Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, July 16, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    mGK TWO
mm dim nmiv rniroiro
CiihillO IflOO Urtiii uuuuiui
otliahed Dally Except 8ndav
.. E. VOORH1E8. Pub. and PlPr'
nattered at postoffice, Grant Pass,
- Or., m oond claaa malt matter.
Ptaplav apace, per Inch Jc
LooaJ-pereonal oolamn, pr Mn..i
leader, per Up -
j nall or carrier. per yenrMOO
r mall or carrier, per monlli .BO
ty man.- per year ,
'Th Ajeoctatad Pre ia endnarrety
entitled to the as for rp Ml cation
of all bw alspaAca credltea to It
or all other! credited U tkla
paper and alao the local mowa pak
had herein.
An rlrhta of reonbllcatie of apa
dal dispatch herein are aire
Fair In west, fair ana cooler
-f east portion; . gentle westerly 4
winds, i
God-chosen ruler. "
Left finish the
Americanism -will not lack, for vig
orous protection as long as the n
ate contains audi member as Hon.
Frank S. (Brandegee of Connecticut.
Be does not mince words In stating
his position on the league of nations,
and his determination to stand to
the last in upholding the oath he
took to defend the constitution. In
statement recently issued y Mr.
Brandegee ha uses the following
"This country has had three crit
ical shocks.
"First, achieving its Independence.
"Second, framing Its constitution,
'Third, preserving the 'Union un
der the constitution.
"We are now confronted with the
fourth crisis. It Is: Shall we pre
serve our independence or surrender
"I am an American and nothing
else. I. am a United States senator
and a; member of the foreign rela
tions committee.' ' i hare taken oath
to preserve and proteot the consti
tution of the United States and, so
help me God I am going to do it
I thoroughly realize the responsibil
ity which rests upon me and I pro
pose to use my best judgment that
God has given me without fear or
"The so-called covenant for the
league of nations which the execu
tive has made, is, in my mind, a
hideous monstrosity. I shall not
vote 'for it till hell freezes over, and
I think that event is probahly some
what remote. 1 am not to be bun
coed toy any lingo about 'humanity
or the moral forces of the world or
voices In the air.' I am for uphold'
lag the American flag and not for
hauling It down. I am for the Stars
and Stripes, and not for the milk
white flag of nenutral International
ism. I am for the (America of George
Washington. I believe America can
best serve humanity (by minding its
own (business. ' I am not ready to
cast this" country Into the witches
cauldron of International complies
Mons. Are we to tax our people,
conscript our boys and fight the but
-ties or tne worm to please some
body's Idealism? I am utterly op
posed to. the league and in favor of
peace. I do not Relieve it will be
come a' party Issue,- but I will leave
the republican party the minute
stands for the league."
C C. Chapman, of the Oregon
Voter, whose sole diet is great col
umns of dry, eye-dmullng figures,
has figured another one out Here
It to:
"That Oregon led the Union in
contributing her eons to our country
Is confirmed officially In the U. 8.
Statistical Abstract, Just Issued. Ore
gon la credited officially with hav
ing furnished 34,430 men for the
armed forces during the war, of
which number 18,371 are credited
as volunteers, or 63.07. No other
state gave to nigh, a percentage of
volunteer In proportion tb Its total
Enos (Mills', a Colorado naturalist.
is making a plea' to save the grlixily
tears, because, as iMIlls says, "he. is
the most impressive animal on our
continent. " That the grisilly Is "im
pressive" .no one can deny, hut we
just a weil save the rattler and
skunk because they, also, are "Im
A voice from San Francisco: "The
Chronicle stands for Johnson for
president and feels assured that Cal
ifornia will give hhn Its solid sup
port in the republican national con
vention." Well. Johnson will, per
haps need R when the Wood steam
roller gets into motion.
Maximilian Harden, the German
editor, is writing many columns for
American newspapers. Harden
four years ago, started out fine by
opposing the German war lords, and
until lately has given autocracy som
hard raps. Now he Is spoiling it all
by flying to the defense of the ex
kaiser and urging that that big cut
tnroat escape trial, because Old Bill
Is not responsible for Ms acts. All
rot let the trial proceed else tbooe
boye in Flanders Field will
tave died in vain. The aim was to
crush Prussian militarism and put
an, end to3those self -styled "(faintly,
. .J . L v:
London, July 16. Bonar Law,
government leader, told the house of
commons today that the British gov
ernment does not regard the United
9tate senate action regarding Ire
land as a violation of Article X of
the league of nations covenant. Ire
land's future government will not be
considered at the next meeting of the
league of nations council.
EGGS WANTED Highest cash
paid tor fresh eggs. Moore Bak
ing Co. 8tf
WANTED 'Waitress at
hotel. Experience not
FOR SALE Indian motorcycle.
Runs like new. In good condi
tion. Will sell very cheap If taken
at once. Inquire at 6am Williams
garage. 19tf
WANTED 1 100 reward will be
paid to anyone for authentic infor
mation as to present whereabouts
of (Mrs. Flora Hill iPage, formerly
Flora Hill, who with her husband
moved to Grants Pass, Oregon,
sometime in 1903 or 1903. from
San Francisco. It will be to this
lady's advantage to communicate
at once with Mitchell Cants, At
torneys, Alliance, Nebraska. 30
Corvalils, July. 11 "On young
fellow who applied 'for work when
men were not to be had was asked
If he had ever lived on a farm,"
writes C. C. Calkins, county agent
of Sherman county In the June Ore
gon Countryman. '. .. .
"O ye.1 all my life," he said. ;
"A farmer out here wants some
one to drive six homes; can you do
It," he was told.
"Don know; I could harness
them, but never drove a horse in
my life."
"What!, Didn't your father have
any horses on the farmT"
"We had bones all right (but dad
would never let me drive; be always
held the lines."
Other boys tell the same story In
different words. "It's all dad's
farm," sighed one young lad. "It
was ray calf hut dad's cow, said an
It font enough to give the boy
nine months of schooling; give him
a chance at the farm business; even
if he doesn't want It. It's up to dstf
to create and till the want.
Experience shows us hat lfyou
want the child at home this has got
to come. The letter bead that used
to read. "J. C. Brown, Shorthorn
Breeder," must be changed to read
"Brown Sons."
And then dad ha got to play the
(Continued ' from page 1)
FOR SALE (Purebred Rambouillet
eWea. We offer our email nJ of
21 prize winning registered Ram
bouillet ewes"" at $50 each. They
will, pay for themselves - in one
year, .fcosenburg "Bros., 'Metfford.
Oregon. 20
William S. 'Hart , forsakes the
Western plains 'or to be -truthful. Is
forced to forsake them by the 1-aw
and Order (League in his latest Art-
craft picture, "Branding Broadway,"
which comes to the Joy theatre to
night and tomorrow. And now that
the title of the picture Is out, it is
more or less useless to add that his
new field of 'activity is Newt York's
Jnstly celebrated "White Way. Yes,
sir. Bill Hart, arrayed fn sombrero,
chaps and pistols, shows up in the
civilized financial Center .of the uni
verse and starts In to practice the
tactics of Whetstone, Arizona," on the
cafes of Broadway. First, however,
he gets himself some new duds, In
cluding a dress suit. Hart in a dress
suit! But that Isn't the half of it.
''Branding Broadway," snows Hart,
as the iguardian of a wild youth who '
WANTHD l.ogeutters. Pine tim
ber. Good ground. $1.25 per
thousand.' Apply Edgerton A
Adams. ' 20
LOST JBag of clothing lost July 12
on - Pacific highway between
(Iranfs Pass and Glentlale. Finder
please notify No. 1291 care
Courier. Reward for return. ' P
GET YDL'R ORDER in early for
blocks, kindling and SaWdiikt. Ba
ber .'Bros., phone :'Sd9lj. : 14
patronizes all the fast places along
the brightly lighted street and it
doesn't take long before the wild
youth discovers that Hart' is some
guardian.. Then there" is" the' love
story the love story of the Wester
ner and a waitress in One inf those
white front palaces where" they flip
the little cakes on the window' grid
dle. And the villain! He steals cer
tain letters from the girl and makes
off down the avenue with them via
the taSIcab route. And then Mr.
Hart's Inbred sense of , the right
thing to do gets the (better of him
and vaulting on a policeman's horse
he igives chase. ,
In other words William S. Hart
Just startles the life out of New
York and the New Yorkers In
"Branding Broadway." The story
was prepared for him by that-master
of the screencraft, C. Gardner Sulli
van, and Seena Owen Is a charming
Cools the stomach, washes out the
bowels, drives out Impurities, helps
me liver It's Hollister's Rocky
mountain Tea. , Take it once-a'-week
during tiot weather and see how
happy nd contented you'll be. 85c.
Tea or Tablets. Sabln's Drug Store.
year a hundred witnesses appeared
against "him snd he was convicted,
testified Sidney Kemp, New York
"Fifty witnesses who I can natne
will verify everything said here and
tell more too," asserted Kemp.
Several of the soldiers testified
that In addition to being beatln,
food fn small amounts and of poor
quality was supplied and that the
bedding was poor, sometimes the
mattress being in mud under s
small tent.
Paxil Boggn, "Baldwin. N. Y., 318fh
field signal battalion, said men alt
the farm were often so hungry that
they, were, "glad to eat dirty potato
peelings.' H said he 'dipped a tin
cup in a swill barrel so as to get
soind grease that be could 'eat with
relish. . ' ,
"Instead of giving' command. It
was generally given 'With a club,"
asserted Boggs, who said he uw at
least f0 YneVlfeaten.
Alvln (Bares, (Brooklyn, who was
with the beaiiquurtors troops, sec-
ond 'army, said whenever "there was
f6rmat1on ''a man was beaten up
every five minutes' st the prison
farm. ' He and Bogs said that a
Pole, servltfg in' the 'American army,
was 'brutally Ifoate'n ad soon after
ward 'the prisoner cut his throat
with a' razor.
""Medical Inspection 'was a farce,"
said Bates referring ' to the farm.
You went In one door Snd -were
kicked out another."
' Omsk, Siberia,- July 16.- To meet
an emergency In hospital ' work for
wounded 'Russians 'of the armyflght
Ing the tiolahevikl, the 'Amerl.un
'Red OroW has dpened one of its big'
gent hospitals at Chellablnsk.
The opening of heavy fighting on
the Ufa froni (brought many 'wound
ed soldier toythe ,al ready "burdened
Russian military hospital. "The 'Red
Cross sent to Chellablnsk,' IDr. Henry
W. Newman. ' .
Chellablnsk promises to ibe an Im
portant wtatlon 6r 'lAmerican , Red
Cross work this summer,' as It is" ex
pected that the fighting will be par
tlcnlarly heavy In the dlrftrlct front
Inn it. '
A Miiiipxlioi ir Hniiulor Medlll Mc
Cormlck of Illinois leaving' the c apitol
after a heated day's session. Both Mr.
snd Mrs. McCormlck hsv'e' been lifting
an active part In' l he" affairs' of th
Republican party.
Printing that pleases W do
Courier Job Department.
' HdrSe'fehoeing'and General ')
BlacksmJthlDg ' " t
Wood repairing on all kinds bf j
( vV61ess ,.
have one of the "best'bf 'borse
slioer that "the ' -country fcf
fords. 315 Soutlf 6SL
Does It Give You a Pain?
t , - To mad lite evening paper, -
' '. - ' ' . '"' '
Teat your ere si oar store and snake you reading a plraaur
R. P. Time Inspector '
BARNES, The Jeweler
Next door Pint National Bank
Dr. Spark
Harness and Saddlery
Auto Top and Canvas Work
Witn Grants Pass Hardware Co.
Federal Rugged Tires
iles Guarantee
"Weighs more'than aay other tire on tb market
We make our own adjustment
Going TasL Look' Them. Over -
I 1917 Baton 8lx In good shape. ,.f
I 1017 Chalmers Bpeedater.
l'lVIS Chevrolet
I Ford Truck (one ton)
'Tbme ear have all been overhauled and are In good condition
811 H Street
Automatic Servant
' Oh,; c. 1 rpend most of
'my time ' out-of-doors this
uimincr. 'With - electric
motors -I make light of my
' Tho test is small and it is
so convenient and simple
. jus t afl turn of tlie witch and
1 1 can' Kitdown "and fead or
embroider until the work is
V d.,re." .. ..v.
Why don't you ca up
: fPower Company