iff)) ' r it VOL. It., No. 101). BIG SHAKE OP IN INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COM. GOVERNOR OliOOTT NOT 8ATIH. , HMD WITH COMMIKHIOVH WORK BECKWiTH m TO RESIGN Wllfnl Allen's Tm Ktlnw; rVr guon, Dwnocrat, nod Kirk, IUv publican, New Meml , Salem, Orii., Juno 23. Governor Oloolt Mild today tlinl ibe Impending re-organlisllon of the Industrial Ac cident oommlMtnn, which he an nounced Sunday, Included the ap pointment of J. W. Ferguson, dem ocrat, and Will T. Kirk, republican, and the retirement of Harry Beck with and Wltford Alien. Thl will in no manner Interfere with tho Investigation of the com mission previously ordered at the ro quoat of the Portland tabor council. The governor has asked Mr. Deck with for ihla resignation, tut Wltford Allen's term had already expired. The governor said he was dissatisfied with the work of the commission i at present constituted. Although not known to be fact. It wa rumored today In Grant a Puna that Mr. Allen will wind tip his af faire at Mem and return to thla city to reside. v " 1 Under the provision of the work tf men's 'compensation law no more than two membere of the commls slon can be of tn same ipolltloal affiliation. Consequently Mr. Fer guson, who la a democrat, la named to succeed 'Mr. .Beckwtth, alio democrat. Mr. Kirk Is a,' republl. can, as 4s the third member of the Commission. WIlHaui jA. 'Marshall of Portland. "Ar. Marshall has been a member of the body since Its Incep tion and will fee retained, j Under the new alignment and as provided for In the act, Mr. Marshall win represent the Interests of em ployes, Mr. Ferguson, the Interests ot the employers and Mr. Kirk those of cltlxcns ot the state at large. "I bare watched the situation In the accident commission closely since I have been in the executive office and was rather familiar with ft pri or to that time," said Oovcrnor 01 eott In making announcement ot the changes In the 'personnel of the commission. "I am thoroughly con vinced that the make-up ot the "board was not conducive to the 'best operation of the workmen's compen sation law. The functions ot the act Cre among the most imiiorUnt that any of the state board or commis sions are called upon to administer. "Without wholesale cooiteratlon on the iart of commissioners effi cient handling of affairs and con siderate attention to those Interest ed In the operation of the act the greatest good from the compensation A act cannot bo obtained. "I have 'had a long acquaintance with' iboth Mr. ' Ferguson and - Mr. Kirk and know personally that their qualifications are audi a to assure harmonious and efficient handling bt the commission'! affairi. These appointments are unsolicited In both .cases. They are entirely upon my own initiative and bused upon my personal knowledge ot their fitness. I ant thoroughly convinced that the changes I am making are tor the pUbllO gOOd." , , 1,1, Mr. Allen, one of , the retiring commissioners,' was appointed ' tb succeed Lieutenant-Colonel Carle Abraras, who Ib now 1n France. The term of 'Mr, Abrams wovtld have ex pired in January this year had he remained with the commission. It has been the announced policy ot Governor Olcott to allow former state employes returning from mill tary service to resume their old po sitions it they care to do so. v TURKS GIVE YANKS A WARM WELCOME . . Want V, H. to Awiiimo Mandate f"r t'oiutantlnoplei Keep Htelr Eye on Illg Pour at PnrU Pari, June 2J. The report that the I'ultod States bas been urged to assume the mandate for Constantin ople mels with general approval there, writes au agent of the Red Cross la the Turkish, cspltul. It Is welcomed a the Ideal remvdy for an Impossible slluuUon, he adds. "Wherever an American wanders In Constantinople Turks, Weeks und Armenians imprime It upon the vis itor that America will be welcome with opou arms, that America will be trusted. As the Turkish foreign office, the -Sublime Porte, there is uiu satisfaction at the Toport thai America will come In and clean up," the lied Cross wan continues. "The Turk bus beeu quick to ap preciate what America bas done lor his country since the armistice. Everywhere one goes be sees Amer ican flags stuck Into the bags of rive, ot Hour and over stacks of can ned goods which ibe street mer chants have for sale. The Ameri can uniform Is not a familiar sight in the streets or shops but wherever an American army officer, Hed Cross officer or member of the Near East coramlHslon Is recognized Turks go out of their way to express ' their gratitude tor America's prompt des patch of food shops to Constantin ople, iwhlcb just before the armistice was In a 1ad way for food. "At present four high commis sioners, British, French, Italian and Greek are working Independently in Constantinople and the two com-manders-ln-chlet, British and French are doing their ibest to cooperate but with what success no one can say. "The -present divided control In Constantinople and the rumors con stantly reaching the Turkish capital of dissensions among ihe allies In Parts are liable to encourage the Turks to "believe that by playing one nation off against the other they can conduct themselves as they see tit. Parts of northern Asia Minor do not know of the armistice and the Turks still are terrorizing the Creeks there. . "Turks are surprisingly familiar with the way the American iprotec torate over Cuba has worked out and prominent Qfussulmen believe that what has been done In the Philip pines by America can be duplicated In Turkey." PRICE OF GOLD HILL E V ' Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, June 23. dllgh cost or labor, tools and supplies baa made It ne cessary for the state lime board to Increase the price ot lime f. o. b. at Gold 'Hill from $1.75 to $2.50 a ton In carload lota of not less than 30 tons. This is the reporTot Dr. A. B. Cordley, chairman, who has re turned from a meeting ot the board at (Gold 71111. . Doctor Cbrdley's re port, Indicates that conditions at the quarry are the imost favorable since the plant was opened. A good deal ot rock 'has 'been quarried and from eight to ten thousand tons have teen uncovered which can be quarried as needed. TORNADO KILLS 47 ; . AND INJURES 160 i Evansvllle, June . 23. Forty seven known dead and 160 Injured are iln the hospitals, and property valued at $6,000,000 was destroyed as the results of a tornado whlob swept through 'Fergus ,, Falls , late yesterday. , . grants pass. Josephine oocntt GERMANS WILL ACCEPT "PEACE OF VIOLENCE" Big Event Will Take Place Not Later Than Wednesday. Italians Will Also Sign Up Boche Request For More Time Brings Flat Refusal By Big Four Perls, June 23. The German gov ernment at Weimar has formally communicated Its. willingness to sign the peace terms unconditional ly, It was announoed by the French foreign office this afternoon. Paris, June 23. The day and hour for the Germans to sign the peace terms 1s us yet uncertain. The event may take place Tuesday, but more likely on Wednesday. The Italian delegates here bave been authorized to sign the treaty on 'behalf of Italy. This removed one possible clause of delay In signing. The German note of acceptance maintains thst the peace conditions are a "peace of violence." Weimar, Germany, June 23. The Associated Press officially announc ed today that Germany will sign the peace treaty. The despatch was from Weimar, filed at 4:08 Sunday afternoon. Apparently it referred George Wooldrldge, ot Grants Paas. 'who Is acting as chief packer for I'. 8. Government Surveyor Price in camp on Peavlne ridge, while bunting tils jack animals In com pany with "Pete" Ainsworth last Wednesday forenoon, came npon the track, of a cougar Just west of camp. His famous "varmint" dogs, "Lead" and "Spot'' were with him and gave chase and soon had ' Mr. Cougar treed where they held him until the men arrived on the scene of action. Although their sole armament con slated of a 38 six shooter in the hands of (Mr. Wooldrldge send a fist full ot rocks which "iPete" had ac cummulated in tbe meantime, tbey proceeded to open the battle. Mr. Wooldrldge emptied his revolver, every shot taking effect, although none of the ibullets found a vital spot before tbe beseVged animal con cluded to carry the war into 'Africa by descending from the tree and en gaging his assailants at close quar ters, which lie did only to be con fronted by an empty revolver and the now Infuriated dogs not to mention "Pete" and his geological specimens. And now ensued a battle royal between the dogs and Mr. Cou ps,?, tbe former receiving such as sistance as "Pete" was able to afford with his rocks as occasion served; the war raged with varying results until Mr. Wooldrldge (had time to reload hie revolver when .he admin istered a well directed shot which ended the affray. "Lead," the chief .trailer, came out iwtth a badly la cerated Jaw with which the cougar's teeth hod connected, while "Spot" escaped with a severe buffet on the side of bis bead from the enraged cougar's ipaw. The animal, which was a young male, measured nine feet from tip to tip, the pelt being In prime condi tion. "Lead" with careful nursing Is expected to 'be ready for the trail In a week or two, but "Pete" insists that he ha had his satisfy" of en gaging cougars at close quarters with anything of a smaller calibre than a French 75. " , ,. IUYLIOHT SAVING LAW 1 APPEARS TO BB DOOMED f Washington, June 23.The house and senate conferees approved the rider to the agricultural appropria tion bill to repeal the'darllKht sav ing law October 26, next.. Its adop tion Is regarded an certain. Oregon, MONDAY, JUNE to the German decision to sign with reservations of which the Germans gave notice to the allies, and which the allies rejected. Paris, June 23. Germany today requested an additional 46 hours within which to make known her decision relative to limine the peace treaty wlthont reservations which were refused by the allies. The council ot three flatly refused tbe request, which pleaded that the change In government and disturbed conditions made It difficult to com plete the arrangements. Weimar, June 23. The German warships which were not surrender ed to the allies and which have been anchored off Kiel, Wllhelmsha ven and other points, have been sunk by the German sailors manning tnem. 'According to reports. 12 ships and number ot destroyers were still In German hands. k IS WHEN PLANES COLLIDE Santa Monica, Cal., June 23. Is an airplane collision In midair an "act ot God" and if not,, can dam ages be collected for a bean crop which was damaged when the two planes fell? These are tbe ques tions that are puzxling attorneys for the 6anta Monica; Mountain Park company, owners of a 10-acre tract, planted in beans, which was virtual ly destroyed recently as the direct result of an airplane collision. Two aviators went -up over Santa Monica canyon, near here, to per form thrilling feats for a moving picture. A pasenger In one plane was scheduled to leap to the other, while both were- In full flight. A third airplane circled a short dis tance away, bearing aamera and a camera-man to take pictures of the 'stunt." When the machines drew close to each other, they collided and plunged to earth. When they hit the ground, they tore up a large plat that ihad been planted to beans. Several thousand people who had been watching the flight rushed to wnere the airmen fell and, it is al- iseu, uoninoutea runner to the bean crop's destruction by tramollne down the vines. Now the company owning the beans wants financial redress and they are contemplating the feasibil ity ot tajcing action against the avia tors, who, they claim, the e&u of the destruction. MATHKK FIELD AVIATOR . FLYUfo OVER NORTHWE8T Walla Wallai Wash., June 23.- Lieutenant Fetters, of the Mather Field flying force, left here today tor Spokane in an airplane in which he came from Sacramento, via Port land,. Seattle and Taklma. 1 AMERICAN STEAMER KCNK 'London, June 23. The American steamer Farnam was sunk by a mine a dispatch from Gothenburg reports. NEW APPOINTMENTS Washington, June 23. William B. Gonzales, ot Charleston, now min ister of Cuba, was nominated today as ambassador to (Pern. : Boat W. Long, of New 'Mexico, was nominat ed minister to Cuba, and Benton C McMlUtan, of Tennessee, was nom inated minister to Guatemala. 28, 1910. AMERICAN GIRLS CLOSELY GUARDED liritish Troops Will Not Permit Re lief Workers to Enter Caucasus Where Knrds Are Killing Derindje, Asia Minor, June 23. American . girls, who came direct from New Tork two months ago, to carry food and medical relief to tie Interior of Asia Minor, Armenia and the Caucasus, are held np under guard In this 4 mall town which is a short distance from Constantin ople. The girls are not permitted to stray outside a! barbed wire enclo sure unless accompanied by British soldiers. Conditions In Asia Minor, Arme nia, Persia and Northern (Mesopota mia are In a chaotic condition. Arm ed bands ot Turks are atlll at Urge. The Turks in the interior are not complying with the terms of tbe ar mistice and still retain their rifles and ammunition. Recently members of the Balkan commission of the American Red Gross visited Derindje in time to witness the return from ' Aleppo of a party of Near East relief commis sion girls. The party reached Alep po on a train guarded by English soldiers but the army authorities at that point refused to guarantee the safety of the girls In the interior. declaring that it would be murder to allow the girls to proceed at that time. 1 At tea one afternoon British off! cers expressed amazement that Am erican girls intended to go into the Caucasus. ' "We have just returned from the toterior," said one officer quietly. "Fortunately four ot us escaped but the rest of our train," some twenty odd men, were killed by the Kurds. The interior of the Caucasus region Is not the oaf est place Just yet for either American or English .'sis ters." OLE . HANSON SAYS QVITS Seattle, June 23. Mayor Ole Han son has announced' that he would not be a candidate tor re-election at the next municipal election. 5000 MORE STRIKE Victoria, B. C, June 23. Union metal workers, said by their leaders to number 6,000, struck here today in sympathy with the Winnipeg strikers. TO PUT LEAGUE TO A VOTE Washington, June 23. Senator Knox announced today that after the appropriation bills had been passed be would attempt to obtain a vote on the resolution expressing unwilling ness to accept the league ot nations covenant as, iln inseparable part of the peace treaty. ' : LANDPLASTER HELPS CLOVER Corvallts, June 23. (Land plaster, 75 pounds per acre, greatly increas ed the vigor and stand of clover in a series ot cultural trials on the ag ricultural college station farms here. This advantage from use of land plaster held good either with or without nune crops. v A; F. OF L. iMlantle City, N. j. June 23. En dorsement of the commercial tele graphers' strike was matte today by anunanlmous vote ot the American Federation of JLabor. . .The convention also went on e cord as favoring the 44-bour week for labor generally. WHOLE NUMBER 2700. T IS I CONGRESS TURNS FROM DEBATE ON LEAGUE TO PASS BILLS FOR NEXT FISCAL YEAR - Mffl tllld : FOB Hold Night Sessions to Dispose of Appropriationj Expect Wl'soa to Act in Favor of Wets Washington, June 22. With only desultory debate on the peace treaty and its league of nations covenant expected as the result of the deci sion of republican leaders sot to call ' up the Knox resolution, congress started on a week ot important legis lative action. ' " iHhlef interest eontnra in thu sen ate regarding the passing k appro priation bills needed to continue government operations after the end of the present fiscal year on June 30. The 8888,000,000 army appropria tion bill came up 'In the senate to day and will be followed by the nav al appropriation, bill. The sundry civil appropriation measure will be transmitted to the senate and will probably come up , for action Immediately after the military measures. Senate leaders believe that with night sessions all appropriation measures cab be pas sed by June 30, but with President Wilson not expected to return be fore the first week of July hiatus of a tew days in federal funds is deem ed certain to result, as it is planned to hold the bills until he arrives at the White House. The taick of funds, democratic leaders ddclare, -will be technical, not actually embaraaslng to govern ment activities. Final enactment this week of the bills to repeal the daylight saving law and to end government control of telegraph, telephone and other . wires is considered assured. The house this week is scheduled to de vote itself largely to disposing ot conference reports on the appropria tion bills and prohibition enforce ment legislation. , Passage of the prohibition measure by the house thla week la anticipated, but with appropriation trills having the right of way in the senate, leaders doubt whether the prohibition bill can be- enacted by , July 1, when wartime prohibition is made effective. . , The wets appeared confident that President Wilson would rescind the wine and beer sections of the war-; time prohibition law before the end of the week. Representative Dyer of 'Missouri, who - cabled President Wilson some weeks ago. urging that the bafe be Hfted, asserted there is. no doubt that the president will prevent the wartime prohibition act going Into effect on July 1. . . GEORGE WASHINGTON GIVEN SAILING ORDERS Brest, France, June 23. The steamer -George Washington, on which President Wilson will return home, was ordered to sail Thursday. KING ALBERT ACCEPTS Brussels, June 23. King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium have accepted an invitation from (President Wilson to visit the United States; ' probably In September. FORECAST FOR THE PERIOD , ; ; ' , OF JUNE SKI TO JUNE 2H Washington. June 21. Pactfio Coast States: 'Fair with nearly nor mal temperatures. BRITISH SINK ONE BOLSHEVIKI CRUISER Helslngtors. June 83. Britten warships Wednesday evening torpe doed the bolshevik! cruiser Slav, which sank Immediately. HUGEAMOUN irav TO IN OV i tiV'7'rvH"4''J';iMii