Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, June 30, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MOIJktT, JVK UK two.
A Bank With the Strength
of Tempered Steel
The soundness of tbis bank is enhanced by the conservative policy
pursued tyr its officers in the making of loans. It therefore becomes
the safest of all places (or the care of your savings, upon which
It pays interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum.
This tank invites you to become one of Its rapidly growing fsuilly
of patrons, and offers you every facility consistent with safe, sound
and conservative banking.
TiiiJ is just what you need, madam. Many
women who were troubled with indigestion, a '
sallow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and
habitual constipation, have been permanently cured
by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Before using
these tablets they felt miserable and despondent,
low they are cheerful and happy and relish their
meais. iry tnem. Ihev onlv cost a niiartr.
j j i -
Harness and Saddlery
Auto Top and Canvas Work
With Grants Pass Hardware Co.
three brands
sealed in air-tight
packages. Easy to find
if Is cn seie
everywhere. v
Look for. ask for.
be sure to set
Greatest Name
(o Goody -Land
fthe Flavor lasfs
i.Mlas Cora IJudsey, of Wlldervllle.
went to "Medford Sunday.
Mrs. Winnie McCormlck left this
morning for Klamath Falls. (
.Miss "Marie Kdwarda, of Medford,
spent Sunday here with her parents.
White Line Taxi. 0. P. Hotel. 14
J. II. Denlsou and F. C. Bramwell
made a business trip to .Medford to
day. Miss Kdna Cornell returned Satur
day nl'Kht from Hray. Cal., where she
, spent a week with Mrs. Walton.
. Fred Ishain returned Saturday
night from a visit of several days
at Klajmith Falls. "
tieorge E. I,uudburg returned on
Suudsy from a several weeks' trip
to eastern points.
Rooeoe .Hratton made a business
trip to Portland Saturday, returning
this morning.
"Cutex" for nulls. Sutiln has It.
Mrs. Mary liongenecker arrived
lust week from Portland to be with
her daughter. Mrs. Geo. V. Cramer.
Frank South went to Weed this
afternoon to visit his son. who In
employed by the Weed Lumber Co.
J. D. MneVlcnr returned to Cnn
yonville this morning after spend Inn
Sunday here with his family.
Stanley Summers went to Ashland
this afternoon and will remaiu over
the Fourth to play In the band.
Mrs. M. T. Ctley relumed lnnt
night from Oakland. Cal.. where she
visited her daughter.
Mrs. E. O. Brlggs and children
went to Portland Saturday nlKht and
will return to Grants Pass with Mr.
Brings by auto soon.
Mrs. W. C. iBurcroft returned to
Mill City Saturday after sending
two weeks with her .mother. Mrs.
Neutralo gives your Ford all the
advantages of a geer shifting car.
$4 Batery Shop. 03tf
Dr. F. D. Strieker returned this
morning from a week's visit in Port-
land, where he attended the medical
j association.
Mrs. J. B. Hutchinson Arrived this
, morning from Portland and left for
Brookings, where she will visit her
I daughter. Mrs. Hoy McLean.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Nellsen, who
visited Mrs. Nellsen's sister. Mtb. W.
H. Batman, left this morning for
their home t Pasco, Wash.
H. W. Rowell, of Boston, Mass.,
arrived In the city last evening. He
Is interested In the layton mine on
Wllllajns creek and went out to the
mine today.
Miss Genevieve Thompson, of
Cresewell spent Sunday with Miss
Jeanette Cramer. Miss Thompson is
pending her vacation with a sister
at Merita.
'M1ss Ella Anderson, stenographer
In the office of the Industrial Acci
dent commission at Salem, arrived
Saturday night to spend her vaca
tion at home.
Second Crop 8ou
The second cutting ot ' lirliUd
alfalfa will soon be ready fur the
sickle, and la showing up tine. 'How
ever, fields that are not irrigated
are badly In need ot rain ajid In most
instances will makv'bnt a short crop.
Vacation NocrssltlcN
M. Clemens Is advertising In this
Issue of the Courier tree goods all
this week. You buy two ot a certain
article and he presents you with
another, m u king three at the price
of two.
Rxrursloit Mates to Count
Grants Pas to Crescent City, by
easy riding cars, for $7.50. Grants
I'uss and Prevent City St.ise com
pany. Phone 28. 74tf
tiolfl Hill KliuiKhlertMl
The 'bull gamo with Gold Hill
Sunday on the local grounds was a
rather one-elded affair, the Grants
Pass aggregation allowing hut one
run, the score standing 12 to I In
favor of the home team.
Jtaralvfw Thanks From Navy
A. T. Parsons today received from
the navy department a handsomely
engraved acknowledgment, sent to
tnose who supplied field glasses and
other Instruments for the navy use
during the war. There were several
pairs of field glasses sent In from
tins city.
Mother Hears Front MisHlna-
"Mrs. U M. Spencer has Just receiv
ed from her daughterfn-law -a set
of six beautifully made handker-
cniers in Mexican drawn work. They
were forwarded oy her son. Fred
Spencer, who left Grants Pass some
years ago ad had not been heard
from for four years. He is now a
resident of ttogarfo, SlnoU, Mexico,
and owns a tropical fruit ranch. He
married a Spanish sirl since leaving
Columbia Records
for July
(La Marsellaise
At iDawning
Violin Solo
King Cotton March
High School Cadets March
Iftaace Records
' (Waiting ,
Mary Ann
iBevo Blues
lA Good Man Is Hard to Find
That's Got 'Em
Mummy Wine
iRoyal Vagabond (Fox Trot
and One Step)
How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em
Down on the Farm?
Mammy 'O Mine.
Vocal -
Stanton Rowell
' Music and Fboto House
507 509 G St.
IHunniiHtrwtlon Tuemlny
Those Interested in canning should
not forget the demonstration to be
given under the auspices of the
home demonstration section of the
Farm Bureau. Tuesday, July 1. at t
p. m , In Room 4. courthouse basement.
Klamath MewNNtMr Miin Here
7.. C. Campbell, of Ihe Klamath
Falls iltcrald force, with his wife
and daughter, camped in the auto
park last night and remained over
until this afternoon, when they went
to Ashland. Mr. Campbell made the
Courier office a pleasant call.
Guild I 'arty (lianged
The private dancing party to bo
held at the Guild hall Tuesday. July
I. at 9 o'clock, will be held at the
Waldorf Instead. Signed. M. 8.. H.
H.. P. 8.. Committee. 0
Prrwhytirian Picnic
The Presbyterian church slid Sun
day school holds their annual picnic1
at Riverside park Wednesday after-:
noon and all members of any of the
organizations of the church and ;
their fain I lies and friends are Invited ;
to attend. Hiring well filled bankets. I
Log Scaler Injured
C. I Edgerton, father of A. I,.
Edgerton, the saw mill man, who
has been scaling logs at the mill,
was Injured a few days ago by an
18-Inch log rolling on his legs and
body. There were no bones broken
but od r. Kdgertoa was severely;
'bruised and Is confined to his bed.
Fishing license
If you want to fish In Oregon and
are not an Oregonlan, the price of
your angling license will depend en
tirely upon where you are from. The
last legislature made the non-resident's
anglers' license fee equal to
the fee required of non-residents in
the resident tate of the non-resident
applicant. For Instance, If you are
from California your license-In Ore
gon will cost you 13; If you are from
Washington, $10; from Idaho, $2;
from Wyoming, 3, and so ra with
the other tales. (A rather freak
law. yet it meets other states dollar
for dollar.
Women's Summer Weight Union
Suits, also Knit Pants and
Sleeveless Vests
Quick as a Flash
you get the corral auwrr to
Geo. S. Calhoun
Mre the line of
New Porch RocKers
In trar Window. They are join but bru the PRICES are
Holman's Furniture Store
605 O street, opposite Band Stand
Joy Theater
New Art Film Ctouipaay, pmeot
When "The Little Disturber'
Meets The Bolsheviki!
She's a bootblackDorothy Glsh Is. this time. iDorotliy Olsh.
"The HiHtle Disturber" of "Hearts of the World." and the funny,
lorvahle little heroine of "The JIopo Chest" and "Battling Jane."
In "Roota" she runs afoul of the molshovlkl bomba and all.
And It'a good night Bolsheviki when Dorothy Glsh starts after
them. ,
You can Imagine, perhaps, the hullabaloo!
"Boots" Is So Good
that we want you all to see ft and we will five your money hack it
you dont like it.
I W-hKK-Z an' gentuJmen! Let me have
you t-tm'Nhun for Just mo-ment, before,
the bin hhovr starts in tlie main tent, while
we inter-duce to you that famous acrobatic co- '
mee-dyun, Fred A. Stone.
Fred Htone is the famous original Injia Rub
ber man who can turn himself inside out with
out mi effort Jost a moment, Fred, not yet
He can scratch his right ear with his left great
toe and never strain muscle... He will do all
these things for yon, and many others too cur
ious to describe, in the concert after the bin
show, "I'ndcr the Top," all for one price of ad
' mission. I will not tell yon nil the wonderful,
amazing, singular, curious, uncommon, surpris
ing. atonilring, incredible things he will do,
liecause you will not believe me if I toll you, nor
will you believe you've seen 'em when he does
J I T he's done 'em. look back a few yeiV
and remember what a rattling fine part the
scarecrow wan In "The Wizard of Ox?"
That was this name Fred Htone. Ituttle your
.MnU, Fred, to prove it for the lady. Then there
were his nurcessea in "The lied Mill," "The Old
Town," "Th Lady Hllpper," "Chln-Chln" and
but what's the use, lay-dew and gen-tul-men,
you know him.
We will now dlrwct your at-tcn-shun to the
. main show which will start "I'nder the Top'' in
fifteen minute ntcp right this way for your
ticket yes, plenty of. time to see the animals
right this vii) rlKl't this way!