'Fitnm', aiiiY it. craxts pass daily oouiueb PAGE THREE Expert Battery Work By an Expert Battery Man Tire Repairing WeD Dcae Goodrich Tires Auto Service Company Classified KOIi HALM PRESENT OWNERSHIP township plat or Josephine county, SOe aoh. Kor sal by Josephine Coun ty Abstract Co. Blue prlutlrg at reasonable rati. S9tf GET YOUR TIKES MENDED and buy a D. Ai. 4 C. K, welder for future . See Mr. Qotcher. the tire man at Grant Pa hotel, tf IX ACRB8 oak, madrone, fir and pine, , on railroad ' in Jerome Prairie. 1 Wilt take wood in pay- . meat atmnpsge. Phone 270. 83tf COO-ACRE STOCK RANCH tor sale; . about 128 acre In cultlTatloo; oonalderable irrigation; S mile from R. R. station; 1H mile Jrom two schools; half oah, bal- ' anoe low Intereet. Addrea No. - 1062 cre Courier: 8Btt ron SALE Sinter sewing machine i on easy term. Machine rented and old machine taken in part v payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 3. Central avenue, Medford. Local . headquarter Grants Pa Hard ' ware. ' ltf ANGEL CAKES 75 cenu each; or der by phone. No. 190-J. 2tf J14 ,' HARIiEY-UAVlDSON motor cycle, ' ud one yiar, Kood tire. Price, $100. Daniel McKarland. 740 North Tenth street. 17 TI.MRBIl CAiM KOR S-AJ,E 160 acre near Kerfcy. inoetly pdne. N'4 or 8B. SV of SB'A and SB '4 of SW, Sec. 14. T. 30 8.. R. 8 Wort. Price. I2.M0. Ad drena owner, Mr. Mattle K. Pal mer, 574 Nehalem, Ave., Portland, , Oregon. 37 FOR 8ALW Invalid', wheel-chair. No 10 Remington typewriter. Both " in first (lam condition. -Inquire of Mr. Edw. G. Harris, 1042 East A ' treet. Phone 341-R. 18 T rtKVT FOR iKBNT 4-room Bungalow. 421 Went TV shade tree, good well, eleotrlc light, 2 acres, barn, 'poul try house and nark. Addrei Mr. W,'h. H. Tuylor, 1114 Pine St. 38 W4YTV1 WANTED 'Man and wife want -one or two room with oath. North side preferred. Address No. 1230 care Courier. '" : tOtf W1ANTED iWaltrees at tlie Joae iphlne Hotel. . " 12tC WANTBD to rent for two montli High speed motorcycle in good . running condition, equipped with speedometer,, horn, light. Good rent. Slate .price and malt of machine. Address 1247 care of Courier. 18 WIB NBED A iOOOO M.AN In Grant Pas to write Old Line Insurance. Experience In writing not essential ' ir ambitious. W, B. Hlbbard, 554 High street, Portland, Oregon. 15 DRAYAGE AND TRANS H Kit t THE WORLD MOVE8; so do Bunch Bros. Tranifer Co. Phon ' I97-R. v F. 0. 18HAM, drayag and tranafsi , Safes, , iilanot and rtrnltur . toovad. packed, shipped and tor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone, 124-R. MraeBLLANBOUH B. L. GALBRAITH Insurance, any kind. ' Ketrtal. Building and loan. Plata Glass Liability. 601 0Ufl. : Mtf Advertising LOST UXST Crecent-hpe " gold pine with diamond setting. ' Kinder please leave at Courier office, care No. 1238 and receive reward. 17 LOST Wednesday, 11 Jewel society pin. Initial V. 1. on back. Fin der vltmiie leave at Courier office. ' It IXST Washington license 1923. Kinder ploaaa leave at the Courier office. . 15 TAXI DAILY JITNEY to Bolina, Kerby and Waldo. " Leave Grant Pasa dally at t:30 a. tn. Everett ' Hogus. phon 817. . ; 117 USE THB WHITE LINE TAXI FOR prompt lervice. City and country trip. Safety first. ' Call Grants Pas Hotel, phone 3t. Residence " phone 320-R. W. O. White, - 720 CAIjL, 262-R KOR CITY AND coun try trip. New Chevrolet at your ' disposal. Day and night, prompt ervlce. " 8pa Tail. C- E. Gilk son. '?',; Oltt IK YOU WANT TO GET THERE, . call 22-J. Two common old Ford. We are on the job anywhere and anytime. Palace Taxi Co. Wyatt and Cutler. Jitney Luke. ' 60tf LODGES KNIGHTS and Ladle or Security Council meet second and fourth Friday in W. O. W. hall. 4 3 tf nviLKxoiVKKit8 7 DANIEL McKARLAND, civil engi. neer and surveyor.. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. 55 IMCNTI8T8 E. C MACT. D. M. D. Klrst-las. "dentistry ' ? 104 8outb Bun street, Grant Ps. Oregon , PHYSICIANS L O. CLEMENT, at. D Praetle. limited to dlieases of the eye. ear oe and throat. ' Olssses Bttetf Office hour -ll, 3-6. or on ap pnlntment Office phone m. re . dene phon I5-J. 4 , LOUUURIDOB. al.D.. Phjiwir sod surgeon. City or country call attended day or. night. Reildsnr phon 169; office phon ; m Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg. A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Intern mi'dlcloe and 'nervous diseases 03 Corbett Bldg., Portland.' Or Hour 10 to 12 a. m.; 8 to 4 p. m DR. W. T. "TOMPKINS, 8. T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. ' Treats all diseases. Hours 9-1 2 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. ; Phone 304-R tf VETERINARY rH'fU)'.or DR. R. J. BE8TVL . Veterlnarlai , Offine. residence, f hone IdS-R . GLBCTIUOAL .WORK ELECTRIC WIRING . and genera) electrical work, repairing, hou wiring, C. C. Harper, 215 North Sixth street, phone 47. tl Constipation ' cause 'headaches, allow color, dull, sickly eyes you reel out or sorts an over. Holflster'i Rocky Mountain Tea will banish constipation, - regulate your ibowels. purify your stomach. You'll feel bet ter an over, sabln'a Drug Store. Adv. ' ' '' Much In Lump of CenL' " The frugrauce of Jasmine, musk, hyacinth, the perfumes for scenting most expensive soaps, orlglnnllj begun Id a i.oal mine. Creosote, pilch.. dIIh ntrbollc at-ld, antiseptics and high it plosives are all hidden nway In n lump of coal. - c l : , Contentment is a state of mind 1MPERIALES MOUTMpir.ce create it Tlieir full fla vortd, satisfying blend is the secret. They are a quality emoke. 10ctr 13c The John Rotlmun Co. Rranch QUEEN MARIE INVITES Y. W. C. A. TO RUMANIA CxUnd InvlUtion to Oversea Work. r In Pari. Pari, April 21. Queen Marie of Rumania, following conference with t representative committee of the American T. W. C. A., held at the RIU Hotel, Paris, has Invited the American Young Women' (lirlstlan Association to come to Rumania and open work under her patronage. Among the representatives of the T. W. C. A. present at the conference were: Miss Harriett Taylor, head of the American Y. W. C. A. work over seas ; Mis Mary Anderson of Hudson, Hla; Miss Mary DJngman, bead of the Y. W. C A. Industrial work In rranc; Mrs. Margaret B. Kowler of Pasaden. Cal., and Mis Charlotte Nlven, head of the Y. W. C. A. work In Italy. A notable guest at the meet ing wss Madame Catarjt, wife of the secretary of the Rumanian legation in Perl. .- w V. W. C. A. WORKER " IS DECORATED. . - ' - . . - Mis Marlon Porter of New York City wss ilecnrated the w other day In the name of the w Chanlaln General at ilia A marl. can army with the Church War W l TOSS. W Her citation via fur her and spiritual contribution to the war. w Kor more thsn a year MI Porter has lieen at a hoKplial renter In Vitrei. Kmn,- . a repreeentstlve of the Y. W. O. A. w w in ciisrge or a nurses lull there. .War Sr.vlng 8tamps are the best remedy for an over-worked bank ac count , a, rolling stone gather no mow. The California and Oregoa Coast Railroad company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Train will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grant Pass 1 P. M Arrive Waters Creek...... 2 P. M. Leave Waters Creek....;:.....S P. M Arrive Grant Pass 4 P. M. , For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 111. .? - ! ATTORNEYS H. ' D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices in all Stata and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. 0. W. COLVIO. Attorney-at-law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pasa, Oregon. ' E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. . Prac ; ticea In all courts. , First National Bank Bldg. 1 O. S. BLAXCHARO, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. , Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. ' ' BLANCHARD & BLANCH ARD, At torney.. Albert Bldg. Phone 2 3 6-J. Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. s C. A. SIDLBR, Attorney-at-law, Ma- sonlo Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. GEO. H. DlfRHAM,- Attorney-at-law. referee "In bankruptcy, p Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon Phone 1S5-J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Lawyer, Ftrat National Bo nit Bldg.,' Grunts Fmm. Oreiron. DAMAGE WROUGHT BY FOE III ITALY Wanton Destruction and Pillarjt Revealed in Report FOR WHICH HUN MUST PAY Systematic System ef Cruelty and Oppression Inflicted Wherever Eiv my 8t Hi Feet Facta Gathered by Italian Committee Surpass Any thing Hithsrto Believed Possible Exceeds In Atrocity Destruction 8uffered by Franc and Belgium. . tftpe. IJ to 'h Itallan-Anwricao News ' Bureau, C'b'caso.t The committee appointed to Inves tigate the violations of right perpe trated In Italy, and the Inhuman treutim-nt of prisoner of war has msde Its first report. , , The iiuiteriul to lie considered Is vaxt, ii nd the preliminaries lint-lose the enormous damag done by the enemy wherever he set foot In this country. The loxxes due to airplane bmnliing and iHitnliardment along the const, already gnthen-d by the mili tary governor and placed on Hie. and of llin nonnillltiiry liulldlmcs de stroyed or (lutnKed sre receiving tlrnt sttetitlon. The-puliliv bus . received fragmen tary news of what nns doue.j The reality suriuiKtu-s unyiliinii hlllierto 1:? llevcil ixiHNllile. It Is the result of a yKif miillc ytcui of cruelty and oflpreKslou Intended to Intluildiite or ninxvncre the lohtililtiints. At the same time steps were heins taken to get all ilatn about the Iomm of ftlilpplng ihif to submarine war fare. It is eHtintiited already that the Itulinti ini-rilmiil navy has lost 1.U0O.OOO tons of Klilpplng. bolh of Rail ing and Hteuiu vetisela. Hesvy Loss in Vessels. , The value of I lie cargoes sunk Is huge, mid includes llaliao himu-nts by foreign as well as by Italian ves sels. A rough eetimate places It . at a billion lire. The responsibility of Germany ban been etubllhed clearly, exiieclully when It come to shipping heloniilng to neutrnls or allied coun tries, carrying lialiiin cargoes, mid frcfuintly uIho the Italian xhlp. whenever the suhtunrlnes did not how their colors Ix-fore nttnckltii:. The ilevustation of the iuvailed parts of Italy exceeds erhHps In atrocity and Intehnlty the antilogous destruction suffered y Belgium and French ilepiirtnients.. Kor this cir cumstance which must be set forth In strong relief there were several causes: The density of the most ac tive Industrial life; the highly devel oped Intensive agriculture, and th raiding of every kind of domestic ani mal on a large scale. In an area smaller than one-fifteenth of Belgium, there wa a laborious and moderately wealthy people, about one sixth of that of the whole of Belgium. Workshops gave employment and wealth to every village. Villas and lately palace with priceless collec tions of art and Important libraries graced the countryside anil cities. At the beginning of the-Invasion, the German soldiery wanted the first fruits of pillage, and, from "the- tes timony gathered, the other troop were prevented from giving way to ex cess in order to let the German lead ers and soldier have the first pick ef what wa worth carrying off. Thus, when the German (eft Italy, the Aus trian followed In their footstep and redoubled their act of oppression and barbarity to give vent to their loaensate and often deluded rapacity. t The depredations fell on the poor a well as the wealthy. Articles of even the slightest value were the ob jects of their cupidity. No house es caped the Iron hand of the Invader. All household linen was carried off without pity. Sheets and mattretea were .torn from the sick and bed ridden, and every sign of resistance was met with Inhuman cruelty. The victuals, even In the poorest houses, were carried off, even to the tables around which the families gath ered to eat their miserable food. , Food Carried From Table. In the country besides the damage done to every crop, a complete dev astation was wrought, cutting down vines and fruit tree purely from wan ton savagery, or for the firewood th enemy needed. ' Thus one - of the sources of ' agricultural wealth for centuries wa destroyed., .. All- metal, a ha been related, were the special objects of cupidity nd were taken without the least pre text of legality. The number of bells takeii from the churches la estimated at 12,000. It gives an idea of the extent and thoroughness of the pil lage committed In private houses and public buildings. The sanctity of sacred places was not respected. . In almost all the churches religious paraphernalia were stolen with sacred vestments snd ar ticle used In wr.rhlp, often of great est historic oiart'stl value. . Would Ton Economize? . . i Then -buy letter paper : by - the roan; 500 sheets for,, gl. Courier offlca. ' 41tf Gleaning, Pressing Repainng From Uie standpoint of ecoaomy, the dry cleaa " lag plant I eeatfaj. We have erne of the beet equipped dry cleuiag ; . plants la Bon then Oregoa. The badly soiled garment that yon thlak are aot worth cleaning are the ones we caa pat la clean and wearable condition, thus saving you money, a the new clothe have advurrd ulihtly In price. The Vardrobe Cleaners AMOS F. WILLIAMS, Proprietor 813 Xorth Sixth Street :- I Phone 147 ! ". -, ', ) - ,' nnn HOOMFI i . Ill 7l0DLa KEEP YOUR SHOES KEAT THCF.r.BALUV fwPeOA.TIOM Prepared Meat Perfection ...... t. . . .. f F course every batcher has a perfect right to brag about hit sausage, bologna, chopped meat and other things of that so at , He knows very well what's in them, and the buyer doesn't. . We could tell yon things about certain kinds of sausage, for; in stance, that'd fairly bark with in terest ..4 . ., ,.. : - Only safe wsy is to trade with a reliable butcher one whom you know will give you a fair, deal. Can we serve yout , U)e Temple Market MEDFORd, OREGON , We specialize in diseases of Woman,' the Stomach and Nutritional Disorders' NEAT1V DOHF AT THE i n vsys-i--9s.L- --w i Jit-. .vij; 9 COURIER OFFICE