FAtiB TITO GRANTS PASS DAILT COURIER MONDAY, JINK ifcl, 1010. US PUSS DAILY COURIER FubUsned DU7 Except Sunday a. I. VOORHIES. Pub. and Propr. rfatared at postotftos. Grant Pass, I Or., as seoong ciaaa mm oww. . , ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per Inch. "15C Local-personal column, per ltne..lOe fteaders, par Una Be y mall or carrier, per year..IM0 9j mall or carrier, per month .60 . WEEKLY COURIER . By mall, per year H 0 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Preen la exclnatrely Hild r ilia na fnr ranabtleatloa of all news dispatches credited to tt or all otherwise credited in uua paper and alao the local news pub lished herein. All rights ot republication of ape elal dispatches herein are ale reaef fed x MOXMY, JUNE 23, 1910. - OREGON WEATHER f Tonight, fair; ooler east por- tlon. Tuesday fair. Gentle 4 southwesterly freezes. 4 Some People AUK WAITING VOW THE PRICK TO ) HIGHER othkks iu y Arimxrrs NOW i KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY OTAUTY AND SBKVICK spectacular plays that kept the crowd cheering. Jud Pernoll, captain ot the Grants Pass team has proven that he knows a ball player when he sees one. If you have anything to sell try a classified ad. There Is nothing worse than bad, foul smelling breath; get rid ot It for your friend's sake anyway. Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea wtll clean and purity your stomach and J bowels: your breath will be tweet. your disposition improvea, your friends Increased. 35c. Tea or Tab lets. Sab ln'i Drug Store. Adv. ' IT WAS A GREAT GAME. EVEN IF SO ONE-SIDED What promised to e a very close and interesting "baseball game be tween Ashland and Grants Pass yes terday on the home grounds was a wild stampede in the third inning when Ashland went Into the air and stayed there until Grants Pass scor ed seven tallies .before the umpire called "three out." The grand stand was about half filled with people while many were present in automdbiles to 'witness the contest. The Ashland -team was accompanied iby a number of "roo ters" who, after the third inning, ap peared to lose heart. Ashland's only score was made In the first half of the second, when a' runner succeeded in eliding home. The umpire called the runner out, but immediately the Ashland rooters and a few' of their players ran onto the diamond and disputed the de cision. After several weeks of ar guing it was decided to tlip a coin to decide the case and Ashlatad ; this one interruption the game was a clean and orderly one, and some "star" plays were executed. The score was as follows: Ashland . 0 10000000 Grants Pass .l 1 7 0 5 1 0 0 Ashland used three pitchers in a Tain attempt to stave off defeat, while Trye twirled the entire nine. Innings for Grants Pass. Eddlngs, catcher Tor Grants Pass, injured his fingers on one of Frye's swift ones aid was relieved Ty Gale Smrth. But that man Frye he had no business in the game. He had his opponents at his mercy at all times. Whenever a score was threatened he "tightened up" and the result was Invariably a goose egg. He not only had "plenty on the pill," but his speed was marvelous, taxing the catcher's best efforts to stop the sphere. Ashland had some good players aid had they not "gone In the air" in the third and fifth the game would not have been so one-sided, j They staged some Individual plays, that brought forth cheers even from j the Grants Pass rooters. Aside from those two fatal innings tout few er rors were made by either side. - Rlggs, the one-armed man, smash ed the oajl for a two-bagger, while levins traveled to third on a smash-! ing drive to right. iRlggs twice made : the first sack on bunts by his su-j perlor speed, beating the ball by a narrow margin. Bearss, .who heldj down first for Grants Pass,' was; found right at home whenever called in itlia ffmt tiolf r,l tlia CM, t.m.,o.l,t ' a snout ot applause rrom the grand stand. These "were but a few of the I ilpi 1 ' Be to Get " i A l O ! L L aI: . 8miJM 8! A ; j mmm in RJ I i . I t:ill I 11 1 N a Jr I 'in SAM NEAS Horse Shoeing and General IllarksmlthiDg Wood repairing on all kinds of Vehlciea . i 'liave one of the best of horse rfioers (hat the ' country af fords. 315 South 6th St t ill i l ,mm rill HE wax -wrapped sealed package with WR1GLEVS upon it is a guar antee of quality. The largest chewing sum factories in the world the larfiest selling um in the world: that is what WRIGLEVS means. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT ( The Flavor Lasts Surpassing lu Importam-e any pre-a vlous moving picture event 'Will 'be Ihe engaKviaent of "The I'nimrilou able Stu," ixry Carson's vxlraordl nary epic jtliotoiilay. starring Mini Blanche tiweet, under the personal direction of 'Marshall Nnllan, at the Joy Thetare, lieglnnlnK Tuesday; there will be S iprenpntutlons dally, the matinees a) 3:15 o'clock, and the night presentation at 8. "The ITnpurdonable Bin" is one of the most pretentious screen plays that has ever been atompted, and has been completed after months of painstaking effort and with the ex penditure ot more real monoy than has been enlisted In the aid of any photoplay produced within the fast five years. It Is a brand-new pro duction, and just now is having Its initial runs in the important theatres in the east. The story has been spoken of as one of the most powerful tales or love and adventure which has. ever been written and .reviews of the pic ture made by Important critics throughout the country pay high tribute to Director Marshall Nellan when they say that here 1 one ot the rare instances when the photo play version is even more powerful and gripping than the original nar rative. When they see "The Vnpardonuble j 3ln" moving picture devotees will be particularly interested in the! work of the star, for the reason j that In 'Ml9 Blanche Sweet it brings j b&rk to the screen a favorite who, had thoroughly established herself, before retiring for a long and much-j needed rest. Miss Sweet won her spurs In some ot the biggest and best pictures ever produced by David ; Wark Griffith, who has since given! to the public such big things as "The' Birth of a Jtiitlon," "Intolerance" and "Hearts of the World." X).l,IXJK POI LTHY PAYS Oregon Agricultural Oollego, Cor vallls, June 23. ProNts ot $1,300 were netted by a I4banon, Ore., poultrymon who uses O. A. C. stock. His 600 hens, hulf ot which were pullets, averaged ir0 egs a year. Another with 35 leghorns sold 214 dozen eggs, set 24 dozen, anil used 83V4 dozen on the table. Ills feed cost was $52. BO, leaving his j net gains $102.07. j Would You Kx-onomlase? Then buy letter paper by the ream; 500 sheets for $1. Courier office. 41tf I Ynu can't cover blnckheads, I Dimples, red spots on the face with : powder; they're bound to be seen j don't worry or spoil your temper, ; take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea j each week 'twill banlnh them thru I the blood, the only sure way. 35c. ! Sabln's Drug Store. Adv. General Repairing' Oxyacetyiene Welding Tire Vulcanizing from 30x3 si2e up All work guaranteed Studebaker and Overland-Cars Fashion Garage and Machine Shops J. F. Burke & Son ' Are You Feeling Old Today? MORE OFTEN ibao is recog nized do middle- sged-men and women mistake kidney trouble for on-coming eld age. Tirntl, weak or deranged k idneys do not niter waste matter out of the M'K,d as they Bhould 'and backache, (in d feeling, biliousness, sore muscles, m;.": joints, rheumatic palm, irritation of 'be bhidder,pulllnestundei eyesor other gym)toia or ailment appears. Strendlicn kidneys, Bt.tmulatA. the bladder and tone up the liver. They help the kidneys: remove the accumo. luting poisons' and soothe and heal the passages. AV.hcn the kidneys and urinary tract are doing their work per- fbrtrl,, ttia urltr.la avtitltrtl Ifl tiPtieflLUtd i and restored to health and strength. Louis Buckner, JI. V. D. l. -Box 1,8, Sornersot, Vs., writes: "I was foeling .ill rua down,' tired, with nalns immy ack. After taking Foley Kldney'Pills I f.ift . Ulen a new man and ill' speak words of praise anywhere 'I go 'among my friends. You ' can uae my 'letter if It Biu Ka of anv service. at all to you." , w i ... tags III'. HOLD EVKItrwHEHK f" CHICHESTER S PILLS TUB Im01B nBANU. , I.dlil Amk yar Brmmmlt Hit I PlIUlK lit nd Uold mcltlllcX (mitt. HU4 wltk Blua BIW)o.' 1IaVINI IIIUNU PIM.H, for yam known m Oct. 8(t. Al wr ReliibM It yon only have A Dollar Bill v. . In your pocket you need something t carry H In. ('old In ho scarce and m "tond skin' gKit away sn mwiy, It us show you an AMKKICAN 4JK'TIKIAM III I.l.lt !.!. Jti-ol leather and a lot of ixx'keta nil for a dolliir. BARNES, The Jeweler 8. P, Time Inspector .Next door First National flank Some USED CAR Bargains (ue 1017 Oakland Six In K'xkI oontlltion One 1017 Boxon Six, In good sluie One 1017 Chalmers BiNwdater (Some CVr) One 1018 Chevrolet, as good as new One I0IN Miuwetl, in A No. 1 xmPllon this 1017 Maxwell well, Just mine and see It One 'ord truck (one ton) ;kkk.Ij Atxicstioitim ani itici'.tut niioi - COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Sit II Street Eat Well -Feel Well-Do Well It all depends on nlint grwle you buy, nhcre )u buy tliem, and whut you pay for (hem. ' If you buy (iOOIl groreiii yon rat well. . If you cat well you feci well. If )u fuel well you do well In your luixInroalTnlr. Can we tell you of a better reiiMin why you nIioiiM buy your KriM'eiics from us? Kvery one known of the Ii'k'i Manilrl of our kimhI.. They all know of the low prices we charge. Most people trade with us, anyway. Why nt you? J. PARDEE, Grocer mi The Gem Damaskecne Razor leaves your lace with a smooth, comfortable leeling. No beard resists the smoothclean-cut work of the keen-cutting, convex edge of a Gem Damaskcene Blade. The Gem Yemovcs the toughest stubble and the tenderest growth with velvet-like smoothness. We sell the complete. Gem outfit for $1. The outfit includes the razor, icven Gem Damaikeene Bladei, ihaving and stropping handle all in hand tome leather caie. . Buy your Gem from in to-day. Let your next shave be tmftruAU lhavc, Sabin The Druggist I'se Persian Cecret for the Hiinds and Face J H0USANDC OF WOMETJ cufix miserably from periodh attack: of headache, never dreaming ; r-, that a pcrinsnent cure may be had. Headache nearly; alwf.ys re-ks from eome disorder cf the stomach, livfx or bowels. 1 !;e Chamberlain's Tablets. They will correct these disorders and there will be rx mc:e I.c-dachel Manj- have been permanently erred by Chamberlain's Tablets. 4 SOID BY0RLCG1SIS CVUtYWHERE Mvj(' tun-.