moi fotr grants pass daily courier THVRSDAY, Jl'MK B, II9. The Banking Habit When you got the Banking Habit you have an asset that to of the greatest Talus to you. The pocket leaks. The hank preserve your money Intact.' The Banking Habit teaches economy. You learn that money gTOWS. This habit makes for permanence in depositor. Tou feel you have a stake In the community, and you are careful of your fin ancial standing. , Get the Banking Habit Get the habit of hanking with us. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits. 'And we appreciate your account e it large or email. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON FEDERAL ttKSEVT aSYSTEMBSi DO NOT BUY a New Edison merely 'because the world's greatest inventor makes it. Attend a tone test; then buy it because the evi dence has convinced you that it RE-CREATES the singer's voice with such fidelity that you can not distinguish artist from instrument The New Edison "The Phonograph with a Soul" Stanton Rowell Music and Photo House 007 G street Rally Hay Program Saturday, June 7. will be Rally Day for the Sabbath school at the Seventh Day Adventist church. All are cordially invited to attend the Sabbath school at 10 a. m. and the Rally Day program at 11 a. m. and J.JO p. m. Ford Toms Over While on the way to Grants Pass from Glendale last evening the Ford car driven y Edwin Johnson was wrecked near Wolf Creek. Just how the accident happened is not known. 'but the car turned over and was badly smashed. Other occupants ot j the Ford were Frank Morgan, George I Johnson and J. W. Johnson, all of I Glendale, the latter 'being somewhat bruised. His left arm was also sprained and he sought medical at tention upon arriving at-Grants Pass. Edwin Johnson returned to Glendale for car repairs, hut the other gentle men came on to this city in other cars, for the purpose of attending the Oddfellows meeting last evening. Whitney Allyn left this morning on his vacation.- He will spend sev eral days in Eugene, Corvallis and Salem and will take in the Rose Fes tival in Portland. OO.MIXG KVK.NTS June 7, Saturday Sabbath school rally day. Sabbath school 10 a. nu Rally Day program 11 a. m., and 2:30 p. m. Seventh Day Ad- Tentist church. June 12-13, Thursday-Friday Eighth grade state examinations. June 25-28, Wednesday-Saturday Teachers examinations. PER52NdL LOCAL R. N. A. Meets Friday There will be a meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America at the W. O. W. hall, Friday at 8 p. m. A full attendance Is desired, as there will 'be Initiation work. Dancing Party ' Waldorf hall Saturday night. Good floor, good music, good time. Tickets 75c plus 8c war tax. 87 Neighbors of Woodcraft j Regular meeting Friday evening at W. O. W. hall. Business of im portance. 85 I ' t J "" A'rL " " .- LA"V -A a V 'v' :. -'A v , i '''' " 1 x. Air. and Mrs. iR. U Newman wout to Portland last night. "Ivory Soap Flakes." Sabtn hss it Mr. and Mrs. R. E. lAllen, ot Al meda, are In the city. Allen T. Underwood and S. W. Dut ort, ot uMedtord, are In the city. Goodrich Fabric. Tires, 6,000 mils guarantee. Oldlng's Garage. 88 T. tM. Stott left last night tor Portland, where he expects to remain on business until Saturday. A. M. iLawson, of Independence, Ore.. Is stopping at the Oxford for a few days. Win. Hameiutt, who recently mov ed from this place to Medford. Is In the city today on Justness. Miss Jane Wharton returned to Roseburg this morning after visiting Grants Pass relatives. Goodrich Fabric Tires, 8,000 mile guarantee. Oldlng's Garage. 88 Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Cameron, ol Taklima, are Grants Pass visitors to day. Hrs. Ceo. 8. Eaton went to Corval lis last night to spend a tew days with her sister. Miss Pauline Dean returned last night from 'Medford. where she spent several weeks. Get the Willard Sen Ice habit Come in once a month to have your battery tested. Little Ampere at the Battery Shop. 85 Mrs. Jos. M. Derricks went to Roseburg last night on a "business trip. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lutz ot Astoria were in the city last evening, taking the stage this morning for Brookings. Tlmken Hearings for front wheels of Ford and Chevrolet cars, 47 per set. Oldlng's Garage. 88 Mrs. Fred Roper and her brother. O. F. Williams ot Central Point, left this morning on a trip to Portland by auto. John B. Jones, capitalist of North Dakota, spent a day here with Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Britten, leaving north this morning. M. J. Shoemaker and Dr. B. R. Shoemaker, of Roseburg, were In the city this morning en route to the Tosemlte valley on an automobile trip. Timken Bearings for front wheels e Ford and Chevrolet cars, $7 per set. Oldlng's Garage. ' 88 Miss Maryl Mnir left last night for liaGrande to spend the summer with her fetber. She (will return to Grants Pass to continue her high school studies. Dr. J. C. Smith and daughters, Josephine and Mrs. Paul Schallhorn, and the latter's little daughter, and Will Smith left this morning by au tomobile ' for Willamette valley Points. They will visit at Jefferson and other places. A. J. Ackerman, president ot the Oregon state normal school at Mon mouth, and former state school su perintendent, spent the day In Grants Pass, going in the afternoou to Ashland where he delivers the commencement address tonight Moving to Modtord Mr. and Mrs. C. A. 'Lynch, former proprietors of the Battery Shop, are moving to Modtord today where they will engage in business. Ashlnd K.lkn Over The Ashland Elks have won the distinction ot being the first In the state to report a complete quota In the Salvation Army home service fund, by raising 12.500. You'll Learn To know people by meetln' with 'em and you'll meet alt of 'em at Murphy June th' 14. 87 AppliNCHt Ituml llettt It la reported that the road to Medford from Grants Pass by way ot the lApplegate and over the Jack sonville hill is in 'much better condi tion than the road along the north side of the Rogue. The road by way ot Applegate Is a trifle longer but is said to be much smoother. tfarnraa Htoien Someone, presumably short of leather, swiped a fine set of heavy work harness from the Wm. Bailey ranch, on Missouri Flat, Tuesday evening. The 9heriff reports that there is yet no suspicion as to who the guilty party Is. Excursion Kates to Coawt Grants Pass to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for I7.50.1 Grants Pass and Crescent City Stage com pany. Phone 26. 74tt Boose and Chevrolet The Medford Tribune reports that whiskey smugglers have worked a new wrinkle by shipping In 100 quarts' of booze with a car of Chev rolets to that city from Oakland, Cal. The cars were consigned to Mr. Pru ttt of Medford, but he woutdn't claim the booze and turned It over to the officers. Leaves Soon far Seattle S. H. Hatharway, who has been bookkeeper t the Copper King mine during the past few months, was rn the city today. iAs the mine has closed down for the summer, Mr. Hathaway Is arranging to return to his home at Seattle about the 15th of this month. C. W. Kirk to watch man at the Copper King. SCHUMANN HEINK at CHAUTAUQUA BUILDING ASHLAND EVENING Of JUNE 18th Tickets $1 and $1.50 liver Salts For Rhetunatltm and Uric Add Ailmnet An agreeable effervescent lax ative and diuretic, specially prepared for the relief of stomach, liver and Intestinal disorders; and as an aid In the treatment of rheumatic, gouty and uric acid ailments. 8Sc, 65c and 91.25 CLEMENS M. E. eVervlcex There will be no prayer meeting service at the Newman iM. E. church this evening on account of Rev. Mel ville T. Wire having had his tonsils removed and Is not yet able to take his 'accustomed place. Sunday ser vices for June 8th, both morning and evening, will be as usual. Rev. H. J. Van Fossen taking the morn ing hour. Five Are Initiated A large delegation of Oddfellows arrived in the city last evening to attend a meeting of that lodge. Five candidates from that little lumber Ing city were initiated into the order. Those who came for the meeting were D. 'P. Grenlnger, George John son, iE. iA. Umpblette, J. W. Johnson, Frank Hart, Frank Morgan, I. H. Smith, iBert Frost, Fred Cornell, Bert Glllons, Chris. Nebel, E. E. Jamison, W. D. Holisolaw, Joe Jones and A, H.'lHagan. Joy Thfeailer Last time Tonight Marguerite Clark and Eugene O'Brien in "LITTLE MISS HOOVER" FRIDAY and SATURDAY ELSIE FERGUSON COMING "LITTLE WOMEN" New House Aprons All colors in Ginghams and Percale MRS. E.f REHKOPF 'Jj? r YOUR FOURTH OF JULY SUIT should be ordered now Avoid the rush Select the pattern yon like from the hundreds of samples' now on display GEO S. CALHOUN (M).1 U eKreet Ktelunlvp local dmlrr SLEEP s e s k"'1' up time Only deep, sound steep can restore the energy spent In your day's work. People who know the facts are going beyond the mere looks ot a ibed and are asking about the sleeping quality ot a bed. There is perfect rest and comfort guaranteed for !0 yean It you get a Simmons Slumber King 8prlng at Holman's Furniture Store 605 G street, opposite Band Stand Puts It Up To The Cook A bill of groceries from our houae put Its squarely p to the rook. Tliere can be absolutely no eicuae for a poor dinner prepared from groceries purchased from ns. Nourishing foods were never more necessary than at this time, when ) u nenl to conserve every ounce of yoor strength. Our vegetables are fresh. Our flour la the very best on the market. Every article of food In the house Is selected with care and an eye to the health of onr customers. Every purchase yon make is the esence of wisdom - In grocery baying It Is the acme of possible economy. J. PARDEE, Grocer HOME GROWN STRAWBERRIES AND KIIKHH VKGKTABLKS Get the Big Price for Your Hay The quality of your hay determines the price. There is often a difference of from $0.00 to $10.00 per ton be tween choice hay and hay that erades No. 3. Increase your hay land profits by air-curing your hay. Air-cured hay is better hay. It holds its color. The leaves do not become brittle. There is little loss in handling. The hay keeps better in the mow, stack or bale, and is more palatable, more digestible and has greater feeding valgus. Whether you sell your hay or feed it, your profits aro increased when you adopt thia system of making hay. It does not cost you any thing extra to air-cure hay. You merely use a Dain System Rake. The Dain System Rake is the best for this purpose. It is the easiest to operate and you can handle the heaviest hay because, with the inclined frame, the capacity is the greatest where the quantity of hay handled is largest Drop in and took over tho Dain Sy$lm Rakes u havo in atocA. C. A. WINETROUT ' The Implement Maa