FAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER iTKNDAY, JI NK Si, QUHIS PASS --DJULT COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday a. B. VOORHIKS. Pub. and Propr. tared at poatoffloa, Grant Paes.l Ore., aa second data mall matte. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per tl -r-i5c Loeal-peraonal column, per; Koders, per Una 6c, DAILY COURIER T malt or carrier, per year....M.0 mstl nr n&rriar. twr month .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, par year M OO ICKMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Tba Associated Preaa la exclusively entitled to ths Da tor repubUcaUoa at ail news dispatches credited to tt or all otherwise credited la thla paper and also tha local news pub lished herein. AU rights of republication ot ape eial dispatches herein are also reserved. TVKSDAV, JXXK 24, 1919. OREGON WEATHER f . Tonight and Wednesday, fair. gentle northwesterly winds. ST. SOPHIA TO BECOME ill Constantinople, May 5 The faith ful Turk does not visR the great mosque of St. Sophia aa frequently as he used to for he considers It a foregone conclusion that St. Sophia will become a Christian church as it was In the fifth and sixth centuries. One can always have en argument In Constantinople over the question whether the church will revert to the Greek orthodox or Roman Cath olic communion. Christian architects already hare rial ted the mosque and are making their plans for the transformation of the church when it is taken from the Turks. The faint mosaic ot Christ above the Mirab which has been almost Invisible for centuries will be renewed and the mosaics of the apostles under the small dome In the north end of the church also will be . restored. Turkish inscrip tions ot all sorts will 1e torn down and replaced by Christian symbols. The devil's face in the marble fac ings under the big dome end the al leged impression in stone of the hand of "'Memet,-the Conqueror," also -will tie retained aa a reminder of the tenth of May, 1453, when Memet climbed upon a heap of Christian corpses In the church Constantino built and smote the wall with bis land still bloody from the bodies of the Christian slain. An aged Englishman who has lived in Constantinople for 30 years pre dicts trouble when the Christians take over St. Sophia. "I am going to stay at home that day," he says. "Dozens of people Will be suffocated in the crush and 'then, you know, the Turks have not been disarmed since the armistice. There will te bloodshed that day." WITH HANS IT IS "AN EYE FOR AN EYE" Vera Cruz, (Mexico, June 24. The death of 75 defenseless passengers was one phase of the revenge taken by the rebel bands under the nomi nal command of Flix Diaz for the death of Aureliano Blanquet and Francisco Alvarez. A train on the Interoceanic line, bearing peons being armed only with instruments of labor was dynamited between Pino and "Las Vlgas, the greater number of the passengers killed by rifle fire and their bodies, together with the living wounded, burned when the train was fired. ' If you have anything to sell try a classified ad. SAM NEAS Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmlthlng Wood repairing on all kinds of Vehicle. have one of the best of horse slioers that the country ai fords. 315 South 6th St. QUALITY ShoesJFor All At The Shoe Store KINNEY & TRUAX 103 North Sixth OF Berlin, June 24. No longer will ing to take the responsibility for the "economic need and Incalculable suffering" caused by repeated strikes leaders ot the old Miners' Union as sociations in the Ruhr district have tendered their resignations. These men, most of whom are majority so cialists, have bitterly opposed the strikes which for weeks have been disrupting the coal fields. "Strikes begin over the heads of responsible leaders and against our advice" the retiring officials say in a statement accompanying their re signations, "and are not answerable to our comrades. "A large portion of our members and officials are prevented from at tending miners' meetings and are shouted down, cursed and threaten ed, while Irresponsible 'word heroes' work in the most senseless manner for the destruction of our association in order to attain their political pur poses, which lead to economic and political anarchy and prepare the ground for counter-revolution oppo sition. They see In the 8partacists their ally and peacemaker. "By strikes the number of work less Germans has been doubled, in dustry lamed, hunger lengthened, food Importation prevented, the eco nomic, financial and political break down ot the German republic brought into the near .future, and unionized discipline destroyed. "We decline responsibility for all that. Our conscience, our honor, our past filled with sacrifices, and our love of our comrades force us to abandon definitely a path which many of our members appear to be taking." BULLET-PROOF TANKS U.S. Washington, June 23 Indestruct ible gasoline tanks, automatic cranks and portable hangars are a few of the airplane equipment devices which the army air service's engi neering section Is seeking to -perfect. American Inventors have been asked to assist. The . gasoline tank desired would withstand "a salvo of la shots fired at a range of 30 yards, the ammuni tion consisting of service, tracer, In cendiary . and armor-piercing bul lets, with fire resulting." A. maxi mum weight limit of 75 per cent more than the ordinary tank has been fixed. . An automatic cranker, mounted on a truck and electrically driven, is under experiment. This instru ment is designed to offset the great Conflicting 1 j difficulties now experienced In start ing the big bombing planes which are expected to be the type adopted in aerial commerce. A flexible arm is attached to the propeller, giving the twist necessary to start the cyl inders to firing and Is then automa tically disconnected. U.S.F, Salonlki, June 24. large ' con signments of American agricultural machinery has 'been unloaded here for use In Macedonia. The motor plows are badly neexled on account of the dearth of horses and oxen which the Bulgars carried off with J them. In the last six months the American Red Cross fcas been In structing Greeks and Serbs In the use of modern farm machinery and American methods of soil improve ment and now farmers are being given the opportunity to buy Imple ments at advantageous prices. King Alexander of Greece Is much Inter ested In American farming machin ery. Belgrade, June 24. The German and Austrian peaceful Infiltration of Serbia has begun. The hotels of this city harbor guests whose Identity is revealed by their heavy Teutonic cast of features. They talk in German and laugh loudly over their, beer. Indeed it one does not speak German in Belgrade one sometimes finds himself misunderstood. The waiters do not know EnKlish or French in the majority of eases. "My friends in Basle told me I would be mobbed In Belgrade If 1 spoke German there," declared a self-styled Swiss salesman. "How ever, I found that when I spoke Italian I was treated with disrespect, that when I spoke French I was ig nored and that when I spoke English I was smilingly but politely told, In German, that I could be best served by speaking the tongue I know best." - Serbia from one end of the coun try to the other had been flooded with cheap Austrian and German goods. How they got In one cannot learn but every show window In the villages from Uskub o Semendria contains cheap mirrors toilet ar ticles, knives and gimcracks of every discription '1Made In Austria." Many of these articles are backed with cool red pictures under celluloid of the former Austrian and German emperors In all their regalia. There seems to be little .prejudice against German and Austrian goods among the peasants and village dwellers of Serbia. ID Thoughts T W. R. C. CONVENTION Mrs. Anna Stlnebaugh, presidtmt ot the V. 11. C. returned from The Dulles, where she attended the de partment convention held In that city lust week. While the conven tion wnj au Interesting business and social success, Ihe old time enthu- slusm was lucking distance, ex pense and advancing uge compelled many to remain at homu, while large numbers of the "Boys of '61" who have always before been vroxpnt ut these yearly gatherings, have an swered the lust roll call. The following officers wore elect ed for the ensuing year: G. A. 'R. officers. Dept. Com. Daniel Wobster, Sa lem; S. V. J. M. Patterson. The Dalles; ,J. V. V. M. Tendershott. Portlund; Medical Director J. K. Hull, Portland; Chaplain I. B. flelf. Portland. W. R. C. officers: President Jennie Beutly, Hood River; a V. iMrs. I,0rd, The Dal les; J. V. Mrs. Caolle, Portland; Treasurer Cora MoBrlde. Portland; Chap. Mrs. Newell, Portland. The next aunuul state convention' win be held at Astoria. ' j Mrs. Stlnebaugh iU electod third; delegate to the national convention 1 to be held at Columbus. Ohio, in' September. NEW TODAY EGGS WANTED Highest cash paid tor fresh egg. Moore Bak Ing Co. 9stf FOR S A LB 15 hoad of mlllTcows. Inquire Knox or Topping at Tem ple Market. 04 WANTED TO RENT OR BU Y on terms Boiler and engine about 25 h. p. Address No. 1 1 6 7 care Courier. 02 FOR SALE ThoroiiRhbred Cheater White pigs and Shetland ponies. Mrs. 11. E. Gordon. 06 FOR 9AIJ3 3 small chlaken houses, two Incubators, two brooders. Edith Russell, corner Manzenlta Ave. and Merlin road. 22 CAI.AV 262-R FOR CITY AND coun try trips. New Chevrolet at your disposal. Day and night,, prompt service. Spa Taxi. C. E.' Cllk son. . Oltf (lAIM HARD TIMES WIU, CAIKB WXS TO KM.MHJItATK Berlin, June 24. "The years of economic depression which Germany is now facing will force at least 16, OOO.uOO of her sons and daughters to seek firesides elsewhere," says Uiistave Stresemann, leader of the National Liberal party of Germany. "We can't employ them at home, these people are unuble to reach overseas ports and will wander east ward to Russia, their natural desti nation. TE 4 E only the chaj who stands up straight breathes the pure air that floats above the heads of bis fellow men.. i Only the commonplace does not excite controversy. y 'The Unpardonable In," In book form, had been selling by the thous ands tor some time before the author himself discovered (that It was being discriminated against by the author Hies of the New York 'Public library. There authorities, with some hesita tion, expressed the belief that the subject matter of the story was not calculated to proiote the' most friendly feeling among the various classes and nationalities living In the community which they served. This opinion, in letter form, printed in the New York Times aroused some of the biggest thinkers in the United States, and their en dorsements of the book compelled the New York Public library to re cede frem ts queer position. , The late ex-President Theodore Roosevelt endorsed "The Unpardon able Sin" In the following character istic manner; July 18, 1918. "The Unpardonable Sin" Is a very, very,strong atory. It teaches Just the lesson our people should learn. I am mighty glad Captain Hughes wrote It, and I nope It will be most widely read. . ' , Faithfully yours, (Signed) THEODORE ROOSEVELT If you only A Dollar Bill in tour pocket you need something to carry it In. Gold Is so scarce anil a "toutl skin" nets away easy, lt ns show you an AMKItl( (iUNTl.KMW MIIXIOMI. Ileal leather ' Mini a lt of pockets nil for a dollar. BARNES, The Jeweler 8, I. Time Inspector SUSS MEDFORD, OREGON We specialize in diseased of Woman, the Stomach and Nutritional Disorders 21 ENTIRELY on merit on the extra mileage and extra sat isfaction which they yield, Racine Tires now rank among the first In popular demand. Racine Country Road Urea Here is the tire specially designed and extra tested for country road service. It's the all-around cham pion. Use them and save money. Our stock is complete. G. L. HOBART CO. Far Tom Own Pmlmetlon, TBm Cttimin tntj ffaen Tin You Bur hm "'Ml RACINE RUBBER COMPANY RACINE. WISCONSIN c mm d We are the only authorized Wlllard Buttery Station in -the city. We have Willurd llatterles for every tar and purpose. Our repair department Is fully equipped to handle all kinds of repairs at a minimum cost for first class work and all work guuruntced. We are pleased to Inspect your buttery any tlma, free of charge, regardless of the make. We have a full line of electrical supplies for all curs. Battery Shop A.'V. II.UKIroX, l'ri.(rleti,. MINTING IPTDOIE.JIT THE C0U1B OFFICE . have Next door Kim Nsliimsl lUnk EXTRA TEST for Even Care Five specially contrived 1 curing process perfectly. They give absolute unl formlty, tire for tlrt. Racine Tires can't Vary ( not MM iota. $000 Mih ef MJ . r I,