterfeit money are highly developed, and the genuine article is exceedingly difficult of reproduction. 80 much so that, though we have In this country some of the cleverest counterfeiters in the world, the amount of bad money in circulation Is almost nil. The Idea that the American gov ernment can be overturned by any such method is laughable. But to prevent even slight annoyance the authorities are taking more than usual precautions, and wide-spread publicity is given to the plot so that banks and business firms as well as Individuals may be on guard. When Prices Drop WATERMELON'S FIRST APRICOTS OUt IAST MIIIWIKXT Sl.tM) CK.VTO KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY VVAL1TY AND SERVICE R-S4 was that no member ot the crew suffered from air-sickness, which often is an unpleasant feature of air voyages, just as seasickness is of the voyage upon the water. Ac cording to one member of the party who took the triu, the big air boat rode as steadily and comfortably as the best type of Pullman ear. This settles a vexed question for persons desiring to cross the ooeau by air line but uncertain what type of air craft to chows. Thus far the airplane has been unable to claim a SKNATOIt I'.OKAH AMI THE LKAU K "I am opposed to ibis covenart 'because 1 believe that it will not promote peace, but breed war; 1 am opposed to it because it takes fwi: the American people and tbe oitl sens of our government tbe most cherished heritage that of govern ing our own business without the Interference of any other people or government. "I have been, and am now ready to vote for a treaty of .peare; I have been ready to do so for many months. "If the proposed constitution for a league of nations contains the mer its claimed by its friends, why are they so afraid to have it decided up on Its own merits? If it contains on 17 a portion mat its sponsors j claim for it, it is sure to prevail.! because the American people hae always stood for justice and fair! play to all the nations of the earth. BIJMl'S FOR (YttlFOKT j One noticeable feature of the re-1 cent ocean flight of the big dirigible : Century Electric FANS . A Little. More Wind for Little Lrs Cost Ask your local hardware or electric dealer to supply you. They can obtain prompt de livery If they haven't them In stock, from . R. POPPLETON 71 Fmnt St. Portland. Ore. similar steadlnsas, and the passen ger making his. first trip is apt to suffer ronaldoraole distress. But ir one can step Into the blimp and glide away as serenely as he does ou a fast train on a good traok, why there Is nothing to it at all. mimptng will become on of the most popular modes of transit from now on. Swimming Is not only an enjoy able recreation, but It is an art that everyone, should learn. Fear of the water when suddenly plunged Into it. Is the cause ot many a preventable death. Our own Rogue river Is proving of great value In the oiMor tunltles It give of learning to swim, and it Is a healthy sign that so many people are availing themselves of it. The swimming tournament to be held on Friday evening deserves our heartiest support, and the bathhouse committee Is to be commended for Inaugurating what we trust will he an annual event. 3 IN THE VL fj kg J FIVE POUND CAN j f M. J. B. Tt$ Coffee JlvA COSTS YOU LESS PER POUND ACUUM PACKrtx BUY IT AND SAVE MORE MONEY (CflJJ Because of its superior strength and 'Hi j3Li richer flavor you use less M. J. B. w J per cup than any other coffee. 0J1oT5"P I EVERY CAN GUARANTEED lyLllgJ I The most economical a X TVa V" ' coffee yon can buy jy3 frjffl 'mmm. 1 l 111 II Jll IIIIIIUSIIIMHI I I Ill II , patiss kg n raw I X ! MM FRMFTir.Af fV II soul o A In !te ni If wwwivw at t ij wan wrapped pacKaee, air- I tteht. impurity proofs is hygienic and whole- I m HI some. Tne goody I ! J M Ml Midi gggu ior young a and old. D .! AJhe F,aVOr 'cVs I yfflr wtPMW Some Impudent consumer sugKesis that if the fuel men really want peo ple to order their winter wood right away, they might lower the price a little. "tllve us one generation of chil dren to train to manhood and wom anhood." said a teacher in one of the Boston 'bolshevlat schools, "and we will set up the bolxhevlat form of soviet government." NEW TODAY KOIt SAIJOThoroughhred Hrown leghorn pullets and rorkrels. and 10 bantams. Good layers. Inquire .Mrs. O. W. Hrown. 1021 K St. 30 Cools the stomach, washes out the bowels, drives out Impurities, helps the liver it's Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. Take It once-a-week during hot weather and see how happy and contented you'll be. SSc. Tea or Tablets. Sabln's Drug Store. UUl OK- TH INKS We wish to thank our many friends for their beautiful floral of fering and kind words of sympathy during the fllnem and death of our loving mother. irATTIK W4TTKRS. It. P. CI1RTI8. I DAN C1RTIS. ! ARE ADVOCATED (Continued from page 1) deemed to be purely 'American nes-j tions to the league of rmtlonx or any of its agencies, and that the I'nlted , States of America may oppose and ! prevent any acquisition by s'ny non- American power y conquest, pur-i chase or In any other manner of any j territory, in p6sseHion or control In : the western hemisphere. Fourtn: The meaning of Article X of the covenant of the league of ,. . ,v... .v. v ... .u-l league are not under any obligation to act In pursuance of said aril le except as they may decide to act up on the advice of the counuil of the league. The I'nlted States of Amer ica assumes no obligation under said article to undertake any military ex pedition, or to employ Its armed forces on land or sea, unless such action is authorized by the congress of the Tnlted States of America, which has exclusive authority to de clare war or to determine for the T'nlted States of America whether there is any obligation on Its part under said article and the means or action by which any such obligation shall' be fulfilled. CHICHESTER S PILLS M I'M iiIihIimA UC Piita k. n4 w4 M txmcV jl loan. Mini i him State. V M SVi Tak Wr. Br rfjwr " ararM. DIAMOND II RAND flLLA, t MkamuBM.S.lM, AlrSrrKellUtt S01D BY ORLOGISTS CVERYmtERT SAM NEAS (roe KlioHng and (earral lllnrksmltliiag ool repnirinK on nH kinds of ikies live one of 4 he lient ef horse-"ion-: il.iit (be iiumtry nf-, fords. 315 South 6th St. Are You In The Dark? We are showing some beautiful BOUDOIR LAMPS BARNES, The Jeweler 8. P. Tires Inspector Next door First Natl octal Ilsjik The Things You Eat MARK Hlt HKAITH OK IU, 1IKAI-TII Are you rUug 'cheap grocerini Itmaune they root little autl your Income la limited? QUIT! Kat Pl'ltt; foods, even It Uiey do Koinrtimo rot a frsctlon more. Your health Is priceless, lint good luwltli mil never result from rating inferior footls. Wo have a wide reputation for handling only pure and wbolrw some groceries. KsiMvlally are our fruits nail vruotnliles freli nnd Mlioli-Mime. We want your trade. You nel our rimmU. SWANS IMIWN CAKK KMU II Pardee's Grocery G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. c waif m j We are fully equipped for all klmls of buttery work at reasonable prices cnnxlxtent with f I rf-t class work. When In needof a new battery buy the still-better Wlllnrd. with threaded rubber Insulation. The Battery Shop A. V. Ilaeltou, I'ro'ir. '1 lis I V. ' !!l Making Two Ears of Corn Grow Where Only One Grew Before Not jfcttiiiS the rirft amount of rnin at the right time, U one of ll. prlheijml causes of crop failure. This is past hktory, however, on thousands .r profit,,!,!,, farms llnougl.out the i-.iuntry. Iicsi! farm, use Kleclric I'.mer, n,l Xiwnt Inven pumps allow irrigation lit (!, ,.;., amount hiuI at the right time. Thee arc suitable CJ.R Motors for running Ihe machines in tl. Ham. i .i.,, ,,,. " In the Field. Almost every Usk and chore " 7, w ''"" rapidly, mora ecno,,,!,,,!!. and tuoro safely j.:ectrlo 1 ower, than In nl,y ,r W)y Our Power Is st your command at any me. y-r r.ht, l',roii-hot S. ye. 5 California-Oregon Power Co.