HU1MV. Jl.VK 87, IUIO. CUIAXTS PASS DAILY COCKIER PAGE THIIKK G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Classified KOIt HALK TKAM and 10 your old, also bar uetts add a;;on fur sale. Hull all or part. Cull 712 North Eighth or phone 13-1,. 2 8tf HKE8ENT OWNERSHIP township Plata ot Josophlne couuty, 60c tact). For aalo by Josephine Coun ty Abatrat't Co. (Una printlrg at reasonable rutin. 89tf OKT YOU II TIKES MENDED uud buy o D. M. & C. K. weldor forJK. future uaa. See Mr. Gotcher, the tlrn inun at Grunt Tuna hold, tf VOJi SALE Reasonable. Timber claim, 100 acre. Location: Sec.! 34, Twp. .40, Range 4 W., Jack on county Oregon. Write to Mr. M. E. Harrington, 116 Went In diana Ave., Spokane, Wash. 08 12 ACltES oak, tnadrone, fir and pine, on railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will take wood In pay ment itutiipage. Phone 270. 83tf 600-AOHE STOCK RANCH for aale; about 125 acres In cultivation; considerable Irrigation; 2 mllea from R. R. station; 1 ',4 mllea from two schools; half cash, bal ajico low Interest. Address No. 1052 care Courier. 86tf FOR BALK Singer sewmgiacnTnee on easy terms. .Machines rented 'and old machines taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 S. Centra avenue, Med ford. Local headquarters Grunts Pass Hard ware. 91tf ANGEL CAKES 75 rents each; or der "by phone, No. 190-J. 92tf FOR SAIJC Crants Pass Banking Company stock. Will take cosb, Ubeiiy londa or Victory bunds. Geo. L. Barton, Box 646, phone 515. 93tf FOR SALE Several hed of Jersey cattle. Call Mrs. Belle IHmmlck, (hone 609-F-14. 04 iFOR SALE 15 head of milk cows. Inquire Knox and Topping at Tem ple Mnrkut. 04 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Chester! White pigs and Shetland ponies. Mrs. H. E. Gordon. 06 FOR SALE CHE5AP Ford car, good condition, looks like new. Phone 345-R. 02tf FOR SALE $4,000 on easy terms will buy 240-acro stock ranch. There are over 100 acres of fin nest black plow land, all fenced, lots of outrange for cattle, hogs or sheep. Will pay for Itself In a: year at this price. Only two hours from Medford. Inquire of Frank Farrell, Garnett-Corey Big., Medford, Ore. 08 111 KKVI A HOUSE FOR RENT Grants Pass Banking Co. 07 WANT Kl WANTED First class teamBters. Permanent work. River Banks Farms. 04 W'ANTED-Roll-way "man "and "turn down man. Good wages for ex perienced ' men. Grants Pass Lumber Co. 05 WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply this week to Mrs. H. U Wilson, 688 North Sixth Bt. 05 WANTED Work" by manaud wife In lumber camp or sawmill. Wife will cook. Must 'be together. In quire at Grants Pass Rooming House for D. A. Furtymun. 04 WANTED Unimproved wood land about $1,000 as first payment on nice residence. Balance can be paid for on installment plan. S. J. Taylor, phone 865-J. 04 VANTK1 Dishwasher at Josephine hotel. 03tf 1X)8T 5'JOST FemBreT Collie" dog." Liberal reward. Notify manager of Jose phine hotel. . - . 05 STRAYED ESTRAY From place on Jones Creek a Jersey cow without-horns, with h niter. Reward for informa tion as to whereabouts. Phone 614-F-2, Mrs. A. J. Qroon. 05 Hardware Co. Advertising MUCKIXANKOIH K. L. GALURAITU Insurance, any kind. Rentals. Building and Loan. Plate Class Liability. 609 O street. gtt PLAIN SEWING, dressmaking, hand hemstitching and embroidery. can hi did e.uai j atreet, or phone 312-Y. 05 lK.NTIHT8 0. MACV I. M. U. rint-otaai South Blxtl dentistry street. Ornts Pata, Oregon. PHYSICIANS L O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practlc limited to diseases of the eye, ear nosa and throat. Glasses fltted Office hours 9-12, 2-6, or on ap polntment. Office phone 62, res denca phone I59-J. 8. LOUQ I1H1IXJK, 14. ' U.PijtMv and surgeon. City or country call, attended day or night. Resident phone 169: office phone l Blitn and H, Tuffs Bldg. . A. WITHAM, M. I). Interns medicine and nervous diseases 90S Corbett Bldg., Portland. Or Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m FREDERICK 1). 8TRICKER, M. D., Rooms 5 and 7 Masonlo Building. Office hours, 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. m. Phones: Office 18-R; Res. 18-Y. DR. W. T. TOMPKINS, 8. T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. tf VKTKKI.VAKY HI lUiKON DR. R. Offlra. J. BKSTUL, Veterlnarlat residence. Pnooe B05-W DKAYAUK AND THANSrEU THE WORLD Bunch Bros. 297-R. MOVES; so do ws Trsosfer Co. Phon U. I9HAM, drsyage aud tranafs Safes, ilanos and furnltur moved, packed, shipped and sto ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone, 124-R. KLKCTKIOAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING and , general electrical work, repaying, house wiring. C. C. Harper, 315 North Sixth street, phone 47. tf LODGES KNIGHTS and Ladles ot Security Council meets second and fourth Friday's In W. O. W. hHll. 43tf CIVIL ENGINEERS DANIEL McFARLAND civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. K5 TAXI DAILY JITNEY to Selina, Kerby and Waldo. Leaves Grants Pass dally at 9:30 a. m. Everett Hogue, phone 317. 317 USE THE WHITE (LINE TAXI FOR prompt service. City and country trips. Safety first. Call Grants Past Hotel, phone 39b. Residence phone 820-R. W. 'G. White. 790 PALACE TAXI CO., Wyatt & Cutler, proprs., only 2-car taxi company . in city. Phones: Day 22-J; night 2S4-J for prompt service, tt CAUL 262-R FOR CITY AND coun . try trips. New Chevrolet at your disposal. Day and night, prompt service. Spa Taxi. C. E. Gllk son. Oltt The v California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company , , TIME CARD -.. : Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grunts Pass.. 1 Arrive Waters Creek......; 2 Leave Waters Creek J Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M P. M. P. M P. M For information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburr building or telephone 131. FERRYDALE 'Grandma Hobertnon was visiting Mrs, M. 1 -Griffin FVIday. Asy Tylor whs In the vicinity the past week looking over some of the telephones. Chas. Gray 'Wan at George Jones' Friday, Mrs. (M. L. Griffin was viHltlng Mrs. Jun KobertMon Thursday. , A. C. Ford and A. J. Hussey went to Grants Puss 'Friday to attend the Hto-k growers meeting. Mrs. Falvy and daughters, Bessie and Vivian, were vUltlng 'Mrs. 'A. J. Hussey Haturduy afternoon. Mrs. Wlggs, of Grants Pass, Is viHltlng her niece, Mrs. M. L. Griffin this week. Mr. 'Morrison has been sick the past week and went to Grants Pass Thursday to see al doctor. Mr. Oden and two little sons and Iawrnce McCallister were calling on George McCallister one day the past week. F. N. Robertson, I). G. Robertson and families attended the social given by the grange at Merlin Satur day night. George tMoCalllster was visiting his mother Sunday. B. C. Neely and Thos. Overton went to Grants Pass Thursday. V. Zi. Robertson and little son, Wlllard. Grandma Robertson and Mrs. H. Stevenson, were it Grants Pass Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Orr nnrf fi.mll nr Albany are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. They are on their way to Ufrearent City on an outing. Mrs. Harry Keyt and A. J. Crow were vbiltlng their nelce, Mrs. A. C. Ford Monday. Mr. itiid Mrs. Arthur Rennett and AJIIe Wallace, of Glenwood, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Overton, left Tuesday for an outing up the Rogue and through eastern LOrcgon Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield and sob and daughter. Earnest and Bulah were out from Graiits Pass Tuesday looking over their farm. Mrs. IT Stevenson Is visiting; with friends a few days this week at Grants Pass. OVERALLS Rg. U.S.Pat. Off. U our Registered and Common-taw I rade-Msrk and can only be fight full iMed on goods made by us. Kooeralls are garments for children I to 8 years of age. If a dealer tries to sell VOU. under the Koverallt name, any garment not ot our manufacture, you may be sure he has an article that he is trying to market on Koverallt reputation. Unless made by Levi Straws & Co, they're Dot KOVERALLS. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit AJ? FREE "iffi" KOVERALLS are nsde only by Levi Stwin tt Co, San Frsnciico and bear this Ubel Bjas KOVERALIS ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, . Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. G. W. COUVIO, Attorney-at-lnw. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN ITYKE, Attorney. Prae- tices in all courts. First National Bank Bldg. . ... ., ... . . ... ., O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270 Grants Pass, Oregon.'' BLANCARD & BLANCHARD, At torneys. Albert Bldg. Phone 236-J. Practice in all courts; land . board attorneys. C. A. SIDLEJR. AUornev-nt-lAW. Mn. sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. iEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, referee In bankruptcy, Masonlo Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. Phoner 185-J. f 1WIES T. CHINNOCK, Law.r. , First National Bank Bldg.. Grants Pass, Oregon. I akt, K U 4- PAT Off irvi STRAUSS & CO, rptM:licQ,tAl MIRY eiipi ERADICATING STOCK DISEASE Bull Association Play Important Part in Combating Aliments of Dairy Cattia. (Prepsrsd by the United States Depart mint of Agriculture.) Co-operative hull association piny a eoiiHlderiiMe part in rnmbating dis uses of diilry stock. While unorgan ized dairy fanning orieratlons have a tetiileniy to spread abortion, tubercu losis and other communicable diseases, the policy 0f the bull associations works In the opposite direction. For example, an Iowa association will not Hllnw any of Its members to receive the benefits of the association until hi herd lias been tested for tuberculosa and all reuctors eliminated. One runner who did not dispose of the re actors after the tuberculin test wus applied wus refused the nse of bulls until he compiled with the rules of the association. The educational work of each asso clutlon makes the members alert to prevent the Introduction ad spread of dlseuse of uny kind. The well-managed bull association requires that the cuttle of each member shall be tested for tuberculosis and tukes every known precuutlon to prevent the Intro duction of infectious abortion. KEEPING ONLY OF ONE BREED No Particular Demand for Guernseys In Holstein District Breeders Have Learned Lesson. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Ten years ago a fnrmer In northern Wisconsin began to breed Gournseys In a Holstein district. He now has a fine herd and wonders why buyers never come bis way. The reason Is that when buyers want Guernseys they nnturally go to a Guernsey dis trict. As a rule, the breeders of pure bred cattle already have learned this lesson. The principle Is as true of grades as of registered stock, but many owners of grasje cattle seem to have overlooked It. All dairy breeds ! Dairy Owners Can Improve Herds by ! Using Pure-Bred Sires. ir are sometimes found In' the same neighborhood, and even on tlie same fnrm pevernl dulry breeds and ull pos sible combinations of them are seen. Perhaps one year a Holstein bull la used, the next year a Jersey, and .oc casionally a bull of no particular breed. In a grade herd recently studied there were Hotstelns, Guern seys, Jerseys, Shorthorns and every possible cross and mixture of these breeds. The owner admits that his cnttle do not sell to advantage, and the reason Is not hard to find. The bull association encourages the kecnlm: of onlv one hrrwl on (ho fnrma f of its members and the establishment of thut breed In the community. . , KEEP ALL DAIRY COWS CLEAN Dirty Udders and Thighs Cause Di rect Contamination of Milk Use . Soap and Water. (By P. K. HEERWAGEN. State Agrl- cultural College. Fort Collins. Colo.) Clean milk Is Impossible If the cows are not kept cleun. Dirty udders and thighs cause direct contamination of the milk, for clinging dirt particles are rubbed off Into the milk by the milker. The" tall in switching will brush off particles from the thighs and flunks Into the pall. The udder should be brushed clean with a brush or clean cloth previous to mllklng.v It is advis able to wash oft the flanks and thighs occasionally with soap and water and It Is recommended to wash -the udder off every time previous to milking and dry thoroughly with a clean cloth. Some dairymen keep hindquarters clipped, which Is a good practice, for then theso parts are easier kept clean. THIS CHURCH IS RICH Refuses One Million for an Oil Well In Cemetery. . '' The Merrinm Baptist church of Ranger, Tex., which already has ac quired an income of $200,000 a yeat through oil. wells sunk in Its church yard, has refused $1,000,000 for the right to develop wells in the gruve- . ill yard which adjoins the church. It be came known here. The grsveysnl now is surrounded by oil wells and numerous companies have made the congregation, which has only 29 members, fabulous offers for the burying ground. The congregntlon has voted that sone of Its members shall profit per sonally by Its good fortune, but that the entire Income ubiill be devoted ta the glory of God. The sum of 10O, 000 alresily tins been distributed among Baptist Institutions In this state. For Biliousness 8ick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bloat ing, Gas, Coottipstion sll these dis tressing consequences of indigestion are avoided if the bowels are keep open and regular. FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLET! act promptly, without pain or asiuea. They clear the bowels, sweeten lbs stolen sod tone up the liver. XHl (JUS U, Mdi I .,2 SOLO KVEItrVVHERB C WUBL D Closing Out Accessories All Tires and Tubes at Cost Spot Lights from HJiO Vp (Spark Plugs 60c, 65c, 75c ' Motorist Cor oralis, $4 ' IKxIge Bumpers At Cost .Maxwell Bumpers at Cost Luggage Carrier $4.25 Tire Covers All Sizes Battery Shop A. V. HAZEL.TOX, Proprietor AI THORIZFJ) WILLAKD eKKVICK STATION Some USED CAR Bargains, One 1017 Oakland Six In good condition One 1917 Saxon Six, in good shape One 1917 Chalmers Speedster (Some Car) One 1918 Chevrolet, aa good aa new One 1918 Maxwell, in A No. 1 condition One 1917 Maxwell well. Just come and see it - One Ford truck (one ton) GENERAL ACCESSORIES AND REPAIR SHOP COLLINS AUTO COMPANY 511 H Street YOUR COMPLEXION is muddy. You look hag gard end yellow. Your eyes arc losing their lustre. The trbuble is with your liver. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will correct that. k Then - avoid meats, hot bread and hot cakes, take frequent baths and a long walk every day, and ycu will soon be. as well and as u....:r..i . Tv , . - . u"ul"ul ever, mce TT T 7 m m ... OP) III? YouHlikeithr n cake filling and iceing Vat tM tnm 0 jw u4 tfnU Mi L ttyetmn ku . S uu. ckopfMl r cnaM frulu, m J SUnkaHOtw vktp Im la ii. "i frail, Im aaaaV kktUlip,tt. imii ii. in I Printing that pleas ea We do it! Courier Job Department. ' Mir Muddy mhexion 25 cents per bottle.