PAGE FOCB GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER HtnAY, JI NK 97, 1010. A Bank With the Strength of Tempered Steel The soundness of this bunk is enhanced by the conservative policy pursued by its officers In the making of loans. It therefore becomes the safest ot all places for the care ot your saving!), upon which. It pays Interest at the rate ot 4 per cent per annum. This 'bank invites you to become one of its rapidly growing family of patrons, and offers you every facility consistent with safe, sound and conservative banking. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON TEDERAL RESERVE PER52NflL g LOCAL A Year's Subscription to "KODAKERY" Free with every Kodak or Brownie purchase. A monthly magazine tor amateun photographers, trim full ot valuable informa tion, pretty and interesting pictures showing what can be done with your camera, and all sorts of suggestions to make your photo taking of greater Interest and value. Stanton Rowell Music and Photo House 507 509 G St. I The following selections will be played at the concert to be given to night by the Grants Pass brass band at Railroad park, at 8:15 . m., John H. William, director: March, "The Joy Riders. Irish air. "The Shannon. The Shamrock and You." 'Walts and gallop, 'The Sirene and Excelsior." March, "The Rifle Rangers." Overture. 'The Elves." Walti. "My Lady." March. "Triumph." . Serenade. "Evening Shadows." Overture. "The Conqueror." March, 'The Huntress." "The Star Spangled Banner." Xewlyweds Surprised James Ralph Wood and bride, who lipped away from the wedding par ty Thursday afternoon and took an automobile for Ashland, were appre hended at Ashland 1y a trio of their friends and showered with rice. Miss Beulah Williams, Miss Katherine De- Voe and Bayard Findley, as soon as the bride and groom were missed, secured an antomoblle and raced to Medford, taking the road on one side of the river while the bride and groom were speeding south on the opposite side. No trace of the couple could be found at Medford so the party went on to Ashland end found the bride and groom at the tele graph office during the stay of the train. The efforts of the bridal pair to elude their friends were fruitless. NEW TODAY EGG3 WANTED Highest cash paid for fresh eggs. Moore Bak ing Oo. 98tf Would Yon Economize? Then .buy letter paper by the ream; 500 sheets for $1. Courier office. 4Uf COMING EVENTS June 25-28, Wednesday-Saturday Teachers examinations. June, 28, Saturday Meeting of Jo aephine County Pomona grange at the Deer Creek grange hall at 12 o'clock noon. EXTENSIVE REPAIRS TO JOY THEATRE BUILDING Tonight the Joy theater moves to the old Star theater location next to the Grants Pass hotel and will occupy that building until extensive repairs and remodeling of the Wolke build ing have been completed. The Star building has been undergoing re modeling and repairs for some weeks and it is now clean and comfortable. The improvements to the Wolke building will include the lowering of the floor with the entrance of the street level, the placing of the office over the entrance at the side of the operating room, a well appointed foyer, an adequate furnace for win ter, and the complete renovation of the entire building. The repairs will require several weeks. Our classified ads bring results. Sowell Arrested Frank F. Sowell was arrested this afternoon at the Southern Pacific passenger station just as he was tak ing the train for Klamath Falls. The arrest was made on a charge of his wife, who, it is stated, claims that Sowell has failed to pay her alimony. You can't cover blackheads, pimples, red spots on the face with powder; they're bound to be seen don t worry er spoil your temper, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea each week 'twill banish them thru the blood, the only sure way. 35c Sabln's Drug Store. Adv. Something' New POWER ATTACHMENT FOR AMj MAKES OF CARS Ford cars gve yon jo h. p. on high Dodge cars give yon 13 h. p. on high no limit when in low. Cut wood, runs feed grinder or ensilage cutter. A car load of Fordon tractors coming about July SMMii, all sold, now making up another car place your order now that you may do- your fall plowing in August yon don't need to wait for a rain if yon have a Fordson Tractor. Order today. C. A. Winetrout The Implement Man Charles S. 'Rogers, ot Glendale. is In the city today. C. E. Cluster and daughter went to Ashland this afternoon. Mrs. A. D. Knight went to 'Ashland this morning to visit her daughter. Marshmallow Whip at Pardee's. 17 Mrs. M. Burkhart, of Rogue River, was shopping in the city today. J. 'U Scott, of Cleudale, Is pend ing the day In the city. "rathe" Phonograph. Subln has it. Miss Katherine DeVoe returned to Koseburg today, atter spending several days at the James Hair homo. Mr. and Mrs. Andy McCarthy left today by automobile for California! points. Sterling Maxda lamps at Cramer tiros. 26 Mrs. I C. -Drown, guest ot Mrs. V. Wallace for several days, left this morning for her home at Seattle. Mrs. Ed Autenrleth. of Yreka, was In the city for a few hours on bus iness yesterday. Neutralo gives your Kurd ull th advantages of a geer shifting car. $4 Batery Shop. 03tf Henry Huerth arrived this morn ing from Oreuon City to remain dur ing the commercial fishing season. J. O. Lystul, and Arthur and Christoff Hagen. of Glendale, are In the city today. C. D. Smith, a miner from the Seluia district, was a Grants Pass business visitor today. Mrs. Frank Ryan, who recently leased the Hotel Clarke at Glendale. Is in the city on business. Miss Hunseth, of Selma, who has beeu visiting in the city, returned to her home today. Mrs. I. F. Hoat and two daugh-1 ters returned this morning from Portland, where they spent several weeks. R. E. Brlttln, and J. E. Whltaker and wife of Arkansas City, Kan., are in the city with the view ot locating here. Mrs. B. W. Riggs and two daugh ters of Roseburg spent several days here with relatives. They went to Ashland this morning for the day. The Riverside Recreation Club In vites you to attend a dance at the Gold Hill pavilion Saturday. June 28. F. W. Streets ft the Oxford hotel returned this morning from a trip to northern Oregon and southern Washington points. Mrs. Clara Coffman returned last night from Portland, where she spent several weeks with her daugh ter. Mrs. Hesse, and her son. W. L. Ireland, and family. . iM1ss iWilna Smith arrived Wed nesday from Wapato, Wash., where she attended school, and returned with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Orn Miss Klennor Shaw, of Spokane, is the guest ot Mrs. Stella lit rat tun at Williams. Miss Vere Murray went to Rogue River this aftomoon to spend the week end. Mllou Jones, Just discharged from the U. 8. navy, returned homo this afternoon. Ho wus in tho service since the latter part ot 1917 and made 13 trips across. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Qoettsche. ot San Lois Obispo, spent day here; with the former's brother, August, leaving this afternoon for their home. ' I Mrs. 1.. I a Wood, who spent the past two months here with her daughter, Mr. R. K. Woodson, and remained over to attend the mnr- ringe ot her son, James Ralph Wood,' loft last night tor her home at LongJ Reach. Cal. Mrs. Thomas Nun an, who visited, her grandmother, Mrs. -M. J. John.! at Williams to rthe past three weeks left this afternoon for her home at' San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. j John. Mr. N'unan spent two weeks, here, returning home last Saturday. Murray (re to Pullman Wlllett Murray, student at the O. A. C. leaves Corvallls this week for the agricultural college at Pullman.' Wash., where he will be associated with the best experts In the I'nlted States In testing cows. j Smith, to Kerby. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evanson and two children arrived this morning from Los Angeles and will spend a week or two with Mrs. Evanson's mother, Mrs. Louise Evanson, and other rel atives. Sold three more Royal electric vacuum cleaners, making six in the last eight days. Grants Pass Hard ware Co. 04 Alfred iDoerner, da'ughter and sister in-law left Denver, Colo., this morn ing by automobile for Grants Pass to join Mrs. Doerner, who has been here with her sister, Mrs. E. G. Har ris, for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Wheeler and little daughter, 'Agnes, were In the city Wednesday for a teir hours Thev were traveling by auto from their home at Wapato, Wash., to Phoenix, Ore., where they will spend the summer on the farm with Mr. Wheeler's parents. Ed Holmes, who was Injured at the Southern IPaciflo freight depot some months ago, and who spent several weeks In the Southern Pa cific hospital in San Francisco, left this afternoon for San Francisco where he will report at the hospital for discharge, J onteel Talc . POWDER 23c JONTEEL FACE POWDER 50c JOXTEEL COLD CREAM r,0c JONTEBL OOMBINArMN COLD CREAM BOt at CLEMENS V. It. V. Regulnr Meeting General togan W. R. C. will hold , their regular semi-monthly meeting Saturday afternoon. The Dalles eon-. ventlon reports by the president and senior-vice will be an Interesting fea ture of the meeting. Married In St. IxmJs 1 Kenneth Williams, of this city, playing with the St. 1-ouls Ameri cans, and Miss Ethel Wilkerson, for some months clerk In the Southern Pacific freight office in this city, were married in St. louis on Thurs day. June 19. They expect to make St. Louis their home. Three Hands at .hlftnd The Ashland Record announces that three bands will furnish music for the big celebration In that city on the 4th. Aside from the Medford and Ashland bands, the Klamath Agency band, composed of Indians, will Jie on the job. Auto Incenses County Clerk K. L. Coburn ha just received application blanks for the examination ot auto mechanics. These blanks must be filled out and; forwarded to the examination board at Portland by July 5, accompanied i by an examination fee ot $5. The! law states that all auto mechanics must take the examination. Excursion Hates to Coast j Grants Pass to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for $7.50. Grants i Pass and Crescent City Stage com-1 pany. Phone 26. 74tf Fertilizer Plant Says the Umpqua Courier: "The; Reedsport Fish Company are mak-j ing arrangements to establish a plant! in IReednport by whloh all the retime I from the cannery and packing house I can be converted Into terminer, be sides saving the oil from the fish ' offal. The plant will make about j ten tons of fertilizer per day, he sides saving the oil und'other pro ducts." "Home'' Pear W. 3. Copley has a curiosity In his garden a pear tree which bloomed early this spring and had most of the blooms killed by frost (but some of them developed and now ba's small pears on It, and has recent ly burst into bloom again. At pres ent the tree has small fruit and blooms all at the same time. Glen dale News. We the Undersigned Dairymen will after July 1st, sell milk at $3.60 per month for quarts and $2 for ipints at retail. 'Peter Ol son, J. T. Chausse, A. "A. Ingalls, Anna M. Lewis and Will Scovllle. 04 CouUint and Anient Arrive Ben W. Coutant and Dana Ament, members of the 23rd Engineers, ar rived home last night atter their dis charge at Camp Lewis. Both men were in the service more than two years and went overseas soon after enlistment. Besides their good ser vice stripes they are entitled to three gold stars, Indicating participation li three major engagements. They have many thrilling experiences to relate. Women's Summer Weight Union Suits, also Knit Pants and Sleeveless Vests MRS. E. REHKOPF JJ It Pays to Buy "I 1 il uouu uomes r MM (J Htreet 4luy evoiitunll) l dnift a special pattern for every garment old they itre good clothe now ami eventually. GEO S. CALHOUN Fxlunlvfl loral dealer See the line tit New Porch RocKers In our Window. TUey are going ft Immbiims Hie PltlfKM are RIGHT Holman's Furniture Store 60S O street, opposite Band Stand LOUR Rolled Barley 80 lb. Mill Feed Utility Dairy Food Fisher Dairy Food Poultry Supplies J, PARDEE, Grocer Joy Theater0 TONIGHT AXI KATl'KllAY Mitchell Lewis In "Children of Banishment" A tmy of the great logging cainm of the WWern .Mountains "Never Too Old" A Stark Bennett Comedy ; C ; PERFORMANCE TONIGHT and until further notice in the old STAR THEATER BUILDING while the Joy is being remodeled Arrested on Old Charge Ix)n Frye, recently returned from Prance, was arrested Friday after noon on a warrant issued more than two years ago, Charging him with the theft of flour from warehouse in this city. Riverside Recreation Club Invites you to attend a dance at the Cold Hill pavilion Saturday, June 28. 05 Cwn for (rami Jury j Today at hlH preliminary hearing before Justice Holmun, John Wol- toiK was placed under $750 bonds to appear before the next grand Jury. .Ho raised the bond. Wolfolk Is accused of assault with a danger ous weapon upon the person of Henry Sargent, ot Waters Creek. If you have anything to tell try classified ad.