Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, June 19, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    riGR FOUR
TIHRMOAV. 4TNK 10, lt.
When you hunt lor efficiency in a workman you choose one
who hw had EXPERIENCE.
You should uae the same cam In choosing a' depository (or
your tarings.
The success achieved by this hank Is the direct result of Its
experience In the banking business.
We have learned not only how to handle money to earn an
Income, Ibut more Important, HOW TO SAFEGUARD THE
Tour nioney deposited In this bank not only works for you
day and night, but, owing to our experience, it is SAFE.
Grafanolas and Records
- We've got all the sure-fire
ammunition our complete
stock of Columbia Records
gives yon the latest, gayest
song successes, dance hits,
band and orchestra numbers,
instrumental solos by interna
tionally tamed artists.
. Come In and let us fire a
few rounds for you!
Stanton Rowell
Music and Photo House
507 509 O St.
June 25-28, Wednesday-Saturday
Teachers examinations.
June, 28, Saturday Meeting of Jo
sephine County Pomona grange at
. the Deer Creek grange hall at 12
o'clock noon.
Baseball Friday Sight
Merchants end Mechanics, of the
Twilight league, will play at the
baseball ipark. Game scheduled to
tart at 7 o'clock.
Tos i can't expect weak kidneys to
filter the acids and poisons out of your
system anlcs, they are siren a little help
Don t allow them to become diseased
when a little attention now will pre
sent tt. Don't try to cheat nature.
As soon as yon commence to have
,Vbe-feeI nervous and tired. GET
BU8X. These are usually warnings
that your kidneys are not working
Do not delay a minute. Co after the
cause of toot ailments or you may find
yonrself fa tterrip of sn incurable dis
ease, GOLDMEDAIi Haarlem Oil cap
sules will pre almost immediate relief
irons kidney troubles. GOLD MED
AL Basrlera Oil Capsules will do
7orkvhe7 the pure orlrfnal
Haarlem Ofl Capsules imported direct
from the laboratories in Haarlem. Hol
land. Ask your druggist for TJOLD
MipAI, and accept no jnbstitiitcs.
look for the name GOLD MEDAL on
every box. Three sizes, sesled packages.
Money refunded if, they do not quickly
help yon.
Grants Pass was well represented
at the Schumann-Heluk concert at
Ashland Wednesday night held in
the big Chautauqua ibuildng. The
building 'has a capacity of 3,000 and
there were 'about 2,500 to 3,800
people at the concert.
Madam Schuniann-Helnk had the
big audience with her from the mo
ment of her appearance and her
wonderful voice filled the auditor
ium and reached the hearts of her
admirers. In her 'program were
several war songs 1n whicn was
shown her intense patriotism and
her love for the boys in khaki.
Among the Grants Pass people
who attended were: Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Niles. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Nut
ting. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Stott. Mr.
and Mrs. R. W. Clarke, Marian Roo
mer, Mr. and Mrs. N". F. Macduff.
Dr. and Mrs. V. R. Britten, Dr.
and Mrs. George G. Brancroft,
Mr. and Mrs. George Cramer. Mr.
and Mr. C. D. Flea, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Coburn, (Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Coburn. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. iMaJc-
well: Mesdamea S. Loughrldge, F,
H. Ingram, A. G. Knapp, 5. P. Jes
ter, Jennie Moss, F. O. Strieker and
daughter, Geo. C. Sabln, A. S.
Barnes: Misses Alma Wolke. Gene
vieve Pattlllo, Berenice Qulnlan, Lo-
rene Courtney, iRuby Kenyon, Lulu
Benedict, Fannie Abrams, Courtney
Rosa, Ruth Conbett, Katharyn ttyan
Marian Sabln. IMIldred Smith, Grace
Green. Arie Gotcher, Mildred and
Alice Lovelace, fBIanche Crane, and
the iMisses Hanseth of Dryden;
Messrs. Lynn Sabln. Vern Coburn,
A. E. Voorhies.
Work for Soldiers
Discharged soldiers . and sailors
seeking employment should apply to
Mrs. Jennie Moss, secretary home
service, of (he Red Cross. Employ
ers should also communicate with
Mrs. Moss.
FOR SALE Two large and 3 small
chleken houses, wire fencing, oak
fence posts, two incubators, two
brooders. ; Edith Russell, corner
Manzenita Ave. and Merlin road.
WANTED A competent concrete
man for building simple concrete
culverts and laying pipe on High
way. Joplln Eldon, Wolf Creek,
Ore. 9g
Bathing' Suits
Now Is the time to prepare for that lbig swim. You
will enjoy it much more wearing one of our new,, all
wool batlUng suit.
We've the full fashioned sleeveless garments for women
as well as for men. .
Plain colors in ted, green, blue, black and orange,
with handsome colored borders.
$1 jo I,, $9.00
r 1 All t r
reerless nothing lomp
Cash Clothiers .
"It Men Wear It-We Have It"
Dr. W. S. Carey, of Rogue River,
was In the city today.
Mrs. A. J. K locker, of Medrord. Is
spending the day in the city.
Miss Alta Morton went to Mmlford
this afternoon and will later go to
Klamath county.
Mrs. W. O. Merrier returned this
morning from Happy Camp, Cal.,
where she spent the pant six weeks
with Mr. Merclor at his mines.
H. I. Williamson, a mining man
from Seattle, is Mopping at the Ox
ford and wHl spend a tow days In
the city. .
"Palmollve." Subin has it.
Dr. Iehrbach, Nathan Fullerton
and Irving Brum and their wives of
Roaehurg were in the city today en
route to San Francisco on an auto
mobile trip. v
George W. Carey and wife, Dr.
Una! Carey, old time residents of Jo
sephine county before there was a
Grants Pass, were In the city today
en route to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Letcher re
turned yesterday from a two weeks
auto trip to Seattle. Their daugh
ter, Miss Agnes tatcher, who want
with them will remain in Seattle to
visit for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Avery arrived
a few days ago from Chlco, Ca.,
and are now at 'home at their recent
ly acquired place. 60S North Seventh
street. They will spend the summer
here and 'perhaps remain longer.
Our sales on Diamond tires this
year far exceed our excellent pre
vious record. Everybody wants the
best. Grants Pass Hardware Co. 97
Wllford Allen, of Salem, chairman
of the state Industrial accident com
mission returned last night from
Klamath Falls, where he spent a
day on business. He was met here
by his son, Wllford Allen Jr., on his
return from Stanford university,
where he is a Junior. They will visit
friends here until Friday nlgbt when
they return to Salem.
We aold three Royal electric
vacuum cleaners last week. Every
body wants the hest. Grants Pass
Hardware Co. ''97
Dnndng Party
. Waldorf hall Saturday night. 99
llall Game Here Sunday
Grants Pass vs. Asnlatad.
The 11 n,t Concert
The first open air concert of the
season will be given Friday evening
at 8:15 at the railroad park by the
Grants Pass brass band.
Crepe De chine and Georgette Waiitt
Prices $2.50 and Up
recursion Hates to Coast
Grants Pass to Crescent City, by
easy riding cars, for $7.60. Grants
i'nss and Crescent City Stage com
pany. Phone 26. 74tf
Hint Game of th Scummi
lAshWind playing Grants Pass Sun
day. T
Salvation Army Outing
Outing for mothers and children
Friday In Riverside park. Disabled
mothers will be called for If phoned
brore Friday toy cars. Phone 3 SO.
Children wilt board automobiles at
113 G direct at 9 a. in. J. K. Strau
tln, ensign.
tlO.1 U Hlreet
Maintaining the Purity
of our all-wool fabrics and always otTorlai
skilled Ullorahip, we are Justified In repeatls'
this one great truth,
Kxrlustve local Uralrt
Material for Itcd from History
Mrs. W. W. Call by. I lied Cross
historian, asks that all material for!
the history be sent so as to reach'
her Saturday morning. . Persons re-1
calling Incidents of human Interest1
connected wMh the Red Cross work'
in tnia county are requested to com-1
munlcate with Mrs. Csnby al once,'
.See It
Sunday ball game here.
ANhlaml Here Sunday
Ball game 2:30 p. m.
Children Mealing Flown
Grants Pass residents temnorarilv
iway from home report that on re
turning home find their flower beds
trampled, flowers taken and vines
and bushes torn down and trampled
on by youngsters. This Is very an
noying and unices there Is means of
stopping those depredations there
will be great loss to beautiful yards.
For sleeDinff comfort see the
Simmons Beds and Springs !
displayed in the window at
Holman's Furniture Store
60S O street, opposite lland Stand
Joy Theater0
IQc 84
tetter hesds thst will plase you
at the Courier.
George Boggs is the young man
who was caught helping 'himself to
things In general In the Stag Cigar
store a few night ago, and since he
has 'been boarding with Sheriff
Lewis has develop ed a severe case
of toothache. At least young Boggs
says it is his teeth tha makes him
pace wildly back and forth in his
cell and emit ihorrible yowls and
These yowls and groans hare teen
disturbing the courthouse officials
and paaeers-fcy. therefore tt be
hooved the sheriff's force to take a
hand in the matter. Yesterday
Sheriff ILewla approached the Jail
while Boggs was In the midst of one
of his "spasms" and asked , him
what was the matter. The young
man said It was his teeth they
were killing him. But he had told
the sheriff so many canards that his
story was discredited.
Deputy Sheriff Lister later
thought the matter over and, going
to the Jafl, told Boggs he was very
sorry for his Jumping toothache and
that he would at once tiring a den
tist to Jerk out the offending molars.
"Oh, don't Ibother now," pleaded
the tortured man, "my teeth don't
hurt .much now and will soon 1e all
Deputy liister insisted upon bring
ing the man with the 'big forceps,
but Boggs begged like a long-lost
brother for him to keep the dreaded
dentist at a distance.
The fact of the matter is, says
Sheriff Lwls, that 'Boggs has a bad
record. He Is nervous tCnd hyster
ical and ifras his dally 'drying pells."
The young man's mother and step
father ?lve on a ranch near Balsey,
and "his mother was here this week
to see the 'boy, ibut he received her
In a surly mood and snowed a! dis
play of temper.
Boggs, who says he Is 16, but who
look to foe at least 19, must wait
and face the grand Jury, and the
leaet sentence he will receive will "be
the reform school. iBut since Depu
ty -Lister ithTeaJtened to bring' the
dentist, the .boy's loud yowling
haveceased. He has a nice iplace in
which to rest and plenty to eat.
N'ext Sunday the Ashland baseball
olub will be In Grants Pahs with the
strongest team they can "rake to
gether." They will seek revenge for
their overwhelming defeat iby the
Grants Pass aggregation at Ashland
two weeks ago, -when the final score
showed 12 to 1 In favor of Grants
Ashland, according to reports, has
two or three pitchers getting their
arms in shape to ehoot corkscrews
across the plate here next Sunday,
and they are gathering In their most
likely diamond stars. A big con
tingent or fans will accompany the
Ashland team to this city, and they
predict that "Grants Pass will know
she as been to a ball game." This
bunch of rooters will do their ut
most to "rattle" the Ihome mlavers.
Judd Pernoll,' captain of the
Grants Pass team, 1s not -worrying.
but calmly laying his iplans to "cap
ture the foecon."
The game 1s scheduled to start at
2:30 promptly.
Constance Talmad
!! TL. n i Ilf.l a n J
up i ue Maa mm daily
If u nibuwHlii kul auto, dnst't fair to sre It nmltflit.
A Bray
Mexico City, June 19 The Teatro
'EH Toro, once one of the most pre
tentious of .bull-fight areanas, is
now the .home of -grand opera as a
result of President Carranza's' de
cree that bull-ftgihtlng should cease.
Swim Kaps
A good assortment
Buy the
A pure gum Kap, one that will
last all season '
SPHCIAL 50 Cents
Svansdovn Cake Flour
New Honey in Comb 4
Fresh Vegetables
J. PARDEE, Grocer
Interspersing grind opera, ' dancers
and concert artists have appeared In
the prenia and It Is stated tint these
various forms of amusemelj will be
offered until some definite .action 1s
taken aa to the future of 'bull fight
ing. It was In this arena that -what Is
said to be one of the most remark
able flpecttaolea In the history of the
port iwas staged.' A ibull, El Bon
ito, known as one of the fiercest
fighters, on being 'brought into the
arena; diarged and killed three
horses and Injured as many . men
without ibelng touched toy the esto
que of any matador.
jAa the (bull stood (bellowing de
fiance and with iqo one apparently
willing to attack Mm, Miguel Ballo,
a,' picador Who -was a spectator In one
of the boxes, leaped unarmed into
tlhe enclosure. in his outstretohed
hand he carried two lumps of sugar
which he nonchalantly offered to thj
bull. The animal suddenly eeasel
its ipeiiowing and In a few moment
A 1 1 II.I..J . 1 . .1
un.iiii7 m ins sugar Trom oti'
lo's hand. The latter returned nn
narmea to nis ibox amid the 'plaudit
of the spectators.
Hore Shoeing and General
Wood repairing on all kinds of
have one of- the best of horse
shocrs (hat the country af
fords. 315 South 6th St.