PAGI THKEB G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Classified MH HAUC KAM V snd 10 years old. also bur noki ai.d whkoii lor sale. Ho 1 1 all t or nurt. Call 712 North Eighth or phone 13-I-. 2Ht( Vtl5bKNT OWNERSHIP township plats vot Josephine county, 60c each. Kor sale by Josephine Coun ty AfVlratt Co. Hlue prlutlng at I reasonable rates, 39tf ft)irAI.K AT A SNAP Vine 290 Hero stock ruueu. u acres in cui llvatlon, balance In timber and pasture, 14 miles down lliu Rogue Jrom (3 runt run. Good terms, snd If it quick deal can be made, you can get a real bargain. Ad- i dress It. V. I). No. i!. Ho. 70. C. V. Cardwell. 8J OToUHTlilKS MENOK and buy a Ii. -M. A C. K. welder for I future use. See Mr. Oolcher, the i tire man at Grant sPss hotel, tf X)H SALE Kesaonable. Timber claim. 160 acre. Location: Bee. 1 14, Twp. 40, Range 4 W., Jack ton county Oregon. Write to Mr. ' Si. E. llorrlngton. 116 Went lo , dlana Ave., Spokane, Waab. 08 12 ACRES ouk. madrone, fir and pine, oo railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will lake wood in pay ment stumpsgs. Phono 270, 83tf 400-ACHK STOCK RANCH for aule; about 125 acres in cultivation; considerable Irrlicatlon; 3 ml lea from R. R. station : 1 mllee rom two echoola; halt caah, bal ance low Internal. Address No. 1052 care Courier. 86tf TOR SALE Binger sewing macblnea on easy terms. Macblnea rented and old macblnea taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 8. Cental avenue. Med ford. Local fceadquartnrs Qrnnta Psse Hard ware, tltf FOR SALE Two large and 4 email chicken houses, wire fencing, oak fence pouts, chicken wire, two in cubators, two broodors, a GO-gallon tank and a few tools. Edltb Rus sell, corner Manzenlta avenue and Merlin road. 0tf ' Vfn o it i. ' v. . t T o run n iv 1 1 n u uuimc, i uu i-o acres good land;, plenty of water for Irrigation; fruit, berrlea and flowers und good shade. Good bar gain if taken soon. Henth t Her man. 96 rXR8AI,& din Evan 's Val ley with small hoiie ail goed imrn; 80 acrea, 30 In r. iltivntlon, JO tt which Is In corn. Also a two-third Interest In 20 acres . of beans. Price $3500; caah $2000, the re mainder In one year. Deal must close by August 1st. R. F. D. 1, Box 72. Rogue River, Ore. 91tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred Chester White wenned pigs. Price $6.00 and $7.00 eaoh. Mrs. H. E, Gor don. R. F. D. No. 2. 97 A NOEL CAKES 75 cents each; or t dor iby phone, No. 190J. 92tf FOR fjALE Grants Pass Banking Company stock. Will take caah, liberty bonds or Victory bonds. Goo. L. Barton, Box 646, phone 516. 93tf( 'KOYAL tA.NN cheriea ar now at lhel bent end cheapest for can Tilng. iPhono your orders or come out and pick thorn and picnic. Will ScovlUe. 96 It) REPTI FOR RENT Partly furnished five room house with bath and garage, $9.50 per month, located at 724 N. Sixth St. Inquire at 208 Foundry St. 96 LOST XiQST $50 In bills 1n a roll. Fln der notify No. 1134 Courier of flee or E. F. Topping at Temple 'Meat Market, and claim reward of $5. 96 l ISCKI JjA NKOl'H E. L. GALBRAITH Insurance, any kind. Rentals. Building and Loan. Plate Glass Liability. 609 G street. 84tf NEW MILLINERY goods Juart arriv ed at H. E. Burton's. 407 North Sixth street, . . 100 Hardware Co. Advertising WANTKH WANTKD Men to work In lumber onuip or u Mo-date tawmlll. Transportation furnlshod. For part leu lam Inquire at Bruen's Crescent City etage office, (Jranis Pane, Ore., near 8. P. R, K depot and express office. V'u nu ifi. Sltf WOOD CM'TTBRS wanted, $3.00 per cord. Daniel McParland, 740 10th street. 96 WANTHI) TO RBNT--8niali turntoh ed house. Phone 235 after 4 P. m. it MBN WANTKI on Wlidorvine IrrU gallon ditch. Apply R. C Steven on. 'Phono H'lldurvllle central. 20 HKNTIHTH E. C. MACY. D. M. U Klrsl-'las. dunttttry 10H Mouth aim atreet. Crania Paai, Oregon. TAXI DAILY JITNEY to Belraa, Kerby and Waldo. Leaves Grants Pans dally ut 9:30 a. m. Everett Hogue, phone 317. 317 US E T HE" W 1 I ITE LI N k" T AX IFOR prompt service. City and country trips. Safety first. Call Grants Paaa Hotel, phono 396. Residence phone J20-R. W. O. White. 790 PALACE TAXI CO.. Wyatt & Cutler, proprs., only 2-car'txl company In city. Phones: Day 22-J; night 234-J for prompt service, tf SPA TAXI-tlll at the same old stand. Beat service In town, day and night Phono 262-R 90tt TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE $1500 for 40 acres of timber land, two miles beyond Leonard Orchards Co., with house, barn, wood, hen and hog shed, fenced and a well, for from two to five acres Improved with buildings. Chaa. Kroeger, R. 2, Grants Paaa, Ore. 97 DO YOU WANT TO TRADE a good residence property in Grants Pass for 160 acres of black peat land on the coast? Splendid section for dairying and stock raising. Locat- ' ed on Jloosovelt Highway. A fine home completely furnished. Including piano, 4 lota, splendid roses, cement basement, walk and steps; the best buy for the money to be had. $1300. I iAi excellent one acre trad, tine fruit trees, close In, $475, the beat of dark garden soli. See MoKinstay, The llealty Man. 96 VETERINARY Ml ROKO.N DR. R. tJ. BE8TUL. Veterinarian Offlca. residence Phone 306-R DRATAGK AND THANK1- KH THE WORLD MOVES; so do , Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon 897-R. P. G. (SHAM, drayage and tranafsi Sates, pianos and furalturi moved, packed, shipped and ator ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone, 1S4-R. KI.10CTRIOAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, houis wiring. C. C. Harper, 315 North Sixth street, phone 47. tf IMK5KS KNIGHTS and Ladies of Security Council meets second and fourth Friday's In W. O. W. hall. 4Stf CIVIL ENGINEERS DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 74" Tenth street, phone 2U-Y. R 02TB , ADVERTISEMENT WXL1 NOT MAKE YOU A FORTTOTE, BUT IT WILL SERVE AS A I STONE IN THE FOUNDATION ' OF BUSINESS BUOOES8 :: it FDR-WOMEN APPROVED Portland, .luno 18. An Informal exprwualon f the Industrial welfare conference approve a minimum watfe of $13.20 a week for exper ienced adult women, a 48-hour week, with a maximum of nine hours 'a day and oue day'a rest in seven. For mal vote on the matter will not be taken 1y the conference until after consideration bus been given the wrIUen statement of the hotelmen of the city, which wilt be submitted Thursday, according to R. W. Price, president of the State Hotel men's association. Next meeting of the conference is set for Friday after noon at 4 o'clock. , Employment of women ushers In theaters', In elevators, in cigar stand, In "hotel lutible and as "dem onsiratora of sheet music," after 6 o'clock will be considered at the next mooting of the conference, according to the announcement of Bishop Wal ter T. Sumner, chairman of the con ference. Some relief for student nurses In hospitals, who now work 10 and 12 hours a day in addition to attending classes at night, will also b considered In the near future. 'Thousands of dollars are spent yearly In dressing up these girl ush era In theaters like peacocks and other tblnga," aald Bishop flumner. while vigorous approval was given by other members of the conference. "Their hours keep tliein out late at night, and altogether It is not the placo for a young girl. Renldes, those -positions would (be splendid for returned soldiers, estecla31y those who have been Injured to such an extent s to make beavy work Im possible." Yon can't cover blackheads, pimples, red spots on the face with powder; they're bound to be seen don't worry or spot! your temper, take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea each week 'twill banish them thru the blood, the only sure way. 35c. Sshln's Drug Rtor. Adv. PHYSICIANS L 0. CLEMENT, M. 0.. Pram- limited to dlaeases of tbe eye. ' nose and throat. Glasses frier Offlca hours t-12, 2-5. or on ai pointmant. Office pbone 2. res denes phone 3!9-J. a LOVOHR1DOE. K. U. Pnysi.-i snd surgeon. City or country rs atfnded day or nlsht R.'slden phons KS9: nBlcs phone ) Flith snd H. Tuft ld A. A. WlTnAM. VI. D. Intern, medicine and nervous dnni 03 Corbett Bid. Portland. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m FREDERICK 1). STRICKER. M. D., Rooms 5 and 7 Masonic Building. Office hours. 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. m. Phones: Office 18-R; Res. 18-Y. DR. W. T. TOMPKINS. S. T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all diseases. Houra 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. tf ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. G. W. " COLVIG. Attorney-at-law. ' Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prac tices In all courts. First National Bank Bldg. 678. UL.ANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD & BLANCHARD. At torneys. Albert Bldg. Phone 236-J. Practice in all courts; land board attorneys. C. A. S1DLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. vJEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, referee In . bankruptcy, Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. Phone 135-J. JAMES T. , CHINNOCK, Lawyer, First National Bank Bldg., Grants Pass, Oregot. The California and Oregoa Coast Kaiiroad company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grants Pass 1 P. M Arrive Waters Creek..... ,2 P. M, Leave Waters Creek 3 P. M Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131. . ' CONSTABLE STEALS Rosoburg, June 18. 41. A. Krem- mer, deputy constable, Mike Zelock, ex-convict, alleged bootlegger and gunRMer, Claude Bennett, chauf feur, John Kalis, robber and an un identified man, cajrtured at Drain, are all In the toils of the law and charged with being implicated In the most exciting roMery to be commit ted In Douglas county for many years. Of those arrested three are wound ed. Zelock, the leader of the gang, has the wounds of 38 bird shots In his btO k and a 30-30 bullet wound through his leg. Kalis has 13 shot wounds In his back and the uniden tified robber has a gunshot wound over the rlgbt eye. The first named Is the most eerloimly Injured and Is confined to the 'Mercy hospital. Kretnmer, was sworn in as depu ty oonstalble by the Scottrtburg jus tice of the (ieace and is alleged to have ntolen the money after 1t was dropped by the robbers. Over $750 was found in his ponflespfon and thei remainder of the sum of $1,9X0 bas not been located. ZAPATA'S FRIENDS unautla, Jlorelos. June 17 There ia no lack of candidates to carry out the work of the late Emiliano Za pata, recently killed by the forces of General Pablo Gonzalez. Among them in Fortino Ayaquica, an outlaw chieftain, who. In a manifesto which I bas fallen Into the hands of the fed eral authorities, proclaims himself the worthy successor to the late "Attfla; of the South," if not for the reason that be was one of the sign ers of the Plan of lAyala which suit ed the Zapatista movement In 1910, then because he is Zapata's nephew. "ur rlBfulrtert d hrlrnr r.t , r H- -TH If 1W ii ::.J W . 1 11 bi 1 e i A clean, comfortable kitchen all year 'round v .With a good ott cookstove and Pearl Oil v you will cook in comfort all year 'round. Gives all the convenience of gas, without ' : the dust and dirt of coal or wood. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts economically. Lights at the touch of match. No waiting for fires to cofoe up, no unnecessary work, no waste. . Concentrates a steady heat on the cooking leY ing the kitchen cool and comfortajjlev.. , Pearl Oil, the Standard Oil Company's kero sene, is a most convenient and economical fueL . Easy to handle. It is refined and re-refined by our special process which removes the impurities. It is clean burning. Pearl Oil is for sale in bulk by dealers every where. It is the same high-quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil. We reqpmmend Now Perfection and Puritan Oil Cookstovea STANDARD OIL COMPANY C. D. Fies, TIRES Fabric and Cords C. L. HOBART CO. 1 I your command in just tbe right quantity at just the right time. ' But. in order to be profitable, artificial irrigation must be cams. And the cheapest method of artificial irrigation known is that obtained by Electric Motor Driven Pomps. This is par : ticularly true when Electric Power is obtainable at low cost. Let us help yoa f oresull losses from drought. We will give yott oar bast advice in the selectioa of motors, ' and wo will furnish 70a power at tbe lowest cost. California-Oregon Power Co. !. ' l mm, mi (KEROSENE) ' HEAT AND LIGHT (CALIFORNIA)' Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Grants Pass All Sizes Yon bsve bad crop failures owing to lack of rain. Crops may suf fer sgain this year. Farming is more or less of a lottery nywsy,nd "Water under the clouds" lestens tbe chances of winning. Yon can make farming practi cally sure, by artificial irrigation. Electric pumps put moisture at