PAGE TWO CHANTS PASS DMI.X COURIER !MOl).i JINH I), I0IU. . Published Daily Except Sunday A. I. VOORHIES, Pub. nd Propr. Bntered at postofflce. Grants Pass, Or., as second class mall matter, ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per lnoh. ........ .-...-.lie Local-personal column, per line.. 10c Keadera, per line 6c DAILY COURIER y mall or carrier, per year 16.00 By mall or carrier, per month .50 MONDAY, JINK 0, 191D. OREGON WEATHER -f " Showers tonight, cooler east 4 f portion; Tuesday fair with mo- f derate south to vest winds. ON AGAIN THE APRICOT SEASON They Cost Lees Thaa Strawberries KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First have relief by the proper care and uenilon. It is only in Institutions ! equipped specially for the Intruding- of such diseases, where relief tan be secured. At your very door yoti have the Med ford Sanitarium which la thus equipped. 7Stf There Is nothing; worse than bad, i foul smelling breath; get rid of it ! for your friend's suite auyway. llol j lister's Rocky uMountaln Ten will clean and purify your stomach and bowels: your breath will bo sweet. ; your disposition Improved, your friends IncroUBPd. 35c. Tea or Tnb lots. Subtii'i Drug 8tre. Adv. OLCOTT FROWNS DOWN ON POLITICAL GAME Portland, Ore., May 8. After list ening to charges of leading sports men that the fish and game commis sion Is permeated with politics and Inefficient, and the defense of the . commission and subordinate officers, Governor Olcott announced ; First That he will perfect an "active, efficient and capable com mission." Second That he will tolerate no politics in the administration of its affairs. ' Third The appointment of an ex pert accountant to probe Into the cost of hatchery work and the dis tribution of the various funds. Whether in carrying out the first proposition the governor intends merely reorganizing the present commission on what he considers a business basis or substitute new ma chinery, he did not state. Whatever course he may adopt will probably be dependent to a considerable dV- ' gree on what the report of his ac countant and his own Investigations disclose. I "I take it that the problem of or ganisation as far as it affects the commission devolves entirely upon myself," said the governor at the close of the hearing, after saying that lie was confronted with the so lution of two problems organiza tion and administration. "It Is my duty aa governor," he continued, "to see that there is an active, efficient and capable commis sion to work out all the requirements of the fish and game statutes and to see that the Interests touched upon by these statutes are amply and ful ly protected. When final decision as to this organization is made, and I will reach that decision based upon my best business Judgment for the Interest of all concerned, the com mission will go ahead and do its work for the welfare of the bird, fish and game life of the state. "I wish it distinctly understood that when the problems of organiza tion are fully worked out to the best of my ability the functions coming under the province of the commis sion will be handled by the commis sion solely and there will be no In terference on my part further than I will only have one vote." '- Referring to the charges of poll tics that had been preferred against the commission and its officers, the governor said: "Many allocutions have Aecn made that the fish and game conservation machinery, or parts of It at loam, have been enaaKed In political ac tivities. However that nrny be. I wish to nasert emnhmh-ally ami without reservation, that the execu tive office will tolerate' no auch ac tivities in the future. If politics Is not eliminated. I wish to serve- no tice I will hold the whip hand and when I have the Jurisdiction to do so I will eliminate politics by ellminat. ing the offending factor. In event a subordinate Is the offender I Intend to hold whatever agency that may employ him strictly accountable for such subordinate's activities." Indigestion DO YOU KNOW that indigestion can be cured, permanently cured, so that you can eat any kind of food that you crave? It has been done not only once, but in almost every case when Cham berlain's Tablets are used. Ah instance: Mr. J. Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., who had spent over $2,000.00 for medicine and treatment was perma nently cured by thesa tablets. MKDI OIIll SAX1TAUH M Mnny. many women go through' life suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex. when it is possible to D. S. BUTTON Battery WorK In charge of the battery tie iwrtmeut of the 1:1th IHvMon, V. 8. A at Vn dur. lnjj the late war. Now with Marker & Ituttm cutter at , Auto Service Co. Anil Is npnrrl to handle all klnili of battery work. , rvr-i Are you sacrificing coffee flavor for pnee? Lower coffee prices do not mean a saving. Real coffee economy lies in strength and flavor. M. 1 B. aa Coffee 3bs& i the richest flavored 33 coffee you can buy BUY THE FIVE POUND CAN AND SAVE MORE MONEY mWr m T . ' """ "art. 6 13 AH 1 LID 7ZJ USED CARS 1918 Maxwell 1917 Oakland Six 1917 Maxwell Chalmers Touring Car One Ford Truck Have your loose wheels tightened WORK GUARANTEED COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Battery Shop Specials Spot Lights at various prices. Luggage Carriers just the thing for picnics. Motorist Coveralls and Driving Gloves. Let ug tell you how to make your mohair or puntagote top look like now or let us do it for yon. A full line of Brunswick and IIOYAL CORD CASINGS. Our Battery Service in free We are plowed to ten you what your battery needs to make it do what It is in tended to do. We are demonstrating the National Spark Plugs Come and see it. Battery Shop EXTRA TEST for Rubber Fitness All rubber used fai Racine Extra Tested tirea it blended and rebiended In a labor , story mixing mill until the supreme degree of toughneei is attained. , .CINE RACINE tiret are tires of quality. The fact that they are Extra Tested meant much to the tire buyer. Extra Tested reflects all of the extra care in the factory that means extra wear on the road. RACINE' COUNTRY ROAD TIRES are fabric tires designed for precisely such road conditions as we have around here. 5000-mile guar antee. Let usshowyou the"Country Road." It's a wonderful tire. C. L. HOB ART CO. GRANTS PASS, ORE. Tor your own protection "be certain rrsry Racine Tire you buy bears the name Racine Rubber Company . CUFF BUTTONS KH HOFT AM) FltKNCII ClTFH IN KM, UOMt 111,1.101), KXAMKI.F.D AMI l'KAItl, BARNES, The Jeweler H. P.trTimo Inspector Next diMir First National llituk Feeding Grants Pass We've rMtred for tlila Job by nUh-hIiik our store with the iihm nnfiilly aelccird line of Family Groceries Kvrry commodity In our Iiiruo tH k una bouitltt with a view to irivliiK our ciutoin.-n. TIIK MtMT I'OSHI HI,K TIIKIH IONKV. (iood, ui-s cm-rio-prwlucliiii fixHla itt inmlrrnt.t prlr thrm are what you slwuys gi-t at J. PARDEE, Grocer KINGKKOItl) STAItCIl OIAMI'IC r M)l lt mm W. Tour razor is ' no better than its Made strong, keen-cutting convex edges of Gem Danmkccnc Blades removes the toughest stubble and lendcrest growth with vclvct-likc smoothness. The life of each blade is remark ably long. To know the luxury of vclvct-likc, smooth iclf-shavinc, you must ihavc with Gem Damaskcene Blades. They leave your fjee wich that imooth, comfortable feeling. VVc sell a set of icven Gem Damaskcene Blaclei forSO cents. Our siorc is shavers' headquarter,. Sabin The Druggist I'ao IVrxinii Vccrct for tli IImiicN ami Face if wmn Aim Exit the Droom: Backbreaking, unsanitary, in effectual cleaning methods have become but unpleasant memories in homes where a G-E electric motor-driven vacuum cleaner has1 come to stay. California-Oregon Power Company I 111 I I 1 Hat L I I I I I IV M-20I iiiTifffrau