Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, July 01, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Secure As Never Before
We have been iu business for 00 veal's but at
no time have we felt so secure agaiust sudden
calamity as since becoming members of the Fed
eral Reserve System. It gives us assurance that
we can realize upon a substantial portion of our
assets at any time.
Victor Records
for July
Contain songs sung by
Violin selections by
A selection by
Six eplended new DANCE RE
CORDS. And ten or the new POPULAR
Come in and look over the list
Stanton Rowell
Music and Photo House
R07 509 Q St.
Caterpillar Off Bridge
White driving the county, caterpil
lar, used In road work, in the vi
cinity1 or Kerby Monday. John Sow
ell made a miscalculation and drove
the monster off a bridge. The ma
chine was slightly damaged but Mr
Sowell eeea'ped injury.
New Boad Grade
Judge Gillette apd the county
commissioners axe giving their at
tention this week to stretch of
rough roadway rive miles in length
on Waldo Flat. The right or way
baa been cleared and grading will be
finished within a few days.
Home From Imperial Shrine
George E. iaindburg returned
home Sunday from his eastern trip
extending over a period or row
weeks. Mr. Xiundburg was one or
the representatives or Hillah temple.
Order or the Mystic Shrine, at theJ
meeting or the Imperial Shrine tl
Indianapolis, and was one or the
delegation which secured the 1920
meeting or the Imperial Shrine for
Portland. On his return he visited
at several points in the middle west.
S. P. Passengers Breakfast He;
'About 125 passengers on .No. H
northbound this morning hud break
fast here at the several restaurants
and hotels, the train being held
here 25 minutes. This arrangement
vas made necessary by the taking off
of the regular diner on account or (
hot box.
Dr. Spark Here Again
"Shorty" Linch, who sold out the
Battery Shop two months ago and
hunted the state over for a location,
finally landing in Qtedford. has re
turned to Grants (Pass and has
bought back the Battery Shop, where
he will resume the duties or Dr.
Wild Animal Ilountie
County Clerk E. L. Cob urn has
furnished the Courier with a report
of the number of wild animals on
which bounties were paid during the
year 191 8. 'The report shows: Coyote
or coyote pup, 153; bob cat, wild cat
or lynx, 63; mountain lion, panther
or cougre ,5; making a total or 221
animals and a bounty or $694.
Pacta First, Opinions Second
We challenge comparison or news.
Complete (Associated Press service.
Special writers in every part or the
world. 'Longest leased wire on
earth. Government report or gain
oP circulation greater than all Port
end competitors combined. Port
land Telegram, 45c a month deliver
ed, 50c by mail. Claude tLowe Agt.,
phone 127 or 337-R. 07
. Harness and Saddlery
Auto Top and Canvas Work
With Grants Pass Hardware Co.
Accessories at Cost
Buckeye Bumpers, any size .. ,...$7.00
Champion Spark Plugs - . 50c
National Spark Plugs 55c
Rex Spark Pings 75c
Trouble Lights and Cords, t any car . ...U............$i.90 -
Fan belts, any car, half price.
Brake lining, any size, at cost.
Double Tube Bicycle Tires $3.00
Single Tube Bicycle Tires '. $2.50
Pure Red Gum Bicycle Tubes - . $1.00
Anto Gloves &S.00
Johnston Automobile Wax, quart jar 1I1..'.'.".""11!""I"!"$1.35
32x4, Oids, Chalmers and Studebaker size $6.00
33x4, Buick size . $7.00
31x4, Overland oversize, and for Chevrolets and MaxwelU.!"!!. $8.00
luggage Carriers .. .$4.10
Blow Out Patches, any size ..50c
No Glare Auto Lens , .. $1.75
Cork Insert Brake Lining for Fords, per set .. '. '. !!!1!!$2.60
Tire Covers, any size, from $1 to $2-00
Xon-Skld BRUNSWICK TIKES with 5,000 Mile Guarantee
8 - - $14.25
30X3 ...... $1W)0
- . 87.78
83x4 $30.00
88x4 Brunswick Cord . $45.00
82x8 H Brunswick Cord ...... L!!!Z!'.$85.00
82x3 H V. 8. Cord . 480.00
82x3 M Good Year Cord ; ... $35.00
Battery Shop
Dr. Spark
,"01lvilo." Sabln has It.
Mrs. John Summer left last night
returning to 'tbanon after spending
a few days here.
C H. Carner went to Portland last
night to eecure parts tor his big auto
George Oolvig went to Salem this
morning to represeut a client before
the supreme court.
Mrs. I.. J. iPerdue returned this
afternoon from Glendale, where she
spent several weeks.
Mrs. 11. H. FelsleY., of Cottage
Grove, who spent the paSt week with
their daughter, (Mrs. II. E. Allison,
returned home today.
White Une Taxi. G. P. Hotel. 14
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harper arrived
Sunday from Portlund by automobile
to spend a week or two with their
daughter, 'Mrs. H. U Parker.
C. !. Williams arrived this morn
ing from Portland to spend the
Fourth with his parents, Mr. N and
Mrs. B. iA. Williuus.
Z. N. A gee; representative or the
Pacific Paper Company, Is In the city
today. He reports (business good
over the state.
N'eutralo gives your Ford all the
advantages or a geer shirting car,
$4 Batery Shop. 03tf
.Mioses Margaret and Ella Breen
returned yesterday to Crescent City
after spending a week hers with
their futher, W. T. Breen. owner of
the Grants Pass and Crescent City
stage company.
A. J. Jonard and wife, of Culex
Ico, Cal., are guests of the former's
brother, AV. H. 'Leonard, making the
trip by automobile. Mr. Ieonard
has 160-acre ranch In the Imperial
Valley and specializes In alfalfa and
iMra. Paul Bauer returned this
morning from Camp 1-ewis, where
she spent a week or two with her
brother, who has been seriously ill
in the military hospital. The broth
er is expected to return in a few
Mrs. MoHie Beldlng. who spent
the past two weeks here with friends,
left this morning for Klamath Tails
to visit her son, 'Don iBelding, and
w.'.'e. . Mr. Beldlng is manager or
tho Western Union office at the
Mrs. 'Hanson, wife or the Rev.
Henry .' Hanson, new pastor of
Hethany Presbyterian church, arriv
ed this morning from (Portland. She
was accompanied by her parents,
Mr. and Airs. F. U. Cole, who will
make their home here.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Lund arrived last
night from orris to remain during
the summer. Mr. Lund wfll be en
gaged in tallying lumber for the
Lassen Lumber and Box company,
formerly the Empire Lumber com
pany, which has secured the output
or the Swede Basin mill.
Mr. and (Mrs. 13. IR. Williams, or
'Hillsboro, stopped off here this
morning to spend a few hoars with
the former's patents. Mr. and Mrs.
B. iA. Williams. They left In the af
ternoon ror San Francisco where Mr.
Williams will undergo an operation
at the Southern Pacific hospital.
Fred A. Williams, who answered
the voice of the people and came up
from Grants Pass to accept a seat In
the councils or the public service
commission, is among recent regis
trants at the Oregon. iBerore he en
tered the service or the state Mr.
Williams did a thriving business la
the lawt with clients scattered rrom
the Sisklyous to the Curry county
coast. Oregon Ian.
Sklllmnn tn Seattle
'11. iF. Skillman, representative of
the Mutual Creamery company, who
was called to Portland some weeks
ago, has been transferred to the Se
attle office or ths Mutual company.
Will I-oave for Rcdlaudi
Mrs! James M. Powers and little
son expect to leave the latter purt
or the week for iKedlunds, Cal., tor
a visit with Mrs. (Powers' mother.
Mrs. -Mary I Wells and Prof. W, E.
Hum. KciUl
The pupils or Mrs. James M. Pow
era gave a Uellghtrul piano recltul
last Friday evenlnir- at. Ooldhrnnk
Farm, the pupils' parents and other
members or the ramlly being invited.
After the program was finished re
freshments were served.
Placed Under $5H Itoml
H. S. Wynnnt, of New Hope, was
served with a warrant today, on tlir
charge of poisoning domestic ani
mals, lie appeared before Justice
Holman and was placed under $500
bonds to appear before the next
grand Jury In September.
!Nt Final Fling
As the Medford aftermath of the
unusually heavy travel by auto and
train to Hilt and Hornbrook Satur
day and Sunday the police arrested
four men on Intoxication charges
and one on a bootlegging charge.
There were hundreds of autos mak
ing the trip to the California towns
Sunday. Medford Tribune.
Women's Summer Weight Union
Suits, also Knit Pants and
Sleeveless Vests
Quick as a Flash
yon get the correct auswer to
Geo. S. Calhoun
Rxcursion Kate to Coast
Grants Pass to Crescent City, by
easy riding cars, for $7.60. Grants
Pass and Crescent City Stage com
pany. Phone 26. 74tt
Fido" and "Sliep" Burred
Some or the women who patronize
the tine bathing resort at Riverside
park complain that certain parties
ooax their pet dogs into the water
and let them swim around among
the people. Such practice is prohib
ited and should be stopped. Kiss
your own dog and go bathing with
him it you wish, but don't ask your
neighbor to do likewise.
Itoad Open Today
The Crater Lake season officially
opens tomorrow and in ths morning
the Crater Lake stages will begin
the regular schedule. The road has
been opened to the rim of the lake
and the hotel can easily be reached
by tomorrow. Two tourists are al
ready booked to take passage on the
stage tomorrow and others are ex
pected to arrive on the trains today
or Tuesday morning. (Medford
Brggcru Are Here
Sifting away from the big cities,
many heggers, some or them or the
I. W. W. stripe, have begun to make
their appearance in the smaller cities
and towns. They tell stories of var
ious kinds or misfortune, almost al
ways demanding at the end of thelt
little speech enough money to speed
them on their way to some sick rela
tive or, if they profess to 'be crippled
in any manner, want to reach a nlace
where kind friends will care for
them. However, most of them are
husky looking young fellows and
there Is plenty of work at hand.
EGGS WANTED Highest cash
paid for rresh eggs. Moore Bak
ing Co. 98tr
WANTED AT ONCE to buy or hire
3 or 4 iburros; must be pack broke
and reasonable In price. Phone or
call Fred Wilson, Grants Pass ho
tel. 07
Soap Dyes
Rce the line of
New Porch Rochers
In our Window. , They are going fast Im-sune the I'lUCKM arc
Holman's Furniture Store
60S G street, opposite Band 8tand
a Joy
10c AND UOc
Theodore Robests
"Pudd'nhead Wilson"
A Mark Twain story! That alone mean the
world to you. Add the inimitable Theodore Ro
berts In the lovable character of "Pudd'nhead"
the first man In the world to recofmlre Mie val.
ue of "finger-print" and you have HOMK pic'
turn No wonder the crowds surged around the
doors of then I res and were turned away in' drove
two years ago. Here again I Yolin lkc chancwi.
Photos of your favorite actor or actrroN given, sway nmiirhf with
every ticket Doug Fairbanks,. Bill' Hart.. MMigitetntitv Flask aos)
ever body.
Storing Exploitive tlon. Regardless of ths great fear
A carload or T. N. T. Is being un- or this wonderful "Hun food," It ts
loaded today from Southern Pa- claimed that a much greater Jar is
clflc car. This powerful and mtteh required to set it off thsn Is seeded
dreaded stuff ds being stored fa a for dynamite.
pedaUy constructed place soine .
three miles out from Grants Pass 1 Mrs. K. G. 'Ballard went to Rose
and wifl be used In road construe- burg this morning.
Associated Gas Engines
Lots of Power Easy to Start Long Life
Every engine must
develop more than
the rated horse power
ty2, 1, 2, 3, 4 and
6 h. p. carried in stock
I f . f . v v jt -v .. . IS
Gives you more h. p.
v than similarly rated
h. p. gas engines, be-,
cause they have over
.sized pistons with a
1 X ,
If you are not satisfied you can get your money back.
C. A. Winetrout
The Implement Man
. L