Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, July 16, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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WKINtW.V, JU,V 14, '
4 i
The Bank You Choose
should be able in case of need to draw upon the
massed reserves ofthe nation.
We are enabled to do so by rediscount ing with
the Federal Reserve Bank and are thus in a position
thoroughly to safeguard the interests of our customers.
Vacation Model
This portable Victrola eolvee
the problem of summer music.
Tou can take H wherever you
go u easily as you can a va
lise. It will rive you a sum
mer of song, of dancing, of
music of every kind.
Gome in and betur it today
Stanton Rowell
Music and Photo House
607 SOU o st.
On Tuesday evening Miss Beulah
Williams, one of the most popular
and charming girls of Grants Pass'
younger set, left on a trip which
will include Seattle, Chicago and
eastern cities, and which wlU end in
Boston, Mass., where Wlss Williams
wUl be married to Ned Cooper for
merly of this city. A large number
of friends were at tfc,e train to see
the -prospective bride depart, and to
send with her their congratulations
and sit) cere -wishes that she might
enjoy the happiest of futures.
The couple will be married at the
home -art the groom's parents. In
Boston, and after the wedding wlHjstatlon. 314 North Sixth St.
F. S. Brain well and II. W. Webber
returned yesterday from a business
trip to Klamath Falls.
"iMum." Sab! a has it.
Harry Marsh and family came In
this morning from Dunsmulr for a
few days,' ' '
Owl Taxi phone' 172 J instead of
former stand at the Spa. 20
W. A. Bean, of toa ar
rived this morning to remain tor a
few days. ' , ,
Mrs. J. C. Mattisou and daughter
left this morning tor Spokane,
where thejr will visit relatives.
airs. E. Christie and son, Anioa,
of Eureka, Cal., were in the city to
day on their way-' to Junction City,
Ore. ' .
Wlllard storage 'battery service
station. J14 North Sixth 8U 17tf
L. Oaernstein. of Bedford, but
formerly of this city, is back at hit
old stand on South SIxtS street and
will deal In Junk. . , V
Entertain your friends at : the
Presbyterian social tonight on the
C. A. Bills, of Tacoma. Is vlsttlng
in th city with old friends. " Mr.
Bills was formerly a, railroad em
ploye but back , in ,1897 had both
legs taken off In an accident.
Sterling Masda lamps at Cramer
Bros. 32
Mrs. H. C. Fielding, of Santa Mon
ica, Cal., former resident of Grants
Pass, was the guest of the A. C.
Hough family several days. She left
last night for Naootta.
Wlllard storage battery service'
C. M. Maupin, who resides on the
EXihu Fry place a couple of miles
above Agness on the Illinois river,
was in town the first of the week on
buisneas. Mr. iMaupin mentioned an
incident which illustrates the many
opportunities to be found in the up
river country. : A couple of young
fellows, Anthony Johnson and Geo.
Gtentry, both of Portland, came in
there recently to spend a few weeks
outing on Collier creek, taking along
a" prospector's outfit to pass away
the time. The boys struck J small
bar on that stream and were lucky
enough to find the gold panning fair
ly; good so will remain there all sum
mer and -perhaps during the winter
as -well if their luck continues.
Gold each Reporter.
wiVl make a tour through Maine. I jr.r. n n Tvtt i
On Friday Mrs. Sam Baker and tendent of the Free Methodist
Mrs. A. K. Cass gave a delightful church returned last night from
luncheon at the Baker home. In hon
or of the bride-to-be. The rooms
Ruth King, of Prevolt. returned
this morning from Duueinulr. and
Ashland, where she visited relaUves.
She was accompanied by her little
niece, Viola; Cole.
No. longer at the SpaV call 172-J
tor a taxi. : Owl Taxi. C. K. Gllk
son. - 10
Engineer F, M. Anderson, V. 8. N..
spent a day here with old friends,
leaving this morning for .Roaeburg.
Before entering the naval service he
waa an employ of the Southern Pa
cific and stationed In Grants Pass.
Yes. it has been hot today, but
you will enjoy the ice cream and
cake on the Voorhies lawn tonight.
Ellis Renshaw, who came here
the Fourth from Mt. Angel with
his sisters, Mrs. O. O. Bunch and
Mrs. Maude Miller, left this morning
for Eugene to visit his father. He
will later go to Hoqulam. Wash.
"Ice Ooum" Sounds Good
It Is good too; a generous por
tion whh cake will he served-tonight
on the- Voorhies lawn, Second and
B. for 25c. 19
A Oeotor shot
Monday while carrying a 25-35
calibre rifle. Orvtlle Dingier, of
Hugo, met with a painful accident,
but made a center shot. The weap
on was discharged, the ball parsing
through the center of the sail of one
of his great toe.
Land Sake
What a time we'll have
Murphy dance July !.
were charmingly 'decorated' with
sweet peas, Shasta daisies and holly
hocks, and beneath the chandelier
ware pictures of Miss Williams and
Mr. Cooper.
After the guests had assembled.
iMiss Williams was escorted into the
room by her sister, -Miss VeOna,' Wil
liam, and after taking her place at
the table a white wagon was drawn
in by little Constance "Baker and
Lucy Cass, who were dressed as a
soldier and a butterfly. The wagon
contained many beautiful and appro-!
prtate gifts. A two-course luncheon
was served to (Mesdames Wolke.
Hair, Kemp, Luudburg, Una,' 8a-
bln, Cornell, SLade, PsOtillo, Riddle,
Cass and Baker, and Misses Quinlan,
Wolke, Pattlllo, tRoes. Cornell, Sabin,
Kiddle, VeOna Williams and the
guest of honor. Miss Beulah Wil
Buys Irrigated TUncb
Theodore Martlnes.N of Wlnnemuc-
ca, Nevada, haa purchased the 100-
n-fn. -tii v v- "J : rucn
vu,,uai vimv uv uauuea Df
me general conference. He also vis
ited other points, including his old
home. Mr. Dodge was accompanied
home by his daughter, Mrs. J. H.
Thomas, and children of Costelta.
Agency Clunges Hands '.
1 have taken over the Oregon! an
agency for Grants Pass. Please re
port any defect in service to Gall
Swinden, Phone 243-L. 20
EI Vampiro
An Insect Powder
TO Be I'sed Agaiawt
MosQirrofs - rxris
BED BCGS ' uct;
Sells Drugs and Books
Wlsecatver on Sucker
creek, near Holland, and has already '
moved nis family onto the place. He
is a practical farmer of years of ex
perience in growing alfalfa. Mr.
Wlaecarver has not yet announced
his future plana. The sale was con
summated by A. N. Parsons.
Excursion Hates to Coast-
Grants Pass to Crescent City, by
easy riding cars, for $7.50. . Grants
Pass and Crescent City Stage com
pany. Phone 2(. 74tf
1 -- J-Ii?Z-' : .j35irKi0X? man- ,
You Can
ao Far as You Can See 'Em
JANTZEN Sweaters and JANTZEN Bathing Suits have
world of style, distinctiveness and, best of all, they fit
not r ALMOST , FIT they simply MEET YOU AT
All those good-looking knit things you have seen lately
ve ueen janczen made. The ribhed stitch makes possi
ble all the nifty things you have noticed about them, and.
Jr. t dUtlnctive feature a JANTZEN idea.
Peerless Clothing Co.
Insnmble Values Hlffher
H. H. Allyn a few days ago receiv-
,ed a circular from the assltant man
ager of the IT. 8. IFire Insurance
company suggesting that he will be
able to Increase the Insurance values
on buHdlns Inasmuch as the high,
er cost of construction gives all
buildings a higher value. In a com
parative table It is shown that every
Item entering 1n,to construction has
increased iwafces from 60 per cent
and material from 100 to 300 per
A Hot Day and Warm Evening
But it will be cool tonight on the
Voorhies lawn. Second and O. Pres
byterian ladles will serve Ice cream
and cake. jj
Will Fly High at Medford
Says the Medford Tribune: "Frank
Farrell received a telegram this
morning from Seeley Hall and Floyd
Hart from 'Mather, field, Sacramento
to which place they went to pur
chase, an airplane for the Medford
company Just organised, stating that
they had bought a fine Curtlss plane
wun an entirely new engine, and
that the outfit would .be expressed
iv uneaiora as soon as possible. If
there are no unforeseen delays pas
senger carrying flights will be be
?un next Saturday afternoon or at
the latest on Sunday." -
Lawn Social Tonight
The laUles of Bethany Presbyter.
tan cnurca Invite you to be present
at the lawn social given ax the
home of A. B. Voorhies tonight, A
fine program, cake and tea eras at.
and a general good time is xuaran-
ieea tor am. iBe sure and be nr.
Whiskey Still Flows ,
vnanes Bell, who. With Perev
mims. -waji arrested by Sheriff Ter-
rei jast Friday coming over the Sis
kiyous -with two cases of whiskey.
and who was given a fine of $200
and a sentence of 15 days in iall last
Saturday, will not have to serve the
sentence, an Justice Gowdy of Ash
land, who tried the case has sus
pended the Jail sentence durlnr nH
behavior. The iall sontAn a a
days at first Imposed on Mlms, Sat
urday, was that day suspended dur
ing ood behavior, but his One of
iow apa luears line of 3200 .MiH
stana. fittedford Tribune. ,
Women's Summer Weight Union
Suits, also Knit Pants and
Sleeveless Vests
AOS U Street
produce the Imt miM!r-t-nture 'lthe In Asa
erica and nuke tlx price fit the rout of prcxloe
( ng such garmnt! lot its prove It,
Fifteen years local agent
-Ws have a nice liue iu stock. Some verv nice ones
anil some cheaper ones. Quality, iiocordtng to what
yoiu want to pay.
Ve have just received more of those high grade mat
tresses and springs. Come in and see them for we
know our prices are right.
Holman's Furniture Store
(05 O street, opposite Band Stand
, ; : 1
TT A .117'
ii nn Hi i
Tonigh! Jj y J Tomorrow
When a Heal Man Tackles The tirent While Wny!
Into New York City goes William 8. Hart. 'Firth Avenue
puts him in a panic, the ca'barets daze him. but the men and the
women with their city stuff they can't fool William 8. start!
. He shows them how a real man can tight and love.
It's Hart In a new sort of story.
Admliudon 10c and IIOc
yes this is'308-J
We can repair your furnace
land cut down your
fuel bill
., ....
Now is the time to look over
your gutters and repair
your plumbing
See Dedrick at the
Tetherow Sheet
Metal Works
You Want To Go
2Car8 . .
Wyatt & Cutler
Our classified fdi bring rer"
Jitney Luke
i 1 1111 Win I llliartsjafln-mi I