Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, July 17, 1919, Image 1

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It oS' TRYING TO 1 m republicans"
NLS ;,r ' 1' SI IPPORT (1FTHF SFNATF fflS OTffl wm MURDER kmpioykb railway: bys-
Strikers t ftaa r'ranrUt-o Turn Cold
fihoaldnr oa Employers aad Bond
Irlegtei to Walilnjrln .
Huston, Matt., July 17.-!-Car ser
vlna oa street, subway and elevated
lines hero and la II adjacent cities
ud towns 4a tied up by trtko of
8,000 employe of the Boston Elevat
ed 'Railway system, as "'"" protest
against tha war labor board's dalay
la announcing award In the wage
dispute. Workmen demand eight
bour end 71 Vk cnta aa hour.
Una Frasolsco, July IT. The
etrlke conference committee of the
telephone operator and electrical
worker todajr refused negotiations
with the telephone company to team
detail of the etrlke settlement
agreement reported a reached ys
terday la Washington, V. C. A com
mittee of two of the strikers' repr
aeatatlve loft for Washington today
for further conference with tha wire
control board end Postmaster O en
oral Burleson.
Cortland. July 17. (He porta re
volved for the peat week (by the Port
. tend office of tb United CKatea em
ployment aervlce failed to aubetantl-
ate rumora that have been circulated
la tMa city to the effect that the
Beaten Ore on wheat field .jwere
drawing men from all part of the
Ute, lured by blgh wm'ge. .' The
employment errtce found that -
tftpt in a few cae 4n which the men
are expert in aome particular line
of work, a header driver, Back sew
ers, Vox tenders, and the like,' the
prevailing wage Is $4 ,' day and
toard., Reports also Indicate that at
the present time there Is no treat
shortage of laibor In any of the
Wheat districts.
A report from Mora, Oregon, re
ceived yenterday rodtcated that the
wages are 14 a day ud that more
nea are go4ug there than are need
ed at' present. Ait Salem .men are
.being paid $3 and $3.60 a day and
board and no more .are neecred.
.Montgomery, Ala., July 17.- The
jEkbam senate today refused to
ratify the federal woman suffrage
amendment Iby a vote of 19 to IS.
Amarlllo, Texas, July 17.-'Bump-,er
wheat crops, which ae assured
.4n this district, are causing an unl
aue altutlon as regards crop values
.and tha present prices of land, In
many Instances the crop will yield
as much as twice the value of tlie
land. One farmer near here recent
ly purchased 120 acres of which half
was planted In, wheat, and hie yield,
as now estimated, will more than
.double the price paid for the farm
and improvements. Some farmers
axe assured of '50 Ibushels to ' the"
.acre, almost an unheard of yield in
tibia district. -'
Former 1'rrmlnr , of . Japan Make
Such Assertion Upon Failure to
. Secure "Racial Equality"
Yokohsma.- July 17.-Fallure of
the peace conference at Pa'rls to
sdopt Japan's proposal of racial
quality was denounced 'by Marquis
Okuma. former premier of Japan, In
an address he delivered recently 4e
fore the Japan Civilisation society.
"ft la a blot on justice and human
Ity that the whites, who constitute
less than one-third of the world's
population, assume the control of the
world, and I declare that a Justice
and a humanity whlob do not recog
nlse racial equality are scarcely
worthy of the same," he said. "Oer
many ton hitherto been a great In.
fluenee 1n the world and this Influ
ence I about to be replaced by Anglo-Americas
Influence -which will
produce a far reaching effect on the
future peace of the world and the
weal of mankind."
Concluding, (Marquis Okuma said
that tha Japanese are considerably
Inferior to westerners In Intellectual
powers, physical strength and wealth
and they must show no hesitation In
possessing themselves of whatever la
required to make them the equal of
others, lie added:
"There Is nothing wrong In secur
ing development, morally, economic
ally and socially. If tha best efforts
re made tn these directions K Is to
be hoped thst no great difficulty will
be experienced la surpassing the ar
rogant westerners and bringing them
to their knees."
.. , , , , , .
iiitKAn prick ix rorciXAXti
Portland. Or., July 17. .Portland
bakers may soon Increase the price
of bread 1 cent a loaf. Final set
tlement on the Increase baa not yet
been determined, but the majority
of the bakers in tha cHy Insist that
he 10-ent toai la sold at loss.
Other cities are paying more for
bread than la charged In Portland,
according to the bakers, wtoo say an
Increase la Justified. Just when the
contemplated advatace -will go Into
effect Is not yet known, as the
bakers are desirous - of having - a
meeting among themselves In order
to decide on a uniform charge.
et. Johns, July 1 7. Frederick
illaynhara again failed to depart oa a
U-ans-Atlantto flight. His machine
rose to a height of 30 feet and then
crashed to the ' gronnd ; and was
wrecked. ' None were Injured.
'Mount Clemens, Mich., July 17.
Henry Ford today : was . questioned
about an article written by John
Reed about him, called "Industry's
Miiracle Maker. "-Mr. Ford said Red
got bis, Information elsewhere than
from him. ,
The article In question said Mr.
Ford opposed tha use of alcohoMc
drink. tReed pointed out that the
Germans thrived on beer and the
French-on irlne. v- ,"'
"Yes, and I think that waa one of
the causes of the war," Ford said. "'
"MowT" a lawyer asked.
'It invade them suspicious of eaoh
other," Mr. Ford answered.
: London, July 17. Cermany ds be
1'eved to have sent ; mission to es
tablish trade relations with soviet
Russia, ;'', iv .
Washington, July 17. nPresldemt
Wilson today signed, an executive
order increasing the guaranteed
price of tbe 11919 rwihet crop to
$2.30 per bushel at Oajveston and
Ne w Orleans. ; ' - " '
j ?v -jwj: 1 ill 11 uhi m 1. :
Holding Star Session With
I Determined to Learn Facts About Shantnng-Sher-
manAsbSenate to Reject Shantnng Provision n:
Washington, July 17. President
Wilson ha begun hi conference
with republican senators. The first
caller was Senator McCumber of
North 'Dakota, a supporter of the
treaty and covenant. Senator Colt,
of 'Rhode Island, and Nelson of Min
nesota were Invited to call later.
! Senator Colt, who bad not pre
viously made known his position on
the league, announced in a senate
apeech his support of the principles
embodied In the league covenant but
withheld judgment regarding certain
reservations. He said "the nations
must at least sea the great undertak
ing upon wb4ch Wo embarked In en
tering the war,' through to an end,
which can be done by becoming' a
member of the league." lie did not
believe the league 'would creux a
super-etate or subvert the American
constitution, but added that' the Mon
roe Doctrine must be clearly eafe-
guarded. Domestic questions, said
Sonator lOuit, should be left for na
tional action, but "not to try the
experiment of the league would leave
the world la the same condition of
Dayid F. Houston, secretary of
agriculture, accompanied by ' Mrs.
Houston, beaded a party of officials
from Washington, D. C, and from
the .forestry department of Oregon
and California who. visited OratoU
Pass today. Among the delegation
were HI. 9. Craves, head of tbe for
estry department, at Washington, D.
C, Oeo. H. Cecil of the forestry de
partment, et 'rortland, and Austin B
Fletcher, state highway engineer of
California. - ; .. ,v -t
Secretary Houston, Mrs. Houston,
Mr. and Airs. Miller. Mr. Graves and
a few other made the trip by auto
mobile from Safe Francisco to Eu
reka. Crescent City and thence to
Grants Pass. -Last night they stop
ped with Mr. and Airs. Geo. M. Ee-
terly at -Waldo, where they were
royally entertained, and Mr. and
Mrs. (Esterly accompanied them to
this cHy today. ;
' Air. (Houston stated that he was
merely on a tour of Inspection, being
greatly interested in the beautiful
highway now under construction
from San Francisco north to Cres
cent City and oa to Grants Pass. The
state of California; has already voted
f 400,000 for this scenlo highway and
additional fund will probably be
available from tbe government.
; The secretary and party left tor
Sacrafrento this afternoon and will
then o to Salt Lake City to attend
the, cattlemen's convention. . .
,; (Messrs. Graves and Cecil . wltl
leave the "city this evening, going
a f ar aa Riddle by auto, and then
take the train for Portland. V
Medford,, Ore. July 17.' Jackson
ville, the oldest settlement in South
ern Oregon, was , a,Ved from com
plete destruction by fir yesterday
only by the aid of the Medford fire
department (ending their motor
hose cart when the Jacksonville hose
burst in a doiea places. The loss Is
estimated at $10,000. Four houses
and one barn were destroyed, and a
doieh houses were scorched.
.--....4....... . jwu vuieeni I in I I II II I I I III I
Certain Republicans Borah
International anarchy as before the
Washington, July 17. The senate
today adopted Senator Borah's reeo
lutlo asking President Wilson, "If
not incompatible with public inter
est," to send the senate a copy of
the American peace commission 'a al
leged protest against the Shantung
provision in the peace treaty.
Washington, July 17. Senator
Sherman of Illinois, republican, urg
ed the senate today to refuse to com
ply with the Shantung provision of
the peace treaty.
j Washington. July 17. After his
conference with President Wilson to
day, Senator Colt said he thought
the Shantung settlement "could be
mad much clearer." He thought
the .president oould make a comoiete
exposition of the situation satisfac
torily, and said Japan made certain
concessions In return foe what thev
received and that Che Influence of
the league of nations on Japan
should, be considered.
The Josephine County Fair Board
held meeting Monday 'and trans
acted some Important business.
. Owing to lack of grounds and a
greater lack of funds the bo art pas
sed a resolution that no fair be at
tempted this year, but that all ener
gy be given toward preparations for
a good fair and exhibit in 1920.
As the whole energy and all ot
the resources ot the county are need
ed to complete the county's work on
the Pacific Highway so that the road
may be fully paved during next year
so far as Josephine County to eon
cerned. the board loaned the fair
fund of $45.3 to the County Court
to be used for the road fund in as
sisting in the finishing of this work
of grading In readiness tor paring.
A resolution waa adopted to ueti-
tion the County Court to .11 a spe
cial election to provide funds for
the purchase of permanent Grounds
to lb enclosed for fair and other
purposes. ' " ,., ,
M also voted to circulate a
subscription paper to raise funds to
close a deal of aome sort for i the
purpose of holding such ground un
til such a time as funds may be pro
vided to purchase the grounds sub
sequent to, approval by the qualified
voters. An election is not probable
until the primary rote next May, fol
lowing which the funds must be se
cured in e regular way. -
The funds furnished by the State
can only be used In the payment of
premiums, hence none of them ean
he used in buying or preparing
grounds. . '
- liondon, July il6. The Spanish
cabinet, headed by lAntonlo Maura,
formed last 'April, has resigned.
Spokane, July 17. .The forest fire
situation in . Western (Montana " and
Northern Idaho Is most serious to
day. Thousands of sheep have burn
ed and human Uvea are threatened.
Washington, July 17. Approxi
mately 175 ships with an aggregate
tonnage of more than 800,000 will
constitute tbe newly organized Pa
cific fleet, it -was said today at the
navy department. A full strength
the armada will be manned by about
34,000 men and 1,800 commissioned
officers, but the personnel wfll be
about 30 per cent below this strength
when the fleet begins Its history
making voyage from Hampton Roads
next Saturday. '
Inosuded is the fleet will be these
hips: ,- , . .y ."
Oreadnaughts New iMexlco, Wyo
ming, Arkansas, Mississippi, Idaho,
Arizona, Tszaa and New IMexlco.
Pre-dreadnaughts Vermont, Ne
braska, Georgia, 'Rhode Island, Vir
ginia and iNew Jersey.
Cruisers Seattle, Chicago, Cleve
land, Denver, Taooma, 'Marblehead
Machlae. Vleksburg, 'Montana, North
Carolina and Pueblo.
There will be 108 destroyers of
the new 1400 tons flush deck type,
built after the United States entered
the -war. They -will be divided into
two squadrons with the scout cruls
era Birmingham and Salem as flag.
ships and with the Melville, Prairie,
Buffalo and Blackha'wk as tenders
In the fleet "also will be 14 sub
marines of the 8 type with the Sa
vannah as tender. The mine detach.
ment will consist of the cruiser Bal
timore flagship, the mine layer
Aroostook and the mine sweepers
Ortolan. Partridge, Redwing, Sea
guH. Thrush, WhtpporwiH. Tanager,
Lapwing, Tern. Bittern, Sand Piper,
The fleet train will consist of the
cruiser Minneapolis as flagship and
the repair ship Vestal, hospital ships
Comfort and Mercy; supply ship
Rappahannock, Glacier and Celtic:
fuel ship Arethusa, Maumee, Nechee
Kaaarha, Brutus, Vuivan, Mars;
target repair ship Nanshan; radio
repair ship Saturn and 11 tugs.
Spokane. July 17. 'Formal notice
of appeal to superior court has been
given in the case of (Maurice Oppen
hetmer, son of the late Mose Oppen-
heimer, convicted in police court on
city and state charges of ' having
liquor la hbj possession. .
He waa fined $350 and sentenced
to four months' in jail after chances
of Miking liquor bad been changed
to lesser charges, oa motion of the
prosecutor. -
Cobiens, July 17. Civilians , in
the American occupied-area of Ger
many have been buying nearly mil
lion marks worth of food daily dur
ing the ilaet few weeks from the Unit
ed States army supplies. The amount
sold thus - fax totals 40.000000
marks. Germans In Treves and Cob
lens have organised a non-profit as
sociation wh,h deals with the inter
allied military, commission on food,
the supplies being distributed to the
consumer through the retailers who
are allowed a! 'limited profit on all
sales. , . "i ' v
Such staples as bacon, rice and
canned milk were at first sold to the
Germans by the commission ot ex
perts' reports that the poorer classes
especially the women and children,
were In need of certain foods. 'Later,
when thousands of American soldiers
were homeward bound, the commis
sion decided to, open certain stores
or the army to th Germans, owing
to the fact that there was more food
on hand than the army had use for.
Hons Passe Bill Providing $14,
000,000 for the Rehabllltatjosi
of Wounded Soldiers
' Washington, July 17. iRepublican
leaders of the house, supported by
party leaders in the senate agreed
late yesterday to attempt repassage
of the agricultural appropriation bill
with its daylight saving repeal rider
despite the president's veto. 'Pro
vision of the daylight saving law
authorizing the interstate com mere
commission to fix standard tlm
ion, however, would not b dis
carded under the proposal
In line with this decision, mad
by the republican legislative steer
ing committee and after assurance
had been obtained that the rule
committee would authorise th day
light-saving repeal being incorpor
ated In the appropriation bill. Chair
man IHaugen of the house agricul
tural Committee late yesterday rein-
trodueed the agricultural biU. Con
sideration of the agricultural bill on ,
the floor of the house probably will
begin 'Friday;-' . " ;
Washington, July 17. The bouse
today again passed th sundry civil
bill, amended to provide $14,000,
000 instead of -$$.000,000 for the
rehabilitation of wounded soldier.
Portland, Ore.. July ; 17. Condi
tion in Oregon have been favorable
for fruit during the past week, ao- -
cording to the weekly summary is
sued by th weather bureau. The '
week a a whole was warm and dry.
The temperature was variable but on
several days exceeded - SO . degrees
over a large part of the state. On ,
the 14th temperatures of 100 d- '
grees or higher occurred at many
places. - Precipitation was confined .
to a, 'few local showers. They -were
hea,"vy in a .few localities but cover-.
ed email areas. Farm work pro-
greased without interruption.
Harvest of rye is complete in most
sections. (Harvest of winter wheat
Is In progress over a large art of '
the state. In some sections the yield
Is better than expected. Spring
wheat Is still promising in the Wil-
lamette valley (but needs rain. In
other sections, except where Irrisst-
ed, it is generally very poor. The
warm weather has been favorable to
corn but rain in needed. It is mid
by in Josephine county and Is tassel- (
Ing In Douglas county. , :
Apricot ar nearly srone in TTm. V
tllla county. Loganberries are abun
dant, but need ' raid. Evergreen
blackberries ar promising. ',
London. July 17. The Britlah
Admiralty has revealed that one nf
the .developments of the navy In the '
war was an 18-inch gun which fired
a ton and a half shell, seven feet
long, twenty miles, with : sufficient '
force to pierce a foot of the hardest
steel. . It was used in the memorable
attack -on Zeebrngge with excellent
effect. i