TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER if I ! ! : j 1 ! ! t i t; I i ;o it i ; en piss dm couir FnbUahed Dally Except Sunday a. B. VOORHISS. Pub. ul Propr. stared at poet office. Grants Pass. Or.. M second class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display pace, per Inch 16c Local-personal column, per l!ne..lOc Beaders, per line .. . (o DAILY COURIER 9y mall or carrier, per year.6.0Q 7 mall or carrier, per month .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year tl.00. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Presa U exclusively entitled to the nee for repatuoaUoo of all newa dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in thla paper and aleo the local newa pub- iisaea nerein. All right of republication of ape cat dispaicnes nerein are reserved. FRIDAY. JULY 23, 10t. t - OREGON WEATHER f Fair In west, fair and cooler east portion tonight; Saturday fair: gentle westerly winds. Saturday Special LIMITED S POl M4 I'KAUKUItY mKFKK FOK OXK KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY AND SEHV1CK A "REEL" PATRIOT In this issue of the Courier will be found an epistle from one of our dear subscribers. Read it; it Is a message from ai genuine Simon-pure, unadulterated, honest-to-goodness "solid South" Wilson-worshiping democrat, "wot keeps his unerring finger on the throbbing pulse of Am erican politics," and whose "Wllson-lan-Americanism is unquestioned. As per Mr. Lamond's request we are publishing Senator Pomerene's statement in regard to the proposed league, since they reflect the senti ments of the fire-eater from Wolf Creek and "all clear-thinking people In America" besides leaving noth ing further to e said. As Mr. La mond Is quite able to "pick all wheat from the char he is badly needed in Washington at the present time, as the president and senate seem un able to do so thus far, although they re giving the matter their earnest and sincere efforts we give them credit for that. Mr. Lamond is perfectly willing to blindly follow the great leader at the "White House, for he knows Wood row "kept us out of war," that h "subdued" the Mexicans so they no longer respect us, and that he suc ceeded In getting the voters to re turn a "good old democratic con gress. " But that's only three of the great stunts that Mr. Lamond's idol has "pulled off." As to Mr. Wilson's appeal to the Toters, Courier readers know that the substance of that appeal was published in these columns. In re gard to the delinquent tax list, only time will tell whether the people made a mistake in deciding not to give the delinquent rolls publicity. As for the Courier, it had not -published the delinquent tax list for many years and did not expect to do so in the future. In spite of this,' the wild man from Wolf Creek says the Courier editor Is "rotten, unfair, a grafter, and has no Americanism.' Really, to properly meet his argu ments we would have to call In one of the inmates from the state Insti- tutlon at Salem then he would un derstand. We have met Mr. Lamond; he is not a bad looking man, but he should take something for that Wilsonltls most anything to check that rapid ly-accumulating pan of tone-dust. Then, and not until then, will he Te able to understand that all people who do not agree with him who do not see national questions as he sees them are not dishonest and unpa triotic. The Courier is not adverse to a league of nations In fact -we favor one, If such an agreement between the nations can be drawn up so the United States will not sacrifice the Monroe Doctrine, will not become embroiled In endless disputes In Eu rope; one In which the English will not have eight or ten votes to our one; one In which we can regulate foreign Immigration, in short one which will not place America on a toboggan. The present league as drawn up may be all of that, "but statesmen and people In general are very much divided on the covenant, and the United States senate would appear to be the proper place to thresh It out. Let it have a good airing be fore we adopt It, not afterwards. FRTJITDALE j SENATOR POMKKEXK FAVORS LEAGUE The war must 'be fought over again unless the allied nations pro vide some means for making Ger many keop the peace, Senator Pom- erene, Ohio, democratic member of the foreign relations committee, de clared In a three-hour speech in ad vocacy of the league of nations. "If the treaty is rejected what ts to take its place?" asked Pomerene. "To quit now Is as if, after the flames of a' great conflagration had been checked, the fire department were to quit Its work while burning embers were lying around, to be again fanned Into fury by the first winds that blow. That the treaty Is not perfect, all concede. That it would have been drafted differently by the American nation there can be no doubt; ibut many of those who criticize 'have no remedy to pro pose. In view of the unrest now prevailing, and the immediate ne cessity for the preservation of the worlds peace at all hazards. I be lieve it tetter to accept the' treaty as it now stands and trust to the fu ure to make such changes as ex perience may suggest." Pomerene charged that the repub licans have made the league a party question. "I owe my allegiance to the demo cratic party," he said. "I believe In its principles and hope for its suc cess, but I would rather have my party lose and the league of nations win than to have my party win and a league of nations lose." Urging that the senate ratify the treaty without delay, Pomerene said: A war sick world demands the early ratification of the treaty. That demand must not be ignored." Alius Irene Pranks, of Medford, spent the early part of the week with hernunt. (Mrs. t. W. Bates. J. HI. Harris was In town Satur day nlsrht and Sunday with his son. Robert, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Alonio Jones and lieona, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper and Mr. and Mrs. A. MeCarthy, of Grants Pass, went to the Applegnte for a picnic dinner Sunday. Billlo Carl, wife and little" boy visited the Williams ramily Sunday and enjoyed an Ice cream feast. R. iB. Stlliaman. of Medford, and his mother and sister, Mrs. Flora and 'Miss Florence Sllllaman, of Se attle, and Sherman Welch, of Med ford. visited the Nellsona Snnrtnv The Grangers with a number of guests met at the grange hall Tues day evening and while the men cleaned the grounds the ladles filled the tables with good eats and made ice cream. Mrs. Hamilton has Just received the commission which makes Worth a full fleged sergeant. He is sta tioned at Camp San Sulplce which Is the largest supply camp In France The government Is disposing of the foods and other supplies to the French before breaking up the camp. The Hagen, Redding, Nellson and Hamilton families had a pionlc din ner with ice cream desert at the mouth of the creek Sunday. FERRYDALE BAND CONCERT TONIGH T AT THE RAILROAD PARK be Pass The following program will given tonight by the Grants band at the railroad park: March "Inspiration" Serenade "Mooning" March "Camp Sheridan" W'nltz "Alpine Sunset" March "Spirit of Peace" Overture "The Enchantress" March "The Drill ..Master" Waltz i. "Belle Isle" March "The Centour" "Star Spangled Banner" JOHXJI. WILLIAMS, Director. In Canada's Barren Lands. The harren lands of Cunndn com prise nil tlint enormous stretch , of country which lies north of clvlllza Hon, rlnlit up to rhe Arctic ocean. Over the whole of it graze vast herds of caribou, or reindeer, which are esi. nmled to nuii'lie anywhere from 20 fMKl.000 to fio.ntKl.noo. Tlionirli a rather small iinlinul. a caribou weighs about WO pounds and lis flesh Is very mud. better limn Hie best' Scotch venison. A number nre killed for meat by trappers "id Indians, hut not one Is shot to a hundred pulled down l,v wolves and wild dogs. Miss Ilene Farmer returned home Thursday for a visit. She has been In Astoria for the nasi auroral months. George Hritton spent Friday night with George McCalllster. L. F. lazier, of Medford. was calling at the home of A. C. Ford Thursday evening on business. Miss Queen Every spent Saturday with Mrs. George Jones. Misses Wllda and I.eona Griffin were visiting Miss Hazel King, of I-ouse reek Saturday. D. D. Adams, of Grants Pass, is spending several days visiting with friends in Ferrydale. Bro. Schlatter, of Fresno, Cal., is holding services in the Ferrydale school house this week. I.Mr, and 'Mrs. P. T. Everton. Grandma Masterson and Grandma York, of Grants Pass were attending the preaching services Monday night. Little Lois and Dama Hussey spent Monday with Mrs. Lefeld. Little Mllden and tMlden Bilder back, of Merlin, have ibeen spending several days with little Kenneth Jones. Mrs. Bllderback. their moth er, spending Thursday with Mrs. Jones. 'Mrs. Overton and daughter, Mrs. Xelata Wallace, returned from Grafts 'Pass Sunday evening where they have been spending several days. Miss Olive Stfbers, of Ashland, is visiting Miss Audrey Griffin, a few days this week. E. J. Brown and family of upper Applegate were at 15. C. Neely's on business Monday. Charley Grey and family, of Grants Pass, were In this vicinity Sunday, visiting friends.. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Hussey, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ford and Mrs. Lefeld were calling on Mr. and Airs. Wilson Sunday evening. J. C. Cochran and family were vis iting at E. C. Neely's Thursday. Miss Myrtle Ford returned from Woodburn Monday where she had been attending the Church of God camp meeting. Misses Martha Green and 'Bulah Hussey came with her to Merlin. ; Ferrydale has been bavin a for est fire on the mountain the nasi week. It Is a grand afirht ri- night. . WOLF CREEK "HET UP" The Courier has Just received the following spasm from ono of It' readers. .Mr. T, M. Ijunoml, of 'Wolf Creek The lulter Is published in fiill, whllo a few words lu rovly may be found In the editorial column: Wolf Creek, Oregon, July 2S, 1019. Editor Courier. Grants Puss, Ore. Dear Sir: lAat week you printed on your editorial page a speech made by a senator from 'Connecticut -In regard to the league of nations. From the tone of your comment on this speech I am' Justified In assuming that thla speech reflected your own sentiments. Therefore you selected this particular specimen of bull dur- hara to haud out to your renders as the simon-pure double extract of genuine he Americanism. All rUht that's your privilege. I am enclos ing a couplo of clippings of speeches by two senators as they were given In yesterdays news. They reflect my aeutlments and Ideas and I firmly bo-1 Hove, of the groat majority of clear' thinking people In lAmerlca. I I challenge yon to print the speech of Senators Pomerene or Harrison! side by side with that of Senator! Brandagee that you gave editorial! space last week. We people are fuM ly competent to -pick the wheat' from the chaff. i You are quite a hand to hsnd nick ! and doctor up the news of (he day to suit your partisan prejudices. I can assure you that you don't get very far with any thinking man or wom an in that way. Yon did not dare print President Wilson's appeal to the people to elect a congress that would work In harmony last fall. Instead yon nrlnt. ed a garbled view. The fruit of your own Ignorant iietty, two-by-four, par ty Ideas and tried to put It over the same as you tried to tut over mar bunk about your special graft In the delinquent tax affair. As lonir . have men of your hide bound ten- irfenetM In : simper game, so long will this rotten old party game be played. Do you call that Americanism? I don't. I call It by another name. Now if you nave got any guts to give the readers of the Courier real Americanism. Just print either of these speeches along side of the one you printed last week. I dare vnn to do It. Yours truly. T. M. LAMOYD. Constipation causes headaches sallow color, dull, sickly eyes you feel out of sorts all nvAr um-.... Rocky Mountain Tea win banish constipation, regulate your bowels, purify your stomach. You'll feel bet ter all over. Sabln's Drug Store. Adv. COMI.VO m i:ts July 30. Wednesday Tha i.ii.. - .... IHUir, U the Xowman M. K. church wfll Rive an lee cream social on the Bartlett lawn, 64 S North Fourth street. Aug. 11-29 Josephine teachers' training school. Aug. 23, Saturday Civil service ex amination for clerk-car rier postponed from July 12. Trade Acceptances, book of 50, Jl Courier offl.-e. CARRIES MAIL AT 83 Octogenarian Has Delivered Letters 24 Years and "Is Good for 24 More." "Uncle Carl" Miller of Tuoniasvllle, Mo., eighty-three years old, hns been awarded a four-year contract to curry the United States mall between Alton and Thomasvllle. The octngenurlnn has carried the mall over this routo continuously for 24 years, and be as serts that he Is good for 24 more years. During thnt time Miller has wit nessed many changes In his route. Much of the forest thnt skirted the road on both sides when he first took up bis duties has been cleared and given over to farms. The roads have changed from mere trails to graded hlghwuys. $1 for flOO Sheets Good bond writing paper, 8V&X11 Inches, unruled. Courier office. 2 3tf SAM NEAS Horse Shoeing and General llliifksmitlilng Wood repairing on nil kinds of Vehicles liavo one of the best of horse fclinet-4 tl.ot the country nf. fords. 315 South 6th St. Are You In The Dark? We are showing some beautiful BOUDOIR LAMPS BARNES, The Jeweler . P. Time inspector .Next door First National Itank The Things You Eat makk kou niai.Tii oit m, iti:.r.Tit Are you eaUng "cheap groceries Iwcsusn they coat Utile sad your Income is limited? QUIT! Kal IM KK fNl, even If Uiey il.i somet lines cost a fraction more. Your health la prlrcle. Itut cmm1 health ran never result from eating Inferior fowls. We liave a wide reputation for liumlliug only pur and whol. some, gt-urrrlca. KsMvUlly ar our fruits and vegetable, nml wholesome. Wo want your trade. You need our gumls. SWANH IM)W t'AKK KI.OI It Pardee's Grocery G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. c Wiiia 3 We are fully equipped for all kinds of battery work at reasonable prices coualsteut with first lass work. When In neeOof a new battery buy the still-better Wlllard, with threaded rubber insulation. The Battery Shop A. V. Hn.ellon, lYojir. Eq When you V hot and thirsty-say by I Hires I ttT At any place wbsrs soft bevang st urn sold. XJA -f6 Bowled la 3 aUa. CQJ W) THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT ftl hpp BunUnundDUtrOmton. PORTLAND. ORKOON VY Real Snaps in Used Cars ONK niAUVIKIW ftl'KKDSTKR, OXK OVKItlANI) 1017. ONK CHIWltOIiKT lIH OXK MAXWKMj ItOADSTKK 11)17. RPJUXGB AM) VAS Hl)lrs I'Olt .. A Mi MARKS OK ('AIM COLLINS AUTO COMPANY fill II Street . !3 it J