GETWO G HINTS PAJM DAILY OOVMKB KIUIAV. JILY IN. IIP. mm M Oil HER Published Daily Except Sunday A. VOORH1E8, Pub. ul Propr. bunI at poatofflo. Qruti Paas. Or., M second claas mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, pr inch 15c laooal-peraonal ooluma, per Hne..lOc ateaders, par Una ........ Be DAILY COURIER y mall or carrier, per year.....00 y mall or carrier, per month .60 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year , $S. 00 TIMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Too Am Delated Preaa la eaeluarreiy entitled to the nee for ropabUoadoa of all newa dispatch credited to It or all otherwise credited ta ttla paper and also the local newa paa Uahed herein. AH rights of republication of a De dal dlapatchea herein are alee furred. FRIDAY, Jl'hV 18, 1919. OREGON WKATHSR Pair and warmer Saturday; gentle northerly winds. 4 "t BRILLIANT RHKTORIO I (Hon. Jonathan Bonnie Jr.) "Keyed up to a (high pitch of In terest at the prospect of receiving at laat from the hand of the president some concrete facts in support of the peace treaty, and some tangible rea ons why the United States should forsake Us traditional policies and adopt the league covenant, the peo ple hare sunk back once more into their habitual condition of hopeless aeas, of eyer hearing from the presi dent a single definite,' unequivocal . statement of our foreign policy of the future. Like all of his previous addresses dealing with the league 'and treaty, Mr. Wilson's speech to the senate, was utterly devoid of anything in the nature of specific argument. IHls remarks were mere ly A flow of 'beautiful language, a collection of empty platitudes, and a monotonous repetition of the Wil aonlan conception of America's duty toward humanity. "Mr. Wilson began his speech tJ clothing tn new words Ma frequently emphasized declaration that we did not go to war because of anything that concerned the United States par ticularly, but that our victorious army was inspired by Its love for humanity in general. His closing paragraph practically asserted that he was the agent of Divinity in framing the league of nations and regulating the future of the world.. .The stage Is set,' he declared, 'the destiny disclosed. It has come about fby no plan of our conceiving, but toy the hand of God who led us Into this way.' In the Declaration of Inde- pendence the forefathers proclaimed that we had 1een endowed by our Creator with liberty. Can It be that same Creator purposes now to use Mr. Wilson as His agent In -depriving us of that liberty? "So Insistent is the president on Impressing upon his countrymen his conception of what brought us into the war that he repeated a'gain and again throughout this remarkable address that it was the woes of hu manity that goaded us to tight, and distinctly repudiated the idea that German aggression upon the United States had anything to do .with it. 'We entered it,' said he, 'not because our material interests were directly threatened.' And again, 'We enter ed the war as the disinterested cham pions of right and we interested ourselves in the terms of peace in no other capacity.' And yet' again, "It was universally recognized that American had entered the war to promote no private or peculiar inter est of 'her own, 'but only as the. cham pion of rights wliioh she was glad to share with free men and lovers of justice everywhere.' Where is the American whose Mood does not boll at such statements, bad enough when omlng from the ordinary citizen, but far worse when uttered by the man whom our Constitution plnr-ed at the head of our armies? "And a touch of amusement wan not lacking. When the president so Iberly remarked that 'Yoii have been Caught, Killed and Cooked sardines SALMON ' Ready to Serve SHRIMP HERRING TUNA KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY AND SKKVK K dally cognizant of what was going ou there of the problems with which tha peace conference had to deal,' it was hard for his hearers 'to repress their smiles when they remembered the complete censorship that had de nied senators knowledge of the trea ty, although copies of It were In the hand of the president's personal friends In "Wall street weeks before "Taken as a whole the speech was a huge disappointment, but in that respect precisely like all the other utterances of Mr. Wilson. It the ut ter lack of any definite information conveyed In it is an indication of the character of his remarks on his tour of the country, the people have in store for them a free course In English rhetoric. Tint of the league of nations and its effect upon America they will learn nothing. It re mains for the senate to enlighten them on that subject." GR4VES WOULD PRESERVE (Continued from page 1) Sac ramento and then to the big cat tlemen's convention at Suit Uke City. There are approximately 25, 000 employes connected with the de partment of agriculture, but only a Tew of them are located in Washing ton. D. C. Tliere are millions of acres of land under our Jurisdiction and we aim to cover every part of the United States." Mr. Houston Is a very Interesting man to meet, but be has that clever trait of being an interesting conver sationalist without dlvnlirlnir the exact object of his visit to any par ticular locality. While he had littlo or nothing definite to give out re garding his trip up the California coast, it Is evident that the Golden State has in him a strong booxter for their new scenic hlghwav. For Bad Breath Coated Tonjue, BillouMa, Sour Stomach, Sick Haadacha, Bloailog, Qu, Coottipalioa, or other mult of lnjl tioa, no remedy it more highly recoo. mcoded (ban FOLEY cathartic tablet; They cauae no grlplot or nautea. Cleanse ihs bawelt, sweeten tha itom ach and benefit the liver. Never dia, appoint. Mr.. Bllubeil SLueo. U7 U. Mala ll. So. Nervala. Uw "I ca aoamily aay Fai Cihwitc Tablata ai wuadarinl." HOLD EVERYWHERE stood abroad a'nd set a precedent oth er nations might follow. The presi dent said that if all nations made reservations and set their own inter pretation on the covenant, the real meaning of the leigcue of nations would 'be vitiated. Washington. July 18. The senate again passed the sundry civil bill with added appropriations for the rehabilitation of Midler. Washington. July 18. The seuate today rejected the amendment to the sundry civil bill designed to end the enforcement of trading with the ene my act. offered by Senator Fall, who claimed that there should be no re strictions with trading with Germany. HARD FIGHT OVER DAYLIGHT (Continued from page 1) Uenerabt Pershing and March, chief of staff, and permanent ranks of ad miral in the navy for Rear Admiral Sims, and 'Admiral Benson, chief of operations. Paris. July 18. The princloal topic of discussion before the allied supreme council yesterday was al lied intervention in Hungary, "where military action seems the only means but I have reference to those beau tiful giants that line the nrooosed scenic highway. It Is a shame, to destroy them, for a trip throueh to end th .it .i. ,,... Iu" Pn " itiromia is wonderful." Roumanla and Poland. while In the city Mr. Graves snent a few hours with X. P. (Macduff, local forest supervisor. Secretary Houston was accom panied by airs. Houston, who pro nounced the iRogue River valley won derful. "This Is my third trip to your, city." said the Secretary. "While my office is in Washineton. I find that it Is time well spent to get out and observe conditions with my own eyes to get first-hand in formation. Yes," he said In answer to a querry, "it is a wonderful trip up along the California coast. Al though a little rough. I enioved ft. I have spent some time touring Cal ifornia, and now ,we- are going -, to Washington, July 18. The bu reau of Internal revenue announced today regulations affording every religious organization opportunity to obtain wine for sacramental pur poses, the wine to be distributed un der, clerical supervision and affidav its are to be required. Washington. July 18. Senator Capper of Kansas said after bis con ference today with the president that 'Mr. WHson tHI Insists that the peace treaty and covenant he rati fied without reservations and be lieves the adoption of reservations by the senate would be misunder EISMMEmuM2 MEDFORD, OREGON We specialize in diseases of Woman, the Stomach and Nutritional Disorders kQ When you 're hot and thirsty say vyjj IXi At aay place where soft beverages are sold. Cfl r0 Bottled la a tin CV tJri THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT4 ftJ fP Bolihn mm4 DUh OaXu.a. PORTLAND, ORSCON . VY Washington, July 18. Senator McNury, after his conference with the president today, said Mr. Wilson presented facts which materially modified his first Impression of the Shantung settlement. The Senator said he found himself substantially In accord with the president regard ing the league of nations. Mrs. U C. lHyne ami chil dren of Clendule, arrived this sf ternoon to Visit Mrs. Duvse's mother. Mrs. Ike Vincent, on Mlssour Klat. NEW TODAY EGGS WANTED Highest cash paid for fresh eggs. Moore Bak ing Co. gtf GKLVBRAJ., STORB New and sec ond hand goods for sale or trade. R. Tlmmons, 812 South Sixth St. 23 FOR SA1J5 Good second cutting of alfalfa; Inquire at Jewell Har ness Shop. 22 SAM NEAS More Shoeing and General Mlucksmithing WimmI repairing on all kinds of Vehicle have one, of the heat of borae--lioert that. Il( ronntry af fords. 315 South 6th St. FISH IS A BRAIN FOOD We iiawej the fineet fUh in tw. Give g. trial order and bt convinced. Oar ROASTS, STEAKS, CHOPS and POULTRY . Can't Be Beat The Tecple Market Are You In The Dark? We are showing some beautiful BOUDOIR LAMPS BARNES, The Jeweler B, P. Time Inspector Next door Kirat National llaak The Things You Eat MKK MU Oft 11,1, IIKAl.Tll Am you rating "cheap grtxrlr Ikvniima they ttml little anil ur InmiiM) Jh limited? QUIT! Kal ri'KK fHl. turn If tli lo .iwiin ,,mt n fraction mora. Your health la in-it-elcm. Hut mhI lint It Ii can n"r result from rating Inferior tHl. We have a wide repnUtlon f.w luutdllu only .uce and whole ni groceries). KarMvlally are oar fnUU aail vegetable, frr,, M, HhorMme. ' We waut your trade. Tou nwd itur good. SWANS DOWN t'AKK PIXM II Pardee's Grocery Dr. Spark G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Federal Rugged Tirps 7000 Miles Guarantee R-PLY FAI1RIO Weighs more than any other tire ou the market We make our wwn adjustment C L. HOBARTCO. Going Fast. Look Them Over I 1017 Haon Nix ha good shape. I MM 7 ( haliners Speedster. 1 1918 Chevrolet I Kord Truck (one ton) These cars have all been overhaul!! and nre in- good cotxttiiuta HA VK VOl' It IXMSK WIIKKI.K THJHTBNHD COLLINS AUTO COMPANY nil H Street JOB PR1NTIN6 NEATH BOKE IT THE COURIER OFFICE