GRAVTfl pass daily oocrixr MOMiAY. JUiY 14, 1UI. Wl PASS DAM COURIER ' Published Dally Except Sunday RISH ARE UP IN ARMS Men Do Your Glasses Fit You? A. C VOORH1ES, Pub. ud Propr. .GB TWO atstaMd BMtntrtM. Grant Paaa. Or., aa second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per lneh 16c iioeal-peraonal column, per HneulOc lMden, par Una to , DAILY COURIER ' By mail or carrier, per year If. 00 Sri mall or carrier, per month .60 WEEKLY COURIER By man, par year $1.00 TIMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Praaa ia lolustvely c titled to the. use tor repabUoaUoa Of all newa dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited IB this paper and alao the local aewa pub- Usbed herein. AU rlghta of republication: of De nial dispatches herein are ale r erred. . MONDAY, JIXY 14, OREGON WEATHER f Fair; gentle northwesterly winds. . DOVULAS OX EDUCATION Douglas Fairbanks, In an article In a current magazine on how he would bring up your children if he had a ohance, says some things which every parent would do well to pon der. It giree the movie fan rather a Jolt to find that "Doug" ia as much of a philosopher as an acrobat, but the jolt will not hurt him any. No philosophy was ever more whole tome. Judge bits ot it, and think about them: " i ' "I would plant and water and cul tivate the seeds ot humor in the youngsters and in the long run the crops that they would reap from that planing would be worth as much to them, I think as anything that the schoolbooks can give." "I'd teach them to expect tumbles, and to take their tumbles with a mile there's nothing more import ant. It seems to me. No man Is so pitiable as the man who has been trained only for success; who cannot be happy except when everything is coming his way, and who comes at length to a hard, swift fall. There ia tn Ills philosophy no saving balm for such a circumstance. He is more than likely to "be crushed by a mis fortune which "a man who had been inured to misfortunes would count aa nothing at all." "It's a great thing to believe that you are going to succeed; for if you believe it hard enough you are pret ty likely to "win out In the long run. But tt'a a great thing also, to have in your soul some Iron-clad phll ceophy that will help you to stand np and play the man in case things con t turn out as planned some thing that will carry you through when men who are trained only for success are beginning to throw up their bands and quit." "So I'd see to it, if I were in the place of the American mother, that the boys and girls were given the training for success, and with It the philosophy that would keep their up per Hps firm in the face of disap pointment the understanding that neither success, nor fame, nor money la essential to happiness if one is at peace with his own soul." -NEW FALL PACKARD SHOES ARB IX . PRICED LOW TO AVOID LUXURY TAX KINNEY & TRUAX 103 North Sixth country' must 'be sought. Harvard and Yale, for example, are living on their past, ajad both of them are now signally poor in faculty men with the modern spirit. "The public schools are also ne glected, one-time eductions! lovers preferring to spend their money on luxuries. Many teachers are with drawing from service because their communities rate them as leas im portant than, common laborers, and will not provide proper school build ings and teaching facilities. "Another sign ot Massachusetts decadency is the general attHude to ward health. An important 'bill to promote the health and physical de velopment ot school children' has Just been killed by the 'Massachu setts senate. The defeat indicates the public stolidity toward health and toward children. "I offer no explanation of the de generacy thus shown. The tendency la omnlously downward." On wonders what eastern educa tors win gay to this. It may be argued that no part ot the country pays the attention it -ought to pay, and spends the money R ought to spend, on education. Still, there is noticeable a growing tendency on the part of the West and Middle West to educate their own sons and daughters Instead of sending them east to boarding schools or colleges; and many experts declare that in struction today is more liberal, mo dern and practical west ot the Hud son river, and still more so west of the Alleghanies. Does the course ot education, like the course of empire, take- Hs way w est ward? And are the young peo ple of classic New England destined hereafter to go west to school? AXOTHKK CABLE TO 11K LAID TO JAPAN XAST Toklo. July U 2. The project of laying another submarine cable line between Japan and the United States as a private enterprise with a view to facilitate and Improve the tele graphic communications between the two countries Is reported to be mak ing headway. The plan is said to have secured the warm suuuort of Japanese government authorities and of over 30 Influential business men who axe expected to finance the un dertaking. A NEW PRACH NEW ENGLAND "lEOAlKX 'ft'' When any of the older sections of the United States is called "decad ent," the accusation is usually taken y flevel-headed people with a grain of salt. The "effete Bast," as It Is often called, shows too many signs vt vigor and progress to make any such blanket charge sound convinc ing. But here is ti criticism of New England by a Boston citizen which may be taken seriously, because it concerns the one thing on which that section has long prided Itself edu cation. "A certain decay," says this critic, "la progressing In New England, of 'which no adequate explanation has yet been found. At one time the New England states led the country In education, but they no longer do so. If one desires progressive edu oatton, colleges In other parts of the Portervllle, Cal.. July 14. A new peach, ripening in October and of a salmon tint, has been accidently propogated here by C. IA. Witt, an orange grower. The chief virtue of the new fruit is the fact that It comes on when other varieties have rone. Mr. Witt plans to start an experi mental orchard of the new variety at once. , L R-34 IS 8AKKLY IX HANGAR FOMiOWlXG RETURN TRIP Pulham. Norfolk, England. July 1 4 Great Britain's mammoth trans Atlantic air pioneer, the dirigible R-34, arrived at the air station here at 6:66 o'clock, Greenwich .mean time, Sunday, completing her round trip from the British Isles to the United States and return. The R-34 poked her nose out of the clouds northeast of the village, and after circling the flying field three times, slid gently to the ground and ten minutes later was housed In the dirigible abed. . . The voyage from Long Island was without particular Incident and was completed in approximately 75 hours. LOOKOUT HOUSE WILL El The forest service has Just receiv ed from Portland, Ore., a ready-cut lookout house which Is now feeing hauled from Grants Pass down the Illinois river to the Anderson ranch, from where It will be packed seven miles to Pearfloll pea.1t, sometimes known as 'Red mountain. This ready-cut lookout house Is already to be assembled requiring only hammer and screw driver. Every .piece is cut to fit and number ed for the place In the building. The tiouse Is 12 feet by 12 feet with a lookout tower or cupola on top. On both house and tower a! row of win dows extend rempltely around, so that the lookout man's vision Is prac tically unobstructed In any direction. SAYS PRH'KH WILL STAY UP UNTIL IIOXKS ARB RKDEEMKI) Washington, July 14. Conflnna tlon of high prices may be expected at least until liberty bonds are paid off Representative Osborne, republi can, California, predicted today in a statement Inserted in the Con gresslonal Record. ' "There la every reason to believe the purchasing power of money will continue relatively low and that the cost of things necessary to existence will continue, as measured by money, relatively high," be said. - Constipation causes headaches. auow color, dull, sickly eyes you feel out of sorts all over. Holllster'i Rocky Mountain Tea will banish constipation, regulate your bowels, punry your stomach. You'll feel bet ter all over. Sabln's Drug Store. Adv. ' clsss'il 1 'St brine r ' Why Not Drive Poison Out? DO you realize that the kidney never have a moment'i rat? The work all the time, day and night, year tn ana year out, ut tering poisonous watte Jroducts from the blood. it any wonder the kid neys get out ol order, weak, or too tired to keep the blood stream clear of impurities? m When the kidneys falter, trouble begin. The watte matter accum ulates in different parts of the system, and back ache, swollen iointt. aching muscles, paint inside, biliousness, blurred vision, puny pouches under eyet, or rheumatic paint result, jgdnejPJIs Help weak,' tired, disordered :kldoeys to do their work. Tbey nreolthm sod keal Ik kidneys, sooth sod refulex the1 bladder sad km s pteodid tooic actio o the brer. Mr. Lout Flltrt. U2 S. Jeter - At. Battl Creek. Mich., writes! "F6 fears 1 entered kf teas' Beln. Tb doctors told Bait WM'tty1 kid neys sad Save Je piedi cine which did ate little aood. A friend Induced me to tire Foley Kidney PUIt t trial. In a lew waekal wetfeeliof Buck better; inside ei a yet 1 found out I had t perna neoc cur I em Bow lb vaart old, t Vetera of tk Civil Wer. Onny fee'. tea kours t day. sixoays a week. You can help your kidney, keep vow syueej e.eer of poison by taklod Foley Kidney Pills. SOLD EVERYWHERE SAM NEAS Horse Shoeing aad General ISlnrkemlthing j Wood r-ilrin on all kinds of ' Vehldes I .have one of the best f trorse- j lioei that the cowntry j. " frd. I 315 .South 6th St. i Dublin, July 14.-The returned Irish soldiers are organising them solves and asserting their rights to be heard. In Cork it waa proposed by the local municipal musto com mittee to appoint as professor of traditional Irish muslo a Oerman musician. There wan no personal ob jection to the professor except that he waa a Oerman, but the soldiers would not have it. Four hundred ot them turned out lu a body and prevented the anointment. The sec retary defending their conduct In the press writes: wt are faced with a grave trouble In the people who yesterday were badly misled by hopes of Ger man victories and who have now taken a definite stand against ua. Without friends on any side and left to our own resources we find that In our own country we are un wanted and insulted. Only recently a member of the Cork board ot guar- diuns proposed that no demobilized soldier or sailor get employment from that board. The Gaelic play ers have seen fit to ban us from their games. These and many simi lar incidents are not likely to Im prove our temper. "To understand the reelings ot our men these people should have a heart to heart talk with some ot their countrymen who spent three or four years iu Oerman prison camps. This is not a time to set Irishmen flying at each others throats over a Job tor a German professor." The attitude assumed by Kamon DeValora, president of the Irliih re public, towards the returned Irish soldier, baa not been one ot hostil ity. He gave them credit for fight ing for what they believed to be the right cause and the one they thought likely to serve Irish freedom. COMIXO EYKXTS July 16, Wednesday Presbyterian ladles will give a lawn social. . Aug. 11-29 Josephine county teachers' training school. Aug. 23, Saturday Civil service ex amination for postofflce clerk-carrier postponed from July 12. OLD NORTH CHURCH LANTERN BURNS AGAIN. Senator Polniler.ter's speech was the grentest thing 'that has happened In the senste since the Wsr of 18A1. I heard lilm snd I never ssw him In bet ter form, with all of his tremendous forre Iti full play. Tire life of the nation was about to be destroyed and he was the first oris to raise bis voice In its defense. The oilier who took Issue sicalnst the le rue of nations followed him, but he wss the Brat to tske i tin t stsnd. He has teft nothing uiiMtld thai could havej been sard m rtefenne or I he vonsma- tlou. While he spoke to the rrowded gal leries of distinguished vlaitnr the past arose before me like h ilresin. I could see the lantern in (lie old North Chun smd hear the clatter of gallop lug feet as Paul Revere rode out m tire night. 1 could see 1lie farmers gather ing along the laws -of Islington snd bear the sharp reports of their rifles. 1 beheld Washington with Ills troops crnanliig the Deluware to attack the Hessian horde. Then I saw torn down from tbe battlements at Torktewn the flag of Cornwall!, and In lis 'place arose the Starry Himner. never to be lowered agsin by limiian hands. The Issue this Kpeetb has erented ill he the Issue in the presidential' rmnpnlgn. It 'ovei-Khnilows everjMtilng else lukiiiK plnce at I lie capitol. 'On t he nii;lit of "George WanhlngMn' htrihiluy a Nii'mige llifrrg liappeits-d; twu liflilha were horn in the White House yiii'd iftirl one x niuired "Slur- ilia" unit tile ot'her nnniell "George." It looks 'like the iii'll of )Vuxhlnglnii will 'lire. W. A. f. In Hie Jai'lrsnnlun, (ittitlp '.lnt'kttiHi, ' , fAVO8 LARGER T1IAVY TO 'PATROL BOTH COABT1. Wstihliilfton.'D.'C. '(Speilull When Congress meets Again, within a few weeks. Senator .Miles 'I'olndexter of the -state of Washington will become chairman df the Senate Naval Affairs Committee, -according In the Republi can reorganization pluns as finally prepared. ' It Is understood that the senator favors (he building up -of a greater American navy and that tre will Insist upon an equal division of the hatile ship fleet between the Atlantic snd Pat'l'fic-seabosrrl.. Up to this time few first class warships 'have been kept In Pacific -wsters. Cools 'the tJtomacfa, washes out the bowels, drives out Impurities, helps the liver 'It's HolHeter's Rocky Mountain Tea. Take it once-a'-week during hot 'weather and see how happy end contented you'll be. 8 lie. Tea or Tablets. SabloH IMig Store. envelopes at 'tte Oo rlwc Offjcs Drop in and test your eyea yourself without expense. BARNES, The Jeweler H. P. Time Inspector' Next door rim Mat Jon a Baak &mfiCo. 'DAM "J. ova return rartNT UttfcaNdW PICKET FLOUR Rolled Barley 80 lb. Mill Feed Utility Dairy Food Fisher Dairy Food Poultry Supplies Pardee's Grocery Dr. Spark G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Federal Rgged Tires 7000 Miles Guarantee 6-PIiY FABRIC Weighs more than any other tire oa the market We make our own adjiiHtmenta i C. L. HOBART CO. Going Fast. , Look Them Over 1017 Saxon Six In good shape, I 1017 Clialmera Speedster. 1 1018 Chevrolet ' . 1' Ford Track (one ton) ' ' 'Plicae omrs luive all txv overhauled and are in good condition HAVE YOUR LOOflH WKF.FXfl TIGHTEXFD COLLINS AUTO COMPANY All H Street ARDENCRAIG FARM 1 ; . ... : '';:' ' ' ' . Roll Calf,' Jersey, Reglstem of merit darn Young stock Jerseys and Berkshire generally for sate : Ale 114 Harlcy.lMivldxon for sale. - R. M, C. NEILL ' '" R. F. 1. 2