WKO.NKHOAV. Jl l-V 0. 1010. $1,800,000,000 IN GOLD Eighteen hundred million dollars to cold is iheld hy the Federal Steserve Banks as the reserve of the 'banks which re the members of the Federal Reserve System. This bank, as a member of the system, shares In the protection afforded by this great reset-re. As our cus tomer you also share In this benefit. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON aasMEMBEiiNaaa FEDERAL BESEKT Just In From The Factory LEATHER MUSIC ROLLS AND SATCHELS Satchels suitable for carrying sheet music or instruction books. . Rolls for sheet music. Large satchels with locks, suitable for music directors library, or any loose leaf matter. Stanton Rowell Music and Photo House 807 509 G St. Fireman IieslRna E. G. Elliott has rettigned as a member of the city fire department and is now employed at the Dedrtck tin and plumbing shop. His place has been taken by Henry Cole, son of N. W. Cole, also a member of the department. Highway Closed The highway on the south side ot the river to the town of Rogue River is closed by order ot the county court and the highway commission. Pav ing Is under way and it is impossible to get through. Violators will be prosecuted for trespassing. S. 3. SoheM. 16 COMING EVENTS Aug. 11-29 Josephine teachers' training school. county NEW TODAY EGGS WANTED Highest cash paid for fresh eggs. Moore Bak lng Co. 98tf SPECIAL BARGAIN 80 acres ot laid two and one half miles out. Owner just dropped into town and wants to sell before he leaves. Considerable wood. Good terms. See Isaac Best. 15 INSURANCE of all Best. kinds. Isaac 15 Former Kerby Resident IMes John Sanger, former resident and mine owner of the Kerby section, died at his borne in Winsor, Cal., on Tuesday. July 8, at 7: SO p. m., after a prolonged illness. He is survived by his widow, formerly Nellie Baber of this city. Williams Couple Married At tho M. E. Parsonage at 6 p. m. Tuesday evening, July 8S Lester L. Sparlin and Ida E. 'Hartley, 1oth or Williams, were united in marriage by Rev. Jlelvllle T. Wire. The young people expect to make their home at Wiltiaans. .Both are very popular and well known. They have the con gratulations of boats of friends. Excursion Rates to Coast- Grants Pass to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for $7.50. Grants Pass and Crescent City Stage com pany. Phone 26. 74tf I DRILL for water, oil and gas. Best outfit in Josephine county. Get your own water system. Ad dress Jos 11. Derides, 203 Burgess street. Grants (Pass, Ore. 16 FOR (RENT 4-room oungalow, 421 .' West !L, shade trees, good well, electric lights. 2 acres, ibarn. poul try 'house and park. Address Mrs. W. H. H. Taylor, 1114 Pine St. 38 XHt SALE Invalid's whet-chair. No 10 Remington typewriter. Both In first class condition. Inquire of Mrs. Edw. G. Harris, 1642 East A street. Phone 341-R. 18 G. P. Girl Married in Eureka Corporal Charles C. Gilmon. of Wonder, and IM1ss Hazel Seyfert. of Eureka, Cal., were united in mar riage July 2. 1919, at Eureka, Cal. The groom iwas in the army two years and overseas 19 months. Tho bride was a student of Grants Pass high school In the class of '21. When 18 the Murphy Dnnce? T the 2th. 16 "WANTED to rent for two months High speed motorcycle in good running condition, equipped with speedometer, horn, lights. Good machine. Address 1247 care of Courier. 18 WE NEED 1A GOOD MAN in Grants Pass to write Old Une Insurance. Experience in writing not essential if ambitious. W. E. Hlbbard, 554 High street, Portland, Oregon. 15 TERJRIBR LOST Fox terrier, fe male, "black, wearing collar, an swers to name of "Cricket," lost Tuesday afternoon on Crescent City road. Finder please notify John Brown, 1021 H street. 14 TOST Tuesday, pair of gold" rim med glasses. Finder please notify Frank. L. Flndley, Rd. No. 4. 1.4 Grass Fire This afternoon the fire department was called to South Sixth street to xtinguish a grass fire near the C. G. Coutant residence. The blaze al most reached the residence before It was put out. The two large cy press trees and hedge in front of the bouse were 'burned. Flyer Visits I'ncle Lieutenant Robert M. Lloyd, who visited his uncle. J. 'F. Lloyd, left this morning for Ms home in Port land. 'lieutenant Lloyd tag been In the service a year and a half and al though only 20 is a. licensed pilot now in the reserve, subject to call at any time during the next five years, and required to take prescrib ed training each year. While here ne iwas met iby his brother, J. S. Lloyd of Klamath Falls, and his family, who spent several days here. Former HuNiness Man Vijtltw O. L. Ragan, formerly manager of the C. P. Bishop store in this citv with "Mrs. iRagan and little son, spent several days here visiting friends. They left north this mornine. Mr. Ragan calling on the retail trade for a San Francisco Jobbing firm. This fall they wHl move to Denver where Mr. Uagan iwill he the Colorado rep resentatlve for the Oregon City woolen mills, -with which company he has been for a year (past. PER52Nf1L LOCAL R. B. Hawkins, of Weed, is In ths city. Oliver 6. Brown, of Otendale, in In the vlty today. White Line Taxi. G. P. Hotel. 14 (Al 'Martineau went to Portland Uwt night on a business trip. "Delntone." Sabtn has it. (Mrs. J. A. Gasltn returned this morning, from Chtco, where she spent a week or more. Federal tlrea 5 ply fabric havy 7000 guarantee we adjust. 30x3 H $23.80. Hobart. 13 Luther Btllingsley, ot Long 'Reach. Cal.. en route to Portland by auto stopped oft In Grants Pass for a few days to look over this section. Miss Louise Muller, who spent the past three weeks here with the J. B. Wllhoilm family, returned to Port land, her home, this morning. Federal tlres--B ply fabric hoary 7000 guarantee we adjust. 30x3 H $22.80. Hobart. IS Jim iBurgwis, of Grass Valley. 1919 graduate of the IT. of O.. who spent the past two weeks with his sister, Mrs. Melville T. Wire, left north this morning to take a posi tion with the forestry department. Federal tires 5 ply fabric heavy tooo guarantee we adjust 30x3 H $22.80. Hobart. IS air. and Mrs. Bert Bell, en route from Klamath Falls to Seattle, where they will Teslde. stopped off here to visit Mrs. Bell's iparerits. iMr nrf Mrs. M. E. Butler. They left this morning and will stop off at Glen dale, Salem and Portland to vtait relatives. Seth Bailey was a southbound nn. senger this mornlnrf en mute tnr . Francisco to spend a few days with) emu, ne is expect ni to ni, off here on his return north. Mr. Bailey reached Xew York from m-or. seas June 14 and was rfiu.j Jnat 10. J. U Scott, of Mandate, Is In the city today. H. U Kurd and son, of Gloudule, are In the city this afternoon. Mrs. Cora Smith will celebrate her birthday tomorrow with her two daughters, 311ms Oro Wlllsou, of Washington. D. C, and Mrs. C. E. Stevens of Eugene, and the latter's baby, who arrived this aftamoon. M1sa Wlllson la on a 30-day's vacation, Mctlride Agvut at Hoguo lUv W. E. MWBrlde la now Southern PaclfU- station agent at Rogue River, taking over the duties ot the office this morning, lite will reside In Craii Is pnss and will mnke daily trls to Rogue River. Women's Summer Weight Union Suits,. also Knit Pants and Sleeveless Vesta MRS. E. REHKOPF Oddfellows Attention There will be installation of offi cers tonight. Please rouie. We need you. T. Y. !euji, Secretary. 13 Park Well PntroniuMl Riverside park Is being so heavily patronized these warm duys that there Is a movetmnit on by some of the cltixens to secure more tables and bench seals for tho park. These conveniences are badly needed and if some progressive cltixun would start out with a subscription puper there Is do doubt ibut what enough money could soon he sailed to buy the material and pay for construc tion. The auto park Is said to he sadly In need of a good "cleaning." :- mK T,,u lnM r jeJt. 9& never Mel Into a uiirnictil tlmt I" ut lirlmful of quality GEO S. CALHOUN io:t (l Htroet Kivltuive local dnalrr Fir Wear Lcland A forest fire Just west of Inland made rapid headway yestcrduy and Is still burning, 'but men ate on the ground watching it and hone to soon have It extinguished. The local for estry office force Is keeping an eye on the blaze and should It gain a fresh start wHl send help Go-Carts and Carriages liiveNtltcut and compare the quality atul irice vt our 'rt anil : (.'urrUges An especially fine lot of Jo-CrU Just rerrlved.' We.' will allow you what your- used carrlime Is worth In erlinng fir a Goart. Holman's Furniture Store COS O street, opposite Band Stand JOB PRINTING KEATIY DONE AT THE COURIER OFFICE flX W. GIRDFIf DTfii'S I Vive Hundred SheeU $1 Good bond letter paper, 8xll Inches. This is a good quality ol bond paper. We have higher grades up to $2.60 per 600. Courier Would Ton Economize? Then buy letter paper by ths ream; 600 sheets for $1. Courier office. 4itf Printing that pleases We do It! Courier Job Department. ELKAY'S Soap Dyes ALL COLORS 10c ELKAY STRAW HAT DYE ALL COLORS 23c ELKAYS STRAW CLEAN KR 10c PUTMAJiS FADELESS DYE 10c PITMAN8 DRY 0LEA.NEAR at CLEMENS Newest Artcraft Picture "A Romance of Happy Valley When the critics say: "It's another D. W. Griffith triumph," the public knows and goes. 1VF 0IJll4'l,''riI is (iUiti- alone iu hl uiastpry wf vmitui film (I His 'Uoinant'e of Happy Valtey'' is a splendid exarjipft? of litv tin (Ira i nas.. In U'-i ml of direction H1AV Illilkf4 Jill t- xi'itrtt ttrimX ltrriif-f i4iti int i.if i ciMirJ.i,. wi,..i,' fahrir." New York Amerimn. "I. W. (Jrirtlth has turned trt tn war t pra-e. Fttknt Harruti V uimhi ation adds to the alirady acrmnuki tt-d evidence of his versatitttv as a, s,-nvri actor.' Now York Times. "The mechanism of the story is simple, hut rippled with buimr aud leads to a novel tangle at the end that is cleared up with a surprise and a few revol ver shots. Lillian Oish, looking prettier than ever, is bound to le a hit Avith feminine audiences because of her ridiculous costumes.' New York Sun. "Film at Strand like liarrie play. 4 AKomance of Happy Vallev' charms by its naturalness and simplicity. It's Griffith in a new vein. It charms and touches you, it is a genuine romance and it embodies some of Mr. Griffith' best handiwork." New York Morning Telegraph. "One of the best pictures seen at the Strand in a long time." New York Evening Post. "Treatment exceptional and the picture much better than the average photoplay." New York Evening Sun. - "Homespun humanity, vivid action, laughable in details and tense in ef fect. George Fawcett reaches a climax ins the last scene which is one of the strongest pieces of acting of the screen." New York Evening Telegram. "It needed only the announcement of a new photoplay staged by I) V Griffith to crowd the Strand Theatre yesterday at every showing of a'" A Ro mance of Happy Valley.' Mr. Griffith has succeeded again in displaying hi genius. Suspense, thrills and surprises everywhere in the swiftlv unfoldiii" tale." New York World. ' "Enter Mr. Griffith .again with another photoplav de luxe! With his rare understanding of human nature and what audiences 'demand, Mr Griffith maintains suspense throughout and delivers a well directed and' effective punch in the final ml. I recommend 'A Romance of Happy Vallev' as a re freshing and worth-while picture. "Mae Tinee in the Chicago Daily Tribune Joy Theater TONIGHT and TOMORROW Two Shows 8 and 9:15 Admission 15c and 30c