PAGB FOl'R .MONMAV, JI'LV ill. I0IU. Have You Ever Wished For Wealth? Most evi'iy one has at ow tiiiu or anotht'i'. But just wishing iu o v'wh won't make you s. You have to do solium; yourself to make tiw wish coiiie true. TIhmv is really ouly one way. You'll have to save a part of what you ear.i--put t;y all you ean spai-e each week or eaeh month. Open an account with us THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON PER52NdL LOCAL Columbia Records for August no- on sale BIG DAXCK SPECIAL Don't neglect to gel the Au gust catalogue. Jazzy fox-trots and One Steps, dreamy Waltzes. The best dance music played by the finest orchestras and bands. Come in and hear "Just Another Good Man Gone Wrong." 'Fox Trot. "Tears (of Love," One Step. "Yama Tama Blues." Fox Trot. "Mammy's Lullaby." Walts. "Red lantern." Fox Trot, and other splendid selections. Stanton Rowell Music and Photo House ROT 509 G St. done and listening to the instruc tions those having trouble expressed' themselves ns feeliug able to can J i these things. I We accepted an Imitation to tukel til with Mr anrl Mrs llnwktt at thn Spencer, 'hotel before stming bai-k to Grants toda". on business. j rass and when we arrived found 1 Millard storage battery ten. niches n.l enka pvp.I In "u ,u" 3. Morrison, of Leland, spent Sunday ait the horn of Ed Holmes. illarry Schmidt and wife returned in Hugo this morning. , Edison Madu lamps at Harper's Klectrtc shop. 24 Mrs. A. I. Hussey. of .Merlin. Is I in the rlty today. - I J. II. Ahir left Saturday night on la trip to AWrdcen, Wash. J. N. Johnston went to Medford ! this morning for the day. .' , ('. A. Williams went to Glendalc 1 this morning for a short stay. "Tetlow'a Pussywillow." Sabln has j Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Davis and Mr. ; and Mrs. Fred Smith mitde a trip to Ashland Sunday. I iMr. and Mrs. Stanton Rowell spent I Sunday at the home of Everett Har mon at Ixive's Station. R. B-. Allen, of AIiuihIu, and S. C. of Tort land, w ere in the n pi Q Ul r LUDO nnlL SUCCESSFUL MEETS That the home - demonstration agent js meeting with excellent re sults in her work over the county is proven by the attendance at the meetings held In the different com munities. iLast we k a meeting was held Ifl the eveni; g at the "White school house in Sucker Creek val ley, demonstrating the advantages of a number of home made household conveniences. Among them the fire less cooker made from a candy pail, two types of home drier, an iceiess refrigerator and the dress iform so convenient for the woman who does !her own sewing; and a number of other helpful things in making home work easier. Miss Corbett gave a very interesting Instructive talk along several lines of home making. This is one of the best and mast pros perous valleys 1n the county. We called at the home of Geo. Wells where we found the hydraulic ram Installed which supplies water I the dining room w hich has been painted and paired and presented a very attractive appearance, The meeting at I'rovolt was in j connection with, the community club and was a demonstration of home made household conveniences. The agent proved herself adaptable - to 'any circumstance and led with the singing in connection with the other j work. There was a good attendance, j Wednesday evening the canning ; demonstration was given at Deer j Creek grange hall and about SO peo- pie were very much interested In the work. Friday afternoon the same j demonstration was given at Murphy grange hall to the largest number of persons who ever gathered there for s; meeting of this kind., and every one was very much interested. A meeting was arranged for August for the purpose of teaching dress fitting over the dress forms. The meeting at Williams grange hall was well attended and every one was interested In the conveniences and short cuts for women's work. A future meeting was planned espe cially for corn canning at'Mrs. Hart leys, the agent to do the canning, and promises to be a great success. This will be an all day meeting. nonx GiLAZIER To Mr. and .Mrs. C. E. Glazier. Monday. July 21. an 11 Vi pound son. I! nd lter I'aer Good quality bond piper. S x 1 1 inches, unruled, at $1 per ."Hit sheets. Courier office. 3tf No llig niche Fishermen are reporting no big catches lately, although small trout are taking the riy and spinner. Lucky is the man who tan now land a forked tail or steelhead. and "old timers" are predic ting that there will be no change for at least a couple cf weeks, but it is all a matter of for the house and 'bath room and t "eatner " ('001 "weather and a' low- fixtures, and is a credit to anv home, j "r lemlerature in the water will One thing especially noticeable make ,B'ter fishln was a garage at nearly every rawhi and at the meeting between 15 and j -Married at Medrord 20 cars each brought their loads, and j A marriage license w as issued a few came with old Dobbin. After j Saturday evening at the county the meeting the ladies served de-j Jerk's office to James Carl Williams cream and liclous home marie ice cake. A meeting was held at Wolf Creek Tuesday afternoon, a canning dem onstration at the home of -Mrs. Sta eon. This Is a ranch home which has every modern conveinence. lAn automatic pumping plant fur nished the water. The basement oc cupied the entire space under the home an A r 1 - n. . . mancne Dickenson, who were married Sunday at the .Metho dist parsonage at 'Medford. Mr. Williams is proprietor of the Jose phine barber shop, while the bride formerly 'taught school in Grants Pass, being a sister of George Dick enson, who was formerly connected with the Josephine Countv bank Their many friends in Grants Pass House with walls and floor cemented' ngraiujatlons. Across one ena oi tne room was a i very large tank for water storage. Work taWes and sink were conven iently placed, the separator handy to water and drain. A large incubator, not In Use. now, stood at one side. The best results should be obtained when In such an even temperature.! There was plenty of shelf room andi already a fine assortment of fruits and vegetables had been canned Ty Mrs. Stason. A number of ladles had arrived, some coming from a distance and there was quite an assortment of fruits and vegetables on hand and no work is more Interesting to the average woman than the preserving of her winter supply of meat, fruit and vegetables, and this meeting proved no exception. Miss Corhett is thoroughly posted on this part of her iwork and each one who had trouble with some par ticular part of her work received the help needed. Peas, corn, beans and meat seemed to cause the greatest trouible. hut after seeing the work service l'tf Hazel M, Nelson and latfy friend of Chicago urried Sunday and went to Holland to visit Mrs. Frank Alen gle. Sterling Mazda lamps at Cramer Bros. 32 Mr. and -Mrs. Jo MoCollum, of Southwick, Ida., arrived this morn ing, from southern California", where they visited, and will be with their daughter, Mrs. J . It. Robinson, or Wllderville. Wlllard storage battery service station, 314 North Sixth St. 17tf . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Trefron mo tored over from Jfllt, Cat. Sunday. Mrs. A. D. Houck and Miss Edna' Houck returned to Hilt with them for a visit. Misses Reulah llussey and Martha! Green returned this afternoon from I Woodburn. where they attended the! Free Methodist camp meeting the! past H) days. ' Edison Mazda lamps at Harper's j Electric shop. "24 Mr. and 'Mrs. H. E. Gate are stop-j ping at the Oxford for a few days. Mr. Gale, for several years, has been manager of the Twohy ranch on the Rogue, in the vicinity of Hell- gate. cur. and Mrs. J. W. Bush arrived last night by auto from Portland .to. send their vacation with Mrs, Bush's mother, Mrs. H. T. O'Neill.! CouU-tutur View Hayes ItlU A number of contractors spent Suuday viewing the new survey over Hayes .11111, and several bidders are expected ou this piece of work. Miuduy a Scorch The KQvernmeut thermometer, state County Agent Thompson, reg istered 1 01 Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock, but toward evening the mercury dropped atut the night turn ed off cool. Lr-avfH for $Mkiuie Chas. Mastin, of Deer Creek, ex liects to loave tomorrow for Sx kane, Wash., near which city he will engagtt In mining. He is a civil en gineer by profession mid states that he will return to Josephine county within a few months. Women's Summer Weight Union Suits,, ajso Knit Pants and Sleeveless Vests MRS. E. REHKOPF Excarton Itntea to Coast Grants Pass to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for 17.50. Grants Pass and Crescent City Stage com pany. Phone 26. 74tf Conner llcsldcnt VUlting J. E. Coffee, John Hey titer and Robert Hayes arrived here Stifurduyj by aiiitomoblle from Ventura. Call Mr. Reymer und Mr. 'Hayes left last i night for Portland y train but Mr., Coffee will spend several weeks with relatives and old friends. Mr. Coffee' located In Jackson county In lR2.i and lu Josephine county In 1883 and Ifred here until 1909. when he went j to southern California. DO YOU WANT the host tiiality tailoring in Aineriraf Then have yottMiext suit ninile to order just as you want it ly GEO S. CALHOUN ! U Street Fifteen )cr IihmI md'iit 1 Mr. Bush is with the Pacific Paper I (VtlDlinnv fn f-hnroro nt thn flna hd'i.ap I department. Edison Mazda lamps at Harper.V Electric shop. 24 X. A. Phillips, merchant of Cres-i cent City, and family spent Sunday' with theO. S. Blanohird family. In making the trip over here Saturday! night the Phillips machine was ruh' into by a truck and the radiator, and one wneei was smashed. The carl wai put Into condition for the re-' turn trip this morning. i .VEW TODAY To Spokane Ty Auto I Roy H. Clarke, superintendent of the Queen of Bronte mine, and fam-i lly of Takllma. were fn the city to-1 day, en route by automobile to Re-1 public and Spokane. Wash., where they will spend two months. The Queen of "Bronze has not been oper ated for some months but It 4s prob able that should the price of copper I be maintained at Its present price the Queen of Bronze and adjacent copper properties will he operated during the summer. , Hint People Will Locate Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wetherell. three daughters, and an experienced chauffeur, arrived Jn this cltv Satnr- day evening from tfllnt, Mich., hav ing covered f.uuu miles in three weeks In a 'B"by Grand Chevrolet, and are visiting at the David Robin son home on West T) street. Mrs. Robinson' and Mrs. Wetherell are sistersvand for this reason, and to he near their invalid mother, who makes her home with Mrs. Robinson, the Wetherells decided to come to Oregon to make their future home. Alter resting from their long Journey they will look over the country and decide whether to purchase country or city property. Sewing Machines That Are Guaranteed The Ntumlard will do all your cMiiig mi rttsy I but )ou nlll nmN how you ever got nlong without It. Homo un Nlugcr Machine nt one third price. We repair ail uinke of mm-hiuc rati ulo "up. ply .mi with oil and mm1I-. Holman's Furniture Store 605 G street, opposite Hand Stund IT IS HERE I It.WK IT VOL W.WT IT OLYMPIAN Tun: MOST 4'1ASSV LIGHT CAIt KVK.K llltOKillT IIKlfK KtHTVI.K OF THE "THOItOllIt rlW Unit fOWKIt. 1.1 HOUSE f .Tr.V eiTHKVGTII. THE VEHV Ill-XT 4th COMPOItT OF LAItGEIt CAItS .Itii Hm.VO.MV. S!il TO 1MI Ml EL I'EH il.jOV Ufci WEIGHT, OVLV '-M.V) IIH'MH Get One Supply Limited A. N. PARSONS, Agent joshi'imm: ami jackson coimiks EGGS WANTED Highest cash ; paid for fresh eggs. Moore Bak-I lng Co. 98tf: I GENERAL STORE New and sec ond hand goods for sale or trade. I R. Timmons, 512 South Sixth. St. i 23: WANTED -Edgerman Cor sawmill, $ day. T. C. La Frenlere, Bray, Cat. ' 28 ia competent girl on woman to do general housework. Mrs. Horace Pel ton. Gold Hill, Oregon. 28 j FOR S.VLE,Peach-plums. Bring your boxes and get them cheap. 1310 M street. ' . 2S WANTED -Ford tar to hire for about three weeks, without driver. Call Mr. Claud, Oxford hotel Mon-1 day evening. 23 ) Miss Cora Lindsay retnr.. f Medford this morning after a visit at I WANTED Young man of good ad- Liver Salts for Rheumatic and Uric Acid AUmnete An agreeable effervescent lax ative and diuretic, specially prepared for the relief of stomach, liver and intestinal disorders; and as an aid In the treatment of rheumatic, gouty and uric acid ailments. 8Itc, 65c and $1.23 CLEMENS Soils Drugs and Books uress to join advertising crew, traveling north by auto. Compenr sation good and steady position for right man. Personal letter for appointment. Address No. 1315 care of Courier. 23 WILL, GIVE AWAY Two fox ter rler pups, male, one year old. Own er leaving' town. Call Mrs. G. W. Brown, 1021 H street. 27 FOR SATjB Second hand Eeo, 4 cylinder, r passenger, excellent condition. Nearly new tlrps, new Stromherg carburetor, vacoum feed. Price right. !A. N. Parsons. 26 FOR SAILE iFurniture, stoves, car pets, dishes, cooking utensils and other household articles. Call at 818 North Fifth street. B. R. iLewls. 25 WANTED No. 2 centrifugal pump. ' Address or call J. 3. Harvey, 850 North Seventh street. 24 LAST TIME TONIGHT DOROTHY DALTON In "Hard Boiled" "SKYLAND" Another II.iiim l'U'ure A Barton Holmes Travelogue GOM1PKJG!! The Squaw, Man A CECIL B. DeMILLE production with an all star cast including Elliott Dexter, Ann Little and Theodore Roberts. , "The Squaw Man" rings true to a vanishing type of . western pioneer, and to the life in the remote places . of. the country. OTHER FEATURES ' JOY THEATER , Wednesday and Thursday 1 Admission 15c & 30c Music by Orchestra