Tt'KMIMV, JI NK IT. 1010. U RANTS PASS DAILY COURIER PAGH THRU G. B. BERRY Harnett and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Classified FOR HAUC I'KAM v and 10 year old, also bar no and wunou'for iilti. Hell nil or part. Call 712 North Kightb or phone 1S-L. 2 Stf I' HIC8KN T O WN E uSlTlT' toTiub I p plat of Josephine county, 60c ch. For aal by Jonspblnv Coun ty Abstract Co. lllue printing at reasonable rate. 39if VWSAIK "AT A SNA Klne" 26 acre atock, ranch. 80 acres lu cul tivation, balance In tluibur and paaturo, 14 mllaa down the Koicue from dram pan. Good terms, and If a quirk deal cun be made, you can gl a real bargain. A4 dreaa R. K. D. No. 'i. Wax 78. C. P. Cardwell. g OET YOUR TIRK8 MKNDKD and buy a l. -M. C. K. welder for future use. Se .Mr. Gotcher, the tire man at iranta al'sa hotel, tf rXHt SALE Iteaaonable. Timber claim, 1(0 acrea. Location: Sec. 34, Twp. 40, Range 4 W., Jack on county Oregon. Write to Mra. M. K. Hnrrlngton, 116 Wwt In diana Ave., Spokane, Wash., 08 12 ACRES onk. madrono, fir and pine, on railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will take wood In pay- , mnnt Hi ii in pa Re. Phone 270. 8Stf 600-ACRB STOCK RANCH for aale; about 125 acre In cultivation; considerable Irrigation; 2 mllna from R. R. autlon; 1H mile from two ichooli; half cab, bal ance low Interest. Address No. 1052 tare Courier. 8tf FOR SALE -8lnger aowtng machine on essy term. Machine rented . and old machine taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 S. Central' avenue, Mndford. lxcaU headquarters Grant Pan Hard ware. 91tf yon. SAI.B One two-home buck-' board. Good for 1200 pound and I haa spring seat. Box red. Price 135. J. M. Iloxle, Wllderville, Oregon. ' 95 ! FCJR 8AI.BTwo fiirge"ani i imall chicken housea, wire fencing, onk fnnce posts, chicken wire, two In-1 cubators, two broodora, a 50-gnllon tank and a few tool. Bdith Kim sell, corner Mansenlta avenue and Merlin road. 90tf FOR SAI.B Good" house, i and 7.-8 acre- itood land; plenty of water for Irrigation, fruit, berries and flower and good ahade. Good bar gain If taken soon. Uealh & Her man. 96 FOR SALKLnnd iiTEvan's Volley with tmnll houe an I gnrd '.mm; 80 acrea, 30 In r ililvmion. 20 of which I In corn. Also two-third Interest , la 90 acre of bean. Price $3500; cash 12000, the re mainder In one year. Deal must clone by August let. R. F. D. 1, . Rox 72, Rogue River, Ore. 91tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred Chettor White weaned pigs. Price $6.00 and $7.00 each. Mr. H. E. Gor don, R..F. D. No. 2. 97 A NOEL OAKBS75 cent each; or-i f dr toy phone, No. 190-J. 92tf FOR SALE Oraats Paa Bunking Company stock. Will take asb, Liberty bonds or Victory bonds. Geo. L. Rarton, Box 646, phone 515, Stf JX)R SALE -G ruin hay. Murray, phone 40-J. Mr. O. W. . 95 TAXI DAILY JITNEY to Selmn, Kerby and , Waldo. Leaves Grants Pass dally . at 9:30 a. m. Everett Hogu. Phone 317. ' 31? USE THE wThTBLINB TAxfrOR prompt service. City and country , trip. Safety first. Call Grant Pas Hotel, phone 396. Residence phone 320-R. W, 0. White. 790 PA.LACE TAXI CO., Wyatt & Cutler, propri., only 2-car taxi company In city. Phones; Day 22-J; night 234-J for prompt service, tf fiPA TAXI Still at the same old stand. Dost service In town, dny and night. Phone 202-R 90tf Hardware Co. Advertising WANT ICl) W A NTBDento Vor ki nl umber camp or up-to-date aawmlll. Transportation furnished. For particulars inquire at Broen's Crescent City stage office, Grants Pane, Ore., ner S. P. R. R dopot and express office. f": iw ir.. . Ilf W()OI) cbTTEJRS wanted, 13.00 per cord. Daniel MrFarland. 740 I 10th atreet. ft WANTBD TO RENT Small furnish ed botiae. Phone 235 oJUt 4 P. m. - t9 T KKSl VOll RENT Partly furnlahed fly room houae with bath and garage, 19.50 per month, located at 724 N. Sixth St. Inquire at 208 Foundry St. 96 I)8T IWT A 30x3 tire In vicinity of-7th and B street. It finder Is hon est, notify No. 1100. care Courier. U8T Hunoh of 7 feUoTiwrtafor logging truck, between Wonder nd Kerby Saturday. Finder no tify Courier office. Reward. 95 IX)ST At aviation field Sunday af lernoon, black silk umbrella, pre sumably taken by mistake from mil fence. Ive at Courier of fice. 95 LOSTOn aviation fluid Sunday, a small, black purse, containing mall amount of money. Finder please leave at the Courier of fice. 95 1XX3T Somewhere in city Sunday morning, a,' maroon 1111 fold con taining $10 gold, $10 currency, bank book, and other mlscellan eoua art Idee. . Finder kindly re turn to Geo. Williams at National Drug Store and rerelve $5 reward. STRAYED BSTRAYED One brown pony mare, branded arrow N on top of hips, and wearing bell. One light bay horse, branded HM on left should er, big wire scar on right front foot. Reward. Albert N. Miller, acre Iogan ft Colby Camp, Glen dale, Ore. 95 MIHCK1XAXKOU8 HEMSTITCHING and picotiog at 10 cents a yard All work guaran teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore. 152 E. L. GALBRAITH Insurance, any kind. Rentals. Building and Loan. Plate Glass Liability. 609 O street. ' 84tf TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE $1500 for 40 acres of timber land, two miles beyond Leonard Orchards Co., with house, born, wood, hen and hog shed, fenced and a well, for from two to five acres improved with buildings. Chas. KroegerV R. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. 97 DO YOU 'WANT TO TRADE a good residence property in Grants Pass ' for 160 acres of black peat land on the coast? Splendid section for dairying and stock raising. Locat ed on 'Roosevelt Highway. A fine home completely furnished, Including piano, 4 lots, splendid roses, cement 'basement,' walk and stops; the best buy for ihe money to be had. $1300. An excellent one acre tract, fine fruit trees, close in, $475, the beet of dark garden soil. See McKInstry, The 'Realty Man. 96 HKNTIHTH f r Vi ACY. 0 M O. Flrit-la rtt-ntuury lH South 8lxi rcm 'flrJint Pass. Oregon C. E. JACKSON. D. M. D gnccesaor to Dr. Bert Elliott. Over Golden Rule Store. Phone 6. Residence phone 153-J. ' . MUCH RED TAPE (Continued from pag 1) on Insurance,-and (17) final roster "The paper are turned Into the doorman of the damoMllr.atlon quar ters w-ho checks thnrn against the router. The papws then go to the 'Payroll group, wtiere the final pay I cher-ked. The papers then go to jthe analyst unit where all forms for mum man are given final check. If the paper are correct the iiayroll and discharge certificates ore aent uthe finance officer where pay Is computed and mileage figured. The other papers are sorted, the papers to he retained aa permanent records wnt to his company and the bal ance assembled for transmission to Washington. . "While the paper ore fcelng checked the men are given a talk on morale and retaining their Insurance, lectures are delivered and full In formation g4ven regarding continu ing war risk insurance and to con vert It into twm insurance with a period allowed or to permanent life Insurance by the government. In addition to these lectures each man received by mail at hi home address a printed circular containing full In formation. 'All questions are an swered by persona! Interview. "The men on each roster, when the -papers are completed, are. given a,' clearance and sent to the demob ilisation office In charge of a non commissioned officer. They file in pant a table and are given final pay, tii $60 bonus and mileaxe at five cents a mile. Those desiring tickets can purchase them at this building at a special rate of two cents a mile. Pullman tickets can be bought at the same time and baggage checked to their home on their tickets if they desire. "This is the last stage of demobili sation as far as the soldier Is con cerned and he passes to a civilian status and assumes his red chev ron." PHYSICIANS - U 0. CLEMENT, .M. D.. Praeic limited to diseases of the vy. noseband throat Glatae flttc .Office hours B-12. t-h. or no polnttneat. Office phone fi. re dene phone J58-J S LOUGHKIDUK. li. U fb., . ant surgeon. Cltr or uuuuiry r attended day or night. Resided phone , ; oOlce unoo i Sixth and H. Tuffs Bid v A. A. WITHAM. M D. Inturu. medicine and nervous dlt-n-0I Corbelt Bldg., Portland. On , Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m FREDERICK 1). STR1CKER, M. D.. Rooms 5 and 7 Masonic Building. Office hours. 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. m. Phones: Qfflce 18-R; Res. 1S-Y. DR. W. T. TOMPKINS, S. T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats all diseases. Hour 9-12 a. m.: 1-5 p. m. Phone-304-R. tf VKTKHIXARV SI ltf;M DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterlonn. Office. Residence ' Phone 805-0 PRAYAGE AND TRANS ' I THE WORLD MOVES; iu Oo Buncb Bros. Transfef Co. Hhon 197-R. F. U. ISHAM. drayage and irm.i. Safes, ilanos and furuitm moved, packed, shipped and d. OITIcn phone 124-Y. Ki dence phone, 124-R. ELlXnUOAL WORK ELECTRIC" "WIRING and general electrical work, repairing, houae wiring. C. p. Harper, 315 North Sixth street, phone 47. tf LODGES KNIGHTS and Ladles of Security Council meets second and fourth Friday's in W. O. y. hall. 4 Stf CIVIL ENGINEERS DANIEL McFARLAND, civil eugi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. R5 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD , Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grants Pass 1 P, M Arrive Waters Creek i.....2 P. M. Leave Waters Creek......: 3 P. M Arrive Grants Pass 4 P, M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the on Ice of the coaipnny. Lundburg bulldluv or telephone 131; . Famous Wash Heal R. p.. th mat of .kin mvAto wis lite Iwr-lm. Drnt IntrtrrmM. itT ttMmmiik; of Un rrmMlr. Ithwcumt idu,. e errwwnCMl Itvur.l4 and will funk HD. Bft ID; M. Clemens, Vrngglst COMING EVENTS Juns 25-28, Wedneday-Saturday Teacher examination. June, 28, Saturday Meeting of Jo sephine County Pomona grange at the Deer Creek grange ball at 1 2 . o'clock noon. PHYSICALLY FIT AT ANY-AGE It Isn't age, it's careless living that put men "down sod out." Keep your Internal organs In good condition and you will always be physically fit The kidneys are the most over worked organs in the human bodr. When they break down under the train and the deadly uric acid ac cumulate and rryatulltzea look out I Yueso, iurp crystals tear and scratch tut delicate urinary channel causing excruciating puiu and set tir irrita- , tions which may cause premature de- : generation and often ik turn . into ' deadly llrlght's Disease. One of the first warnings of slug gish kidney action is puin or stiffnot in the small of the back, In of appe tite, indigestion or rheumatism. Do not wait until the danger i upon you. At the first indication of t-'out'.o ?o after the cause at once. Get a triet mx of GOLD MEDAL Ilaorlcm OU C'sosules. imnorted direct from the laboratories in Holland. Tbev will giro almost immediate relief. If for crv cause tbey ahouid not, your mocr will be refunded. Rut be sure to get GOLD MEDAL. None other is genuine, la vested boxes, tare sixes. Miaue i ou ried the New "TEA-FOIL" PACKAGE It'a : are Io packed in the famous green tint a heretofore, 'Your Nose Knows" J TIRES Fabric and Cords C. L. HOBART CO. MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE Heavy Units for Road Work Also Light Trucks GREATLY REDUCED PRICES t . ADDRESS Spruce Production Corporation VANCOUVER BARRACKS VANCOUVER, WASH. j PNe mm Tht Perfect Tobacco for oofs mJ j JOB . " -. : accreases m ae the tobacco it used tobacco does not cake in the the finder. Keeps the tobacco m eTen better condition than fan Nau- - J """ you owe J j and fire Tuxedo a . iui uiie aa mucn tobacco at in the tin, bat jft I v mucn tobacco at in the tb, bat V . a m V All Sizes done at the courier qfrce Pipe and Cigarette MM ) ft-w l I , 1 tiilLi.rrtiUI' !jl '7.j-s-i ' l LArft Wheat straw tU Hit. tKia BMt, anast, atrongMl eigarMte paper ia all r! TS&i, RoU Tuaedo cigwette wkk LA CROIX paper ( Finest Burley Tobacco Mellow-aged till perfect plus a dash of Chocolate Cuamtrtoedhy J