riiJlWt'fc.'-f.'-.. Z 2 1- tf w Tilt IIHDAV, JI XE 5, 1I1 9. tJllA.VTS PA88 IVULX COIKIEK PAGB THRB Classified KOH MAJJt '.;KA;.niUrs ' dim and wseon for Mle. Hull all or part. Cult T12 North fcCliftitb or pbone ll-L.. tM PRE8E NT- 6 W N IS RS H IP iowniL I p piste of Josephine oountjr, 60c each. For Ml by Josephine Coun ty Abstract Co. Blue printing at reasonable rata. IStf ro R 8 A I J3 AT A S .V AiP FI ' 1 86 acre stock ranch. 80 acre In cul tivation, (balance In timber and pasture. 14 mllat down the Houe from C-ranU I'me. Good terms, and If a quick deal can be made, you can got a real bargain; Ad dress n. F. D. No. 2, Box 7. C. P. Cardwell. 8 . , y-y otJv ANT ToljeTM " Afliiick A ranch, or dairy (arm, I have tbem. If yon want to buy a aplendld fur nished home, at a. barxaln, aee me. ' p If you -want a free hoinratoad, I have n good one Ixft. If you want an O. t C. homestead, I bave lev rl. If you want Information alut the country, call In anil talk It liver. K. T. M-Klni ry. thf rnalty man, t!U3 O atrnnt. ?6tf MORR " CKERWJl'rent " liit all gone, now lot ready June 1R, II. BO per do. Order now. K. Hammnrbachcr. 91 PUMPING" OUTFIT 5 V4 hT prFalr-banka-Morae engine and 2-lnch centrifugal pump, good condition, for ulo. Inquire Thos. Croxton. 1004 Boat D atreet. 85 GKT'YOU R THIKS"M EN'lJW)"and , buy a I). M. & C. K. welder for future use. See 'Mr. fiotcher, the tiro man at Crania nT'ss hotel, tf tVftt SA.1-K Invalid's-wheeled cbulr. good condition; a new, model No. 10 'Kemlngton ,yiewvitcn Inquire Mm. B. ;. Hiirrls, 1042 KiiHt A street, phone 341 -It. 87 FOR 8.U,B 3.000 'feet" flral" claw 1 '4 -inch pipe, il 15c. Second hand jievlos, each, 91.60. New wooden wheelbarrows, $4.50. Sec ond band wheelbarrows, $3.(0. Al oak ax, mattock and sledge handles, f4 doien. 1 complete riveted chain alub conveyor, 200 feet chain, $125. We sell, buy or exchange machinery of all kinds. OREGON MACHINERY Co., Eu gene, Ore. 81tf S POtt'SA WSTorj 0" Tbrhorser tuggy . alnglo harness and saddle.' Ad- dress No. 1022 care Courier. 88 FOR S.VIE Reasonable. Timber claim, 1C0 acres. location: Sec. 34, Twp. 40, Range 4 W., Jack son county Oregon. AVrlte to Mrs. M. E. Hcrrlngton, 116 West In diana Ave., Spokane, Wash. 08 12 ACRICfl onk, madrono, fir and pine, on railroad In - Jerome Pralrlo. Will take wood In pny mont etumpage. Phone 270." 83tf jj 1918 SIAXWKIJ, for snlo. $37.V rail Mr. Hell llnimlk, 609-F-14. 88 YR a.VMi-8 hend of good Jersoy cows, located East of town on Anient place. 89 A' A M RU . WILL PAY CASH for . medium weight car, nut older than 1917. Williams Garage end Cyclery. 85 WANTBD TO BUY Ford touring car. Cash tf price Is right and car In good condition, Phone 146-J. 88 WANTED 10 to 20 fruit thinners, 25c per hour.' Elamann Orchards, Rogue River, Ore. 88 WANTED Good housekeeper for one gentleman, Call et 300 Foun dry street. ' 89 TO RENT NICELY FURNISHED house for rent. Coll at 315 C street or ( 3 phone 368-Y. 89 LOST IjOST Small note ibook containing - principally weights of hay. Lost Sunday between TUver Banks farm and city. Finder please notify H. N. Parker, or leave at Courier Of fice. , - 85 LOST On Sunday, Allgator purse containing small . amount ol money. Kindly return purse to Courier office. 85 TAXI . DAILY JITNEY to SelmaV Kerby and Waldo. Leaves Grants Puds dally at 9:30 a. 111. Everett Ilo-ue, phone 317. ' 317 SPA TAXI Two machines at your ncrvlce at any hour. Phone 2?-! when In a btirry for a car. 48tf PALACE TAXI CO., Wyatt & Cutlor. proprs., only 2-car taxi company in city. Phones: Day 22-J; night 234-J for prompt service, tf Advertising MIBCKIXANBOU1 TIRES Used tires bought and sold Auto Service Co. Phone 124-J, op posite Oxford hotel. , 20tf I1KM8TITCIIINO and plcotlng at 10 cent a yard All work guaran teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford,! Ore. 182 EXCURSION RATES TO OOA6T GranU Pass to Crescent City, by easy riding cars, for $7.50. O rants Pass and Crescent City Stage com pany. Phone it- 70tf B. U GALBRAITH Insurance, any kind. Rental. Building and Loan. Plate Glaus Liability. 60S O atreet. 84tf CIVIL KNGIXKK1IH DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-T. 16 LOUGHS KNIOHTtt and Ladles of Security Council meets second and fonrth Friday's In W. O. W. ball. 43tf OKNTIBTfe) E. C. MACY, t). M. D. Flrst-las. dentistry 10 South Blxtl street. Grants Pass, Oregon. CB. JAcKSON. "dTm." D?. successor to Dr. Bert Elliott. Over Oolden Rule Store. Phone 6. Residence phone 15S-J. PHYSICIAN") L O. CLEMENT, ""reaii limited to diseases of the eye. ear nose and throat. Glasses Olteo Office hours 9-12, 2-6. or on a polntment. Office pbone (2. rot' deoee phone ti$-J. iT.OU0BH100ir M. " uTrpbyekJa" and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night. ResMn phono 869; office pbone ' IX: Sixth and H, Tuffs Rldg A. A. WITUAM. M. D. Interna medicine and nervous dJsesses 908 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m FREDERICK 1)T StFi6kERT.dT, Rooma 5-snd 7 Masonlo Building. Office hours, 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. m. Phones: Office 18-R; Res. 18-Y. DR. W. T. TOMPKINS, S. T. Rooms I and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Trent all diseases. Hours 9r12 a. m.: 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. tf VKTKKI.VAKY Slid. KO N DR. R. j. BESTUL. V.l-rln.r,. Office, resldeoc. I'hune S0&-H KLWTRIOAL WORK ELECTRIC" 'Wmiff7and' eeneral electrical work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper, 315 North Sixth street, phone 47. tf G ENRTtX fTTEOTCT ft fCATT WORlT- .Motors Installed and repaired, hoiwe wiring and electric irons re paired. Phone -3 8 or call at C06 H Htrent. Joe A. Pollny. 89 l4Y UK A.M TltANsV fc.lt COMMERCIAL Tit ANSFKH "oo kinds of drayage and tranaf work carefully and promptly dou. Pbone 181-J. Stand at frels depot. A. Shade, Prop. THE WORLD "mOVEsT so" do " 7 Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Pbom 897-R. . u. IiSHAM. drayane aud irsimf. 8afes, Uanos and furnltnr moved, packed, shipped and st" ed. Office phone 124-Y. ; Rsl dence phone, 124-R. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIMS CARD J Effective Nov. 19, 1918, Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday . Leave Grants Paaa..: .i p, m Arrive Waters Creek...... 2 v. m. Leave Waters Creek 8 p. m Arrive Granta Pass , 4 p, m. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundaurg building, or telephone 181. " CHICHESTER S PILLS Wj .VHB DIAMOND BRANIk A I'llla Ik Kf ai,d UoU mn.llicW 101M, IMlxl Mill Illu HllAos, J fmkm na vlher. Rujr f ror llrnnlat. Akfntl' fi-ltlfKi Tree 1MA.HIINII IIKANU FILJJL t he Sk yttt known at lint, SntMt, Always RtlUbU SO) 0 (IV ORLGGISTS HVtRYWHFRF Paris, June 5. A sufficient sur plus of food Is Indicated from the coming "harvests to supply Europe and meet the needs of the world,' un less some unexpected catastrophe hnippens to the world" harvests, Herbert C. Hoover, bead of the al lied relief-organization, said today In a statement. GKILMA.N'H I'UUJHII 1'K.N K TIIKATV IX JWXJK FORM Copenhagen, June 6.- The Ger man government 4s circulating the full text of the peace terms through out the adjoining neutral countries. The volumes fsrrtfng the text In German, English and French, are prominently dlaployed In (Scandina vian 'bookstores. They were Issued by the German admiralty printing XekJ-tw Jk W aa. V '4vVllal tiiili II y in the V ? C Tire Bargains I FIVE POUND CAN jZ- 3W, " tw"d ; - - .$ioi m mm mm TfL Vf 3H Bib tread .... . . $18.25 ttll H IW: r ' lllmW Y1 32i Rib trad 114..10 Coffee 1m C. L. HOBART CO. PER POUND vAcyuMfACKto " BUY IT AND SAVE MORE MONET (CJ) ZL Becanse o( its superior strength and iMP "SSa , .-. richer flaTor jou use less M. J. B. H R RFRRY per cup than any other coffee. oJ.TgTX, O. 1 EVERY CAN GUARANTEED Harness and Saddlery' I The most economical i jf ,T ," coffee you can bny ' ' Ut Canvas Work Hill Hi Hill WitH Grant Hardware Co . - . . .M h&mw c? fj. ' toasted m cigarette establishment. The text la carried also In an exact copy by pholo-lltho-Kraphlo process of the original re ceived by the German delegates. The entire book makes volume of 415 pages. , 8a Ion Ik I, June 5. IA proclamation Inviting the Turk to atassacre the Greeks In Throe has been dlstrlbu ted at Adrinople. The text of the proclamation is published here. WORKING on the plans. A hard job; you'll enjoy a Lucky Strike cigarette there's nothing more delightful than the famous toasted flavor. It's toasted. The real Burley cigarette: ' A ...1 . 1 ..1 .1 . a uvTciupcu ana ennenca Djr like nuttered toast ", . aa ' Do you . smoke, a pipe? Then Luckv Strike tobacco:' Mme formula: it's toasted. . , "SERVICE" (OUR MIDDLE NAME) Expert Auto Repairing Tires and Accessories Car Washing and Simonizing COLLINS AUTO tic flavor ' toasting: , f ' 1 ; ; A Ounranteed hy COMPANY Openyoup package this way V w rt ir- m id tn it er n