totite Vol IX., No. SKM. GRANTS PASS PEOPLE WILL cruris M.iciiiM-; owned iiy .Mi:i)ixiu compaw to mt.;i: iwiiviKit n.K.irrs here mm m Tuesday lietil. Hurt, i:M-rt Aviator, In 1iurg; Many IVopIt (Ji-ttlng tlm "lilglil Him" (iriinlH I'uhn fiipl arc nut going to Ixi buck iuiiiiImth. Next Monday they will flyltiK high although not im high a pork In Chicago. Hut thrllliim are promised. J. II. lKnlHOII, llllM BM lt the utt few duy ut IiIh unto saltts agency In M -i ford, Into secured thu promise of thu Modforrt company owning tlx new Curtis biplane to brlii Ihn inuchlni- in thin illy Mon day and Tucttdity, providing enough passciiKcr flights ran tie hooked In advance. Mr. Di-nlson Id Interested In thn plane and yesterday at .Mod font made a flight, going up to un altitude or uliout l.r.Oil foci. Ho states thut h greatly enjoyed the rido and did not become diuty or "panicky." 4 There will be a charge of flu and war tux for tn minute flights, hiii lii ten . minutes a pussi'tigcr will have tlino to enjoy thn thrills and Ret a fine view of thn surrounding coun try. Should ii passenger desire to ro muln up longer than the ten minute period, thorn will be a chance of a dollar a minute. Mr. Dcnlsnn will begin to book flights Friday morning, at his sales agency In this city, first comn, first treated to a ride up toward the clouds. IA few people halve already wpoken for trip. Thn plane used I similar to the Curt In machines that visited Grants Pass a few weeks' back, and will he driven by Meut. Hart of Medford. army aviator of over a! year's ex perience. In France. He Is accredited .by the I'. 8. government with bring ing down 'lioofie planes and 1m said to be a capable 'pilot. Secley Hall, also of iModford. will have charge of the ground work. Ile.'also. has had nhont a year's experience with air planes. Mr. Denlxon statin that It Is the Intention to book enough orders to keep thn plane In thin city two days, next Monday and Tuesday. Flights worn 'made at Medford yesterday dur ing the entire day. four ladles 'being among the number, and no trouble whatever whm experienced with the machine. The piano wilt carry but ono passenger a;t a time, and there will be no "tall-spins" or other fancy didoes executed. MINE COMMISSION AI San Francisco, July 24. The com mission appointed (0 adjust claims of thn minerals mining concerns brought iby the fall'uro of the gov ernment to take dollvery. of contract od minerals aftor tho signing of the armistice, announced today It would open .hearings In Medford, Ore., on Monday. , , The commission Is hoadod by for iimf Senator John F. Shafroth of Colorado. After two weeks In Med ford It will proceed to Portland Ilaker City, Butte, Salt (Lake City, Denver and then return to Washing ton. The commission 4s handling the appropriation of $8,600,000 allowed by congress to convpensate mining concerns. OA SKYWARD BRAZIL SAYS HUNS T I'nllk) Aiiirrlriiii Ki 1,-miiuiii, Who Tries to H'l Vim Koincthliig Von Have No (sit I'or I Rio d Junelro, Brazil, July 24. Whatever else the llra.llluns may think of the Germans, they have a strong liking for the ImihIihks meth ods of the German representatives formerly In Brazil. Pattern utter the German If you would be sucres- fu in dealing with thn Brazilian merchants Is the ad be Brazilians give to North Americans seeking to DKluibllsh commercial connections held by Kuropeun buslmw houses be fore the war. It Is not from a desire to criticize but more from a spirit of sympathy and helpfulness that Brazilians offer this advice. One local merchant says the Ger man devoted all his efforts to ideas. In the ctistomor. He learned the native language, caterod to the likes, whims and eccentricities of the buy er. He did not try to convince the customer that he did not know his business or that the people did not know the styles. Instead he order ed from Ruroie exactly what the merchant requested and when the shipment orrlved he was on hand to see that It was right or to make It satisfactory. In contrast to this the Brazilian merchants tell of many North Amer icans trying to sell them something they do not want, trying to convince the nrnxlllan that he does not know his own market, or even taking his order and then sending him some thing different, The storr Is told of one Brazilian ordering a' number or Muck horses from North Amer ica and receiving all white. T (Medford Tribune) Highway CommMoner tfooth when shown the article regarding the report from Crescent City that there was a movement on foot to divert the proposed higliway to the Oregon state lino in Josephine county and run It up the coast said. "The Oregon commission knows of no such move. We have asked the government to Join us In a mall route from Grants Pass to Waldo. We have also figur ed with tho forestry service for the' work over Hayes hill the division; between Slate creek and the Illinois j valley which Is Included with the mall route cooperative plun from Oraiits Pass to Waldo. We have agreed on the plan and tho commis sion will receive bids for this part of the work July 29. This line will he built." "The work Ju tho north art of Jadcson county Is progressing nice ly." said Mr. nonth, "but the work on the Slsklyotts Is not moving as yvpidly as It should but we are In sisting on speeding up the work and It will 'be pushed alons more rapid ly." In the dlooth party were Mrs. Rooth, their' son, Floyd, Engineer N'unn. iMr. and Mrs. John Kelley of Portland. Mr. Kelly is on the Ore gonlan staff. They had been through Douglas Coos and' Curry counties and back through Josaphlne. E TOUR UNITED STATES Washington. July 24:-JAn army bombing plane carrying a crew of rive left the ground here today on the first leg" of " a flight of 8,000 miles around the rim of the country. Tho-flrst stop Is scheduled at (Au gusta, Mufne, 560 miles from Wash ington. The lnne will go' through 31 states on the Ajlantlc, 'Pacific and Oulf states and along the Ca nadian border. (Lieutenant Colonel R. 3. lHartz is commanding. SHREWD RADERS O'jAWTg PAB8, JOHErilIXE OOCKTT, OREGON, THL'KSDAIT, JILV l, 191. TAFT WORKS TO LINE UP ALL LEAGUE OPPONENTS Searching For Reservations Democrat Leaders Are Firm Lodge Wants Copy of Treaty With France For Use in Senate Washington. July 31. Former President Taft has written several republican senators and leaders, suggesting reservations to the peace treaty which might lie acceptable to both sides. He bns opened corre spondence on the subject with demo cratic leaders. Senator -Hitchcock, democrat of Xohraaka, received a letter today from Mr. Taft. Kncouraged 1y iMr. Taft's efforts the republicans are -working on the program of reservations with Increas ed activity. Although .Senator Mc Nary of Oregon and others are con ditionally favoring the league and believe that in the end most demo crats and 'many republicans will unite on some middle ground, dem ocratic leaders remain unchanged t and favor unreserved ratification of the league. Mr. Taft In his recommendations makes six stipulations as follows: First That upon two years' no tice the I'nltcd States may cease to bo a member of the leugue without having the league pass upon wheth er sire had fulfilled all her obliga tions under the covenant. Second That self-governed col onies and dominions should not be represented on the league council at the eanie time with the mother gbf eminent, or be Included In any of those clauses where the parties to the dispute are excluded from its settlement. Third That the functioning of. the council under article 10 shall Xo j advisory only, and thateaich mem-i uer sha.ll die left free to determine questions of war In Its own way, the GREAT SHIPS TO CROSS Washington, July 24. Two gi gantic oceun liners, larger than any ships now afloat, and designed to cross the Atlantic In tour days, will be built by the shipping 1oard. They will be 1,000 feet long, have a speed of 30 knots an hour, and be equip ped as commerce destroyers in the event of war. Missoula. Mont., July 24. Hea'vy ruins have improved the fire situa tion In Idaho and (Montana. WILL BE LET AUGUST 5 Salem. Ore., Jply. 24. -Paving, grading, macadam, ibrldge building contracts aggregating from $1,500,- 000 to (2,000,000 wiU be let by the state highway commission at its meeting In Portland 'August 5, It was announced here today. The highway Improvements are to cover about 140 miles, of iwhlch 100 will be grading and macadam and 40 miles paving. Among the (bridges to be butlt are f)ve In Jackson county, one over 'Millers gulch, one over Blrdseye creek on the 'Pacific highway near Rogue river, of 30,000 pounds rein forcing ateel and 240 lineal feet of concrete band rail; and three rein forced concrete bridges over Neil creek on the jPaalflo high-way near Ashlatad. In Josephine county, on the Stage Road iPaaa, Wolf Creek ectlon. Pa cific highway, 4.8 miles of road will be put in macadam. Other work is to be contracted for In Douglas, Ben ton, Clatsop, Deschutes, Marlon, Umatilla, Union, Wasco, . Wheeler and Yamhill counties-. Acceptable to Both Sides- decision of the I'nlled States rest ing with, congress. Fourth That differences 'between the nations regarding Immigration, the tariff and other domestic ques tions shall not he left to the league for settlement. Fifth That the Monroe doctrine Is to be reserved for administration by the United States. Sixth That the United States re serves the right to withdraw uncon ditionally at the end of ten years, or at least to terminate then her, obli gations under article JO. Washington. July 24. Chairman Lodge, of the foreign relations com mittee, today offered a resolution re questing that President Wilson sub mit to the senate the treaty by hlch the United States would prom ise aid to France In the erent of an unprovoked attack by Germany Unanimous consent for an Immedi ate consideration was refused. Sen ator T.odge then offered the measure after a,' sharp debate In which the re publicans declared that the terms of the treaty required It be submitted to the senate for ratification at the same time as the treaty -with r many. . Washington, July 24. Declaring that the treaty provision giving Jap an control In Shantung "had heen repeatedly -misinterpreted and gen erally misunderstood," Seqator Rofb Inson. ' Arkansas democrat, today told the senate it was unjust to sus pect Japan's motives or question her declaration that the territory would eventually be restored to China. C.C. STAGE W. T. Breen, manager . of the Grants Pass and Crescent City Stage company, returned last night from Crescent City, where he spent the past 10 days. Mr. Breen praises the road wi.rk being done by the county between Kerby and Waldo and states that -great care Is being taken In the grading and rolling. Mr. Breen states that a contract has been let for 8.8 miles of new road south of Crescent City, com mencing at the end of the long beach and extending to the "last chance." The contract was let to PaLmer & MoBride for $199,400 and is to be completed In 300 weather working days. $30,000 WHEAT LOSS BY FIRE AT PENDLETON Portland, Ore., July 24. 'A scare of small fires are reported in the vicinity of Roseburg. Tvhile grain fires destroyed over $30,000 worth of standing wheat near Pendleton. The wheat was fully covered by In surance. There are no dangerous fires reported In the state today. AT Medford, Ore., July 24. The Oa gnon Lumber Mill on the outskirts of Medford was burned last night, with a loss of $25,000. The proprietor, J. T. Oagnon, thinks the fire was in condlary. The mill will be rebuilt Immediately. LONG DROUTH HITS THE NORTHWEST Creates tIuh fire Hazard; Winter W'hnat View Well; Spring Sown Grain Almoxt Failure Portland, Ore., July 24. A warn ing that the long drouth Is creating C serloiig fire hazard in many parti f the fete and that extreme care ihould be taken to prevent fires in :r;iln fields and stack yards and for- esu. was Issued by the local weath er bureau In its summary of weather and crop conditions in Oregon for tre piift week. Abnormally high temperature opened and closed the week, said the report. The mean temperature was opsiderably above normal. There' naf; no rainfall and drying northerly l. ds were a feature In many sec tions. Streams are reported low and some springs are failing. Water for. Irrigation is scarce in places. Harvest of winter iwheaX is con tinuing, approaching completion in some localities. Some spring wheat has ibeen harvested in Josephine and Malheur counties. The weather has been favorable for harvest . and and threshing. Winter wheat is yielding as well as had been expect ed. Late spring wheat is deteriorat es steadily, under the Influence of the hot, dry weather and a consider able acreage will not be harvested. Harvest of winter oats is progressing with yields generally fair to good. Harvest of barley is complete In many places. Corn hat made good growth but -where unirri gated needs rain, especially on high ground. . .. . shipping of peaches has begun in Douglas county. Berry picking pro gressed without Interruption. All unirrlgated fruit needs rain. Logan berries have been Injured by the heat and drouth. TJnlrrigated meadows need rain Where water for irrigation haa been sufficient alfalfa has grown rapidly, ii & . . ... Biuruge is tailing rapidly but In most places stock still Is doing well. In Lake county son stock Is suffer for lak of -water. Early potatoes are generally yield ing well, except where Injured bv frost. Late potatoes and garden vegetables need rain. Tomatoes are ripening In Josephine Hjonnty. MUST ALL BE SCREENED Carl D. Shoemaker, state ami warden, has instructed Denntv War den Walker, of Medford, to take per sonal charge of the screening of the irrigating ditches and told him tn enforce the compliance of the la, without favor to anyone. The state officials nave gone to a great deal of trouble and expense trying out dif ferent screeps, and had finally adopt ed the Aitken self cleanine semen which as now perfected and manu factured by the Mitchell Ladder ... tory is giving good satisfaction both io tne state and ditch owners. - The fish and game commkminn L spending a great deal of money prop agating fish and stocking the streams oi tne state and -will no longer tol erate the present serious wasto f fry by ditch owners. HAVE SMALL BATTLE Geneva, July 24-s ta result of an attack on the French soldiers by the Bulgarians, a French regiment arrived at Sofia, the 'Bulgarian cap ital, to disarm the local garrison. Dispatches state that the French regiment was attacked by the 'Bul garians as the regiment -was land ing at Lom Palanka: a few days ago A lively fusillade ensued, ' lasting three hours, during wnlco three of the iFrench eoldiers were killed. WHOLE XI MBER 2724. SEVEN MILUON SOLDIERS II DEATH IN WAR KC88IA, GERMAN V A.VD FRANCE AIIE HEAVIEST LOSERS; V. 8. KILLED LS 48,tK0 216,000 YAHKS OVERSEAS 1 1 " Of European Nations SO to 25 Me Called to Color Killed; Crimean War 1nse Competitor (Statistics by Col. Ayre of General Staff ) About 4,000,000 men served In the army of the United States dur ing the war (Apr. 6, 1917 to Nor. 11, 918). The total number of men serving in the armed forces of the country, including the army, . the navy, the marine corps, and the oth er services, amounted to 4,800,000. It was almost true that a'mong each 100 American citizens 5 took nit arms in defense of the country- During the Civil war 2.400.000 men served in the northern armies or In the navy. In that struggle If in each 100 inhabitants of the north ern states served as soldiers or sail ors. The American effort In the war with Germany mar be compared with. that of the Northern states in the Civil war by noting that in the pres ent war we raised twice as many men in actual numbers, but that In om. portion to the population we raised only half as many. It was not until the (German drive was under way In March, 1918, that the allies called upon America for the supreme effort that carried a million and a half soldiers to France In six months. When war was declared there were only 200.000 in the amy. Two- thirds of these were regulars and a third national guardsmen who had been called to federal service for duty along the Mexican border. w hen the war ended this force had been Increased to 20 times its sire and 4.000,000 men hajd served. Figures of American participation In the war: Total armed forces, including the army; navy, marine corps, etc.. 4,800.000. Total men in the army, 4,000,000. Men who went overseas, 2,086,000. 'Men -who fought in France 1,390.- 000. , Greatest number sent In one month, 306.000. Greatest number returning in one month, 333,000. Tons of supplies shipped from Am erica to France, 7,600,000. Total registered in draft 24.234.- 021. Total draft inductions. 2.810,296. Greatest number inducted In one month, 400.000. Graduates of line officers' train ing schools, 86,468. Cost of war to April 30. 1919. 821. 850,000,000. Cost of army to April1 30. 1919. 113,930,000,000. Battles fought by American trooos 13. iMonths of American participation In the war, 19. Days of battle, 200. Days of duration of Meuse-Araon- ne Ibattle, 47. Americans in Mense-Argonne bat tle, 1.200.000. . " . American casualties in Meuse-Ar. gonne battle, 120,000. American battle deaths in war, 50,000. American wounded in war. 28 6... 000. nuierii-uu ueums irom disease, 56,991. Total deaths In the army, 112,422. Two out of every three Amerfcan soldiers who reached France took part In (battle. The number who reached France was 2,084,000, and of these !1,390,000 saw active service In the front line. American combat forces were or ( Continued. on Page 2) " .4 .