PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER FRIDAY, JI NK A. Ittltt. MTS PASS DAlirCOURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. VOORHIES." Pub. and Propr. ntered at poatofflce. Grants Pus, Ore., aa second da mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES .nM nu Inch 16c Local-personal column, pr line,.10c Bra. hat line - Be r DAILY COURIER all or carrier, per year....$6.00 aft or earner. .per montn .an FRIDAY, JCXE 6, 1919. v 5S .OREGON WEATHER . f Fair and warmer, except near -f 4 the 'coast. Moderate westerly 4 -winds. Pilot Bread Zwfeback Grant's Hygiene Crackers KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First MKDFOKI) BANITARIOI Many, many women ito through liti suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex, when It Is possible to luive relief by the proper care and attention. It Is only in Institutions equipped especially for the Intrud ing of such diseases, where relief can he secured. At your very door you have the Medford Sanlturlum which Is thus equipped, fjttf PASS PLAY SUNDAY The Ashland Record has the fol lowing to say in regard to the base ball game to be played at Ashland next Sunday between the Ashland and Grants Pass clubs: "The Ashland baseball team is up and coming, notwithstanding the de feat sustained Friday afternoon at the hands of the Dunsmuir team. Dunsmulr has a habit of winning games that Is hard to overcome, the team not having been defeated this year. However, the game Friday was Ashland's up to the seventh In ning, when the score stood 6 to 4. In the eighth Ashland blew up and Dunsmulr chalked up eight runs be fore our team got back to earth. "Next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Ashland will take on the Grants Pass team at the roundup grounds. Jud Pernoll, a former big leaguer, Is managing the Grants Pasa team this year and It la show ing some class. Ashland will have to go some to hold the visitors. Grants Pass promises a big delega tion of rooters who will come up in autos." Plans are being arranged for Ash land to play a return game on the Grants Pass diamond, and later Dunsmulr and Grants Pass may stage a couple of games. i You Can BANK on Our DELIVERY 1 of Meat D. S. BUTTON Battery WorK In charge of the battery de partment of the 13th Division, V. S. A., at Canip Lewis dur ing the late war. Now with Barker & RuMen cutter at Auto Service Co. And is prepared to handle all kinds of battery work. All kinds of legal blanks at tho Courier. For Constipation Indigestion, Sick Headache, Biliom ness, Bloating, Sour Stomach, Gas on the Stomach, Bad Breath or other con ditions caused by clogged or irrrgulur bowels, take FOLEY CATHA&T1C TABLETS A wholesome and thoroughly cleansing ' physic mild and gentle In action. B. B. Il.w.rd. Unadllla. Ga.l " td Fotey Cathartic TaMata giv qwlcter fallal treat couMlpatlnn ihan anything I avar triad. SOLD KVKRYWHKRK G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. The dinner never will be late. Our steaks, chops, fish and poultry are the finest grades in town. The Temple Market KOVERALLS fief. U.S.Pat. Off. Ft our Registered and Common-law Tiade-Mark and can only be right fully used on goods made by us. Koveralls are garments for children I to 8 years of age. If a dealer tries to sell you, under the Koveralls name, any garment not of our manufacture, you may be sure be has an article that he is trying to market on Koveralls reputation. Unless made by Levi Strauss & Co. they're not KOVERALLS. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit Asurrv FREE "22r KOVERALLS are made only by Levi Stiajm & Co, San F raaciaco sad bear this label Koveralls nn u s pat jrt LEVI STRAUSS & COl MEDFORD, OREGON We specialize in diseases of Woman, the' Stomach and Nutritional Disorders KiS 32x r fiaVrV a-"!!! VAfA The Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvet feel it leaves your face cool and refreshed. The convex edge of the Gem Damaskeene Blade fairly glides across your face removing the toughest stubble and the tenderest growth with velvet-like smoothness. We sell the complete Gem Damaskeene Razor outfit for $L The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene Blades, shaving and stropping handle -all in a hand, some leather case. Come in and get your Gem to-day t Sabin The Druggist Vse IVifiitn Peiret fr the Hands uixl Fine Battery Shop Specials Spot IJghte at various price, lyugguge Carrier Jurt the thing for picnic. Motorist ('overalls and Driving Glove. It uh tell you how to muke your mutmir or pantiihte top look like now or let uh do It for you. A full line of Brunswick and ROYAL COItl) CASINGS. Our Buttery Service Itt free Wo aro plcted to tell you tfhat your battery needs to in like it 'do -what it ia in tended to do. We are demonstrating the .National Spark rings Come and see it. Battery Shop Batteries and Magnetos Recharged Omeintor and Starting Motors IteiMilretl and Cleiuiotl For any electrical trouble -ten E. A. ADAMS Auto and Klectrlcal Repairing 5HJ Boulh Sixth Sreet A collar pin will make that soft collar hchave BARNES. The Jeweler H. P. Time lutpertor Next dmir Flrat National Hank Classified Advertising KOll MA Ms' MIMt KM.AMvtH N I'KAM U mid 10 yura old. also liar- jTkK8 lised lire Uuiiithl and sold. uohs uml wajton for nnlo Sell all Alll0 sorvt.0 Co. lMintio im-J. op or part, full 71 North Kiitlilh i ,te Oxford hotel. iOtf or phone 13-L 2 SIC PRESENT OWNERSHIP township plats of Josephine county, 50c euch. For vale by Josephine Couu ty Abstract Co. Blue printing at reasonable rules. 3 9tf FOR SAU5 AT A SNAl'-Klue 290 acre Htook ranch. 80 ncros In cul tivation, balance In timber nnd pasture, 14 mlloa down tho HoKue from (irimtH 'l'ana. Hood terms, and it a quick deal can bo mndo, yon can get a real barituln. Ad dross K. P. 1). No. 2. llox 7. ('. P. Cnrdwell. OS IIKMSTITCIIINU and pIcoliuK ul lt cents a yard All wtirk uarau teed. The Vunlty Shop. Medford, Ore. 162 KxiTits fo 5T' it a i m roi oa srr tlrunta I'uhr to Crescent City, by eaay rlillnit curs, for 17. 50. Grant I'iiiui and Crescent City titano coin imny. I'llone 20. 70tt 19. I.. CAUIIU1TII- Insiirance, any kind. Kontals. HiilUlliitf and Ixian. riato Clans Liability. 609 O street. S4tf t'lYll, i; i.iw IK YOl! WANT to K'l an A I stork j DANIKli McKAIll.ANU, civil etiKl ratii h, or dairy farm, I have thotu. or and surveyor. Itusldetuu If von want to buy u splendid fur-1 7 Tenth street, phonn 211-Y. f.5 tlisheil homo, nt a luircaln. see me. If you want a frett bumCHtc atl, I have a i;nii! one left. If you want an O. & C. homestead, 1 have xov eral. If you want Information ubout the country, call In uixl Ulk 4it over. 10. T. McKlnmi-y, the realty mim, C,t)'S a street. "Titf MOKK fXX'K KHKLS -Present ' lot all gone, new lot ready June IS, $l.r,0 per do. t)rdor now. K. Ilamnierbacher. . Q'l GKT YOI H 'TIKK8 JIENOK1) and buy a 1). M. & C. K. welder for future use. See Mr. (iotchor, the tire man at (iranls ul'ss hotol. tf invalid's wheeled chair, IXMMJI.S POll AWjK Kood condition ; a new, model No. 10 Kemlngton typewriter. Inquire Mrs. K. U. Harris. 104 2 Kast A street, phone 341-01. 87 FOR SALK 3,000 feet first class 1-lnch pipe, ill luc. Second hand pevles, each, $ 1 .D 0. New wooden wheelbarrows, $4 50. Sec ond hand wheelbarrows, $2. SO, Al oak ax, mattock and sledge handles, $4 dozen. 1 complete riveted chain slab conveyor, 200 feet chain, $125. We sell, buy or exchange machinery of nil kinds. OREGON MACHINERY Co., Eu gene, Oro. 8Hf PORSALE-r,000 lb. horse, buggy, single harness and saddle. Ad dress No. 1022 care Courier. 88 ; FOR SALE Reasonable. Timber claim, 1G0 acres. Location: Sec. 34, Twp. 40, Range 4 W., Jack son county Oregon. Write to Mrs. M. E. Herrlngton, 116 West In- j dlnna Ave., Spokane, Wash. 08 K.NUiUTd uml Lailloa of twurlty Cuuiicil meets nrrund and fourth Prlday's In W. O. W. hall. 43tf " T.VI DAILY JITNKY to Sulnia, Uerny and Waldo. LcuveH Crauts Puna daily at 9;, 10 u. in. Pverett HoKiie, phono 317. 317 SIA TAXI - Two maclilties at your service at any hour. Phone 2G2-U when In a hurry for a car. 4st( PALACK TAXI CO., Wyatt & Cutler, propra., only 2-iur tuxl compajiy In city. Phones: Day 22-J; night 234-J for prompt service, tf 12 ACRES oak, madrono, fir and pine, on railroad in Jerome Pralrlo. Will take wood 1n pay ment Btumpage. Phone 270. 83tf ,19IS .MAXWKLL for sole. $375. Call i Mth. nell'Dlmmlok, 609-P-14. 89 POIl SAI.H 8 head of'good Jersey ! cows, located Kast of town on Anient place. 89 ! ALFALFA HAY FOR SAiB" at $1 5 i per ton 2Vt miles south, Frultdale j road. Underwood place, phone ! A03-F-13. ,S6 ; PtR SALE Four Shetland ponies; t one Iowa cream separator; one young heifer and one two-year old , colt. Inquire 'Mrs. H. E. Gordon I R. P. D. No. 2. 00 PHYNK IANH LT O. t'l.KM ENT, M lV: "Vra'riica Itietti'd to (tlrcssxa of the ys. es ni and throat Glauses flttei Oftlrs ho'irs IMS. 2-6. or on ar nnlntment. Olflre pfcnne S2. '' rtene phone lf9-.f a l.tsl'tiflKl Uf'lK. ' v; U . PbskMaJ and surgeon. City or country rails attended day or nlKbl. HriliK phone SHU ; olflce iibnnr In! HHib mt H. Tuffs Hlda A. A. WITIIAM. M l( interMk liidlrlne tint nervous ilii-u so.l Coriieit KidK., I'urtlaiiil. tirs Hours 10 to 12 u. m.: 2 to 4 p. m. FHEDEIIICK I). STRICKKR. M. U., Rooms 5 and 7 Masonic Building. Office hours, 9-12 h. in.; 2-5 p. m. Phones: OfTIco 18-R; lies. 18-Y. OR. W. T. TOMPKINS. S. Te lecoms i ami 2 Schmidt llldg. Treats all dlseauos. Hours 11-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. tr V KT KIll.V .'tit V 'hV IMAtS iVKSTi'L, teftnriT" UH K IMOMIH Mil!,.!' IXKCTUIOAI, WORK RLlOCrrtlt; WIRING and general electrlcul work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper. 3 IB North Sixth street, phone 47. tf OMNEttA Y, - r?Ll2CTRICAjrWORTC Motors Instullod and repaired, house wiring and electric Irons re paired. Phone 38 or call at COO II street. Joe A. Polley. fi WIl7lT PAY CASH " for "'medium wel&UL cur, not older than 1917. Williams Garage and Cyclery. 85 WANTED TO BUY Ford touring car. Cash It. price Is Tight and car In good condition. Phone 146-J. 88 WA.NTEJD 10 to 20 fruit thinners, 25e per hour. Elsmann Orchards, Rogue River, Ore. 88 WANTED Good one gentleman, dry' street. housekeeper for Call at 300 Fnun-89 lENTIST8 E. C. MACY, D. M. ri. " "irst-ela dentistry 109V4 South Sltti ' strpnt. drnts Pass, Oregon C. JAwKSON, D. M. D successor to Dr. Pert Elliott. Over Golden Rule Store. Phone 6. Residence phone 153-J. A'v .ltviMi.i niu tr-tn re,. ill" DKAYAOK AMI THANSt' Kit V " nOMMRRCIAL THANSKKH OlV"Ar kinds of drayage and transfe work carefully and nromptly doos Phone I81-J. Stand at frelh depot. A. 8hade, Prop THE WORLD" MOVES;so" do is.. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone S97-R. P. G. IBHAM, drayage VnT t'rauslr. Safes, llanos and furniture tnnved. packed, shipped and slor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Rfwl dence phono, 124-R. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIMM CAIll) Kffectlve Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Lenvo (iranls Puss 1 P. M Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M. Leave Wnters Creek 3 P. M Arrive Grants Pass 4 P, M. For Information regarding freight uml passenger rules call at tho office of the company, Lumllmrg building, or telephone 13.